I have re occuring dreams i have murdered someone !

Ok first Im not a fruit loop or anything. Im a prefectly normal woman with a child a partner and a job. I dont do drugs (well I had a habit years back but been clean for years now) or drink much. I don't want to hurt anyone and never would. I am happy with my life although I do have a tendency to worry about things.

I have these reoccuring dreams that I have either killed someone and buried them in my garden or my ex has killed someone and buried them and I know about it. The scenario is always that Im about to be found out like for example the garden is going to be dug up or the police are asking me questions. Im always so scared of being found out.

One time it was so real and scarey for a few moments when I woke up I was seriously asking my self whether I HAD killed someone (I haven't obviously). Im starting to be seriously disturbed by all this and am unsure if I need help ?

So any thoughts ? Should I seek some help ? Anyone have any thoughts as to why this is happening ?

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Comments ( 87 )
  • dreamer81

    I have exactly the same recurring dream. I don't dream of the actual act of killing, when I dream i've already done it and buried the body (in my garden quite often) and I'm about to be found out. In the dreams I experience intense feelings of guilt and worry.

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    • Leo111

      After years of waking up a couple of times a year believing that I have murdered a girl and buried her under the floor in a cellar I am relieved that I am not alone.In my dream I don't actually commit the murder its just the fear and anxiety of getting caught. The feeling of fear and guilt are so real. I even started to think that maybe many years ago I may have committed this act and its been wiped from my memory. The bottom line is were not alone and obviously its just a dream but its still very real and distressing. I believe that this happens when I am under extreme stress and pressure. It sound like this is the trigger for most of us that have this dream. Good luck to all of you be positive and try and not worry about it. The dream may be a symbolic reaction to other secrets that we don't wish people to know about which are nothing at all to do with murder.

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      • TheRaven

        I think you are on to something there. Perhaps we have a secret for which we feel guilty and this dream scenario serves as a proxy for it.

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      • Wonmoreday

        Mine is the same its a dream that leaves me asking myself if I actually killed a girl and covered it up. I never recall the actual murder just the evidence being found out. Its left me asking myself a more than few times if I did murder someone in real waking life and somehow developed a case of amnesia about some bad stuff I dont remember doing. I hope not to confusing although I feel somewhat disoriented right now. Thank you for posting

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      • lindashow

        I recently had a dream I killed someone through strangulation and buried the body. I literally thought I either killed a Girl or child and my mind erased it. I have been fighting guilt and anxiety since. I went through the neighborhood surreptitiously looking for anyone claimed to be missing. it has bothered me for a while and never knew how or who I could share it with. I feel much better knowing it isn't something I have gone through alone.

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    • shruggin

      Whew! Wow! now I feel much better!

      But this is by far the worst dream I have. It reoccurs under times of extreme change for me.

      I have a dream that I have killed someone back in some unspecific time in the dream. The body is unspecific-ally hidden or buried somewhere. There is constant anxiety of being found out. There is never any thought to what happens if I was found out.

      This dream reoccurs in multiple variations. It is always absolutely vividly real and incorporates features either visual, intellectual or emotional onto the scene:

      Lately, I am preparing to expatriate to Bangalore, my partner in life is already there preparing as I am charged to liquidate the house and move the animals while holding down part of the business.

      My reasons for leaving is the realization and my involvement as a citizen in the rampant racketeering corruption of the local "justice system". HEAVY STRESS.

      Also, to lighten this up, I play Role Playing Video Games like Skyrim, as a hero fighting an epic battle. So these elements get woven in as did last night.

      Somehow I had to play a weird video game in the dream, but if i won (and knew I would) I would be found out! I always awake from this with that full embrace of reality again, "Thank God that was just a dream!"

      Just writing this I think I am making connections. I am going to read more posts and find the similarities. This dream is so bad for me I thought maybe I was going crazy, or started entertaining past life guilt crap. Last thing I need to stack onto this is irrationality!

