I hate retards...

I don't know when it started, but I'm 18, senior in high school, but I can't stand mentally handicapped people. I'm not talking about the slightly handicapped that can still work efficiently; Just the ones that are so far gone they couldn't possibly contribute to society. They're a waste of food, space, and time. They shouldn't be here if they can't do anything but be a hindrance on others. I just can't stand them, I laugh at them whenever I see them in school. I know I shouldn't hate them for being born that way, but I do.

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Comments ( 88 )
  • myweirdself16

    i know one thing. if i were to get in a car crash or something that would make me incapable of living in society, id kill myself or make someone else do it.

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  • MysticalOne92

    I can relate.I also have a burning hatred for retards.It started out when I was in Elementary school.The school I was attending at the time was a school that put emphasis into helping "special" kids,so there were lots of retards running around clapping their hands,drooling,and making annoying noises like zombie's having sex..What really drove me to hate them is an occurence that I had one day when walking into the school bathroom.There was this fat retarded dumbass with his hands COVERED IN SHIT and wiping shit all over the walls in the bathroom.It was repulsive and disgusting and I nearly lost the lunch that I had just eaten.Who in their right mind wants to be exposed to stuff like that?I think it's BS that us normal people have to deal with that.Retards should either be separated from normal people or they should be euthanized altogether.Many retarded people are the result of inbreeding.You'd just never know because they're illegitimate and nobody knows who the father is.They're mistakes and should be gotten rid of.

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    • hd70642

      This why they are designated special needs and depending on the severity of their handicap as to whether it is appropriate for them to be in regular school. In this case he was not able to handle basic hygeine and presented a health hazard to others and himself !

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    • Tjmillz

      You're a fucking disgusting ableist piece of shit I have ever met. Go fuck yourself you fucking normo

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  • 8Serene8

    ^Exactly. Because I wouldn't keep them if I had kids and they were retarded.

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    • Tjmillz

      says the judgmental ableist who is a fucking normie.

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  • Yeah...no.

    They are genetic mistakes, no matter how you dress it up. If you hypocrites really believed that they were as normal as you say they are then let them defend themselves. I find it hard to sleep at night knowing my tax dollars are going to be used to keep someone who offers nothing to the species alive.

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    • Tjmillz

      Nothing but fucking hate coming from the mouth of abliest piece of fucking shit. Fuck you normie bastard. I hope you get into a car accident and become brain damaged. Fuck you! Fucking normo

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      • A_Nintendo_Switch

        Calm down you cunt. The adults are talking.

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      • Reedgy

        Shut up drooling bug eyed cripple cunt

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  • 8Serene8

    I agree with you 99%. The other one percent thinks that all retards should be exterminated. Not just the ones that can function mostly. All it is, is a waste of taxpayer money to keep them alive because none if them can fully contribute to society.

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    • Idontregretbeingbold

      I don't like mentally challenged people either. I never did since I was about 8 or so. I find they take up way too much space, they never can give to anyone or to society, many get too spoiled by relatives, parents, society & I resent that! I find it beyond annoying to be around them or to see them getting indulged & being told they don't know any better. Why are they here? They are a complete waste of space, time, energy, effort & are a waste to this planet. I am sick of those who defend them too & who love being around them because they are afraid of being challenged by people of their own intelligence level. I wish more of them were exterminated too & not allowed to be here taking up way too much room. I feel for some physically disabled people, but not mentally challenged adults, who are forever infantile, baby/child like & are way too annoying. Why would someone or others favour retarded people who never contribute to society & who act infantile? Maybe they are just strange! I get tired of these special needs workers/groups indulging them to a tee & praising them for every little thing they do/say. I so agree with what you say 8serene8!

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      • goGodmother23

        I so agree with this! They act like the world owed them a living! They are so flipping slow when they bag stuff, it is pathetic! Then "I" get in trouble when I don't help them! EXCUSE ME! I'M RINGING YOUR ORDER! DON'T REPORT ME BECAUSE THE DAMN RETARD CAN'T DO IT FAST ENOUGH! "OH, JOE IS "SPECIAL" HE CAN'T HELP IT." BULLSHIT! YOU'RE IN THE MAINSTREAM, YOU BETTER BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT. YOU CAN'T, GET OUT! IT'S THAT SIMPLE! AND IF YOU SAY ANYTHING, YOU LOOK LIKE A JACKASS.

