I have a problem when people say hi to me.

I feel like it's malicious whenever someone says "hello" to me. It's even worse when they use my first name and I don't know them. I don't like strangers using my name. I feel like no one takes this seriously. I don't think most people know how much this hurts me. I wish people would stop greeting me altogether, because I hate it so much. People who bully me do it, and I want them to stop. I just hate being greeted, because they so obviously want to make my day hell for me. No one ever believes me either and that makes it so much worse for me.

I don't say hi to anyone and I don't bother anyone. What the hell is everyone's problem? I hate everyone who does it. I feel like no one understands, and no one probably does, it wouldn't be the first time.

Voting Results
21% Normal
Based on 24 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 70 )
  • Jweezee

    Well, you're clearly delusional. I don't say that to be offensive, it's just fact. People say hello to be polite, not malicious. They're not trying to hurt you by doing this. You're creating a false reality in your head. I'd bet my left nut this isn't the only misinterpretation of reality, right? Have you been diagnosed with anything?

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    • I know it isn't in my head. I think you need to see it happen. It's always the same people and they know I hate it, but they keep doing it. They want to make fun me and humiliate me.

      Don't gamble on your body parts.

      I have never diagnosed with anything because there is nothing wrong.

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      • Jweezee

        Well, in your post up top there you said "strangers," as if you didn't know them in any sense. Then a little further down you say "people who bully me." And really I'm not so sure they're even bullies considering your irrationality. Are they bullies because they greet you or bullies that know this about you and use it to bully you? Can you answer that objectively without the predisposed belief that they do with the sole intention to hurt you? If you saw an old woman in the grocery store that said "hello" how would you feel about that? Would you hate her for it?

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        • They know that it hurts me and makes me angry. I don't know how I would feel about the old woman. I would probably walk away. I wouldn't hate her, but I would think she's rude.

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          • Jweezee

            Yes, very rude woman to politely acknowledge you. I rest my case.

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  • JD777

    I had a nearly irrepressible urge to simply write "Hi" as my comment. Then I realized that's probably what you're wanting.

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    • modernism

      I was just about to do that too, lol. If OP wrote two paragraphs for a two letter word, then we might as well give the woman what he wants.

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      • I'm not a man.

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        • modernism

          Welp, I've edited it now.

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          • You didn't edit the word he.

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            • modernism

              Aw, shit. It's too late now.

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  • theseeker

    Based on what you've written and the comments here, I can definitely tell you have a problem and I really think you should change this about yourself. I assume you haven't been raised well growing up because that's where it had to start. Saying hello is simply common courtesy, and shows respect. My father told me when you meet somebody you say hello, look them in the eye, and shake their hand. When I didn't show respect I was getting chewed out for sure, or depending on the situation maybe even an ass whoopin'.

    You're gonna continue to have a tough time until you learn to accept that people are only trying to be friendly when saying hello. Whether you want to accept it or not, they are not the problem. YOU are the problem. I wish you well and the best of luck.

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    • I was never beaten as a child, but I rarely get into any trouble anyway. I think my mother raised me very well, but my dad just say at his computer for most of my childhood. My mother was doing the work for two because my father wouldn't contribute.

      That last statement is not entirely true. They don't have to say anything to me, but they do it because they want a reaction.

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      • theseeker

        "They don't have to say anything to me, but they do it because they want a reaction."
        I'm starting to think you're uncomfortable conversing with people in general. If you are that's ok. Many people are, including myself. Still, you're gonna have to learn how to interact with people because you will be dealing with them your whole life.

        If they want a reaction, then they're obviously looking for conversation with you. Generally, if someone reaches out to you, they don't like being ignored. Again, it's a respect thing. You don't have to go into some deep conversation, but I bet a simple response will go a long ways.

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  • Robotdaydream

    I dont think this is normal and you might as well get used to people greeting you unless you start wearing shirts that say "fuck off" on them. (which would be kind of funny..) Maybe you should see a therapist about this.

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    • I don't think I can see a therapist because I don't want anyone to know

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      • Robotdaydream

        Well people dont have to know you are seeing one. unless you are still living at home. I once saw a therapist a few times when i was 16 or so. It was kind of embarrassing, sure, but only my parents knew because they forced me to go. I dont know your situation but i think it would be beneficial in your case.

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        • I know I saw a psychologist when I was around six. I don't want to do it ever again because I don't want to go on drugs. He put me on ADD meds, and I don't even have ADD. I just hated school with a passion.

          I don't think there is anything wrong with me psychologically.

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          • Robotdaydream

            Well I'm sorry you had a bad experience. But it is NOT normal to get angry when people simply say hi to you. I think you should talk to somebody close to you about this so you can get some sort of help with this.

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    • Well at least you didn't call me delusional. I can't see a therapist because I don't want the people I live with to know that I'm seeing a therapist.

      I have also had a long history of being bullied.

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  • modernism

    Hi, Anonymous Poll Creator.

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  • regisphilbin

    lol this be halarious

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    • I don't see what's so funny. I would love to know what is so hilarious about this.

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      • cosmictripster

        It's funny because you are either a troll or waaaaaayyyy fucking delusional hahaha.

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        • I'm neither. And it's quite serious.

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          • cosmictripster

            Well I hate to burst your bubble then but you are in fact, delusional. People are not evil creatures that attack your feelings by being polite. The fact that you're not willing to acknowledge that even as a possibility shows how nutters you are. Enjoy the life of a hermit my friend, I wish you the best of luck!

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            • I'm not delusional. I know what they're trying to do when they say hi to me. People know it makes me anxious, so they keep doing it.

              I live with my family, so I'm not a hermit.

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  • green_boogers

    Since friendliness is creepy, go hide in your house and never come out.

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    • I have the right to leave my house without feeling like I'm being harassed. I'm only friendly with my friends. It's hard enough.

