I hate welfare bums!

I hate Welfare bums so much. I'm not talking about the 10%% of people who actually do NEED social assistance... I'm talking about the useless lazy pieces of shit who sit at home on their asses all day, while pumping out baby after baby.

I hate them so much. And I hate the government even more for allowing it to happen. It's like they promote it!

And what do us hard working people get? A kick in the ass. How is this fair? It's not.

I'm sure this may start a heated discussion but I don't care. I'm simply speaking my mind. I have always been a hard worker ad come from a family of workaholics.

I think we should put all the Welfare bums on an island and make them WORK to survive!!!

Am I normal to think this way?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 1841 votes (1627 yes)
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Comments ( 94 )
  • OH OH OH, I got one WORST than that. My mom, and this is not under oath as I do not wish to cause problems for her, decided to become DISABLED and now gets disability from the government. Her reason, because she pees too much. Yes, thats it, she pees too much and she convinced the disability office that she cannot work because of it.

    I'm thinking, and I have Multiple Sclerosis and WILL be disabled one day, why the hell can she get this help and I cannot find help for my doctors bills even. I bust my ass to make a better life for myself and I am truly the one disabled, not her.

    I do not want help or assistance (outside of medical of course), however, I would rather see someone like me get it over someone like her. As far as welfare people, I couldn't agree more. I don't want to be lazy, I just want a chance to prove myself and these assholes leech off of those who work and drain from our economy.

    If you need welfare because you don't know how to keep your legs shut or pop a birth control pill, thats fine but do not live off of the system, get a job when you can and for our sakes, practice birth control from now on.

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    • christine

      Rock on! I despise welfare cases especially those welfare moms who perpetuate the cycle of poverty. They just suck up taxpayer money from hardworking people. I think that when welfare hoes get knocked up the taxpayers should vote on wether or not she should get an abortion. Afterall it is the taxpayers who support all of those bums and their kids!

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      • nine999

        I agree thats why I just steal to support my three kids. I would never take welfare in my life.

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        • lubby

          How about you don't have kids until you can support them? So you know society doesn't have to take over while your in jail.....

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        • sandy23

          Well I rather go on welfare then to go steal and show my kids that stealling is ok. Please there's.lots of people who are on public assistance who I'm pretty sure dont want to be on it!!! And there's also lots of people who say ill never be on welfare because is money coming from the government. But let something go very bad ,no money , no apt no JOB and NO support! Lol I bet you'll be in line with the "so" called welfare bums like ya called them!!!! Smfh

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          • magen80

            If you are on welfare and don't need it like you can work but dont want to then you are stealing. Your stealing from everyone else that do work. If you can work but dont want to then your pretty much showing your children that it's ok to not work and steal from the government and other people so honestly there's no difference. Now on the other hand if you physically cannot work and you really do need help then that's fine I understand. The people here are talking about the welfare bums that can work but dont want to not the actual pepole that can't and need it

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      • christine

        This is to "budthewise": I pee too much too and although it does not cause me to miss school it DOES interfere with life in a big way. I believe that it IS a disability! Because of it I cannot take the bus to school- I have to drive, I am sometimes late to class or have to leave early to go peeand it is hard to sleep. Not drinking dosen't help me and neither do medications so don't be too hard on your mom because it IS a real condition.

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        • PoisonFlowers

          Erm, a little off topic, but peeing too much can be a symptom of diabetes. Don't mean to alarm, but I just thought that I'd mention it.

          If it's bothering you that much, then please go and see a doctor!


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        • Zombienyc

          You grin and bear it. I have to pee every 15 mins badly. I don't drive. I simply have to plan around it. I walk to one bus stop, use the bathroom nearby, hop on my first bus, use the bathro somewhere and hop on the second. I would wear diapers if I had too.

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        • lubby

          Then wear a diaper and get a job. The end.

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    • superfly1948

      There is a medication, surgery and other interventions to cure that.

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    • Zombienyc

      I'm in disgust by if. I get a full bladder every 15 mins and I don't own a car so I have to be uncomfortable as I take two buses to work because I wouldn't dare be a scrub and get disability. I have sciatica in both legs, I'm thin and fit, was a previous ballet and children's gym teacher, yet work through my pain as a full time prek teacher. I even stripped full time during bouts of unemployment. I never dreamed of not working.

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  • justinquiring1

    Welfare recipients are the laziest people you could possibly find. It has already been discerned that they are among the dumbest (See "The Bell Curve.") This is just common sense. Really, it isn't hard to work and not receive welfare. Even if you didn't work that much, you still don't need welfare to survive; mind you, you won't be living like a King, but you could get by from doing nothing. In essence, welfare is a system that allows people to get "something for nothing" when they, frankly, don't need/deserve "something". It is because of capitalism that the poorest of the poor can live comfortably here in America... and they still complain.

    So, 1.) The plight of poverty has been exaggerated by liberals.
    2.) Poor people, almost always, deserve to be poor (ie. they are lazy.)
    3.) People that are working hard (ie. at least not receiving welfare) are helping the economy, thereby helping the poor.
    4.) The people described in 3.) should not have their money drained for the people described in 2.).

    Therefore, welfare recipients, with some exceptions, do deserve to be put on an island and made to fend for themselves.

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    • hotchickie81

      I couldn't agree with you more! :)

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    • Voety78

      I do not know where you get your statistics but they are bullshit. I got welfare and because I went thru domestic violence and a divorce where he took everything except my 2 kids. I am a very intelligent women who works with law and an IQ that would probably surpass yours. You are just a typical person with opinions due to typing in on keyboard and saying I will repeat this and make it fact. Very non-original. I love how in 2014 they drug tested applicants and guess what? You are an idiot. Case closed. To all those living under a rock and behind a screen, pop another Prozac or Xanax and drink it with your wine or your jack and keep telling yourself you are better when indeed talking lesser of humans to better yourself is lesser than those on welfare.

