I have chronic depression, every day i hate working and if i could

I'd never work a day in my life! We have one life so why watse it at work? I dont think people realise that we watse our life away to earn a dollar. I do NOT wamt to wase my life working.
The world should not been made this way, no wonder people become seriously depressed and kill themselves.
My ideal world would be we can do what the fuck we want in the sense of we can travel here or there, go to ser friends regularly etc.

In my ideal world, I'd work on building close relationships and I would have time to look for and find the right partner. Most of our issues finding the wrong or not suitable friends and partner is because we do NOT have time to 😑
Everyone is trying to survive and has mental health issues and health issues and tired etc.
When I think about it, scholl despote study and exams was so easy! You can take your time and fucka round om weekends, scope out the dating pool. Lots free time when a teen. Now being an adult is a cunt! We all die eventually.
I want to become rich asap and then find people who have time so I can make strong friendships and find the ideal partner.
Fuck this bs government and cheating for every little fucking thing we have to buy ! May as well pay for fuckign air and shitting

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Comments ( 6 )
  • rocketdave

    I was an aerospace engineer, my work actually cheered me up. Find a job you like and are good at.

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  • COVID-19

    You'll feel free for a few weeks, perhaps months, but then you'll become bored as shit and want to do something. All the modern world has done is take that desire and make it mandatory for everyone so we can all have an increased standard of living by churning out products/services and having disposable income to spend on them.

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  • CDmale4fem

    I hear those will be on the ballot in 2024. And yes in a perfect world we could all do what we want , when and with who and for as long as we want.
    That said, everything does cost in a monetary or a physical or emotional cost. So unless you are the son or grandson or daughter of Trump, or Bill Gates to have so much money to do whatever the fuck you wanted to. But like so many people these days want everything handed to them, they dont want to work for ANYTHING, and I am so sick of those kind of people. Oh my God, they might have to exert themself, do something and oh shit, they might even get dirty. Oh shit, call whoever so they can sit and cry and throw a fit.
    However, the depression can kick your ass if you give in to it. When I was on the antidepressants they worked somewhat. But I would have to MAKE myself get out of bed, and once I did, then I could get a shower and it was much easier then to get thru the day and be productive.

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    • Yea sometimes I wanna sleep all daaay

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I agree. Hopefully in a hundred years robots and AI will do all the work, which will free up everyone else to just enjoy themselves. I think people then will look back on this time, where people have to spend half of their waking life doing something they hate, as barbaric and tragic. Like the way we look back on the serfs in the middle ages as horrible and unjust.

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  • Take antidepressants and change jobs.

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