I hate society, most of it. iin

I don't know how to explane it other than, I hate going outside and hearing how people speak. I hate all of those revolting reality TV shows. (and the people in them)I'm just disgusted by all of the ignorant people of society. I hate how our society is so reliant on entertainment. There is much more to my hate but I just plain hate all of the ignorance going around like a plague. I can't make many friends, because there are too many distasteful people out there.

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Comments ( 24 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Try to turn that hate into something positive.

    I can understand where you are coming from but so much hate causes people to go don't a long and lonsome road to destruction.

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    • DiamondMind

      Read "Free to be Human" by David Cromwel or anything by Moan Chomsky to understand why you feel this way.

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  • I mean you have to admit, there are a lot of stupid people and things going on in America. and I misspoke, not ALL of society is stupid but a lot people are preoccupied by a lot unimportant things. Where we have problems to be dealing with, and there are things we can be doing to make the world better. There is time for play and then there is time for action. We are dealing too much in playing.

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    • rosa333

      I agree with you. I think it will only get worse though

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      • NocturnePonyFan

        It's people like you that are causing this downward spiral. You religious nutjobs want to take away the rights of women, fight against equal rights for ALL people, you want to run the country based on a religion that not everyone shares (and, if you are American, your country was built based on escaping religious persecution).
        It's your fault.

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        • rosa333

          That's not true. People like you are taking away basic human rights of what it is to be human.

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          • NocturnePonyFan

            But YOU people are taking the rights away of what is ALREADY HUMAN. You can't preach about the rights of the people if you pick and choose who you're going to care about.

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  • kelili

    You have a problem and you better sort it out real quick. It's okay tohate going out or to hate tv shows but it's not okay to think that everybody ignorant. You clearly show YOUR ignorance of the diversity and beauty of human beings in implying that.

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    • You don't fully understand this post.

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    • Sailor_Cosmos

      He did not once say that everyone in society is ignorant. Re-read his post.

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  • Sailor_Cosmos

    It seems like more and more people are waking up and seeing how degenerate our society has become.

    South Park as crude as it made by is a very intelligent show. There is an episode, a recent one about how we have lowered the bar in our society. So low that we are watching shows like Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo and calling that entertainment!

    I'm with ya 100% my friend and trust me there are others out there like us who feel the exact same way.

    My question now is do you have any suggestion on what we can do to fix our ailing society?

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  • q25t

    I agree with shackleford. There really seems to be problems with society today, but I don't think it's really that much different now than in the past. It's just more obvious with TV, radio, the Internet, and everything else.

    Just focus on the good stuff and ignore all the stupid. That's what I do. It keeps me sane.

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  • Shackleford96

    You are getting a lot of negative feedback, but there is some truth in your post. I'm inclined to agree.

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  • bleach_baby

    Learn how to spell and punctuate before you go round calling other people ignorant.

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  • SeverusFan23

    Yes. It's normal. Society can be a real bitch.

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  • killer_instinct

    You hate what's being shown in TVs nowadays too? Same here. IMO, it's all about propaganda and brainwashing. You're better off using the internet for your information than radios and TVs.

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  • kit-kat-bar

    Read "ANGER KILLS" Changed my life on society again

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  • Flippin-dillydogs

    You surrrrre hate alot lf things ........o-o

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    I hate society, so much. I believe there's only one person in this world with real common sense, and that person is an amazing pessimistic Canadian named Adam Buckley. <3

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  • DeerInTheHeadlights

    I hate to agree with you, but I must. Everyone these days is so hard to speak with. They all seem so stupid, you can't help but get into an argument with them because of their utter stupidity. It's hard to even be friendly with most people. It's almost sad.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    "I hate society" is a very i-love-living-in-a-society thing to day.

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  • Energy

    You sound ignorant yourself. Like attracts like. You must attract people who are like you into your life.

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