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      • Loguich

        There are cases where welfare can be a very useful tool to someone getting back on their feet, like in your situation. You sound like a hardworking person who was going through some hard times. That's different than the perpetual welfare recipients he's talking about.

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  • JDU

    Hell yes, we are all completely normal for hating welfare bums! Why? Because we are smart. The worst part is, trailer trash moms give birth to other future teenage mothers and then she will also get knocked up in a trailer at 15 and so will her offspring, so and so forth, as long as this government allows it. Thank God Michigan is putting a four month limit on welfare recipients. Other states need to hop on this as well. If you ask me, four months is still too long. How useless are you? There is a deaf man working hard at Dairy Queen down the street! I don't see him collecting disability. Even worse, I am a hardworking, responsible middle class citizen who is married and would love to have a child of my own, but cannot, as I don't want to be up shit creek financially. Instead, I get to pay for half-breeds to keep reproducing and have their stupid, lazy, scum of an existence kids wasting 1/3 of my income. I realize this may be perceived as horribly offensive and I am truly sorry. Wait, no I'm not.

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    • aubreyskye

      Sounds like you are just pissed that you can't have your own kids. Who's useless? Maybe YOU are because you can't function as a normal woman or man. "Stupid, lazy, scum of an existence kids." Yeah...that's a nice way to speak of innocent children. Thank God you CAN'T have any of your own! "Half breeds?" Why? Because they're poor, down on their luck, and need a little help? Not everyone who collects government assistance is lazy or a loser. You should't stereotype everyone just because you have a stick stuck up your resentful ass for some reason. My advice? Chill the hell out and maybe...just maybe, your fertility will kick into gear and you too can bless the world with your beautiful, perfect, and intelligent off spring. Seems to me that's what you think you are. The rest of us "poor folk" are just trailer trash scum.

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    • Barabus

      Yes well, this is what welfare was supposed to be like - a temporary payout to help someone get over a rough spot with the recipient totally willing and ready to work, and actively seeking employment, and when a person has the mind set , they always get work and do whatever it takes to keep employed.

      Now a days people don't have any shame and actually feel entitled to receive money from the government and will have 110 reasons why they can't work.
      Of course there are folks who need assistance , and I am not talking about those people , just the fraudsters who have made a career out of being on the dole.

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  • coconutcreampie928

    This is 100%% normal! because i agree!

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  • eijnn

    There are probably a lot of people who work for a living that feel this way. So yes, you are normal. In my opinion, once someone gets on any type of welfare, they start to use it as a crutch to not work. In a way it is just weakening people. After so long, they should be forced to work, but it isn't going to happen. Until then, there's nothing to do but hate them and go on with your life.

    Life sucks and then you die, and all that good stuff. It's not all fair, and I agree with you, these people should be forced to work. But there's honestly no use complaining about it.

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  • BSmith

    You people realize that the reason why social security isn't able to retire people any more is because after the baby boomers the next generation didn't have as many kids. Kids=future tax payers. So go ahead and gripe about how they shouldn't have kids. Another thing is according to the huffington post and time magazine abuse and fraud in welfare/ foodstamps is at an all time low. Your numbers on the whole 10% that dont abuse the system are completely pulled out of your ass. Man... They are really doing a good job of placing the blame on the poor to cover up government spending billions of dollars bailing out huge companies such as GM, that never had to pay back oh and cutting taxs breaks for the million and billion dollar company owners. Yea... They don't pay taxes like the rest of us and they make MILLIONS... seems ligit. But hey let's blame the poor... *sarcasm* dumb bastards. I'm going to make up a statistics now that holds more merit than yours... 95% of you who have an opinion on here were barely high school graduates.

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    • aubreyskye

      I couldn't agree more with you!!

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    • rspiegel2009

      Finaly someone that knows what there talking about. Heres a little history on the welfare system u arrogant,shelfish,whats in it for me people. The welfare mess really started by the New Dealers themselves. A 2 teird system consisting of a social insurance program that included old age(ur gonna get old)& EI(we all chnge or loose jobs at some point) with benifits for all workers,all classes; & a public assistance program, targeted at the poor, that was less generious & attached a humiliating STIGMA to its recipiants.

      New Deal failed 2 establish a complete welfare system. Which I think is rather lazy of them & half Ass dont u think. This system sounds familer, Hmmmm u people ranting here & Hmmm the Bums. The expansion of the welfare system in that period was nevertheless dramatic. Gov. spending on public aid increased frm 208 million in 1932 to 4.9 billion in 1939.
      Then the poverty on women started. Leaving many women in need due to increasing divorce rate, increasing out of wedlock births & increasing rates of child desertion by fathers(prob sounds familiar eah).

      Anyways i could go on but this kind of history is prob boring u. So my point is i thin ur putting the hate on the wrong people & theres alot more things u shld be ranting about like r energy prob.(supply n demand),r debt prob.,how r country binges on debt 2 buy homes tht cant afford, the political reaction is 2 artificially support housing prices,r social security prob(higher tax & slower growth). Instead of us working together ur fighting with ur own people. Now i think all that is pretty stupid sounding & un educated

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  • CountryRoads

    Kcb, guess what? Nobody likes their job. But they do it anyway to better their lives. You ARE a bottom of the barrel kind of person, most likely.

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  • Gidget

    you know there is some people who get disability for being alcoholics messed up right but yea i agree i just got out of high school im 19 and everyone either has a kid or is trying to there jobless and still in school they automatically plan on the gov taking care of them

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    • Jenjoa

      Ohhhhhhh Yeah
      I HATE HATE HATE when people get on a government disability check for being an alcoholic
      and also those who abuse drugs and mess up their bodies is NOT a disability either and I think that these people should be forced to get the Lowest forms of welfare checks to live on

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    • hotchickie81

      Yeah it's pretty sad...

