I have a phobia of public urinating but that is gong to change

I absolutely cannot urinate in public, its a phobia that developed at a young age and I've lived with for years. If you have never had stage fright you'll never understand what I mean. Its something that many men suffer and in silence because the fear of being seen as weird, less manly or whatever.
But I'm going to overcome this. I'm going to talk to my Dr. for anti anxiety pills and have a book ordered on the subject.
(do you know what I mean? feel free to share your story if you do)

I've been there too, here is my story 10
I've been there too but can't talk about it 12
I don't have this phobia but I have a different one and I understand 18
I don't get it, just piss 24
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Comments ( 18 )
  • gummy_jr

    I try to pee as quickly as possible when I'm in public restrooms sometimes because when someone walks in, it just stops sometimes :( but what helps me is to remember that everyone pees. That helps me.

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    • Arsonwolf

      Lol i try but theres a delay from the moment i unzip and when i actually start to go. If you messup that process its like the feeling to go is gone XS

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  • Arsonwolf

    Yeah i completly understand. I just cant do it if theres someone right behind me or if some dude comes beside me and leaves before i do because then i feel really weird and i just sip up. I cant even talk in groups of people because i get to afraid and i just talk until i run out of breath and then i take a huge breath in and its SO embarassing.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I also have this phobia. Another problem that I have is that I can't go to the bathroom if I'm not anywhere near a toilet. I used to have a lot of difficulty with using a public bathroom. There was the lack of privacy that I had to deal with (people being able to catch glimpses of me in the stalls, stall doors being too fucking high from the ground or a broken lock on the godforsaken door,etc) and the huge fact that I had to squat over the toilet, which sometimes was very difficult to properly pull off. The end result is that I can't do anything bathroom related in public. My only haven is in the privacy of a home.

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  • Johnnytherat

    what needs to change is your spelling.. but i doubt that's gong to change either

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    • Get bent

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      • Johnnytherat

        naa im just trollin y u salty bro?

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        • Cause you're a small person that can't control things in your life so you start fights with people online to compensate

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          • Johnnytherat

            you make bold statements about people you know nothing about

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            • Johnnytherat

              oh yeah & atleast i can pee in public without being a scared little girl too frightened that someone might see my dick LOL

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  • Seeing the Dr today. Started an steps to overcome last night by peeing in front of my wife.
    I'm going to overcome and beat this!

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  • the_lord_god_8

    there is no reason for a dr. you are not comfortable where you are at.

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  • SangoNyappy

    I have this "phobia" too but I'm a girl anyways so I guess that doesn't count.

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  • salem32600

    When I was growing up, I was screamed at about bathroom time is private time. I wish I could fast that anti anxiety pisa worked for me, but they didn't. I have been married for 13 yrs and still can not go in. front of him. I even had court ordered drug tests that are always supposed to be monitored....but I got lucky....i was 8 months pregnant and bigger than a house. The girl finally let me strip down naked, took my clothes and left me alone. Best of luck. If those pills work for u please let me know what they are.

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  • Arsonwolf


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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I like to piss in public. It's kinky as hell :-)

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