I have a dumb question

I have mixed race children. They are half Hispanic and half African American. Now if my kids want to know their heritage I can just take them to Mexico so they can see that part of who they are if they wanted or even certain parts of Texas. They live in a everyday experience of their Hispanic culture since I still live by mines. I can't really do the same for their African side since they are american. So my question is if my kids want to know and see what their heritage was like for their African American side what do I show them? Where do I take them? I'm raising my kids. So they are only seeing half of who they are that's why I ask for future reference.

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Comments ( 33 )
  • jethro

    Well for starters, not all blacks came from Africa and not all Africans are black. If you don't know what continent that the father's blood came from, good luck. Get a DNA study done by one of the reputable companies like Ancestry.com then you might be able to pin down where the fathers history is. But your kids are American. Teach them how to be an American not a Mexican or African (or whatever the daddy is). Assimilate.

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    • TerriAngel

      Best answer of all! Period.
      This is what made America.

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    • Jwoods01

      My kids are American and live life as an American with an upbringing of a Hispanic culture but eventually they will ask questions is why and I can't give them the answers other than what's in books. To me that's not enough. Me and their father were both in the military. They will understand they are American but they will wonder. So I worry in general.

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  • perfectxsilence

    If you live in America that should be enough.

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  • theredsparrow

    I would say New Orleans in Louisiana as well as Atlanta, Georgia are both big hubs for black culture that I would recommend seeing.

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  • Columbusbiguy

    Do you mean African American history in the US? If so there are tons of resources at libraries and cultural centers in many cities. If you mean African culture, then you need to start by knowing where they are from (country of origin) and working that avenue. Just like a there are many Latino countries and differences, that would also be true of African countries.

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    • Jwoods01

      Yes with the African American culture. I wish to show them their culture not only read about it. They live a everyday life as a Mexican American but if they ask me about a life as a African American I wouldn't know what to say I'm not one and don't know. For example my family makes tamales for Thanksgiving, we speak both English and Spanish, we have a different day for mothers day. Stuff like that. They won't know what it's like to live as one. I'm worried that they will ask me and I can't show them because I don't know how to. You can clearly tell that they are mixed.

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      • Columbusbiguy

        Well im not sure what you are looking for exactly. African Americans are American, so their culture is essentially that of any American. What you experience comes from your Latino heritage. Im sure there are a great many Latinos living in America that do not celibrate as your family does.

        I am not sure if you want to know the African culture, or if you are looking to find the stereotypical "black culture."

        If it is of that great importance, seek out black leaders in ypu community, such as a cultural center, church, etc., and ask them to help you. They will be of the best help to you.

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        • Jwoods01

          They are little right now both under 3 years of age so I have awhile from now till then just wanted some insight of a way to discuss it for them. Thank you for the advise. I believe seeking out black leaders is the best option to go by it. I only worry because they clearly look biracial. People make comments when I'm out with my children. The world sees their color and hair first.

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          • Columbusbiguy

            Well people are stupid. So if they make cooments like about their appearance, just proudly state thst their father is Sweedish. Its a stupid comment to tyeir stupid and insensitive comments. Better yet you can then laugh and walk away. Sarcasm can be your best friend.

            Good luck.

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  • CDmale4fem

    If so many are leaving families, how do so many keep having 8,10,or17 kids ? More people should watch the Maury show and see if they are the fathers, in the running, or are not the father.

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  • CDmale4fem

    There's a great new thing you can show them. It's called "the internet".

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  • badmanalive

    Just swing by the ghetto once a year and call it your family reunion.

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  • raisinbran

    How disappointing that the dad left... I was gonna suggest some good places like Montgomery or Memphis.

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  • leggs91200

    No advice on how to teach black heritage except let her watch movies like "boys in the hood" and "menace to society". Those would be pretty realistic examples.

    But with the hispanic heritage, I am curious, is she seeing/learning about true Mexican culture or the Americanized latino gang BS part?

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    • Jwoods01

      My children are American and they will live as an American but obviously under an Hispanic culture. If they are curious of the traditional culture of a Mexican it can be easily shown. I can physically show them. I can't for their African American part. I wouldn't know where to go. As for the gangs why would I show my kids that?

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  • RoseIsabella

    So the baby daddy is not in the picture?

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    • Jwoods01

      No. Its just my family.

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      • IrishPotato

        hahaahahhahahaaha THE BLACK DADDY LEFT

        I love it when racist stereotypes come true.

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        • That's just it. Stereotypes exist for a reason. The most likely father in america to walk out on his family is a black man.

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          • RoseIsabella

            All deadbeat dad's are sorry ass sons of bitches.

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          • IrishPotato

            It's kind of amusing.

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        • litelander8

          White men leave too!

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          • RoseIsabella

            All deadbeat dad's are sorry ass sons of bitches.

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        • RoseIsabella


          I think it's sad when someone fits a negative stereotype. It's sad for the person, and for the people they know. I honestly feel bad for OP that this fool refuses to be a real man, and accept responsibility for his obligations!

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          • IrishPotato

            I wish things were better.

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            • RoseIsabella

              Me too! I want this OP to feel encouraged, and get the help she needs. I think that guys who don't support their children are not real men.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, maybe you could at least sue him for some child support. She's going to learn about black men from his absence. He should at least pay child support. Deadbeat dads are scum.

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        • Jwoods01

          That doesn't really answer my question on what I tell them or what I can show them. Not all black men are that way and I don't want them to see it that way either and other races of men do the same. I dont want any help from him if he can't be a dad to them.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Celebrate black history month with your children, read to them, and watch documentaries about history with them.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I'm not trying to be difficult, but why can't he help? What do you plan on telling your daughter about her father? I hope there are good male role models for her in your family, because girls tend to get their self worth from how their fathers treat them. Boys learn what it is to be a man from the male role models in their lives. I think as far as male role models go having a decent, respectable male, or males in a child's life is more important than the guy's race. I hope your father is able to set a good example for what a good man is for your child!

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            • Jwoods01

              Yes my dad and brothers help a lot with my girls. But asking him for help won't make him a dad. He doesn't care to see them or call. Hes blocked my number. That is the man I'm dealing with. Its not worth all the heartache for my children in the long run. I'll never keep him from his kids so in time we will see if he wants to be in their lives.

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