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      • green_boogers

        Yes, but squirrels have the right to stare at you, and birds have the right to chirp at you. Cameras in stores have the right to record you, and the NSA has the right to spy on your internet activity. The IRS spies on your financial activity as well. For all you know, you are a hot item of interest. Whispering continues ...

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        • Animals are cute though. Unless they're pit bulls, those things are evil. I'm not a shoplifter, so there is nothing to worry about. I don't think I'm suspicious.

          It's people I want away from me. And only very specific people. It's people who are strangers who mess with me. Everyone else is okay. I'm happy for the people who leave me alone because so many don't.

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  • Most people who greet others do it to be friendly. More information would be needed for me to respond better, such as what else these bullies do.
    I have never said hi to anyone in an insulting way and would only greet someone to be friendly.

    However I think I may have some insight into this situation, so correct me if I am wrong.
    Do you feel that because they said hi, you are expected to respond, but feel uncomfortable interacting with them and would rather not interact?
    If that is true it would make sense.
    I remember when I was in school I was bullied a lot and would flip out at people who would initiate interaction because I felt threatened by anyone approching me.
    As I look back I was mean to a lot of people who were being friendly, but I did not realize this at the time. I can also now see why I was not liked by many. Because of my bad experience with people, I assumed the worst. This has been something I have improved a lot and I have realized most people who have bad intentions do other things against me such as steal or gossip.

    Sometimes it is hard to know what someone is up to, but observing their behaviors and how they treat others is a good indicator of their intensions.

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    • I have had people get really really physically close to me as if they were about to hurt me. The same girl who did that, did that because I chose to ignore her when she said my name as if we were friends. After that she decided to yell the word "bitch" at me as I walked by. I don't think she actually wanted to be nice to me, she probably knew how I was going to react and decided it would be a good chance to hurt me. She already knew my name and I know people say shit behind my back.

      You're not far off. It's because they say hi and I don't know them. I don't really talk to anyone at my school besides my friends and my teachers. I think everyone should know that, because I know they find the time to gossip about me.

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      • It is true that some people will gossip and cause problems. I think everybody deals with those situations sometimes.
        It is also true that sometimes people really do want to be nice.
        Sometimes it is hard to tell what someones true intentions are until you get to know them well.
        More often than not, people greet others as an act of friendlyness. Generally when someone does not respond, it is taken as ignoring them. That is what society teaches.
        Most people take being ignored as rude and unfriendly, which manifests them to act unfriendly as a responce.

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        • Some people have to deal with harassment more than others though. I have to deal with it on a daily basis.
          I have trouble believing anyone would be truly nice. I just don't have it in me.
          I know very few people, and I know they only put up with me. I think if they spoke their minds they would tell me to get lost.
          Well, people greet me out of their own hatred. You say generally, but I would love it if generally applied to this situation.

          They couldn't have been very friend worthy if that's how they handle the rejection of being ignored.

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          • Some people do get harassed more than others, but I wouldn't think there is someone everyone would want to harass. Even Hitler has fans.

            Do you base this idea off of previous experience?
            There is undoubtedly an evil side to humanity, but not everyone has bad intentions all the time.

            I would think there are more people who greet out of friendliness than greet out of resentment. I personally have not done the latter of those.

            What is it about yourself that you think people find unlikable? Or do you judge yourself?
            If there were someone like you would you judge them? If so then you can either work to become that way, or you are judgmental yourself.

            There is bad in anything if you look for it.
            But you will never see what is good by dwelling.

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            • I have a few friends, but I feel like they aren't saying what they really think.

              I most likely base that idea from personal experience. I can never be too carful. I just don't want to take any risk.

              Not with me. I know it's usually a bad thing when someone wants to say something to me. I'm glad you don't do that mean stuff disguised as nice stuff thing.

              I'm just a mean person, and when I'm not mean I'm annoying.

              If someone were just like me personality wise, I don't see I would judge them. The probably have a hard enough time with everyone constantly harassing them.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I tend to feel awkward or surprised. I can't remember if I've ever felt the way in which you described. I get the faint feeling that I have in the past but, I'm not sure. :/

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    • Close enough.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I remember! I used to perceive people raising their hand near me as a threat. I thought they were mad and intended to hit me, especially if they moved it fast. Usually, it was because they wanted to high five or something else completely harmless.

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        • I feel like when someone wants to have a heart to heart with me and they get really close to me I get a little freaked out. I can actually feel people in my personal space.

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          • Avant-Garde

            I can relate. This is why I prefer to have indirect heart to hearts.I don't have to see them and feel uncomfortable. I can stay calmer this way.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i git pissed when peoples what dont know me beyond me patronizin theys business calls me by my first name

    i doesnt hang round with my insurance agent we aint fuckin friends and we dont barbecue on the weekends so stop it

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    • SandyGun5555

      You want to cut off your leg because you believe in your mind you are an amputee.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        no its cause i mixed beer and chainsaws

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  • thegypsysailor

    You'd be fucking miserable here, in the West Indies!
    Everyone, strangers and acquaintances alike say, "Good morning, good afternoon and good evening" to each other when we pass.
    It could be getting on the bus, passing on the street, entering a store or sitting down at the tiki bar. Everybody says it.
    And you know what? It's kind of nice. To be acknowledged by even a complete stranger makes one feel just a little bit closer to that other person, no matter how far apart our cultures may be.
    So you go ahead and be a sour puss grouch. You aren't hurting anyone but you. We won't miss you.

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    • SandyGun5555

      You sail the world from your basement.

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      • thegypsysailor

        oh my, how original!

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    • You have no idea how much it hurts me. Another person who doesn't understand. I know people are trying to hurt me when they do it, but you wouldn't care about anyone's feelings would you.

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