I hate stupid people!!
Stupid people really annoy me. I know most people get annoyed with stupid people... but they REALLY annoy me. Stupid, rude, ignorant people are the worst. I almost can't function when I'm around them! They annoy me so friggin much!
I work in an office. I get tired easily. I just went downstairs to purchase an energy drink (I know, I shouldn't be drinking them, but I need to stay awake!). So I find the one I want and get in line.
In front of me is this woman just standing there. She already purchased her stuff. She's just standing there, being stupid, holding up the line. I'm like WTF?
Then she finally decides to walk away from the line, without looking, she bumps into me. Doesn't even look at me or appologize or anything! WTF?
So here's this STUPID person, wasting my time, then bumping into me, being rude and ignorant, not saying sorry.
I just became FILLED with intense rage. I had the urge to choke her, punch her, whatever. I know it sounds a little extreme, but that's just how I felt at the time.
I'm still mad. Is it normal to get this angry over someone's stupidity?