I hate shopping

I hate shopping. I can't understand why shopping has become such an all encompassing leisure activity these days. I view it, and always have, as a chore. For example, to ask me to go shopping at the weekend would be like asking me to clean windows at the weekend, or do the washing. Nobody does these things for fun. So why shopping? That's my view.

I don't feel the need to buy things constantly. I've opted out of our horrendously boring consumer culture. I feel better not buying things. Buying is only functional for me. It's not only a social choice. I genuinely dont want loads of stuff or to go shopping if I don't need to. Does anyone else feel like this?

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68% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • who cares? Why pay an extra £20 to have a logo put on your shirt or whatever your buying?

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  • I_steal_free_bread

    Your all nigged!! Shopping gets you new clothes. You all have cheapass no designer clothes if you dont shop

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  • shopping is such a hassle. I get nervous when I hand over my credit card even though I know full well that I can afford it. I hate trying on clothes (such a hassle!) because taking clothes on and off can be exhausting...etc.

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  • DianneMarieTurner

    I dislike clothe shopping. I always choose to many outfits, but I hate having to try them all.

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  • Scarred4life

    I dislike shopping for clothes, but shopping for books or movies are a different story...

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  • Golden

    I think you're normal because you're completely telling the truth. Shopping seriously stinks! I too, have friends I feel I dissapoint because they call for a 'girls day' which translates to all-day shopping and I say no. I can't help it, they are die hard consumer shoppers. I mean my girls shop till they drop, rest there on the ground for a few minutes, then get up and shop some more! I'm like: Does the maddness ever end? I shop for the basics and keep it at that. Unless there's a nice party or a special dinner I'm invited to, I don't ever step into a clothing store.

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    I agree, I hate shopping. Shopping is just a chore! Unless it's Gamestop (As Lady_Rose23 said), then shopping is boring, useless, and just not worth it.

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  • Maki_P

    I do like shopping (well, window shopping), but I don't think is weird; actually it seems like perfectly reasonable.

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  • ohhhhhhyeahh

    I agree with you 100%% I loathe shopping.

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