I have a zombie plan iin.

A zombie plan is a plan for if their is a zombie outbreak. I had one since I was little. My question asks is it normal to have one. I think better safe then sorry.

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70% Normal
Based on 86 votes (60 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • stfuk4t13

    machetes don't need to be reloaded.

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    • Troniik

      which is why you can always count on that, the downside is that you have to engage in a close range combat but im not bad at it

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  • ebonysky

    I have a plan too. I'm ready to take on zombies!

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  • Leviathanel

    in my opinion it would be normal to have a zombie plan but abnormal if you act on it.

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  • Troniik

    anyone of you watched highschool of the dead?!

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  • Troniik

    gather maximum axes and metal bars and sharp blades from home depot. get to the roof of a grocery store. depending on the type of zombies i might need to deal with the meat departement. then i can have a small system of elevator using two ropes attached to a basket from the roof to the ground x 3. Maximum team of 5 because it is about the maximum you can have in a car most of the time.

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  • Nanavisions

    my plans:
    At home- get all my guns sit at the window and shoot.
    At school- give all the people i dont like as a sacrafice. and stake out on the roof with all my friends.

    all these work for riots and all the nut jobs who are runnin around like chikens with thier heads cut off cause they sold everything and the end of the world never happened.

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    • Troniik

      lol home sit at the window? come on zombies don't feel pain you will have at least 20 of them at the same time you will get owned in no time gun is the least effective weapon after your sister's teddy bear. and you have many windows in a house so even if you stay at one a zombie will eventually rape your ass

      Sacrifice people you dont like at school=more zombies
      stake out on the roof=surrounded by people you sacrificed.


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      • Nanavisions

        yep good point but my house dosent have many windows it only has four

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        • Troniik

          that is three too much :(

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          • Nanavisions

            not if you have a huge familiy :)

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    If there was a Zombie outbreak, we would all go to the Pawn Shop.

    He has a lifted truck and an SUV he can use and I have a speedy little sports car with an anti-rollbar so it can take rough turns and racy handling if need be. My husband has a station wagon (a big ass '60s surfer wagon) that he can use for supplies.

    Once we make it to the Pawn Shop, we will have access to something in the area of 1100 guns and enough ammo to knock off most of the city of San Diego. The Pawn Shop has a fantastic security system and is completely sealed once engaged, has bars over all of the windows and heavy steel doors. Most of the people that will have fled to that shop will be life-long trained marksmen, and firearms experts to boot. Not to mention the supplies. Oh the supplies.

    Good luck to the rest of you folks.

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    • Troniik

      you still have to move because all the zombies will know where you are, the more you wait the more gathers. and when you will miss food you wont be able to step outside easily. but you still survive longer than most of us :(

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    • Nanavisions

      thats a great idea!

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  • Troniik

    i have one too but it only works if im at my job (home depot)

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  • glowman

    I have one as well though it could be used for more than just a zombie outbreak.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    it's fine. besides... remember the "zombie plan" can also be used for other emergencies such as hurricanes, tornadoes, the mobs of angry people if welfare runs out...

    nothing wrong with being ready for emergencies

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  • myownopinions

    A real, bonafide, honest-to-goodness, serious plan... then, no. But a just for fun, hypothetical what-if with a tinge of it could happen... then, yes.

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