I hate stupid people!!

Stupid people really annoy me. I know most people get annoyed with stupid people... but they REALLY annoy me. Stupid, rude, ignorant people are the worst. I almost can't function when I'm around them! They annoy me so friggin much!

I work in an office. I get tired easily. I just went downstairs to purchase an energy drink (I know, I shouldn't be drinking them, but I need to stay awake!). So I find the one I want and get in line.

In front of me is this woman just standing there. She already purchased her stuff. She's just standing there, being stupid, holding up the line. I'm like WTF?

Then she finally decides to walk away from the line, without looking, she bumps into me. Doesn't even look at me or appologize or anything! WTF?

So here's this STUPID person, wasting my time, then bumping into me, being rude and ignorant, not saying sorry.

I just became FILLED with intense rage. I had the urge to choke her, punch her, whatever. I know it sounds a little extreme, but that's just how I felt at the time.

I'm still mad. Is it normal to get this angry over someone's stupidity?

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86% Normal
Based on 1032 votes (892 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • House

    OH GOD!this is so true!stupid people annoy me so much, like the other day i stayed in line at the grocery shop and my turn came so i started to tell the sales woman what i would like and this Hack!this inconsiderate bitch !just came in from behind me and asked how much are the bananas?give 1 kilo!She started talking over me!!!!!and the worst part was that the sales woman ignored me and took her order and just gave me half of what i asked for!i had to leave or i would of killed somebody!!!STUPID IGNORANT PEOPLE!!!!!DIE!!!

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      *would have*
      Gawd y r u so dumb?

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  • charliesmom

    Hell is other people

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  • Mikeyburger1

    stupid people are bloody dangerous and irritating, yes i agree with you there :)

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  • Schythl

    I hate people who skip the bus queue. They deserve to be punished. PUNISHED I SAY!!

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      That's selfish people.

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  • spyderr

    to play the devil's advocate, how do you know she wasn't so spaced out that she didn't notice she was in the line after buying her food?

    in general, i agree though and i think this is relatively normal.

    but calm the fuck down for the sake of your blood pressure. ;)

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  • AlienatedHuman

    It's not much stupidity as it is inconsideration. But it is, according to humans of this western society, absolutely normal.

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  • cerberus

    I wouldn't say that woman was being stupid per se.... But stupid/ignorant people piss me off all the time and I know a lot of them, considering I live in LA. I can deal with them but internally I'm annoyed and want to just get away. It's so irritating when you can't even have a regular conversation because they don't understand half of the things you say. That's why I try to just stick to myself or other intellectuals.

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  • greenpraxis

    I'm surprised that no one brought this up. That woman could have a number of reasons to engage in inconsiderate behavior: drugs (legal or illegal), anxiety, avoidant personality disorder, a physical genetic disorder or even, lo, of below average intelligence.

    What you experienced is inconsiderate or rude behavior, not stupidity. I could consider you dull for not taking the stairs (a natural energy revitalizer) and ingesting stimulants that only reinforce the need for more. I looked here to find some comfort in feeling frustrated about people who don't take the time to research about the accuracy of what they say. And what's this bout" western society" equates to inconsiderate behavior? Have you been to other countries or spoken to people of different cultures/ways of life?

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    "Stupid" people also get irritated with "stupid" people. Remember that.

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  • taytayswiftfangurl

    But yeah, she shouldn't drive.

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  • taytayswiftfangurl

    To me a dumb person for example is a girl who would kill herself because her boyfriend cheats on her.

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  • taytayswiftfangurl

    A car horn exists for a reason. Use it, you dumb bitch. You know who the real stupid people are? People who hate car horns. What do you want more? Having your entitled sensitive fragile little ego hurt for half an hour, maybe, or being run over, perhaps, get hospitalized for a couple weeks and a weak leg your whole life or die? Choose wisely, genius.

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  • taytayswiftfangurl

    You should've said or done something like "Excuse me." (civilizedly, of course, unless she's being a huge bitch about it) and save yourself from being pissed the hell off for the whole 5 minutes or whatever. I've heard this kind of crap so many times and honestly, you're just as dumb judging by the way you handled the situation. You know, speak up. You're not deaf, aren't you? Even that, I'm pretty sure you have hands as you can type. And shits like bumping into you and not apologizing, just let it go. Don't be an entitled sensitive pussy, letting it hurt your fragile little ego, move on. You're the type of people that is just fun to fuck with.

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  • SimonSteele

    "Gentleness can only be expected from the strong"


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  • gayt0r

    Please go back to school, you dumbass.

    You say that you hate "stupid" people when you clearly meant to say that you hate RUDE PEOPLE. My real pet peeve is stupid people, especially ones who explain themselves so stupidly like you.

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      Though, people who are horrible to me. Most of the times, they're all stupid as fuck. (Proven by many many things. Academic tests, included.) Smart people, if not psychos, are usually nice or at least, they know how to present themselves in that way even though they maybe quiet horrible behind closed doors.

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  • jseplin

    I can understand where you are coming from. If you had snapped then it would not be normal. I am a computer programming for a living and find myself smarter then most people (not all). I am starting to notice that smart people are hard to find. They are mostly older (I'm 29) or scattered around. I have gotten good at explaining things to "less educated people". The things that bothers me is logic. Some people just don't have it. There way of thinking is just wrong. That's when i Get mad.

    Most people believe that other's think like they do. But all you have to do is walk outside and your surprised every time. I have met people with master degrees that I just want to smack around. Cause their stupid. A lot of time's those people were rich kids. Never learned what it was like to scrape by. So they can't understand.

    That's the problem with are country (USA), just go to to CNN.com and read the comments. Those people are morons. Their either manipulated by their parents stupidity or just really have no logical understanding of things.

    Just look at are society and some the stupid laws we have. I wish I could explain more about what bothers me. I just have become frustrated with how people act or think. I normally would not care but those people effect life as well.

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    • icanhazcheezeburger

      I'm just amused by the sheer number of grammatical problems, sentence structure issues, and spelling errors within this post. Oh the irony!

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  • pixie_dust

    this happened to me before. I was at a bar and asked the bartender what time they closed without realizing she was already talking to someone. a while later the nebriated douche bag started talking so I could hear about how rude I was to interrupt when I didnt realize it, plus it was just a quick question.

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  • Louie

    So to you people who say its wrong to hate stupid people are you saying you get pissed when someone cuts you off while driving or dont know how to do the most basic of things then ask your help and you can just stand there and say "really" (to their face by the way, thats how i roll)

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  • greenlightning

    i think its normal to hate stupid people but not all people everyone can do somthing stupid sometimes. but the type of people that know nothing are the stupid people you should be anoyed at.

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  • Alaxett

    Ahaha, isn't that irony? As Leo Buscaglia once said that, "Only the weak are curel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong."

    There is no reason to be angry about what people are doing, anyone can be stupid sometime. When we realize that we make some mistakes, we learn from it and wise up so don't sweat the small stuff.

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