I have a fear of escalators

I'm always very uncomfortable to ride on an escalator like when I'm at the mall or wherever there's one. I mean, I will if I have to, but I'm always nervous because you hear about all sorts of freaky accidents about them. Examples are: http://www.hlntv.com/article/2014/10/06/macys-escalator-lawsuit-valdez-girl-loses-toes, and http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/550951/Shopper-dies-freak-escalator-accident-Christmas-Eve-House-Fraser. It's even worse when I'm on one going down for some reason. So is this normal?

Voting Results
74% Normal
Based on 19 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Understandable. For similar reasons I had new fears last year when I went on some roller coasters. I was worried that my hair may get caught up in something and scalp or decapitate me :/

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  • Kirkisajerk

    I guess it's not 'normal,' but I guess I understand how, so it's probably not unusual either

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  • Avant-Garde

    They make me uneasy. I've got a fear of heights so, that's part of it. There's a mall I've been to a couple times. It has three or four floors and you can see each level. They are many ways of getting to the upper levels but the main transportation with the escalators. It's scary as hell ascending upwards when you can see everything around you and below you. The height is nauseating. I also get this feeling of trepidation when I near towards the top of the elevator. Perhaps, I fear that my shoes will get torn or my shoe laces caught in the mechanism. :/

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    • CanadianCowboy

      Yeah, especially my shoelaces

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  • Faceless

    umm, UNIMOO!!!!

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  • Faceless

    live and let dIE!!!

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  • Hakuna matata!

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  • Unimoo!

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