I have a phobia of popsicles.

No, I'm not trolling, I'm being serious.

I don't remember how it started, when I was a kid, I used to love popsicles, but somehow, I started to fear them.
I don't know, maybe something bad happened to cause this, but I can't remember.

Now, whenever I see somebody with a popsicle, I freak out and I either have to run to another room, or tell them to leave.
I have explained my fear to my family, but they don't seem to take it seriously, they've even joked about it which made me angry.

Things were going fine for awhile, nobody in my home wanted to eat popsicles which I was glad for, but now, my sister and her 4 kids have come to live with us (money problems), and of course, all her kids just LOVE popsicles.

And it isn't like I can just tell her not to buy them, so, I'm pretty much screwed.

Again, I'm not making this up to get attention or laughs, I'm 100% serious. So far, I haven't heard of anybody else with this phobia, which just makes me feel more like a freak.

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39% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Pika-girl

    Eat a popsicle! Then you'd be all like, "Take that evil little thing of ice... and... juice... and sugar?"

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    • Helll no I am not eating a popsicle,
      just the mere thought of that makes me shudder.
      I think maybe it's because my teeth are sensitive to cold/hot things.

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      • Pika-girl

        Ah... Are you afraid of ice cream, then? Oh no wait! You said you may be sensitive... Do you drink juice with ice?

        Sometimes, I would feel a metallic sensation in my teeth when I eat somthing could...

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  • seakelp

    Feed them ice cream instead

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm sorry that you're struggling with this odd popsicle phobia, but no one should have to compromise their eating habits in order to accommodate your fear and anxiety. I think you ought to seek professional help so that you can overcome your fear.

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