I have always wanted to wrap my hands around a skinny neck

Everyday I think about my hands wrapped around the longest skinniest female necks in the world I try and find pictures anywhere the skinniest ones only I fantasize about squeezing them for long periods of time torturing them watching pain and fear in their eyes listening to them try and breath panic for air then at the end gathering all my strength squeeze her windpipe so hard every piece of cartilage breaks violently at the same time I have an orgasm

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Comments ( 4 )
  • momwatcher69


    " ...Oh I have strangled a lot of females more then I can count the first time was when I was 14 my step mom always wore turtlenecks and finally one day I lunged for her throat and squeezed it pressing my thumbs into her windpipe hard and she flipped out she couldn't breath and panicked and said don't ever do that again hasn't anyone ever told you to never squeeze that part of the throat I said yeah butch couldn't help it wanted to so badly i by the time I was 15 I had to go live somewhere else she couldn't handle the violent attacks when we were alone plus the sadistic things I would y while I did it like I would always say I wanna crush your windpipe bitch and stop breathing whore and laugh.....
    No I really enjoy strangling women its a rush of excitement the harder I squeeze the more exciting it is .... "

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  • RoseIsabella


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  • momwatcher69

    Keep in mind that this website can trace your email addy, and ISP, in case law enforcement would need it...

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  • Phoebe2005

    R U trolling cos if ur not that’s sick and I have a very skinny neck so I take it personally and now I’m going to have weird dreams.

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