I hate women.
I want to beat the shit out of girls who reject me.
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I want to beat the shit out of girls who reject me.
Wait, hold up. Girls reject you?! You sound like such a charming stud, though, that's weird and clearly the fault of half the population.
Tough break for the rest of us guys. If a ladies man like you can't get a date then what luck do the rest of us have!?
God darn you, women!!! Not appreciating a gentlemen such as this.
It sounds like the girls who reject you are the lucky ones. You are violent and hateful!
Your mother is a women. Not only that there are women on this website to.
It's no wonder women aren't attracted to you. Have you tried getting together with a transsexual lesbian butch babe? She would treat you like the FUCK up you are. She would treat you as her slave and beat the shit out of you when she gets bored.
I can't for one minute even begin to understand why women reject you. I mean you're such a charmer. You should be beating them off with a stick
maybe they reject you because they can't see your dick and think you're a girl
I like when they eat solid food and don't stick to a strict-liquid only diet.
I couldn't agree more. The corporations would lose a SHIT-LOAD of money if women started realizing how healthy and clean they feel on a strict-liquid only diet, so they pay doctors to lie/give them false information in medical schools which they own more or less.