I have been on a crusade to cry latelly.

I've been reading the crap out of this site and others like it, watching sad and nostalgic movies, listening to emotional music, walking to places with outrageously beautiful vistas, thinking about lost loves and memories... All in an attempt to cry.
I don't know why, but I really feel like I need to cry. it's been a long time, nothing really bad is or has happened recently. I don't know why I just really feel like I need a good cry. The best I can do is tear up. Then I try to concentrate on what it is that's making me tear up, and then it passes.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • SFG123

    if you make crying noises that might work! lol probs wont but recommend trying it

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  • Sheep

    i felt like this for a while and i thought i should have been more emotional and empathetic but then i solved all that simply by playing violent video games and now i don't feel upset or empathetic at all just... pissed off now and then

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  • Scarred4life

    Watch Dumbo.

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  • tmobull

    Don't worry about it. Capacity for emotion differs from one person to another. I can be profoundly moved with sadness and not shed a tear. Or I can see a child being overwhelmed and licked all over his face by a happy puppy and have uncontrolled tears flow down my face.

    If you are really concerned about it...meditate, pray...reach out beyond yourself and seek God. Whether you believe in God or not, God is always there and ready to hear you. God gave us emotion and is always ready to guide us toward a healthy understanding and mastery over them.


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  • xino00

    it's normal.

    But there are two differences.
    Break downs and emotional cry.

    You get emotional cry when something bad happen to you, you experience something bad, you see or hear something bad happen. You cry, tears goes away and you move on.

    And then you have breakdown cry, it think about something or something that relates or affects you. And you just bust out crying, you can't control yourself, you try to stay strong but it wouldn't work, and the tears just keep flowing.

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  • PoisonFlowers

    You need the release or something. I get like that too at times. You can't really force it, but one day, you'll be watching a movie/reading IIN/listening to music and BAM!

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  • tigerbutterfly

    All I can say from experience, is that allowing your tears to flow in any setting or situation is the best release from complicated feelings, stress, pressures, and simply the best release from your self or the monkey mind. Don't force them out, they'll eventually be released when they need to be. and redwoods are awsome.

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  • kaffeetee

    I agree with Jen, watch the saddest movie you can think of and just get really into it. I had a similar spell and solved it through movies.

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  • pepeds

    I totally understand you. It's been many months since I haven't cried and I feel like I really need it. I try, but it just doesn't happen.

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  • Jen118584

    Watch Homeward Bound or something. Always makes me cry!

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