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      • Laska30

        Your dream is exactly the sabexas mine
        Just told my mum about it and she looks at me as I’m daft

        I think I need help it’s horrible

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        • Lloyd

          Recognising this dream for what it is - primal guilt - takes away its power and therefore takes away the pain - relax and be happy !

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  • J8sony

    I have the same dream with all of the same elements: I've forotten about the murder but then been reminded, buried in a sewer drain, police are closing in, I wonder if this event really happened in real life... I had the dream again last night and I can tell you in my waking life I am experiencing the most severe anxiety and worry I've ever known. I'm confident these dreams are a manifestation of that anxiety.

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    • Lloyd

      Recognising this dream for what it is - primal guilt - takes away its power and therefore takes away the pain - relax and be happy !

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  • Originalshifty123

    Wtf I had exactly (more or less) same dream, only it feels more like a memory. Get cold sweats when I'm awake thinking about it like I want to check the garden to make sure! Fucking wierd.

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  • nevergrowup

    I'm adding late to this but maybe new people are continuing to search this topic as I have.

    (Pre anxiety and depression disorder)
    I had a dream years ago that I killed and buried a girl in my back yard.(I knew the girl, we used to talk and make out but when it came to sex she was pre-much just a tease. I mention this because it very well may be the reason behind the dream and not a lot of mystery to that one). When I woke I wasn't entirely sure It wasn't real, in fact I still questioned it until I saw her in a bar a while later.

    (Post anxiety and depression disorder)
    Jump forward to a few months ago. I had a dream I had killed someone in the past and awoke in Terror apologizing to God for what I had done. As I sat there in pure guilt I racked my brain trying to think of the event and when it occurred, hunches of it being a male. Eventually to convince myself it was a dream and I have never killed anyone.
    Before this I used to drink a lot and do not drink anymore, perhaps I was killing off the person I used to be.

    Jump forward to three nights ago. I awoke with the same terror, same guilt, with what seemed like repressed memories. This time hunches of it being female and in a truck I owned 12 years ago. I spent that day and all of yesterday in fear that I have really repressed those memories. I really began to believe I'm going crazy or losing touch of reality. It has sparked my anxiety and made it difficult to interact with life. I'm a single father and it absolutely destroys me when I can't feel good to interact and play with my child, I just sit on the couch sore with body aches and in fear.
    As I have read through the comments I did feel better to hear others have experienced a similar situation. But the feeling and the guilt are So Damn Real, I to this moment keep asking myself "what if I'm the one case, what if I really did do it". It maybe my anxiety, I have a brain that will keep questioning. I have been very stressed lately, and almost killing my self in the gym trying to lose weight. Stuff like this always seems to happen when I try to start doing good or be a good person. I desperately want to be good, to be nice to just love and feel love. I don't want to care what people think anymore, I don't want to care about walking in a room and being the toughest guy there. So yes maybe it could be the meaning. That I'm killing that person I used to be. But it still feels so real, like repressed memories. I don't know if this fear will go away. I do believe I'm going to see a hypnotist and find out the truth behind this. I am really scared, I'm terrified to go to sleep.

    I hope you all find peace.

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    • Lloyd

      Recognising this dream for what it is - primal guilt - takes away its power and therefore takes away the pain - relax and be happy !

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  • LauraElvis22

    So glad I found this thread! I actually said to my partner this morning that I really think I've killed a young girl and buried her in a forest . I've been having this dream on an off for two months now and it seems to follow on like a soap opera. I am so scared that I'm going to caught for this murder! !
    My sister said to me that it might be me trying to kill off some part of my childhood - could this be true - if it is the part of my childhood I want to "kill off: then I'd be very glad!xx

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    • Lloyd

      Recognising this dream for what it is - primal guilt - takes away its power and therefore takes away the pain - relax and be happy !

