I have generalized anxiety disorder but

Whenever I go somewhere like I'm at an event for extended family or friends wedding, funeral, birthday or I'm at a doctors office getting blood drawn or a check up they all think I'm nervous because of the situation when it's not the situation, I'm just nervous and on edge when around people I don't know.

When I got the vaccine they said it's okay to be scared of needles but I never had a fear of needles, I'm just anxious because I don't know them. Then at my cousin's wedding I was shaking sitting down and she asked if I was drinking too much I said no and she thought I was drunk. When I go to an eye doctor to get my eyes checked and they put drops in I start blinking a lot and shake and they tell me there's nothing to be scared of I'm not scared though my body just becomes anxious I don't know why. I'm not anxious at all but my body shakes and I don't know why.

Like internally I'm perfectly okay with strangers lol but my body gets tensed up around them for no reason. Is it normal?

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57% Normal
Based on 7 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Try meds or maybe weed.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I'm vaping Delta 8 THC right now. 😊

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  • Hookerfall

    Dude whyd u get the jab its a bio weapon full of toxic graphine

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    • Graphene isn't in any Covid vaccine. I have a relative who's best friend is the wife of someone who worked on the vaccine. It's as safe as any. I wouldn't take it if I wasn't sure but it's definitely safe. Minor side effects are common with all vaccines and less than 1% of people who take the vaccine will have moderate to severe side effects again just like any.

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      • Hookerfall

        Lmao try saying that to the thousands of people who get serious side effects after the jab.
        What you state is misinformation and dangerous to spread!
        Many top doctors worldwide have been censored because of the agenda the gvt has to de populate and control. The jabs do contain graphine and there are thousands of people with side effects as well as magnets sticking to them after the jab.
        I know people myself who have suffered after the jab its not mere coincidence especially when its a worldwide occurrence but ofc the media won't tell u this and push forward their bias agenda.
        When anything is one sided via media you know its a lie

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        • The same amount of people get side effects from the flu vaccine but because there are crazy conspiracy theorists out there they like to make this covid vaccine into something crazy. All vaccines and medications have side effects to some degree. The Covid vaccine is no different most will not get any. You can Google the statistics if you'd like to educate yourself instead of staying stupid.

          Really magnets after the vaccine? Are you that delusional? Those people are laughable the ones who made the magnetic skin up.

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          • Hookerfall

            Yes you are delusional 🤪
            I have personal experience with knowing a few people people after the jab, having magnets sticking to them.
            Go and see for yourself you twat!

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          • Hookerfall

            The only stupid one is you beliving the non sense on Google! Google is behind it all you numbskull!!
            Wake up or else you're going to be another brainwashed zombie if you're lucky, worst case scenario you'll be Casper in no time.
            Your choice if u want to risk gettin ya body pumped with an experimental jab that hasn't passed animal trials.
            Either way, they all contain different quantities and substances all the batches of jabs and thats deff not something I want to risk as well as the fact I don't want to be controlled by graphine and hooked up to 5G.
            The only conspiracy theorists are you brainwashed sheepals thinking that the jab is to benefit human kind when in fact its the opposite.
            Too much fluoride in the water keeping you asleep while u sit in front of thr TV being brainwashed and indoctrinated.
            A huge majority of people are being culled and its for a good reason.
            Looks like you're one of them I say good riddance to those degenerates who don't deserve to be here 😤

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  • I've learned to pay attention to my body, like my heart rate, breathing, mental state. The trick is to recognize it quickly if I'm panicking or something. Then as I recognize it I feel a calmer sense of self emerge within me. The adrenaline or whatever still is secreted, but my brain ends up feeling like a limb that's waking up from falling asleep, so I feel the anxiety but I have the mentality of a calm person

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  • bald_eagle_1998

    If it's your body reaction not you mental reaction then I suggest go to see the doctor.

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