I have a phobia of being trapped inside the human body. iin?
As long as I can remember, I have always been afraid to watch any video, TV show, or movie depicting the inside of the human body. Whether its people going inside someone's body, such as in the movie Fantastic Voyage, or science documentaries such as The Miracle of Life, I wouldn't be able to watch it without at least another person nearby. This has also led to me developing other phobias, namely, fear of hearing heartbeats and fear of unborn fetuses.
And oddly enough, reading books and seeing still pictures/diagrams does not have the same effect. I'm only afraid of sounds and video. My guess is that it has something to do with being "trapped" inside someone's body, like a blood cell or a fetus, and having no way to get out. Has anybody experienced anything like this? Is there a name for a phobia like this?