I have lost all hope.
I have tried out for RuPaul's Drag Race 6 times and have been rejected every time. My only dream in life is to be a superstar drag queen, and if I can't be one, I see no reason to go on living.
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I have tried out for RuPaul's Drag Race 6 times and have been rejected every time. My only dream in life is to be a superstar drag queen, and if I can't be one, I see no reason to go on living.
Don't worry, my friend failed 18 times at... (I need to keep it private)... but she never gave up. Everyone asked her to change dream, but she never gave up. It is alright. You will get accepted, very soon. Just, believe in yourself and know that you can do it. If needed before you start take two deep breaths and start. Don't lose hope you can do it!
Keep trying darling sometimes it takes multiple attempts, have you tried other places like night clubs...I know that's a cut below your dream but you have to start somewhere, get to know your audience better. I have faith in you! :)
I think you could shoot for some more lofty expectation. Makeup is only skin deep
Are you working on a cure for cancer at the moment? What makes what I do for a living any worse that what you or any other average person does for a living?
Because I don't feel I have to be THE best at something, just MY personal best. People are so egotistical.
That doesn't really answer my question at all. You didn't say "don't try to be the best, just do your best", you told me to shoot for a more lofty goal. So you are saying for me to put my efforts toward a completely different goal. My question was, what is wrong with me perusing my current career?
That hardly sounds like it taps your true potential. I wonder what you wanted to do before you were even aware of rupaul's drag race.
Also if this isn't real I love your sense of humour but suicide threats aren't a joke.
I am sure you didn't mean for this to be as rude and condescending as it is, but you make it sound like the goal I have worked toward my entire adult life is not a worthwhile one and that stings a bit. I have wanted to be a drag superstar since before the show was on the air. I have been working the clubs since I was 17.
Ru has always been my inspiration. When I was a kid I used to listen to her radio show on KTU in NY and watch her talk show on VH1. She is my hero and idol. The constant rejection of my application makes me feel that the person I admire the most feels that I am not good enough, and that is what really stings.
Also, I am not planning to off myself. I just meant that the joy and purpose in my life is missing.
Your right.
But what is it about being a drag race superstar that matters so much to you?
I am sure you didn't mean for your comment to be as rude and condescending as it was. But it sounds like you don't think it is a worthwhile goal. I have been working toward it my whole adult life so that stings a bit. It may not be your goal, but that doesn't make it a bad goal. I have wanted to be a drag superstar from even before the show was on the air, I have been working clubs since I was 17. I used to listen to Ru on KTU in NY when she was a DJ all the time when I was a little boy and have always wanted to be her. The fact that she keeps rejecting my application hurts because she has always been my idol and I feel like she thinks I am not good enough.
Also, it's my fault cause it does sound that way, but I didn't mean to suggest that I was actually contemplating suicide. I meant it more like my life lacks meaning and joy. But I am not planning to end it.
You could go to a small town in Texas, in drag, and get dragged down the road behind a pick up full of rednecks. Wouldn't that be an acceptable alternative?
I think you are a little confused. I, as the person making a heartfelt post about my dreams and struggles to achieve them, am not the troll here. That would be you, the person suggesting I get dragged behind a truck.
Definition of "Trolling" taken from "Urban Dictionary"
"The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that they truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous."
If that isn't a perfect definition of your post, even though you don't make it very believable, then please, tell me what is?
So that makes you the troll here. I just gave you a very viable option since you are failing at achieving your stated desire.
So two things here, even quoting urban dictionary is silly. It is just a place where people post their own made up definitions to words. Second is, my story is completely true. What part makes you think it isn't? Do you not believe drag queens exist? I have been preforming since I was 17 and this is no joke to me.
Your response was not an alternative option. It was mean spirited and insincere. That is what makes it a troll response.