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      • Tjmillz

        You're the biggest ableist piece of fucking shit I have ever seen in my life. Hope one day in your life, you're gonna be in a car accident. Your abled-minded ass won't survive in a wreck. You'll be dead in a heartbeat or maybe even left brain damaged. That's gonna happen to your ass. Karma will be right there just over the corner and you'll never EVER be the same again. Your fucked up normo ass is so bigoted, prejudiced and hateful. You're so revolting!!! Fuck you, you fucking normie bastard.

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    • Smiley44191987

      You're fucking retarded!!!! How dare you? Probly one of those mother fuckers who doesn't do shit and lives off of my tax paying dollars! I hope you get in a car accident and become mentally handicapped, though I think you're pretty close to being so already! Fuck yourself, piece of shit!

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      • canadianpucker

        Found the Retard hahahaa

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      • MorganEater321

        It's a retards mommy here to defend the useless species

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      • kick-me-in-the-groin

        wow you are a cunt. jesus fucking christ. he is here to state an opinion. he doesn't need fuckers like you standing up for the disabled. You make yourself look stupid.

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    • Tjmillz

      Fuck you. you fucking normo bastard.

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      • A_Nintendo_Switch

        Dude. Being normal is a good thing because you can do stuff that everyone else can without added help. You might be retarded in the fact that all you were doing in this thread is hurling insults and threatening to hurt people.

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  • HyporciteNeutralizer

    I don't necessarily hate retards, because let's be honest, they didn't choose to be that way. I more so hate how our degenerate society glorifies the mentally retarded. Like "Ohhhh wowww, soooo braveee and heartwarming to seee a bunch of drooling retards run a race together, wowwwwwww" or how teams are forced to accept retards to participate in sports and events and EVERYONE has to stop whatever real-world thing they were doing because the one special retard wants to playyyyyy. Give me a fucking break. If you want true equality, let the retards make it for themselves, and then we'll see how specialllll it is to be a retard. it's a curse, and I feel bad for them, one day we'll be able to tell if a child is retarded before it's born and prevent the mentally handicapped from being born in the first place.

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  • 8Serene8

    Doesn't matter. It's a waste of taxpayer money and im not about to go through the stress of raising a retarded child that will never leave the house because they are incapable.

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    • MysticalOne92

      It's 2019 now and I would like to weigh in on this subject with an update.Not everyone that stays home is retarded.Some people want to stay home but can't because it's 2019 and society has now embraced retardation.I digress.

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    • ladyluck31

      I seen to of the comments you posted, what a fucking dumb ass you are. Making fun of someone special needs are way below your manners. You most be one of those idiots bully kids who help others pick on someone who helpless. And to whom post this story, grow the fuck up, i really hope oneday you have one big retarted kid and you will see the differance of someone teasing your kid.

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      • Captain_Kegstand


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  • dappled

    I don't know when it started, but I'm 18, senior in high school, but I can't stand people who hate mentally handicapped people. I'm not talking about the slight haters that can still do good things; Just the ones that are so far gone they couldn't possibly contribute to society apart from to spread hatred. They're a waste of food, space, and time. They shouldn't be here if they can't do anything but be a hindrance on others. I just can't stand them, I feel sad whenever I see them in school. I know I shouldn't hate them for being that way, but I do.

    They have a choice in being what they are, and they still make the wrong one. It's such a waste.

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  • Anon-A-Mouse

    I work with the mentally retarded (or if you want to be PC, 'Consumers', which is fitting) and I don't hate them, I pity them. I do think they are a burden on society and in my opinion they should be euthanized. I use the term euthanized because if you see the 'lives' they lead in homes and institutions, you would pity them too. There have been eugenic programs for centuries all over the world, so considering someone 'evil' because of there negative view towards 'consumers' is rediculous. Have you ever seen a mentally challenged animal in the wild? I haven't, because they're naturally thinned from the herd. Don't give me that mumbojumbo about how we're not animals, because we are.

