I have a lot of hair around my nipples?

I have hair around the nips and I used to wax it. It just kept growing. It's annoying and painful to pluck or wax so I wanna keep it. Is it a turn off to let the hair just be?

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Comments ( 24 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Nipple hair on women is normal and not that surprising given that we are descended from apes. Body hair growing at the speed of light is also normal. There’s nothing wrong with you OP.

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      And phylogenetically humans _are_ great apes as we're part of the family Hominidae. We're just not considered such in nonscientific vernacular because it makes some people uncomfortable.

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    • Tinybird

      we are apes

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    • Saturnian

      Lies, we come from planet Uranus, as there is nothing that contends with the anus that is a human.

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    This is more common than many would have you believe. It's also common for it to just show up later in life. You should make your decision based on what you want to do.

    That said, I won't lie to you and say that many people, while not all people, won't find its removal a more attractive option. Again, that shouldn't be your primary deciding factor though.

    If you do decide it bothers you, perhaps you could consider laser hair removal.

    Also, if you're talking about quite significant growth it's a possible sign of Cushing syndrome or a more severe case of polycystic ovary syndrome.

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  • sillygirl77

    It's normal. I think whatever you want to do or Not do about it is fine. You can do perm hair removal laser if you really want it gone but don't want to pluck or wax

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  • Boojum

    As others have said, it's common for women to have some hairs there.

    If you keep plucking when the hairs appear, the follicles will eventually be damaged enough that they give up. When I was a kid, I really didn't like how my eyebrows met in the middle. I think I started plucking when I was still a teenager, and as I got older the problem gradually got less and less.

    I understand something similar happens when women wax their legs and public hair. If you do it regularly, the individual hairs get finer, the growth gets sparser, and eventually there are no hairs or just a few.

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  • litelander8

    One of my friends would get wicked nipple hairs. She just started a competition between which tit got hairier. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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    • dude_Jones

      Cool attitude. Good for her.

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    • She sounds strong.

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  • CDmale4fem

    I actually dated a gal for awhile, and she had the hairs around her nipples. It didnt bother me, and it's not like she could really do anything about it as much as I could do anything about the lack of hair on top of my head.
    Feel lucky tho, I actually had a past gf who had a female friend who had a small patch of hair in her cleavage like you would see on a young guys chest. It was dark and it was there but it wasnt to thick.

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  • Meowypowers

    Shave them!

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  • I got checked 2 years ago and didn't have it. I think it's pure hormonal imbalance. I would have to shave it every 3 to 4 days. That's not fair..

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    • olderdude-xx

      You can get the hair permanently removed via electrolysis. It often takes multiple sessions, but the 1st session usually gets most of it.

      I wish you well with this...

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      • RoyyRogers

        Wait is this for real? How exaspesive is it?I remove my hair often because I sweat excessivley and often deodorant doesn't work

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        • olderdude-xx

          My wife said that it was not very painful; but, she noticed it. I suspect a lot has to do with how well trained the operator is, and your personal tolerance to pain.

          Modestly expensive. A lot cheaper than Laser treatment - which is not permanent.

          Check with people in your area on cost. The area involved drives the cost. Nipples are small - so I suspect the cost would be modest. Armpits are larger... but a lot smaller than the pubic hair area which is where its most commonly used for females.

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        • KholatKhult

          It works, it’s permanent, it’s expensive, and it hurts like hell

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  • sweetone89

    Guy or girl?

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    • Girl. Sorry forgot to mention.

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      • CDmale4fem

        Can I ask your approximate age ? Teen, young adult 20's 30's ?

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  • jrbsportz

    Well girl it a turn off for me ? sexy ladys as your self should have smooth shiney silky skin around your beautiful breast,cause men love breast.let us men have hair just saying

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      What a fuckin sexist pig you are you should accept a full beard on a strong independent woman. Now do the dishes maggot.

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      • jrbsportz

        What's your freaking problem ass wipe I didn't say anything about women to be a sexist you fucking moron it's what I like!!!

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    • Alright.

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