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  • Galaxy500

    No - let me know when you plan on doing that and I'll be there to help unload them off the plane!

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    • Haha, I think we should plan it!

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  • flash

    I say bring back WORK FAIR. I for one would rather work picking trash then get a hand out. If someone is hurt and unable to work thats one thing. I am in Canada and there are entire groups of people that dont pay taxes that feel that we owe them money and houses ( that they destroy shortly after getting them) I say the war is over our boys shot straighter I owe you nothing get off your lazy butt and quit your excuses..

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    • Its_Called_Love


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  • A.T.M

    I hate to say this but I have ppl in my fam that are on well fair and I must say I wish they all would die .... They are a drain on the econ. and they should not be able to to fuck and make a kid that will learn to be a free loading pile of shit ...... America!

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    • hotchickie81

      Wow... harsh, but true... sadly :(

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    • aubreyskye

      "Well fair?" I hate to say this, but I wish people like YOU who didn't bother to pay attention in school and learn basic grammar would die. You are a drain on our entire country as well and make us ALL look stupid and ignorant. Just saying....

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      • Terrence

        Hey while your calling him ignorant, your the one wishing that he would die plus he made a typo, everyone makes typos

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    • cjs33139

      This happens because we are a society that values children and their health and welfare. We don't punish kids for the parents who brought them into this world irresponsibly knowing fully well they couldn't afford them, weren't in a financial state to care for them or were careless with regards to birth control. So at the same time, we shouldn't punish kids by denying them good nutrition and clothes on their backs. I am not pro-welfare or against it... i am middle ground. I think that parents shouldn't get benefits. Fuck that. They should work. The kids though should get benefits so that they don't go hungry or get into trouble. Instead of complaining about "welfare bums", why don't we educate young poor women to avoid getting pregnant and instead go to college and get an education? Blame the environment that encourages out of wedlock children, blame the men who impregnate these women and split! Don't take it out on the kids.

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      • welfarebumsdienow

        Really? Almost everyone I went to school with that were on welfare got foodstamps ect wore better clothes than me better shoes always had nicer stuff while my parents worked their fingers to the bone so i could wear clothes from second hand stores and yardsales don't tell me not to take it out on the kids!! Half of those worthless sonsabitches have ended up milking the system today! STFU!

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  • MsMelody

    If you think that most of the welfare bums live in poverty you should really take a look around NY state....they have more than I ever had and I worked all my adult life and raised my 2 kids on my own dime! They truly do have ipods, expensive hair weaves, expensive finger nails, expensive cars, expensive clothes, and money to burn at the casinos. They really do stockpile their carts with steaks and crab legs at the grocery store. The ones that have learned to burn the system without any backlash pass that info down from one generation to the next....like a legacy. They can go to school on the gov funds but then they might be expected to go to work...that ain't gonna happen!! I can tell you that thousands of them enroll at our community college..so many that it is hard to find a parking spot for the first several weeks. But, as soon as the financial aid and student loan checks are received the parking spaces free up dramatically....bunches of them quit all at once they have that free-money in their pocket. We all know they will never pay it back...they will never have to. They know the system inside out...anything that is free and keeps them from working. Popping out babies is not because they can get so much more money for each one....it is so they will never be expected to get off welfare at all.

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  • roothead1

    I agree with you!

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    • hotchickie81

      Cool :)

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  • I love it when people vent!

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    • hotchickie81

      Me too! I love reading it and writing it. Venting/ranting is so much fun! :)

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  • tori

    I agree with you. How about people who have never worked a day in their life, have kids and also get social security. It won't be there by the time I need it. I will by the gas for the plane!!

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    • hotchickie81

      I know, eh? I feel the same way!

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  • IdiotOnWelfare

    Also, if you want to have a brotip as to where your tax dollars are going, consider the "War is a racket" poem by Smedly. Most of your shit is being shaken away by politicians who point the country into another unnecessary war. I had my love affair with the military and would say it's not a stretch to say that I am a natural DI/disciplinarian. Lash out against the Senate and where they're taking your sons and daughters into, the middle east, africa, germany, shit, the government supports them heavily, if they survive. It would break my heart to bits if anyone in my squadron walked right into a fire because they didn't walk the line of regiment and tradition. In addition, some lose their iron-promised benefits due to loopholes. I consider /my/ kids as anyone who is below the rank of NCO in the armed forces, and I send them care packages and write to them. Yes, the incompetence of the U.S. government is enough to enrage anybody. Blaming welfare recipients? No apologies from this one.

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  • jarucino

    So, not only do we have to give these people welfare checks, EBT cards, free housing, free tuition, free transportation, etc., they now want higher salaries? Good grief! I have student loans I pay back ($350/month), high rent costs ($1700/month), $350/month health insurance (from Aetna), $26/month car insurance (thank god for Insurance Panda), $400/month for food+drink, gas/tolls/parking ($150/month), and I work 60 hours a week. If anyone should be complaining, it should be me.

    Bring on the robots!

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  • tisismurf

    So here's an idea: how about we build apartment complexes with cafeterias and public transportation. We have corporations agree to employ the individuals on welfare who (after being reviewed by a muti-physician board) are cleared for work are paid $2.50 and hour for a 40 hour work week. The bills would be paid by the taxes we are already paying as well as their food and rent; therefore eliminating the possibility for system abuse and allowing them to save money and better themselves as well as bringing jobs back to America, helping to stabilize the economy, increasing the value of the dollar, and reducing our dependance o the rest of the world. Drug tests would be mandatory and refusal of work or a failed test would be an instant discharge from the program. I think that's fair. I pay taxes, I have a job and if I were to refuse work or fail a drug test I would be imminently terminated. Just my two cents.