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  • asdwasd

    I do know for a fact that the US government actually wastes billions on these retarded fucks

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    • Tjmillz

      you're a fucking waste, fucking normo.

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  • yourmothersir

    my biggest problem is personal space.. I've been grabbed on more than one occasion by mentally handy capped. I just want to kick them in the face. Why can't they leave me alone?

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      It’s simple. That’s what the biologically inferior do.

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  • 8Serene8

    Laughing? Who here is laughing? I honestly hate retards. They are a waste of space. And if I was in a wreck or any other accident that left me handicap or mentally retarded you bet I'd either kill myself or make someone do it for me.

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  • mattnicholas

    Yes, it is normal. I find it hard to believe that the ones who work probably make less than retards who don't do anything.

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    • Negima93

      I know this was two years ago, but I feel the same way

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  • Azlamos

    there's a reason they're called retarded, not "functioning human being"

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  • Hello781

    I hate mentally disabled people because they get a free pass for everything. I have two autistic brothers so I can really see the discrepancies. I see how my parents treat them; like they are precious little angels who can do nothing wrong despite the fact that they do nothing but scream and swear at them. Meanwhile, I'll get yelled at for doing the slightest thing wrong. On the more serious side, I was sexually abused by the older brother when I was a little girl numerous times. When I finally could tell my parents years later they just said that he "didn't know it was wrong" and "well he stopped didn't he?" That shouldn't be a fucking excuse! And just last week some retard with no sense of hygiene sat next to me on the bus. He stank so bad I thought I was going to be sick. Then the bus got stuck in traffic for about 10 minutes and this fuckwit started getting annoyed. He was thumping the seat in front of him and grunting like a baboon. He then stood up and fucking punched me on the back of my shoulder! I was physically assaulted but when I told the driver I was told to just sit somewhere else. If it had been a normal guy he would have had the police called on him. The bruise covers my shoulder and I cannot lift anything heavier than maybe half a pound, yet if I pressed charges I'd be a "bitch" and he'd probably get off scot-free anyway! These people shouldn't be society's responsibility and they sure as hell shouldn't get better treatment when they contribute fucking NOTHING!

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    • Millybyh

      Wow that's so fucked. I used to be in daycare with this other retarded girl and she would spoon me and feel me up and I'm still traumatized from it and they just told me to be nice that she doesn't know what she's doing! SHE SEXUALLY ASSULTED ME!

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      • HyporciteNeutralizer

        Omg, that is so fucked up, I can't believe you had to go through that. Honestly, if that happened to me, I wouldn't stand for it. I would just use their own stupid psychology against them "WAHHHHH, that retard gave me PTSD, you can't be mad at me for bashing his/her fucking face in, I can't HELP it! IM SPECIALLLLLL!"

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    • joaquin

      I am with you a 100% Hello 71 that fucken retard should had been punished for what he did to you they let them get away with everything if I wold hane been there I wold have punched him in the face for doing that to you!

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  • DiscoMaster

    Fuck retards.

    I always laugh when people who have retarted children talk about how it's a blessing and blah blah blah. Those people wanted non-retarted children. As do all normal parents. Any parent who is genuinely happy to have a retarted child is insane.

    Also, people who are caregivers to retards are psychologically screwed up. They just like having stupid people to rely on them because they are needy and lacking in self-esteem.

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    • Tjmillz

      No Fuck you normie and Fuck people like your fucked up normo ableist unnice ass bitch.

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    • biddybabe2003

      I am a caregiver. That's not why I do it. I do it because the pay is good.

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  • Delilah❤

    I totally agree. I hate them too! Fuck retards I would rather have a dog to take care of, one that could eventually be potty-trained and understand you

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    • Tjmillz

      No fuck you! Fuck normos that make fun of people with mentally disabilities. You of all people really don't have any fucking reason at all of why you make fun of people with mental disabilities in the first place. I hope you end up in a car accident. You're nothing but a fucking ableist piece of shit. Go Fuck youself fucking normie.

