I have katsaridaphobia do you have it and is my case normal?

whenever i hear the word cockroach i either cry or say "DID YOU SAY COCKROACH!? KEEP IT AWAY FROM MEEEEEEEE!!!". I've had to live with a colony in a apartment for 2 years, though i didn't have that phobia before. Katsaridaphobia is a phobia of cockroaches, in my case mine might be the worst. In class my teacher teased the class by putting a video on cockroaches i cried from it. so i was sent to the other classroom...it was embarassing. Whenever i see a cockroach i see that picture if a cockroach's face in close view.

My phobia is not bad 3
My cockroach phobia is horrible 5
i have no phobia 7
yes 10
no 1
a little bit 3
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'll say normal. I'm afraid of roaches too. Except in my case it's because a few of the houses my family moved to growing up were heavily infested with them. They'd be on the walls, in the cabinets, crawling on me in my sleep, and sometimes they'd make it to the ceiling and fall right off on me. Cleaning up their little black poop specks was pretty nauseating. The house I currently live in is roach free and I do what I can to keep it that way. So keep your house roach free and you won't have any problems, Op.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Hey, at least you're not afraid of spiders. I love spiders!

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I find them moderately disturbing.
    I have a bleeding phobia, if I see a lot of blood I pass out, even if it's on tv or a photo!

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  • Arm0se

    Wow. I was just about to make a post about the exact same thing! Glad someone did it for me.

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  • G(d

    Well, by definition, no phobia is normal; they're all irrational.

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