I have an unreasonable fear

Since I was little I've had the fear that I can't go somewhere in my house on my own at night because I'm afraid of being murdered by a burgler/serial killer even though I know the house is safe I can't go upstairs on my own if I'm downstairs and the same vise versa. And I'm worried because of this fear I wont be able to live on my own.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • I remember when I was a teen I would be scared of dark areas (with no light at all).

    The only way I got over it was just with the "fuck it, if I get stabbed then my fear was legitimate, if not then it isn't". Sometimes you just have to brave through it until you realize the fear is uncalled for and I think that can only really happen while you experience being in the middle of what you fear...Obviously don't face your fear of lions by surrounding yourself with them, though...Some fears are there for a reason. Aha.

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  • noid

    Get a big indoor dog that barks at people.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Get a Doberman Pinscher bitch to protect you.

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  • seakelp

    Statistically speaking, no worries.

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  • AppleMind

    Live in a tiny apartment that way you'll be able to keep an eye on everything.

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