I hate the term "african-american"

I really hate the term "African-American", it's fucking stupid to call black people that. It's like they are saying they are to good to be just American. In my lifetime it's like the third thing they have wanted to be called just to separate themselves. Why is it not okay to say "Black" and perfectly okay to say "White"? If Blacks want to be called "African American", fine let them be that, but I'm going to go full rage mode next time someone calls me "White" in stead of "European American".

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Comments ( 55 )
  • thanksforthefreecar

    what about just American

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    • Cul-de-sac_Nightmare

      That's what I say. We are all Americans.

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      • SIllyStacy72

        Yes, exactly!

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I prefer to be called Caucasian American and want a special month for recognition. Don't homos get a month?

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    • LatinAngelBest-in-Bed


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  • dappled

    If someone is American, I'd prefer they're just called American regardless of what country their ancestors are from. If they're talking specifically about their ancestry, then fine, talk about other countries.

    But it seems strange to label black people as a special type of American when everyone else is just American. Either do it for all, or none at all.

    If you've got African-American, then you also need Irish-German-part-native-American, and Italian-Greek-American, and Japanese-Korean-American.

    Also, Africa is a continent, not a country. For reductio ad absurdum purposes, it's like saying Rest-Of-The-World-American. Just because people haven't heard of, say, Lesotho doesn't mean people from there have to say "Oh, I'm from the rest of the world".

    Okay, rant over.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      This, and very well said, might I add.

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    • Barbiecat2

      First of all they can't be called Lesotha American bc a bunch of white people stole them from thier homes and raped them of there identities. News flash! It's not bc they are special or have a special privilege it's bc for 100s of years White people have been calling them dehumanizing names and THEY came up with a name for THEMSELVES. Of course there are a bunch of other names out there like afro scentric but you don't seem like the kind of person who would know things like that. This is America son. Freedom. If your jealsous just start calling yoirself somthing

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    • Demundo

      You do know that Lesotho is in Africa, right?

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  • NotTheSheeple

    A lot of blacks don't like. I don't use it and don't ask a black person what they prefer. Screw political correctness BS!

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  • Phycokitty

    i love you! Ive been ranting on this for years just like mlk day it should be civil rights leaders day

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    • Yeah, and "black history month" should only exist if we all get a history month.

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  • U mad? I dunno, I didn't read your thread.

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    • Okay....No, I'm not really mad.

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  • SIllyStacy72

    It is like a white person calling themselves "European Americans", most white people have a European backround but as long as we are living in America, we are Americans.

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  • KingTermite

    Didn't read all those posts, a bit tl;dr for me.

    My problem with the term African American is there are so many times it simply fails.

    What if a black person is born and lives in France? Are they a French African American? Ludicrous.

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  • polyandry

    American's are Americans.

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  • curiouskate101

    I'm half white and half black and I hate the word African-American too but for different reason. To me it doesn't sound like were too good to be just American to me it sounds like were not good enough to be just called American, that we can't atcually ever be American cuz were black and will always be African. I'm not from America im from Canada so noone calls me that. I'm mixed so I dont look super dark but even my full black mom doesn't get called that maybe because were not from America but since I dont look white I like being called black. Like being called black isn't offensive to me and why should it be? Its what I am just like how white people are white or blonde ppl are blonde its just a description. I hate when ppl are afraid to call blacks black like its some sort of insult to be black. I'm proud I'm half black and id rather someone call me black then African American anyday

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  • redoctober

    I agree you all should just be called American, but what if its a police report or something similar? How would you like them to describe the male/female? Just back male would be fine I think.<BR><BR>I mean what the fuck do they want? "Looking for a not black, but very dark brown/skinned person, who is still a humanbeing and has feelings and is an individual with rights!, sorry guys anyways suspect was...." etc..<BR><BR>Seriously Blacks need to get off their high horse about all the racism and slavary bullshit.. its over already. Look at the president of America.. all you need now is an asian and a mexican then your all set!

