I have huge lips

My dad has huge lips and I have huge lips too. My sister has them too but they perfectly fit her face. She has fair skin, a pointed nose and big eyes. My mom has Chinese descent while my dad has Indian descent. So she got all the best qualities of my parents and she seems to change his bf every single month. I've been depressed because of my lips. I got teased about them since kindergarten until now. Whenever I'm at school, i have to tuck them in. I know that's stupid thing to do but i have to unless i want to be embarassed in front of people. They're too big and overwhelm my face. And when I say too big, of course they're way bigger Angelina Jolie's. They're swollen, they looked as if i underwent a failed plastic surgery. It bothers me so much, i think i'd rather die. It gives me anxiety. I don't want to tuck in my huge lips my whole life, it's tiring so sometimes i decide to skip school :( i'm stressed out. I'm not saying that i'm not even trying to boost my confidence, i took parts in my school activities and now i gave up. I'm tired of being laughed at. Just yesterday, my boy classmates drew my face on the blackboard with huge lips which looked like they were stunned by bees. I went home and cried so much that my head hurt. I feel like i'm nothing, really am. Now i have suicidal thoughts and can't concentrate on my studies!

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Based on 25 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    You're lucky to have big lips. Over where I come from it's seen as attractive and people get surgery just to have larger lips. Forget the haters, OP. You probably look prettier than you think you do.

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  • K13-EXP

    There are steps you should take since bullying is not ok.
    1) Knock the boys teeth out.
    2) Draw his face with a p*nis for his nose.
    3) Ummmm beat him up again for good measure.
    4) Plastic surgery does wonders... look at MJ.
    5) Bash him in the face and give him a swollen lip.

    Now these are just somethings i thought up on the spot, i'm sure you can do a better job.

    Best of luck with these tips.

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    • beckyroar

      Is surgery risky?

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  • I have larger lips as well and use to be very self conscious about it. I was also teased when I was younger. We are always hardest on ourselves. You have to learn to be comfortable with yourself. I guarantee you are beautiful. Don't mind what a bunch of little asshats have to say.

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    • beckyroar

      I think you have beautiful lips as well.

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      • Thank you

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    • VirgilManly

      You have beautiful lips.

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      • Daw thanks :)

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        • VirgilManly

          Wanna sit in Uncle Virgil's lap & play "Kissie-kissie"?

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  • smallboobies:(

    better then small like mine. no proportionate to my face at all. I'd much rather have larger lips.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm sure you're fine, and you sound beautiful to me. I'm a 45 year old white woman from the Deep South who used to get bullied for the big, beautiful lips God blessed me with and it's politically incorrect for me to repeat what the other kids used to call me, n*gger lips.

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  • Asa9

    Its more normal for women than for men.

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