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  • peasantgirl

    Apparently my idea isn't a novel one. I just googled "volunteer for welfare" and I see that Michigan is trying to implement this sort of requirement to volunteer. Maybe other states as well, although I haven't gotten that far in my googling. I am a Democrat and I am disappointed to see that Michigan Senator Vincent Gregory (D) is fighting it. He's quoted as saying, "“A lot of people are embarrassed to even be there (asking for benefits), and they have this put on them..."

    OMG, they're embarrassed about asking someone else to give them a handout, so therefore - because the "poor widdle people are embarrassed" - they shouldn't be expected to do anything to earn the money? REALLY??

    What they should be embarrassed about is living so far beyond their means so that when misfortune fell on them they had little to no savings to fall back on! You got laid off? That sucks but you should have had something put aside for a "rainy day". Shame on you for being so irresponsible that you jeopardized your children's well-being by not saving for emergencies. What? You don't make enough to have anything left over to save? Then why the heck did you have children??!! It's called personal responsibily, people! Try taking some!

    Honestly, which would you be more embarrassed about? Asking for free money or agreeing to give something back in exchange? That should be a no-brainer.

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  • peasantgirl

    I've said for years that only the elderly or truly disabled (like paralyzed!) should receive free assistance. I believe that if you are capable of working (in ANY capacity) then you should have to "give something to get something".

    Why can't we require that people volunteer if they want to get benefits? Your local Social Services office could now be a temp office where the unemployed show up for work and they could be dispatched to various locations to perform job tasks. It might be picking up litter or passing out snacks at a blood drive, or weeding the garden at a local school or cleaning cages at the SPCA, or ANYTHING!

    I mean, COME ON, even blind people and people with Down's Syndrome hold down jobs!

    Seriously, there are so many things that need to be done that don't get done because there is no funding. If you required the welfare recipient to "work" for the welfare check, then you wouldn't need additional funding to get these tasks done. The money is already there, just make it count for something instead of handing it out for free!

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  • Barabus

    Governments have made it easy for people to draw money with out working.
    Problem is that there are not enough people working to support all this leisure , and will be even less working in the years to come so something has got to give some were. The governments will have to start cracking down on the frauds and other reprobates who choose not to work and wish to draw money from those who do.
    The cookie jar is near empty.

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  • kathryn

    Welfare is tearing families apart.
    At one time, when an unmarried person got pregnant, her family took care of them, until they got on their feet.
    When a child was born with a disability, the family cared for the child.
    When parents became aged, or a single aunt or uncle, they were taken in by a family member.Sometimes, they would stay with several family members over the course of a year.
    People didn't need to get paid by the government to do this. They did it, because they were family.
    Now, we have to pay family members to be carers. We are providing welfare to people whom their own family has decided they aren't worth the bother.
    We have generations of baby makers, who will only produce more babymakers, but never contribute anything worthwhile to society...except government jobs to supply welfare services.
    Maybe the good old days weren't all that good, but we were certainly a more self reliant and respectable bunch of people. Today, no one can take responsibility for anything they do.
    There are always jobs that someone can do. It may not be the job you desire, but most of us don't have that anyways.

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  • trevor330

    "Some have it and Some don't" Well I don't. I think if some people had their ways in this country. We would have concentration camps, just like Germany for the poor.

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  • com999

    Why would people on welfare annoy you? I have never gotten it but I figure if somebody wants to live in poverty on welfare let them. I grew up poor and ever since have been trying to get to the middle class. If there were no welfare those people would be my competition. I'd rather be the person working and not in poverty instead of the person on welfare and in poverty. I also have no problem with spoiled rich kids because if they arn't working it again decreases my competition.

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  • storm69

    The welfare system needs a overhaul!


    make them get jobs within 3 years including school! DO SOME KIND OF COMMUNITY SERVICE. WOULD BE GOOD IDEA TOO. heck they help w childcare, no excuse.
    limit how many times they can be on it.

    including social security disability.

    I been in the lets say, public servent position for ten years in the medical field.

    i've seen and heard stuff that i could write a book. people know how to work the system. Their are people considered disabled because they are manic depressive and bi-polar or they say i'm suicidal . (mood swings)every little thing, u could possably think,(besides drinking and ect.) they use and get a paper trail and/or a trip to a mental hospital ect for 7 days and end up getting a free check every month.


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    • Trinket

      I'm pretty sure you had a professor with an SS job, but none the less you are human too. I'd like to put you on some meds and cut you open, against your will too. psycho. handle that, i'd say. what a f#$% this guy

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  • idon'tknow

    Jesus... welfare barely pays for rent in my city, let alone for food and bills. Disability assistance isn't much better. I haven't seen any so-called "welfare kings and queens" around my area.

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    • hotchickie81

      Oh man, in my town, they're livin the dream! Seriously. Welfare pays for their hydro, rent (which is like $200 a month for a 4-bedroom house), they get vehicles (waaaaaay newer than mine), etc. Their childcare is paid for, and IF they want to go to school to better themselves (which is rare), EVERYTHING is paid for! Our government helps them way more than they help the working people. Welfare bums even get free ambulance rides! Pisses me off so much. One of these days, I will go 100% completely insane!!!!!

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      • aubreyskye

        Ummm...what town do YOU live in?? Not the case where I live!

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    • JAASD

      I know. I get $700 a month on SSI. I was put on cocktails of drugs when I was a kid for a so called mental illness I didn't have, developed a moderate case of tardive dyskenisia, while being moderate, still involves my neck, arms, breathing and jaw. I have a hard time just breathing, an extremely hard time eating or talking, and I cant walk straight. I have to live on $700 a month. It's just not possible. As soon as my parents die, I'm just going to have to join them.