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  • Mingokatten

    they annoy me cuz they sometimes say dumb things if i were deaf i would not have any problem with them

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    How come almost every single comment on here that makes any sense has a boat load of thumb downs. OP is about as much of a waste of space as it gets.

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  • XDravenx

    You're a waste of taxpayers money and space. You can't be learning too much in school if you can't understand that mentally handicapped people don't choose that life for themselves and deserve a fighting chance. I bet you don't even contribute to society. Lets see how you do in the big bad world out there. I hope when you fail, all that can help you is a mentally handicapped person-- and I hope they spit in your face.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      Fuck off! You belong in a motherfucking GULAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish that we were all around you right now so that we could gang stomp you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Rado

    The tards and slow learners always exhibit socially unacceptable behaviour , they spaz out all the time , get away with all kinds of shit . The people who live in the condo above me ( which SSA paid for , or should I say my hard earned taxes ) are tards , all they do is make noise all hours of the night , and encourage their tardlet brat to run freely . If I say something to them about their excusive noise and shit slinging they call the pigs . Ooooh the bwig wad man did a mean on me we wpee dee scared'ed he a wbig mean'ey me . Yup and everyone makes excuses for them and I am suppose to accept that well they are slow and cant help it . These fuck tards are 30 years old and act like 3 , their is no excuse for it . The reason Short bus cases act as they do is because no one teaches them a lesson . Who ever said talk to the tards herd good luck I'm a 3rd degree black belt . The slow tards shouldn't be mixed with those of us who have a higher intelligence level. At best anyone with a reduced capacity should be in an institution or special home . I am with the poster

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  • GradyDunn

    If you look at it objectively retards are just genetic mistakes and they are flaw versions of humans. Therefore letting them live is an abomination. I believe animals kill off the retarded animals in the wild.

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  • Savage1996

    Yes, I agree with you! I had a girl who wanted to date me so bad she wanted to kill herself to be with me. She had downs so at the time I thought it was a phase so I went out with her. Well, I broke up with her after a year! She was so damn clingy and annoying! So this was in 8th grade, fast forward to sophomore year, she makes the same threat to me, so I ignore her. That didnt go well, she starts saying I sent her nudes and that I told her to send me nudes or ill kill her! It was a long, expensive legal battle... Needless to say she ruined my life and ill never trust her again!

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  • Delilah❤

    I totally agree. I hate them too! Fuck retards I would rather have a dog to take care of, one that could eventually be potty-trained and understand you.

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    • Tjmillz

      No fuck you! Fuck normos that make fun of people with mentally disabilities. You of all people really don't have any fucking reason at all of why you make fun of people with mental disabilities in the first place. I hope you end up in a car accident. You're nothing but a fucking ableist piece of shit. Go Fuck youself fucking normie.

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      • Rado

        Hey Mikey I remember you from public school , You were in Mrs Mills Class You use to spaz out in the school yard all time . You and Tommy would go at it . Funny watching 2 short-bus cases go at it calling each other Retards. Sometimes we could hear your whole class go at it , and my class was way at the other end ,we could even smell your diapers.

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  • Krebbers

    IDK how long this was posted, i just founded because i too had this question (sort of, I dont hate mentally challenged people)Well im not going to say " Oh your a dick go kill yourself for saying that" no you asked an open and honest question, so i openly and honestly answer. Yes its normal, you cant hide what feel. Were all human, and we all have that thing that ticks us off. I mean me myself hate hypocrites who go along the good train just so they can show themselves as good people. But i too may be wrong and these type of question tick people off. SO yeah its normal.

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  • EdWall234

    If you have gotten to the bottom of these comments then I would like to impart some wisdom upon you: What the people wrote here on both sides is wrong.

    Wishing death upon a person, for expressing that which eats them on the inside is just as bad as laughing at the misfortunate.

    By the same token suggesting that the majority of mentally retarded (and that is the appropriate term, it means 'to hinder') are smelly, violent and useless then to think that they are worth less than other humans is also immoral.

    The commenters here good people, but their thoughts aren't always.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      Fuck off! You’re lucky to motherfucking hell that we can’t send you a digital roughing-up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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      • Rado

        Your lucky we cant .