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  • extreme-emo

    I'm glad I'm not the only one hiding bodies all night, it's impossible to explain the fear of being caught to someone that hasn't had these dreams. When you tell somebody that it's so real that you have to remind yourself that you didn't really kill anyone they start avoiding you.(The mind doesn't know the difference between something real or something vividly imagined)....I started having mine when I was about 10. I'm 55 now. They always start after the murder, just super intense fear of being caught.Shoving a body in a elevated sewer drain on a gravel road next to a creek. I had that one over and over and over.Then the guy by the campfire,over and over. That one was worse, more fear because I didn't hide the body. Anyway,I think we are picking up on extreme emotion waves like the psychics that help cops.I've been thinking about this a while now and that works for me. Substance abuse stops them dead.That remedy has caused me lots of trouble but a couple months after I clean up I get a new dead guy over and over. Well my beers empty got to go. Good luck to all of you. Have a drink on me and get some sleep...texasbob

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    • Lloyd

      Recognising this dream for what it is - primal guilt - takes away its power and therefore takes away the pain - relax and be happy !

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  • Michaell3

    Hi all,
    I guess I'm in good normal company here. Same as so many of you...In the recurring guilty dream I've been having the last 6 years or so, and and maybe once or twice a year, it's always the same friend that was killed or died under mysterious circumstances, a childhood, teen friend. ( I'm in my 50s and he is alive and well in real life btw). But in the dream he was killed somehow, not sure exactly, but I know where he's buried...in his parents yard. His parents are passed away now but I was the last one seen with him in the dream and my even tho I have a normal healthy successful life, I know it's going to come tumbling around me. Horrible dream, so real and horrible on many levels, and then I wake and remember its a bad dream. Stress maybe, but how my old friend is the victim, (never any ill will, he's a good guy)and what it means is a mystery.

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    • Lloyd

      Recognising this dream for what it is - primal guilt - takes away its power and therefore takes away the pain - relax and be happy !

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  • Smirnoff

    I also have a re occurring dream that I have murdered someone and am waiting for the police to come and arrest me. In my dream I only know that I have murdered someone but don't know who it is or the act of doing it. All I know is that the anxiety of waiting to be found out is very real.

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    • Lloyd

      Recognising this dream for what it is - primal guilt - takes away its power and therefore takes away the pain - relax and be happy !

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  • Acerr320

    Wow. Such an old thread. After years of having this dream, I finally searched it on the internet and this conversation was the first on the list. I’ve been having this dream for years. In the dream, I don’t remember the murder- but I know that it was a girl and I remember having buried a body or body parts in an old unused, filled in fireplace in a basement. I remember it being some sort of accidental murder that had to be covered up for some reason. Sometimes in the dream it’s just a skull or other times it’s just a tooth in the fireplace- but I’m about to be found out and the fear is paralyzing and I’m absolutely terrified. Sometimes my husband is in the dream and I get angry with him and say something like “see? I told you that you should have gotten rid of the body- now we’re going to get caught”... When I wake up, it takes me a little while to realize that it hadn’t actually happened and then I’m relieved. I’ve seen several people in this thread mention that they don’t drink/use drugs but they used to. I’m also a recovering alcoholic (have been sober for several years now)- and I wonder if for us, it’s just linked to our past. Maybe a fear of digging up our old selves that we’ve buried. Either way- I’m glad to see that I’m not alone.

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    • Lloyd

      Helped me also...see my response if you can ;)

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  • BonTon

    Hi everyone,

    I know this thread is years old but still wanted to comment to say that it has really helped me normalize what feels like a really horrible, isolating feeling. Thank you all for sharing and making me feel less alone.

    I want to share a little more about my dream and how I have worked through it and hopefully that will help others that stumble upon this thread wondering if they are crazy or amnesiatic sociopaths - I am 99.99% sure you are not!!