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    • Barbiecat2

      Look at the news and then tell me all racism is over

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    • Demundo

      Why do the police need to report someones colour? There are plenty of other descriptions they could use like height, build, approximate age, clothes, distinguishing facial features.

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      • SDDA

        Well that's a detail that is more obvious than the other ones you listed, would also make it easier to find the person. That's like saying they shouldn't report hair colour or eye colour either. It shouldn't be considered racist in this scenario.

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  • SnappleDragon

    As a black person, you are more aware of the other ways the word 'black' is used. Black is always equated to badness: a black heart, black magic, blacklisting. It's awkward to be called black when all of these other meanings are in the back of your mind. (And for people of color, these things are always in the background) It's not a matter of trying to be uppity- it's feeling uncomfortable with your designation being synonymous with negativity.

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    • Demundo

      True the word black is maligned but what if we didn't use black or African and just called people by the country they live in i.e. just Americans or Britons?

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    It's all a matter of preference. "African American" is usually seen as more respectful, but not everyone agrees.

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  • Goomats

    It's stupid because "African American" dictates that the black person is American. Is Scary Spice African American? No. She's English. Also, people of North African descent are not black. Is someone of Moroccan ancestry African American? Also, what about Afrikaners that come to America? Are they African American? They're not black.
    Black and white are not racist terms unless racists are using them. African American is stupid.

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  • pambambam

    African American makes perfect sence. Its like saying Mexican America, we come from Mexico so we are mexican american. same thing..

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    • People do use the term "Mexican American". But if you legally live here, you are just American. If people are so anti-racist then why do they insist on shoving their race into everything? Like I said, if they want to be called that then fine. But I want to be called "European American".

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  • Being politically correct is the path to true equality, you obviously need more practice.

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    • Okay, not let me tell you why you are wrong. "Political Correctness" is just another way for people to act offended and force others to bend to what ant. I'm not sure about you, but I live in the United States, which means I can say what ever the fuck I want. Sorry, my rights don't end where your feelings begin. I fought in a combat zone for that right, and I'm going to practice it, fuck your feelings.

      Also, if you want to go for the "equality" thing, it's TWICE as stupid to have terms like "African America". How can you believe in equality, and then say we should use separate terms for everyone. That's verbal segregation. What was the last time you used "European American" to describe a white person?

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Considering that I know DJ, this has to have been the most ironic comeback towards him that I have ever seen on this site.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        You're a racist idiot.
        you need to learn your place. Political correctness is the only solution for this ignorant and unevolved society.

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        • Teh4HorsMen

          Fuck PC!

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Congrats on the successful troll, my friend.

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      • Thank you very much

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        • Here is what just happened:

          DJ- "Hurr durr I'm a fucking retard!!!11"

          Me- "Fuck off, retard."

          DJ- "Haha, jokes on him, I was just pretending!"

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            Here is what actually happened...

            DJ: Trollololol
            YOU: BAAAAWHHHH
            Me: Lol trolled.
            DJ: Nom nom nom nom troll food...
            YOU: BAAAWWWHHHH
            Me: ...lol

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            • Or maybe

              DJ: "I'm gonna confront him about equality!"
              Me: "You are dumb, and you should feel dumb."
              DJ: "Oh shit that really was stupid of me. Oh well, I'll just pretend I was trolling!"
              ME: "Retard"

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            • No, I just kinda though you were a retard....

              Turn out I was right, learn to troll.

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            • charli.m

              Bwahaha! And I love you, too! You and patties have made my day :D

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          • Just give some money to the United Negro College Fund or maybe you could volunteer at Jewish Charities of America.

            Remember you can make a difference, and not only will you get a good feeling from the work, perhaps being around people like this will teach a little more about being politically correct, after all you could seriously use a good dose of it.

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            • Nah, I don't volunteer for organizations that oppose my race. I'm not a traitor.

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    • Teh4HorsMen

      Fuck PC!

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  • moomoo563

    wow thats even selfisher dude how retarted can u get

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  • moomoo563

    so i have a friend thats an african-american and woulndtu be call a white

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