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  • Echoes

    And they assured everybody that Hitler would never be reincarnated.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      I’m going to guess that you also hate Volkswagens.

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  • moomus

    lets hope if you ever have kids they arent born that way huh??

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    • Morros

      Well if caught early I'd abort them without hesitation. I refuse to raise a sub human thing. I fully support euthanizing the severely retarded who can never contribute to society. If it became apparent after birth I'd give the creature up. Only reason I wouldn't kill it is the law considers it human

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  • RawrzMmm

    dapple said everything that needed to be said.

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  • dudesama

    They never asked to be that way.

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  • clarify

    I would say that people with your mentality are far more disturbing than anything else. You're a person who can function "normally"..and yet here you are expressing hatred against mentally challenged people. I really don't see how that makes you a useful or worthwhile person.

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  • pegaiai

    People like you are the 'drains on society'. Absolutely fucking revolting.

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  • GnR66627

    So you hate someone because they have a disability that is not their fault and that they cannot change?

    Wow... I think that may actually be one of the definitions of evil.

    I really hope this is a fake post, because my viewpoint on life is that if you have nothing else, but you have even 1 person out there who loves you, then you have a reason to live.

    And I'm quite certain that people with disabilities have someone who is actually a decent person and loves them.


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    • Morros

      No hate is to strong a word I think at least for my feelings. I find their presence annoying and disruptive. They can not be taught. If they can not contribute to society unless it occoured after them having at one point contributing(say an industrial worker suffering a brain injury on the job or something) I say exterminate them

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  • MercedesBenz

    Why don't you expedite the process then; you're just as useless now as you would be then.

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  • MercedesBenz

    Actually, you sound like the retard here because you're laughing about something that is not funny. And guess what! One day that could happen to you; car wreck, bike wreck, whatever. It could just be a really minor incident that causes you great physical pain and torment. Well, with an attitude like yours, that possibility is imminent. Good luck and sleep tight.

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  • A_Nintendo_Switch

    I know this is an old post and I am necroposting, But I need a place to say this: I think we should help them but to a point where their life is not an unknowing living hell. Yes I understand that they are genetic fuck ups and are hardly sapient in some cases, But I believe that they should be kept isolated of the disorder afflicting them is severe enough that they could be a danger to their self and others. If the disorder afflicting the person is not severe enough to be danger to normal people, they could be integrated, but with heavy surveillance from capable care takers. Another thing is that many tards possess only the primal few emotion's and can't build off of that so that they are a danger. There is an absolute ton of cancer in this thread from SJW's and right wing people alike, so lets's just be civil.

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  • Xecutioner1001

    People at first thinks its normal to hate them, and yet, they shouldn't judge for who they are because they're a fucking human being. But I think you're full of shit, individuals with mental disability are a human beings that have purpose in life. People that lacks patience with these individuals go fuck yourself and get cancer. For example, if your relatives suffers a brain trauma from war or car accident, would you just go and offend them? No, you don't because if you fail to care them, you are an irresponsible fuck, and a lazy fat ass so be fucking patient with those people. If you deal with individuals with disability, don't give a sigh of annoyance just because they make an awkward mistakes. If so, you're a big fat piece of shit who deserves to have cancer. All those bigots need to be euthanized, not individuals with disability.

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  • suicidesojourn

    Even Freud said that humans are wretched, cruel and inconceivably horrible creations- that was his final private opinion.
    If you want to solve the human condition- you will have to find a way to understand the high functioning autistics. many people like yourselves will get dimensia and brain diseases that will leave you with traits of "retarded" people, some will be savants, creative, in a stupor, etc etc. b y understanding them you will learn to become better human beings.
    Jesus died to forgive you (I am not religious). There is a reason the weak exist. It is because they are stronger then you can ever comprehend. The human will. However I am a negativist. I am astonished more at what retarded and stupid people can do to their own and they can hate just the same as neurotypical people. hate is common to all humans and may be even bigger to those that got the shitty end of the stick naturally speaking. So retard haters are not wrong in the conclusion that a retards self hatred is a compound of their own- the neurotypicals self-hatred.
    also a word of caution- you may find out that you have a condition of your own and all your hatred directed at retards and stupid people is a projection of your own or might be a result of having FUCKING RETARDED family members who destroyed your life. This goes for anyone.
    Successful families with the odd genetically defective born person will not have to deal with the consequences of being born into a family with negative equity and mental/genetic/autistic anomalies.
    I am pro- screening. again humaity may lose something. There are many people born out there and overcome it like in the film Gattaca with Ethan Hawke in an extremely eugenic society- This has been my experience.