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    • Jenjoa

      I am on a Government Disability check and no its not much better than welfare and Ive been disabiled from birth and Im really fed up with the very little money Im forced to live on (I live in Ontario Canada and am on a government check called Ontario Disability Support Program) and Im trying really hard to get a job because I want more money
      I dont smoke I dont drink and I dont abuse drugs and I Have Turner Syndrome so I cannot make Babies but I chose to have two cats

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    • aubreyskye


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  • Justinmurph

    Honestly i hate those who do choose to live on welfare instead of working(if they are able). I live with my mom and we struggle to get by. Shes a single mother living in a 2 bed townhouse payin 1000$ to live in a semi safe area that still has drug and gang activity and you know what those people who have new cars and house that are worth hundreds of thoudand most likely are living with a spouse who is unmarried to them and are both getting welfare. But welfare shouldnt just be ended. Honestly if my mom were to all of a sudden stop getting welfare and disability we would have to file and live under being bankrupt which is horrible when trying to apply to live anywhere. My mom has filed for bankrupty before and know we are stuck living here. Before we lived in a ghetto but were forced to move due to and ex boyfriend. But people need to understand that people on welfare arent all rich bastards exploiting the government and are most likely struggling to make it buy. I have to help my mom by having a job and being able to lend her money to pay some bills and pay for soke food bt you know what i know that i will be a strong person in the future. I think that welfare should have a more thorough and sufisticated way of being handed out. But i figured id share some food for thought and give you a point of view from a person whi lives on welfare and has no choice. if you got any questions just email me. Justin -ontario

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    • raining_skyttlez

      @Justimurph- I don't think any normal person faults anyone for ACTUALLY needing assistance. It's all the people that take advantage of it that make us all so angry. The reason I hate welfare is because people who don’t need it have no shame about trying to get it, so much so that they are freely talking about it and encouraging others to do the same, while many of those who actually could use the assistance either have to much pride to ask for it, or work hard that they make JUST enough to not qualify for it, then the people who didn’t need it are actually taking it out of their pockets. There are so many people doing this that the government assisted documents are becoming the routine form of currency asked for among Dr’s, grocery stores, just wait pretty soon even the utility companies will find it commonplace…..If this system is designed to help people try to better themselves, then why has it become so commonplace, and why don’t they put a minimum on it….I think it would be fair to say multiply minimum wage by 40 hrs. (normal work week) and say you have to make between that and maybe double that to recieve assistance from any of these agencies, then at least you make people who don’t want to do anything work a little, people who are trying are probably getting or capable of getting at least that. The exception to this of course would be disability, which they also shouldn't just hand out w/o making sure a person really is disabled to a point that they can't work. This would also leave more and probably easier accessible assistance available for those who do really need it.

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  • trevor330

    I feel differently. I get disability for mental health reasons. Part of my reasons were that I worked so hard in college and with my jobs that I literally developed severe depression failure after failure after failure. And losing all my friends because I have a "mental health issue" and rejected by companies, and destroyed credit because I took out student loans for my only shot in college when society brain drilled you since kindergarted to do. I don't mind sucking off the tax payers dollars AFTER being kicked under the bus by them. They tell me (the successful) "Some have it and some don't" "Life is not fair" Now as one of those who get's to sit around all day doing nothing, I get to say: "Life isn't fair" Sorry. Why don't you get me a job? Disability pays more than Burger King and WITH full health care. Plus I have a "mental illness" so I am shunned from ever succeeding in life anyways... So it no longer bothers me when I am never given a chance after working my ass into insanity. Sorry. Life isn't fair. lol

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    • Chaitea

      Depression is a horrible thing. I've suffered from depression my whole life but I also drag my sad ass to work every day even if I feel like shit. Sometimes I feel a lot better when I get there and sometimes I don't. I manage to have the best life I can even if it seems hopeless sometimes. Sometimes you really feel better being around people. Sometimes. Sometimes you have to suck it up and take care of yourself and not rely on the government to take care of you. I have a friend who has been on SSI for 40 years and I resent her so much. SHE CAN WORK EVEN THOUGH SHE IS DEPRESSED. I'm sick of listening to her complain that she doesn't get enough money. Poor her because she's an actress and can't get a job that will maybe let her go on an audition and take a couple of hours off. She gets maybe 5 auditions a year. BOO HOO!! Life is not a free ride. There are many people who would not think of getting help if they can clean toilets. I've done that! I'm not proud. I have been in the medical field for 35 years, put myself through school, I'm single and have always taken care of myself. Too many people think that the world owes them because they have problems. I'm not talking about people who have severe physical or mental disabilities and really cannot work. Being depressed is no excuse. I'm depressed, too. Want to take care of me?

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    • The_truth_hurts

      Your comment made my blood boil. I signed up just to tell you to get off your lazy, parasitic backside and stop living off the hard work of others. Maybe if you had the self-respect that comes with an honest hard day's work you wouldn't be so 'depressed'. Talk about first world problems, smh...

      You know what? You don't need antidepressants or counseling or disability payments- no, what you really need is a good kick up the ass. Who cares how much you get paid at Burger King- at least you're actually earning money instead of stealing ( yes that's what you're doing) hard-working taxpayers' money.

      Do you think everyone else has it easy? Do you think people who work don't have issues as well? Do you think they enjoy working? No matter how bad things are, normal, hardworking people drag themselves out of bed and down to their jobs. It wouldn't even cross a lot of people's minds to do what you've done. Anyone with a shred of decency and self-respect realizes that regardless of how hard it is, they have to earn a living for themselves and not rely on hand-outs from others.

      TLDR; Nobody owes you anything- go and get a damn job!

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  • nothing2

    if you can't beat em...

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  • overweightdoomsayer

    This is so disgusting.
    Unless you walk in their shoes for a while you have no right to speak about people on welfare that way,douche!
    Some people are on welfare because of real reasons,not because they are smoochin off the GV and are happy about it....Actually most people on welfare that i know hate being on it and rather have a decent job,but hey you imbeciles didn't really notice how the economy is lately,right?
    What's next you're gonna hate on people that get disability money too,asswipe?

