I have a yawning disorder...?

I start yawning extremely hard, which causes eyes to tear up and burn, nose runs, mouth waters... It's hell! If I try to drive anywhere and start this extreme yawning, I have to pull over, stop, and wipe my eyes. It might last half an hour or more. It has been plaguing me for a few years. Does anyone else have this problem?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Arm0se

    When I yawn my eyes tear up, but not this bad gawd.

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  • pixie44

    Are you on any medications? I was on one and this was a major side effect of it.

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  • Aries

    I haven't heard of this before , I would suggest seeing the doctor in case it is the symptom of a real issue . It doesn't seem normal unless you just never sleep or something .

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    • PlainDave

      Thanks for the reply. One doctor told me that it is possibly sleep apnea, but I haven't had it checked out yet.

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      • Aries

        That seems very plausible ! check it out with them and then update us . Best of luck , hopefully it's something minor .

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      • Ellenna

        I was about to suggest sleep apnea. Get it checked out before you smash your car and kill/injure yourself or someone else. Sleep apnea isn't something to ignore as it can be linked to some quite serious conditions

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