I have conversations with "people in my head"

Hello. I have a horrible habit of conversing with people I know...but they're not even there! I do it constantly, and for long periods of time throughout the day or whenever I'm alone. It's really been annoying me lately (gets in the way of school sometimes). Recently I've been trying to stop by plowing my head into my studies(small success, but like any old habit, it won't go down without a fight). They're weird scenarios I come up with, or sometimes I just pretend the people are there listening to me while I talk to them. Sometimes I even pretend they respond. Is this normal? Do you do this?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 1090 votes (841 yes)
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Comments ( 40 )
  • I talk to myself quite often, perhaps to make up for the lack of play/talk I had with my brother during my childhood, or perhaps it's my way of sorting things out or theorizing particular situations I find interesting. Bottom Line: Unless you bacon and egg sandwich stares up at you and asks "How could you...?", this is perfectly fine.

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  • KeystoneIceQueen

    Well, I dont know if its normal, but I do it all the time too. Sometimes I also make up elaborate lies and play them out in my head. I dont think we're psyco but it is kind of akward. I wish i could stop it too because it gets in the way of normal activities. Oh well for us i guess. Lol. We're stuck like this.

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  • 7221

    I thought everyone did this? I am constantly talking to myself (not out loud) sometime there are different versions of me that talk back but I think when making any type of decision everyone talks to themselves and somewhat roleplays different scenarios

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  • christine

    As long as you are immagining the voices and not actually hearing them then it is ok. Pretend scenarios are normal just as long as you are not seriously hearing voices that are not there.

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  • misscalculated

    I recently separated from my husband and since then I've found myself talking to someone in my head and he seems to always be there with the right answers. He tells me that he will always be there for me even when others let me down and somehow this feels comforting. I felt like I must be going crazy and never mentioned it to anyone but I was curious today to see if anyone else does this and I'm happy I'm not alone. (No I'm not physically hearing voices lol)

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  • soft789

    Please tell your "Peoples in your head" the best regards from us all and a lot of luck and health. God save they all.

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  • blegh

    I thought everyone did this as well. I talk to people I know - sometimes I have imaginary arguments with them about things they've done to annoy me. Then sometimes I talk to myself, having brief arguments with myself in order to work out my feelings on a matter if I'm torn. Then sometimes I talk to imaginary people in my head, you know, characters.

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  • Srmoore143

    I've done this since I was a child and I still do. Makes my life so much more bearable.

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  • RaNdOmPoPcOrN33467890754213456

    i do that with mason,ahhh,i <3 him

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  • Clara861

    I do the exact same thing!
    It's so annoying i can't stop i always talk to other people in my head, and it gets in the way of my studies too. I do it constantly throughout the day too. I talk to myself and i respond as if i am another person.
    it eats up sooo much of my time :(

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  • alicemensah

    i have people in my head that i dont think about normally then all of a sudden they are there and its like they have always been there but then they go and i feel sick

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  • shadow1023

    Yah I do that too and I hate it because the voice in my head makes me say stuff I don't neccesarily want that person to know!

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  • umm... i talk to myself when im planning things, but never hold an actual conversation with myself

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  • loleka

    I think pple have internal converstations all the time...daydreaming...i do this all the time pretending ive won the lottery, or imagine a do-over

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  • emopoops

    yell at those fuckers! they dont need to be talking to ya!

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  • sweetcaroline98

    I do this all time! Honestly, I don't think it's normal. However, it is a bit strange. Don't think we're psycho. But I'm honestly considering bringing it up to my therapist the next time i see him.

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  • Quantum_KIDS

    I wanted to ask u guys though...
    if my brain made them talking, then why can't I made them stop?
    have they take control of my brain?

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  • wboynton

    I do this all the time. To take it a step further, could we just actually be telepathically communicating and not even know it. I mean, it's not even a stretch. We say it's dreaming but no one i owns exactly what dreaming even is. I'm going with us being a telepathic species :)

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  • Zephyr009

    i do that too.. though i dont know if it's normal or not. at least now i would know that i am not alone :) It keeps me from being bored tho.

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  • J7544

    i thought i was the only one

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  • lightbulb68

    This is could be something called 'maladaptive daydreaming'.


