I have a fear of moths... iin?

Well... I had a dream about some vampire moth shit came and attacked me when I was putting on my makeup in my dimly lit bathroom. But the factor that set this dream apart from other dreams was that it was so life like. I could actually feel it tear into my flesh like a full grown pit. And trust me, I'm not one to fret over stupid dreams.

So my boyfriend thinks I'm stupid for almost shitting my pants every time were out late and a moth flies near me.

Someone tell me I'm remotely normal?



Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 45 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • bathtub\___/bitch

    Unless you're a wool sweater, your fear is irrational.

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  • gummy_jr

    They eat your clothes... I was outside running one day and a whole swarm of them attacked me and ate my clothes, leaving me naked in my front yard /:

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    • robbieforgotpw

      You're lucky they're deadly
      *stinks up the place making the moths leave

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    • Stairy

      Sounds gross! Did they hurt you? I mean they ate your clothes, did they eat any of your skins?

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    • Moths don't eat clothes, their larvae do.

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      • gummy_jr

        Tell that to the swarm that attacked me

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        • Are you freaking crazy?! I'll just text them, don't want them dang things attacking me.

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          • gummy_jr

            They can't afford phones

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  • MeOhMyra

    Moths scare the shit out of me. I'm half a mile down the road as soon as I see one.

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  • kupokupo

    Eugh... A while ago, I was outside on some wonderful kupo adventures & one was like "hmm... It'd sure be a great idea to explore that guy's face!" Flew into my face. I spazzed out. Fell over. Now I hate moths.

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    • Cupcake14

      Haha sounds like something i would do(:

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  • snowflake4m

    Bugs are creepy to a lot of people. So yes, I think it's normal.

    I have an "irrational" fear of most things that fly, especially flies and gnats. Maybe because they are just so gross. Or maybe because gnats bite, and I had the opportunity to view one under a microscope and it seriously looked like something out of a B-rated horror movie under the scope. It also had blood in its gut (probably from having bitten me!)

    I once got bit by a horsefly and I am terrified of them ever since. Horsefly bites hurt like hell! I also don't like wasps and bees. And like the majority of people, I am terrified by spiders. If spiders could fly, I'd have a serious problem on my hands :P Like you, I don't really like creepy looking things that fly. However, I don't have a fear of moths and I'm thankful because I don't need another fear on top of the others lol. Yes, my vote is it's completely normal. Don't wear wool and turn off the porch lights when you are outside at night. :)

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  • Holzman67

    you remind me of a friend. We often drink on her front verandah and sometimes, out of nowhere she will let out a blood curdling scream and leap up like someone has cattle prodded her ass.
    She then goes into some crazy ninja mode. I look up and there's a harmless, beautiful little moth fluttering about the outside light.

    If you want to get rid of them, turn off the light, that's what attracts them.

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    • Cupcake14

      I see I'm not alone(:

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  • Fabulous

    Mothman would scare you

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  • Short4Words

    I hope I have this right but I shouldn't assume anything, was your fear of moths before you had this dream?

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    • Cupcake14

      Not really, I didn't particularly LIKE them before, but I want scared shitless like i am now.

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