I have an unfounded obsession with china and russia

I am a British national and I have found that over the last 10 years I have grown an unusual (for lack of a better word) love for China and Russia despite never visiting and never learning the language (although fascinated by ancient Chinese history, and The Soviet union during WWII). I used to think “hey I must be a communist” or something like that but I certainly am not. I have constant premonitions of China and Russia taking over the USA’s position of global leaders both militarily, and economically and am really obsessed with the two countries leaders and government styles (which don’t seem communist.. anymore anyways). Ok so I know it sounds strange saying it out loud.. but what do you think? #ChinaRussia2020

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Comments ( 10 )
  • JoeyJJJ

    I used to have a great obsession with Peter the Great's Russian Empire, the same Empire that Napoleon and his Grand army failed to conquer during the rule of the mighty Tzar Alexander. The USSR which formed after the over throw of Tzar Nicholas II had less territory than the legendary Russian Empire did, one of the greatest empire by size and power, that begun a decline after the Crimean War, an amazing war, one of the last hardcore war of its time fought with melee weapons and power guns, before people started becoming obsessed with explosives that end battles and wars too quick and discourage nations from engaging in wars (excluding WW1 and WW2 that saw use of mass explosives and bombs despite the carnage, but since WW2 nations are less likely to go to war than ever before, but the Crimean War remains the last hardcore war to date). The USSR was worth no shiit without its nuclear power!!!!

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    • JoeyJJJ

      All Hail The Mighty Russian Empire!

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  • lordofopinions

    China has changed much in the last 100 years. They now have one of the most sophisticated military in the world with world class aircraft and ground military such as tanks. They also have some of the world's best battle missile systems plenty enough to highly damage or cripple the best war ships the U.S. has. It is wise to keep them as friends and not enemies.

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  • Fugazi,again

    Nah Ireland is the next super power

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      if not for whiskey the irish would rule the world

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  • JoeyJJJ

    I do think China will overtake the US as the global super power some day, they are leaders in world trade and growing both militarily and economically, and I have more respect I do respect the Russian Federation but with their non existent naval power and a GDP barely matching that of Canada, shattered both militarily and economically, it is no more than a wounded lion suffering the wounds that had been inflicted by the blunders of the incompetent Boris Yeltsin, Putin in recent times did restore some of the lost glories but no where near the extent of the mighty Russian Empire and the Soviet Union`.

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    Yeah it's pretty common as I too think that about Russia

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  • paramore93

    Not that surprising looking at our own spaghetti of a government.

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  • George9999

    Joey you’re a moron. God kid open a book and educate yourself

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  • creepercast888

    If china had no communist party, it would be world's dominant superpower today.

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