I hate school people
uhm, I hate crowded people. I hate school. there were times that i wanna cut-classes but I cant. I just hate my classmates. I find it hard being with them. I cant even look at their eyes! is that normal?
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uhm, I hate crowded people. I hate school. there were times that i wanna cut-classes but I cant. I just hate my classmates. I find it hard being with them. I cant even look at their eyes! is that normal?
Hating school, and crowds is normal, but not being alble to them in the eyes is not. Lossen up and give some people q chance, you'll see that some peole are not that bad. I used to be really shy so I speak with experience. Also high school is only four years of your life, it be over before you know it... Good luck !
Did you ever think that maybe YOU were the one that people say, ''Wow I really don't like that person''?
Lighten up and get over it.
This is perfectly normal. Though I do not believe people come with crowds attached. Most school children are a bunch of fucking annoying twats anyhow. I can understand why you would be annoyed.
If I went to school with you, I would have put a dead skunk in your locker, or just kicked your ass. Why? Because you use the word "uhm" in written text.
If a person hates everybody else, usually that person is the problem.
Just think about the things you hate about them. Are you better than them in those things? Is it something to really get angry about? Is there something about you they might hate?