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    • JAASD

      Disability and welfare are the same thing. There isn't even a such thing as a federal welfare program anymore, Clinton did away with that. Some counties and states still have "living assistance" programs, but they are small and poorly funded. SSI and SSDI - Supplemental Security Income (welfare) and Social Security Disability Insurance - are the only two things left. Both are technically disability and technically welfare.

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      • Elyse88

        Bs... my son is blind and he will be eligible for SSI when he's older. Because people need financial support like my son does NOT make them "welfare bums". Pop your eyes out and see how many jobs you qualify for. I pay my taxes happily knowing that HOPEFULLY my son will be able to have support when I can no longer be here.

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        • Trinket

          Good luck with that. I'm sure the meds JAASD are gonna take care of that and end up causing vision problems one day, but I'm sure you would kill who ever was next in line to help your son first..

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  • Starfishnova

    Yes I know. This one’s been here a few years. But after tonight’s experience I HAD TO HAVE SOMETHING to get this off my chest. (I’ll save tonight’s for a future post. The one I’m writing about now was two years ago and it’s even better.)

    I was standing in line at a local grocery store waiting for a family to get finished paying. Well, one of the items was a bucket of fried chicken from the deli. And they were paying with...you guessed it...an EBT card. Well, the cashier informed them that they couldn’t use it for the fried chicken due to federal policies concerning food that could conceivably be eaten at the store.

    I mean, it was that night’s dinner and I felt bad for them. Plus I really wanted to get out of there and not have to look at their embarrassed faces having heard what I’m sure they’d been told a million times before.

    So like the nice guy I actually am (who has a firm grip on reality, anyway) I offered to pay for it. It was a little over eight bucks and it’s dinner, you know. They had kids with them.

    So after some reluctance on their part and some good-natured insistence on mine they gave me a big hug and there were thank you’s all around. I felt good. They were nice enough and I felt like I’d actually done something for someone. I needed it. Because i hadn’t been having the best day ever.

    So after I’d paid for my two bags worth of groceries I sallied forth to my 2003 Honda Accord...and saw them loading their groceries into a brand new Chevrolet Suburban SUV.

    Never in my life had I felt so violated. It’s one thing to take my money out of my paycheck. It’s another entirely to basically steal money from me like you’re starving and drive off in an expensive vehicle.

    Since then, I’ve hated them all. There are those who really need it. Badly. I mean, I live in Kentucky. I know. But the vast majority of them have made a career and a legacy out of welfare. And I’ve never despised a demographic more in my life than able-bodied recipients. I hope they burn in hell.

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  • Bobtailcatgirl

    I agree I think these people should be steralized

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  • Southwestphilly

    I don't know if the comments are still open on this topic, but here's my two cents for what they're worth. I loathe welfare bums with a burning passion. As the OP mentioned, I'm not knocking those who are truly in a bad place in life and need the help. No, my vitriol is reserved for the trash that refuses to work and pumps out baby after baby so that s/he can continue to received support from Uncle Sam.

    Let me tell you all a true story. My husband worked with a welfare bum. Yes, you read right, he WORKED with a welfare bum. Even though this loser worked forty hours a week and made the same money as my husband -- a living wage, I might add -- she nevertheless took full advantage of all the programs Uncle Sam offered her. Section 8, Medicaid, food stamps, WIC, EBT, Obamaphone -- you name it, she was milking the system for it. She would joke that the money she made on the job was just play money, and it must have been, because she would often brag that her usual dinner was steak and lobster, plus she would go on and on about the elaborate vacations she planned on taking. In addition to these atrocities, she would regularly hit my husband up for money because she was "broke" until payday and needed a drink after work at the local bar. I couldn't make any of this up no matter how hard I tried.

    Her excuse for sucking off the dole was that she still had one underage child to support. She had three kids, probably by more than one baby daddy, because never once did she talk about her husband. Bitch, please!!! My father raised my four siblings and me on his meager salary and worked two jobs when he had to to bring in extra cash. So what's her excuse? Oh, and did I mention that she and her drug-dealing boyfriend tried to perpetuate an insurance scam? When my husband caught wind of this, he contacted her insurance company and told them what was happening. This welfare trash was pissed when her claim was denied! Served her right!

    Sorry for this long rant, but I'll end it here on a happy note. My husband had finally had enough of this loser's crap and ratted her out to HR. They assigned him to spy on her and report back to them whenever she said or did anything out of line. Soon, she started being disciplined. On her last reprimand, they told her she was going to be fired if there were any more incidents. Knowing that the end was near, she quit.

    There are other welfare leeches like her in his company, because they like to hire them so that they can collect their WOTC's, and I told my husband he needs to be the welfare leeches' adversary at all times. Don't let them get away with their crap and open your mouth, I told him. Hopefully he'll take them down, one leech at at time.

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  • macdawg1983

    i know i am late to this conversation! BUT I HAVE HAD IT WITH WELFARE FRAUD!

    I am the most liberal welfare supporter and never want that safety net to go away for qualifying americans!

    HOWEVER! I am so sick of close friends and family members confiding in me that they are collecting these benefits fraudulently! Lying! The excuses are disgusting! So basically you own three new smartphones...cable tv...fast speed wireless internet...shop at "Whole Foods"...two cars...are going to school at an unaccreddited cosmetology school (which is why you can't get federal student loans when if you drove 20 mins furthers there are three accredited schools)...and your kids won't eat the school lunch provided?

    now how exactly is it okay to claim being a single mother when in fact your just in a loveless marriage.....thats not what welfare was made for. welfare was made for people who NEED IT! Nobody looking at your family would ever be concerned about (your morbidly obese family) anybody starving! disgusting

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  • Coldworld21

    Saying you need to be disabled to get free money is like saying you need to be rich to shit on the nice toilet. Fuck your way of thinking.