    My first dream came on in February 2020. It started with the figment of a very vivid dream- just me trying to bury a body and feeling guilty and fear of getting caught. After waking up I kept obsessing of the missing 'rest of the story'. When did this happen? Who did I kill and why? What could possibly have brought me to murder someone? Why haven't I had any thought of this until now? Why was it a vivid dream that felt so real?

    Now I have since learned that obsessing on what's not clear in a dream and/or obsessing to try to prove it wrong actually makes the fear dream 'stickier' and hard to get rid of. Unfortunately I didn't know that yet and I made my waking hours miserable trying to figure out the missing pieces, or proof of how it couldn't be true, while wondering if I should turn my self into the police, and how everyone I knew would be so disgusted and ashamed and abandon me. I also had this side track of guilt of why I seemed more motivated by the fear of inprisonment and hate from loved ones compared to the fact that I had killed a faceless stranger.

    It took me weeks and months to really get over the first dream, and unfortunately the dream can back to me yesterday just to start the cycle over. Not fun but I think there is hope.

    Here are my tips-
    1. Talk to a CBT therapist if you are not already. I was already seeing a therapist for anxiety and depression so I was able to mention the dream right away.

    I also really like the book 'Break Free of OCD' if you're on a wait list for a therapist or want to keep the work up between sessions. I found it helpful even if I don't have true OCD, but instead a compulsive thought that bothers me. The book has good practices to work through.

    2. Make a pro-con list of whether the dream is true or not. This may sound counter intuitive after what I said about not obsessing, but doing it just one time and having it actually written down (versus just circling your brain over and over) it actually helped.

    Something's from my list-
    - I knew this was sometime from my childhood/teen years so where were my parents during this?
    - I lived in a busy neighborhood so wouldn't someone see me?
    - Have I ever actually dug a hole? It's hard for adults much less kids?
    - I watched so many crime procedurals starting in my teen years - wouldn't that disturb me or bring back 'memories' earlier if it was real?

    I kept this list written on paper and referred to it and added things to it until the compulsive worry thoughts became less frequent.

    3. Think about the situation when you first or most frequently had the dream to understand the potential situational factors.

    For me Dream #1 was the start of Covid-19 so lots of stress and uncertainty. I was very stressed and over my head at work, worried that people would notice and I would lose my job that I loved. I was also not sleeping well.

    This last time I had just gotten news about a problem with a project that really upset me. I was watching House and got to an episode where a doctor killed someone by choice and is wracked with guilt (probably a strong trigger there). It's also election season in the US which is dramatic and strwssful. I also accidentally had a caffeinated drink close to bed so my sleep was off.

    Once you identify the unusual things that may have led to the dream you can start to tailor your time to avoid them. I had to quit any sort of crime-adjacent show or podcast for many months until I felt I could handle it again. I also might need a break from reading the news this time around.

    4. Talk to a loved one about the dream. I told my fiance, my sister and several friends. It helped to have them comfort me about the stress of the dream, but also for them to almost laugh when saying it's obviously a dream and I am not capable of murder. Sometimes you just need an outside voice to confirm what you already know. You also might hear them say they've had the same dream!

    If you're not comfortable talking to someone about the dream yet, reading the posts in message boards like this really help normalize the problem. You are not alone!

    5. General Tips to reduce stressors -

    - Cut out caffeine. Giving up coffee really helped me manage my anxiety and almost 100% ended my panic attacks. I still allow myself caffeinated tea but no coffee or espresso anymore.

    - See a therapist (#1 above)

    - If you're having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor about options. I was prescribed Ativan for days when my anxiety is so high I cant sleep. It's not an every day thing but bad sleep makes stress/anxiety worse which makes fear dreams worse.

    - Standard guidance of move your body and eat well. I like doing a 20 minute yoga from youtube just before bed to calm me.

    - Take care of others. Adopt or foster a pet for that unconditional love both ways. Talk to your neighbors. Find ways to volunteer your time or donate money. Just do something nice like bake them cookies or send a birthday card. Remind yourself that you are a good person.