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  • suicidesojourn

    I have a condition called NVLD that renders me “near-normal” humanity is fucked- the is a condition in he majority 98-97% of people called ego depletion caused by the ERN (error related negativity signal or Ne for short) it fires whenever anything in nature that is not aesthetically congruent is seen/experienced/pervieved. I was blind to this mechanism. The same thing that make neurotypicals hate retards is the same mechanism in nature responsible for their derision/killing/segregation/prejudice/cleansing etc etc etc. But it is the same mechanism that is responsible for human killing in and hatred and self and other derision in the first place.
    As someone with this condition I could have easily survived- possibly as an artist of exceptional talent and skill- or a coder or any number of things. 50-60% of people with my condition commit suicide by 15 years old. I am 30 years old.
    I am constantly suicidal nowadays. this has not always been the case- I am as intelligent as the most intelligent neurotypical- the fact is I have come to the truth about humans and reality and politics and political philosophy.
    I do not hate the people on here who hate retards- but I know why it occurs- hate is devised by the brain to kill retards off specially and thin out the population to keep it healthy. Autistic people have by their nature a need to be extremely creative to survive. Einstein not being the least among them. Many autistics have revolutionized programming and industrial-mechanical processes using their problem-solving skills in adolescence- many often had a brutal childhood.
    In my opinion I want to die- I never always felt like this- but a set of events in the last 3 years led me to this- and it was not only suffering- but the purest version of hell. All life and processes in general exists in a contingent matrix of layered processes contingent on one another. poly constrained processes cease to exist if one is removed that 7 + others are dependant on.
    The contributions autistics like myself have made in history is a debate about the benefit to humanity versus the bad luck wrought on people simply due to the presence of a handicapped/disabled/disordered/dysfunctional people in a neurotypics presence.
    There is another issue closely related to compound interest- like that- for which it would be ‘compound chaos’. In families with undiagnosed heredity running in a family of a 30-40% probability- and the members have a heritage/ancestry going back to slavery/ backwards cultures etc. If through a draw of the dice- you have 40+ representation undiagnosed than this is hell incarnate.
    My family completely destroyed my life/outlook/chances/opportunities and living. And they are god joke. Do I hate them- only since they became the haters themselves. As much as the world itself hates itself due to ERN- the same with family inherited retardedness. Retards close to normal hate themselves- and this they project onto their own families once they relise they are not going anywhere in life.
    Theres nothing more tragic than to see- Neurotypical people who take such retarded people for partners and seeing the chaos ensue later on with negative equity and LOVE/Hate dynamics.
    I had the worst imaginable life imaginable in terms of all the normal social systemic stages normal to any persons life- without knowing what was happening.
    Strangely I agree with both the religionists on this site and the “retard haters” and Dawkins. “You are all correct” hatred of retards is a hatred of self, humanity and society. Killing retards of can never solve the problem.
    Killing foetuses is a full gone conclusion due to the statistics already presented in this article and parent do NOT want a cure when they have kids and with block their ears at such a suggestion becuase its liek saying there is a cure for being Black, or Hindu or Stupid (but special etc etc)
    I think it should be normal to screen out such traits regardless of how much it offends people already with conditions.
    But what should also be screened out is theat what is normal in neurotypical people- the tendency towards hate created by the Error related negativity mechanism. Its also the mechanism that control the phenomenon of human hierarchy which all humans hate- it also creates negativity bias by probability in a set proportion of the population- causing left vs right divisions. Neurotypical people cannot see this.
    A world where NLVD people made up 98% would be a perfect utopia however- because we have non-verbal blindness- or “critical blindness” the desire to in-aesthetic and in-congruent information. and would sooner find a route to a one world philosophy and social structure.
    However in a 98% neurotypical world I think all people born with my condition should disappear- becuase it is hell on earth living in a world filled with compound hate and also compound interest (compound ownership, capitalism) and it is like what shopenhauer observed- is the mechanism that make human life the worst of all possible worlds.
    I WILL kill myself considering all the bad experiences I had in my life- There are many angels among you. But humans are inherently evil. Yes they can survive- but at the expense of the 1% of autistis who born into this life for at least 50% of the is the biblical hell incarnate.
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  • hd70642

