I hate taking pictures!!

Ok maybe I'm weird but I hate taking pictures of myself or anyone else taking pictures of me. I get so fearful that how I look in the picture someone will see it and start making fun of me. Does anyone else have this fear?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • kupokupo

    A lot of picture posts recently huh?

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  • girly62

    Yes, I feel the same way! I've always had confidence issues and greatly hate some of my facial features and therefore the image of myself. You're definitely not alone. We should get over this fear though.

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  • Pika-girl

    I... just don't like taking them... :/

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Honestly, I don't like it when people take pictures of me. They always wind up uploading them to some stupid social site and it makes me feel somewhat embarrassed.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I have an almost pathological dislike of having my picture taken. Some people wonder if I might be wanted by the law, I'm so camera shy.
    Whenever anyone does try, the camera lens invariably cracks. I mean just cracks; you can hear it across a room! Then they get all pissed off and say it's my fault, and I have to remind them that I warned them not to take my damned picture. Even with selfies; crack!
    My wife has been though 7 cameras in 3 years and still doesn't get it. When will she ever learn? Crack.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm the same but, for different reasons. People taking pictures of me tends to make me very uncomfortable. The discomfort stems from from my childhood. I usually only take photos of myself in a creative way. It is never my face unless, there's been some type of effect added to it.

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  • Pseodonihm

    At a very low point in my life I systematically destroyed every photo of me. I still don't like having my picture taken. I just feel as if it's not me.

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  • Pictures tend to not show what you look like very well. So it's alright. Hell, even I don't take great pictures all the time but people tend to like my appearance and I look at pictures and think "Really? They like that".

    So don't beat yourself up about it. :)

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    • slings_and_arrows

      Lol "even I..." So have you pursued any modelling? I thought I saw somewhere that you were thinking about it.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Yep, part of the reason I have my PIC up on here, call it picture exposure therapy, people always tell me I'm stupid for it, the exact quote is usually " its just a picture of you, people see you all the time anyway so what's the difference? " I don't really have the heart to say that I don't usually have to look at my ugly mug XD

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