    Sorry this is long but hope it's helpful to someone!

    This is super super hard, not going to lie, but it will get better!

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    • Lloyd

      This thread helped me also..check my response if you can..regarding primal guilt

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  • EfremSomnambulist

    What's significant in a dream is the feeling that is evoked. So many people reporting the same image of having a body buried 'in the garden', or otherwise nearby, and fearing discovery. What it is is that you feel guilty about feelings of aggression that you have suppressed, ie hidden from yourself, or wish not to have.

    I have this dream periodically, but there's always a moment as I wake up that I feel extremely relieved that I know it's a dream, even though the sense that I'm guilty of murder is so vivid. When I dream it, it always seems that I'm 'returning to the scene of the crime', ie it's 'oh yes, this dream again, it must be factual'.

    All it 'means' is that you have unconsciously had aggressive - murderous, even - feelings towards someone (or everyone, or yourself!), and there has been a conflict in your mind between what you feel and what you believe you should not be feeling. The more you have this dream, the more you are unconsciously feeling aggression that you are guilty about.

    It doesn't have to be recent, and it doesn't mean that you have anything to be guilty about. I'd worry if I was having this dream and got a feeling of joy!

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    • Lloyd

      Please see my response if you are able to

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  • agrayson12

    Wow. So my husband found this thread for me when searching Google for info pertaining to a reocurring dream I told him about. Actually makes me feel not insane. The plot of my dream is always the same.. But the story line continues each time I have it. In my dream i am adult... But I realize that long ago as child I killed another child accidentally and my family covered it up by burying the body in the cement foundation of the new addition to the house I grew up in. In real life we did add a new addition right where my bedroom growing up was. In the dream the police are closing in and the details get very specific and very vivid. I did actually convince myself that I had really done this as a child. I grilled my mom and dad and childhood friends about it. I had my first full on panick attack after seeing the movie Stir of Echoes with Kevin Bacon. (Trust me don't watch this movie). I couldn't breath after seeing it. Chest tightening shortness of breath.. Heartbeat though the roof. The movie itself wasn't particularly scary it that it struck a nerve with me and my dream that rears its ugly head to often. Glad to find this thread.

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  • Catzuks

    So glad to see others have this dream as well. My belief us that I'm afraid of people in my life now finding out what I was like in the past. Because I "killed" that part of me. I'm not nerd anymore! Lol. Anyway, that's my interpretation

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  • holly67

    Pleased I have found this thread - I am another one who has this recurring dream too. I remember that I have killed someone(sometimes with my partner) and hidden the body. When I remember about the body (or body parts) I feel guilty and an overwhelming sense of dread. The body is usually only shallowly concealed and is in a house that we are no longer living in and is probably soon to be discovered. In the dream I think that I may try and move it but the feeling of dread and of being found out are too immense. I have now started to wonder if it is true for a couple of hours after waking and it sets the tone for my day. Horrible stuff!

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  • drock27

    wow I cant believe so many people have the same dream. I had this very intense dream that I had somehow killed this girl at some point in the passed not sure when and her body was hidden in a freezer upstairs. The worst part of the dream was the constant anxiety of being found out. However I kept thinking to myself that I couldn't remember killing her. The dream turned strange when I had to move all my stuff out of that place into another one. My mom was helping me and a very terrifying moment for me in the dream was when my mom pulled this poor girls dead body out of my freezer. I was horrified and screaming in my dream. I did not want to see this face. I think whats so fucked up is how this seemed all so real. I was even logically thinking and trying to figure out who this was and I woke up so depressed and I actually felt like this had happened to me in the passed. Its like the dream was making me feel mentally unstable. This is most likely contributed to the fact that I quit smoking weed after so many years. I'm on week 3 and I heard when you quit smoking weed you ave intense bad dreams. I hope I never have this dream again. This has got to be the worst one I have ever had.