    Despite. all. the PC gibberish. constantly. shoved. down our throats most. normal people refuse to acknowledge. them as anything other. than intellectually. defective . Of course. they should be treated humanly but when then present a threat
    t o the community should dealt with and not ignored .Pretending that all intellectually. limited individuals. are always virtuous brave and cuddly is simply ignoring reality. Perhaps an item on the web was too fanciful but I saw
    something about green tea being something that might elviate some of their
    symptoms and no vaccines. do not cause autism . Nothing good ever comes from any mental or physical impairment or disease .

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  • alv1592

    don't call retarded people retards. it's bad taste. you call your friends retards when they're acting retarded.

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  • antinormo

    Its normal for a discriminative mentally normal bigot to hate people who is not mentally normal be it mentally ill,mental diorder or mental disabilities.
    It is because the mentally normal people are the most discriminative and genocidal bigots in this world.
    go fuck yourself you discriminative mentally normal bigot.

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    • GYBY

      Mentally normal? Lmaoooooo.

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  • Haeven

    Can't do anything but be a hindrance on others? Well most kids are the same way and on top of that a lot of them grow up to be hateful nasty people like you and 88Serene8 so should we just exterminate them as well? And yeah they can't do much and it takes someone with a lot of patience and will to deal with people like that but they're still human beings that want love like anyone else and besides don't like them well no one said you had to deal with them. And I'd like to see you guys making the nasty comments about them try saying them to the parents/guardians/family of a mentally retarded person but don't hold me accountable for what happens to your face.

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    • GuardianoftheHumanRace

      The difference with retards is that they’re undesirable, unlike these other "financial burdens".

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  • RawrzMmm

    dappled* x)

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  • brittaniexoxo

    Just a little FYI i have a learning Disabillity. And a Person with Special Need's know matter how you wanna look at we still have feeling's where human just like ya'll are. Just remember Karma is a Bitch. You could end up in a car Accident Tomorrow And End up having special need's.. I hope none of you ever have any children cause none of you deserve to have children. I mean come on? so you people think just cause someone was born different they don't Deserve a chance at life? Everyone is born different every single one of us is born different. We have a hard enough time day by day in life we don't need you adding to it.. Do you like to be called name's ?. you can't Help the way you are born. You don't get to pick who your Parent's or your children. You people really need help. I'm glad god gave me to a wonderful woman that love's me she would give her own life for me.. but i guess i was raised different you don't make fun of some just cause they might be diffrent or need just a little more attention then other's. that don't mean we don't deserve to have a chance a life. there are alot of special need's people out here in .the world that have made something out of there life's. Life is way to short going around talking bad about the Special Need's Or anyone that was born diffrent. they are human just like you or any one else.. It's 2011 come on get your life together.. How would you like it if one of your parents was in a car Accident Tomorrow and ended up with special Need's. Are you gonna wish they would die. come on people . I'm not asking you to change who you are but a least show us some Respect. Treat someone the way you would want to be treated.. That's all ask from you we have feeling like the rest of you......

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    • antinormo

      Dont bother trying to reason with a mentally normal(All of them bigots)

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      • RetardsAreDumbAssBitchs

        how about i put my mentally normal foot up your ass

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    • HyporciteNeutralizer

      I didn't understand a single thing you just said, just stop.

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  • MercedesBenz

    People like you disgust me. I hope you get eaten by a gigantic venus flytrap.

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  • girrrl

    I hope you get in a car crash and become a quadraplegic and hopefully I will be your home care nurse so I make you suffer for the rest of your miserable little life. Dumbass

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  • koodom

    You should kill yourself

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