I have a nazi germany fasicination.

I have always had a real obsession with Nazi Germany. I mainly watch history and military channel WWII shows on TV. I even collect Nazi Germany memorabilia.

Today I ordered a 1937 German Pfennig (ones with the eagle and swastika) on eBay and my dad asked "Why are you so obsessed with Nazis?" It really bothered me and made me feel a little guilty. I'm not really racist and I don't believe in that Neo-Nazi crap, but I've always admired the Third Reich, Hitler, and other Nazi leaders. I find their empire and rise to power fascinating.

I'm 21 now and can remember being in 4th grade and a classmate telling me about Nazi Germany and I've been fascinated with it ever since. I sometimes think that I would have liked to have been a Nazi soldier.

I am not a violent person, and I don't fantasize about being violent. I don't even really believe in Fascism or Totalitarianism. I don't really know what attracts me so much to Nazism.

Is this normal?

Voting Results
92% Normal
Based on 38 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Fartyr

    I like it too, i think it's the cool uniforms. You have to be careful though or people will actually think you are a Nazi or a hater. I could not be farther from it, but I love WWII history too.

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    • BLAh81

      Same here.

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  • SDDA

    I have an obsession too. I like to label it as one of my phases, but I don't know. I don't collect Nazi stuff, but I might if I was living alone. I do watch movies about World War II and I have Mein Kampf (I didn't get through much of it) and etc. I haven't told anyone about my Nazi obsession, I'm afraid to. I wouldn't like to be a Nazi soldier but I'd absolutely love to live in that time as a German and marry a Nazi, so long as it really lasted 1000 years.
    But then I think this is horrible because of what they did to the Jews and many others. I swear I would be a National Socialist if only they weren't racist and cruel to the Jews. I have been to Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau and it really sinks in, all the horror they committed. But even so, the whole appeal of National Socialism is brainwashing, and it's a struggle to fight against the appeal it carries. I wouldn't say there's anything abnormal about it, and as long as you know it is a bad obsession to have, and as long as you are very careful about what part of "Nazi" appeals to you, you should be okay.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    I dont think theres anything wrong with having this alleged obsession, it's a hobby. Wanting to be a Nazi soldier isn't normal however. If my brother had any insight into what active duty in Afghanistan would be like, he would have avoided the military all together. The fact that you're well aware of the atrocities that those people witnessed and personally delivered, AND still would like to be branded as one? its a little weird.

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    • lehiff

      One must differentiate between Soldiers and GEstapo and SS Stock

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  • CrystalWolf

    I do too! I don't know why! I think it is the fact I am German and I am now realizing the power my homeland once had.. also they are interesting and their outfits are... oh so lovely... <3

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  • Watch Der untergang `The downfall`

    It`s a movie about the final 10 days of hitlers life in his berlin bunker. its a german movie but VERY good.

    Concidered one of the bets war movies of all time.

    I strongly recomend it to WW2 nerds especialy people like you,

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    • lehiff

      "its a german movie but VERY good." wtf is that supposed to mean? Plus it has Bruno Ganz playing Uncle Adolfo. That alone makes it a class flick. Wait is Das Boot good too or is it too german??

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