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  • IdiotOnWelfare

    I'm gonna say some shit. And get smacked for it. And continue to not give a shit.

    Here's a welfare bum, right here. Been working since age 14. At age 17, I was on the schedule of 3 jobs: A donut store, a grocery store, and on a technology sales team. I worked my ass off. Boy did that cash stack up. Shit's easy when you take the initiative. I had a sparkly little Honda that I payed for, in full coverage insurance, a little digit bullshit phone, and I built my tuition from the ground up without Mommy or Daddy paving me a financial tunnel to college. In fact! I owned 3 vehicles by the time I was 19, all of them cashed out and handled by me. No loans either.

    Once in the university world, I was in NROTC, and I was a cadet first sergeant in CAP. In addition to pumping out A, after A (not baby after baby like most of you shit hats believe), I picked up a field hockey stick and took to the field as right-wing attack, and I ran track in high school. I pursue the engineering lifestyle, and I study it when when I'm not out applying for work.

    So you can suck it at this point.

    I continued to work and work and work, until my combination of PTSD, depression, etc. etc. from facing rape in childhood stacked up on top of me. Also, I've been exposed to gang violence the majority of my life. Feel sorry for me? Don't. Most of you are shined up, sparkly assholes who bitch on the computer in your spare time.

    In addition, I've been through some shit, such as a miscarriage, a failed marriage, and being dropped from enlistment in the military due to medical reasons. Most people who are on welfare have been through some shit, consider veterans with no legs. I look down on some of them because they truly are lazy, but categorizing every recipient into a "Lazy welfare queen/king" for bullshit reasons is mildly annoying when you've worked hard all your life, and you still work hard.

    If I'm not working, I'm out, looking for a way to work, even though no one in the area is hiring. I'll take up ghost writing, I'll sell art, I'll put myself out there for a cash flow. I also walk everywhere. And there's a fever in my system 1/3rd of the time because of it. I used to look sharp and hot, now I look just like a bum. Don't think I'll be here forever, but when I'm back on the working team, I won't condemn anyone that's less fortunate than me. Until I get back there, I'll enjoy soaking up your tax dollars and ruling a "personal kingdom". Pricks! :)

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  • wistfulmaiden

    . I don't think anybody should get free money unless they are truly disabled. Disability isn't welfare, I agree some people do need disability or SSI but people who can work but choose not to because they either fake illnesses or pop out many babies are a burden and a waste of life. The kids grow up unloved and neglected so they commit crimes when they cant get any more money at 18. The girls get pregnant at 14 and there goes the cycle again. I don't get paid more if I have two or three more kids so why should a welfare bum get more money the more kids they have?

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  • Valetion

    Oh gosh! Don't get me fucking started.

    So, my boyfriends aunt (illegally married his father when his mother left) has been on disabilities for years. It's been about, well 10 years now.

    She is the laziest bitch I have ever met.

    She used to live in BC. In BC she was on welfare. She moved to Alberta (where I live) and moved in with my bf and his dad. What she did was fucking ILLEGAL. When you move out of province you are supposed to notify the welfare office so they stop sending welfare checks.

    Well, she decided to leave without telling anyone so she could keep on getting her free fucking money.

    Once the head of welfare in BC found out, they cut off her checks and issued her a letter stating that she owed the province of BC over 500.00$.

    She bitched, complained and pretty much sucked off Rico (my bf's dad) so that he would pay the money for her. He did.

    Her responsibilities in the house were to (she had to do chores because she is living there for free)

    -tidying up the house

    That's fucking it!!!! Not so fucking hard when all you do is sit on your overweight fucking ass, drink pepsi, listen to music and play yoshi's cookie all damn day!!!!!

    She doesn't even do that. She asks eddy to (my bf) and when he say no, he's busy, she goes and cries to Rico saying that eddy was being "defiant" which results in eddy doing all her fucking chores.

    She applied for welfare here in Calgary Alberta. She was denied. She bitched and complained during the whole process, until the evaluating doctor said he would set up a meeting between the welfare office, her and him.

    Want to know what her "disability" is?


    That's not a fucking disability. That's a joke. I feel so sorry for all the people who need welfare and can't get it because cunts like her lazy fat ass are taking it away because they don't get off their asses, quit making up excuses and FUCKING OWN UP TO LIFE AND GET A DAMN JOB!

    She doesn't even help to pay house bills or rent.

    When she gets her welfare checks (she got fucking approved btw) she spends it on cigarettes, getting her hair done and fucking useless crap from avon. I want to kill her. Literally. She doesn't deserve to be alive.

    I'm not even a part of the family but I pay more than she does!!! I don't even live there and yet I still help with gas, groceries and rent!

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  • danikamadrid

    O it's normal IF you are a person who believes in earning your keep. I am a 28 y.o . woman with a severe and permanent injury to my pelvis, making it impossible to work a job where i stay still for more than 10 minutes at a time.

    So instead of crying to uncle sam, I have applied my talents to survive.

    I sing and play guitar, sometimes in jazz combos, at restaurants bars and weddings to make ends meet.

    This is perfect because I gig for 3 hours a night about 3 nights a week. Making enough to get by.

    I also hustle temp jobs here and there and just work through the pain.

    So there is no reason why so many fat, lazy child popping slobs need welfare if this lady can do it alone!

    I DO feel for the severely disabled..those that are mentally unable...and the elderly who are alone.

    But welfare for the able bodied, for the teen parents ( the majority of the milkers), it needs to STOP! I also think our country needs to penalize teen parents and not glorify them!!

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  • badmanalive

    It's better than having them break into your house and murder the whole family for what's in the refrigerator I guess.

