I have a nazi germany fasicination.
I have always had a real obsession with Nazi Germany. I mainly watch history and military channel WWII shows on TV. I even collect Nazi Germany memorabilia.
Today I ordered a 1937 German Pfennig (ones with the eagle and swastika) on eBay and my dad asked "Why are you so obsessed with Nazis?" It really bothered me and made me feel a little guilty. I'm not really racist and I don't believe in that Neo-Nazi crap, but I've always admired the Third Reich, Hitler, and other Nazi leaders. I find their empire and rise to power fascinating.
I'm 21 now and can remember being in 4th grade and a classmate telling me about Nazi Germany and I've been fascinated with it ever since. I sometimes think that I would have liked to have been a Nazi soldier.
I am not a violent person, and I don't fantasize about being violent. I don't even really believe in Fascism or Totalitarianism. I don't really know what attracts me so much to Nazism.
Is this normal?