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    • J7544

      Thank you for the link

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  • Roxana

    Thank God I found you all, even if it is after 6-7 years :))))) I have been struggling with the same thing for the last 9 years ... God, this thing blocks all of my nights... I have a huge insomnia disorder because of it... I think that, in this case, it might be a creativity level that was triggered improperly or an unsolved conduit issue. Like, starting to think about past memories, living them in detail and adding details that might respond to personal unmet expectancies so to have congruency within inner beliefs. Better living than thinking about living, right? God bless us!

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  • misolsol

    yeah I drive myself insane sometimes arguing with people and making up imaginary scenarios hehe. I just take my studies to the library cause they shut the hell up when I'm around people... not always tho hehe

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  • 29384598bob

    i would say it's mostly normal yeah. i have some form of adhd and i have hypothetical conversations in my head a lot when i'm not distracted with something else. sometimes weird random visions get in the way when i'm trying to sleep cus of it!

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  • pixie_dust

    this may sound weird, but this is how telepathy works.

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  • realjohn16

    im experiencing that too .:( could someone give me an advice to make this conversations in my head vanished :(

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  • TheRux

    I maybe the craziest of all. Because this happens to me all the time. Strangely it's not distracting I can carry these "conversations" (multiple elaborate ones at that) and at the same time still be able to study/work or carry a real conversation at the same time without affecting what I am currently doing. Sounds crazy, but seems pretty normal to me imo. I guess it's similar to playing the piano and keeping a beat with your foot and singing at the same time. So I guess it's not all that special.

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  • theonerm2

    I do this as well. Interestingly enough you will find that you can indeed talk to yourself exactly as if you're talking to another person. If you continue doing this long enough(we all do) then different areas of the brain can wire themselves specifically for talking to yourself and they can have their own opinion. Generally they can be just as good as talking to another person with the exception that no new information is being revealed. But that doesn't mean it's impossible for new information to be revealed. If you talk to yourself long enough about something you might be able to figure something new out.

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  • SisiMcfly

    well i don't think it's normal.. i do it all the time and it's driving me crazy..

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  • miiiike8888

    i do this subconciously. wish it would effect my real relations. i keep thinking up fights

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  • reddolphin

    I've been having that for a long, long time. Some things that raise dopamine make it worse. I think that it's a mild form of schizophrenia. Some people have ADHD for having too little dopamine and we have a little to much. 60% of people surveyed by the National Science Association, said they believe other people have ESP.
    I think it's like sympathy pains and our bodies are reacting to stress that isn't there and that's how we end up with too much dopamine.

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  • Alicia123

    I could be in a room with 3 people or more i could just look at someone and they give me the look like what are you looking at and in my mind i could of said you and again they give me another look like what did you say?and I don't know if there hearing it too but It feels like there talking to me or hearing my thoughts too. Sometimes i feel them telling me I can't say thank god ,or thank u Jesus @ first I use to think that some one did voodoo on me. I use to have people talking to me I'm my mind like a few other people on this site but not like this , this been going on for a year and a half now ever since I met these two girls that I don't associate with any more things been going down hill for me.

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  • Ratri

    I do it all the time. It happens everywhere and my friends always smacks me when I start talking to myself and the "people".

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  • You've mentioned that you do this when you are alone, or doing studies. I would assume that maybe from short-term loneliness, talking with what would seem as a made up companion can help take up time in the day.

    Also doing even more studies to avoid the situation may make things worse, since it would be more stressful, the conversing may continue to keep away from stress.

    Another cause may well be that making up a figure in our minds to converse with may seem easier to talk with in our conscience because we can make this figure say or answer what we would like to hear or talk about what we would like talking about.

    -But then again these are merely suggestions. I do this sometimes too, though rarely, but usually when I am bored to have what seems like an ordinary conversation when there isn't anyone to talk to at the time.

    (I'd say it's normal)

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  • nike

    If the people in your head tell you to do things or make you act differently you may be developing a mental disorder. If it seems like they have a mind of their own I would suggest to stop talking to them as well.

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  • BOYracer88

    i do this all the time there are many people in my head, sometimes they take on a life of their own i dont know if its mental illness but ive always been like this

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  • mtnw

    you mean talking out loud, right? there's a guy down the street that does that. he's older, maybe in his 50's or 60's and he lives alone. one day i was walking by and he was working in his yard. he was having some sort of arguement (out loud) with no one, but then he got angry and started swearing. well, i just walked as fast as i could to get away.

    it's probably normal if you keep it in control.

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    • Lockets

      Maybe he was on his mobile and was using a headset that you couldn't see?

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  • airgumbee

    I've always wanted to be able to do this.

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