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  • Seustewart

    I agree with you 100%. I hate when people take advantage of the welfare system. I lost my job due to company downsizing back in November and I haven't even registered for EI because it's for people who are actually trying to find a job. I've just been taking some well deserved time off because frankly, I can afford to. I've also worked very hard to be able to afford the time off, not like welfare bums who takes use the system. I'm not sure where you're from but here in Ont. Canada its become quite a problem.

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  • craftygurl

    @cinnaminny, I fully agree that food stamps needs a major makeover. The government needs to make it less enticing by removing junk food, and especially frozen processed foods. I am a cashier and am appalled by what comes through. I have had welfare people come through with frozen pancakes! Learn to cook! It doesn't take that long to make and cook pancakes even from a boxed mix. To save more money, all it is some flour, sugar,eggs and milk. Not that hard. Another thing that horrified me was frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Honestly, it doesn't take that long to slap peanut butter and jelly on a slice of bread! I have seen expensive baker cakes purchased. I want to walk back to the baked goods aisle, get a cake and frosting mix and say here is your cake! These things aren't that hard to make. I see nutrition go out the window. A lot of highly processed and high in sodium foods. I am sorry, Oscar Meyer lunchabled shouldn't qualify as a lunch for a child. And don't get me started with people on WIC that bring up the wrong items and throw fits when you tell them that it isn't wic approved. Hello, you are getting free food, at least act a little apreciative!!

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  • Cinnaminny

    I think you're completely normal.

    I had no idea what welfare people were like until I became a cashier at a grocery store. Now I despise them so much. Some of them are nice and you can tell they really need the help where as the other 95% are just lazy. And what really irks me is they treat working people like crap and like we owe them something.

    I honestly think they should monitor what they're able to buy. I think they shouldn't be able to buy soda, cakes, candy, or energy drinks. Hell they should take all that stuff and switch it and allow them to get toothpaste, body wash, and shampoo instead. I can't tell you how many times I have to hold my breath when waiting on most of them. Seriously? You obviously sit at home all day but can't find time to shower?

    I have one person that literally all they buy with their food stamp card is 12 pints of chocolate milk. Nothing else. And surprise he has no teeth.

    Then there's the people who have a smartphone and nice cars and are on welfare. Yet still most of them never buy soap. Or they'll flip out if you don't use a coupon. You're already getting it for free you ass.

    Also there's the families where the mom and dad have a card each then some how their kids have one too. I waited on one person whom I know lives by themselves and they had over a thousand dollars left on their card. Had no apparent disability either.

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  • storm69


    yes their are people on taxpayer status because they really need help, but trust me it a VERY LOW AMOUNT.


    many people dont want them because it's not enough money or only little more than they get and feel its not worth it.


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  • digitalnasties

    if you can't beat them, join them

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    • JeebusHToast

      For sure! I want to move to where hotchickie81 lives and get a new car and a 4-bedroom house on welfare! I wonder if you get a choice of new car? Does your welfare worker take you down to the lot and you get to pick the colour and model? Like winning a car on a game show, but better. Do you get the car the day your application for welfare is accepted? Does the 4 bedroom apartment bums get overlook the ocean and have a spa?

      For MsMeldoy, where do you buy expensive fingernails or are they only available to welfare bums, like a genetic re-weaving of their fingernails? Something like that?

      Where I live they give welfare bums acres and acres of land, it's like being in paradise. Each bum is given his own mini-kingdom to rule over, they even get a crown issued with their new fingernails. The rivers flow with chocolate milk and candy grows from the trees. No one ever has to shower. They're given jet packs, no measly cars for bums here.

      The bums you see with expensive cars, either work casual labour construction type jobs to get them or they're drug dealers or some other nefarious thing. Idiots. Obviously they didn't take all of you into account when they were figuring out the lowest of the bell curve.

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      • rspiegel2009

        lol oh my god to funny i like you.

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  • Hate won't get you anywhere.
    Nor love alone.
    Its your deeds what makes a difference.
    Posting this crappy post won't make a difference.
    Here you possibly could deal with hatrid of yours,but not with the problem in a real world, and thats a money they get for "pumping out baby after baby."
    STFU dude.

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  • JDU

    Yes, I also have a flagrant hatred for those who milk disability too. Funny you mentioned 'asswipe.' That is exactly what the government does for this useless class people, wipe their asses, with the middle class' hard earned money.

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  • hotchickie81

    I agree with you, budthewise and christine!! :)

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  • memphis3724

    Welfare is not an individual problem but a social problem that is far more complex than anything discussed in this forum. Do yourself a favour and educate yourself. Here’s a suggestion, ask a sociology professor or student if they hate "welfare bums". If you're North American, do a little research on what defines poverty and see how close you are on that spectrum. I'll bet my food stamps you or someone you know is pretty darn close to it. How would I know you ask? Assumption based on the level of educated comments here.

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    • hotchickie81

      Thanks for your post. You see, I'm not saying Welfare in general is bad, since some people really do need it! And believe me, my heart goes out to them. It's the ones who sponge off the rest of us who really annoy me!! I know plenty of people who COULD work, but they CHOOSE not to. A lot of them also fake injuries. I know one guy who says he can't work because he has a "bad back" yet I constantly see him out doing yard work, working on vehicles, bending, lifting, etc. Doesn't seem to me like his bad back is so bad after all. These people also have a nicer house than me (free for them, while I have a HUGE mortgage), and they have nicer vehicles too. I'm driving an old base model car from 1998! Very high mileage, problems, etc. They have a nice new Jeep. How is this fair?!?!?! The government also pays them more for having a bunch of kids. Meanwhile, I can't afford to have kids because I work for a living. I'm just saying it's the people who take advantage of it who give Welfare a bad name. It also doesn't help that our givernment pretty much encourages people to go on Welfare. They do NOTHING to help the middle class society!!! It's so frustrating. So yeah, I really didn't mean to generalise. Hope this clears up a few things :)

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