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  • Chrisiatha

    Everything you described describes my experience and I have ptsd from long term childhood abuse. I have read that any type of ptsd can cause nightmares like this. I don't know why there's no research on the subject that I can find but I think its highly likely that if you've experienced some trauma, even if you haven't officially been diagnosed with ptsd there's a good chance these dreams are a direct result of your trauma.

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  • titan7

    Oh my god. I can't believe that i am not the only one who has this DAMN DREAM. I have been dreaming this DAMN DREAM for nearly 40 years. The location of where I buried the body changes, under a house, in the woods...I am always in fear of getting caught and it seems in my dream the police are getting nearer to finding out....but I don't remember a body ever being found. OH! I am so glad to get this off my chest. I suffer, actually suffer from this dream. Just knowing others dream this will help me to slough it off when it happened again. What a relief. I have felt guilty over this for decades.

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    • amiria222

      Dude, i understand. i had this very scenario dog my sleep for months on end until i finally made a big life change. it might seem small but i moved out of the house i lived in that was a big reminder of unrequited feelings i harbored for someone. once i moved the dreams went. i was so pleased. then one day i woke with the most awful dread, and to me that is what it is, absolute total encompassing DREAD, i couldn't believe it had happened again, i really thought id done what i needed to do/learned what i needed to learn. it occurred two maybe three times max after that and i have been sleeping well since. its two years later and i just had on lat night. when i dozed back to sleep i was in it again - wtf?! - when i tried to tell myself it was just a dream i was so so confused and terrified it was actually real. i got up at 2am and walked outside to cool off, drank water, changed my sleeping position, anything to NOT go back into that damned dream. if you're spiritual at all, consider a good, personally recommended medium, perhaps they can help you to decipher the code of the dream that we are not getting, thus enabling you to pass whatever life thing is blocking your sound sleep and help you move past it once and for all.

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    • kdpetti

      I totally agree

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  • aescobed

    I can't believe someone else is having this dream. I keep having a recurring nightmare that I killed someone, either accidentally, out of self defense, or on purpose. Each time the reason is different, but each time, i bury the body in my back yard, or in the woods or under my moms shed. And each time i'm about to be found out and then I wake up. But I wake up with so much fear and guilty I have to go back in my memory and try to think if I have ever actually killed anyone and buried or hidden the body. Its the scariest feeling in the world. I know how you feel.

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    • shruggin

      I have almost EXACTLY the same dream! You described it much more succinctly than I did in my first post.

      Yep I either killed them in self-defense, accidently or on purpose...

      The body seems to be somewhere I "know" but is always an imaginary outdoor, woods type setting. Someplace I don't recall in my wakened state.

      I always feel that I am just about to be found out too and then wake up with the same emotions fear and guilt.

      Yep, for a few moments just after waking my brain searches my past memories wondering if I DID do this but blocked it out. Then as the gears get turning I know it was a dream then wonder if I did it in a past life. I don't buy into that personally so as clarity returns, I disregard that. (maybe.. but I live in THIS life now!)

      It is so damn real, stressful and horrible.

      Reading your description is basically spot on to my experience. It really helps as this has been a recurring dream for many years. It does seem to mark intense life changes:

      I am expatriating to Bangalore India in a couple of months... a major change for an Oregon Boy.

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    • kdpetti

      my dream exactly

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    • Lloyd

      See my post there is an explanation

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    • Olalaberry

      Well written...spot on my dream too. I haven't had it for years then recently my young niece came to visit and she exhibited signs of distress due to her mother's alcoholism. It must have brought up feelings from my own past, along with very deep concern & worry.

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  • PoisonFlowers

    Oh dear. I've had similar dreams I think, although I can't remember them properly.

    You've already connected an emotion with your dreams - your anxiety and worrying. A lot of the time, strong emotions manifest in our dreams in surprising ways. One way to tell what emotion it is to think about what you're feeling in your dreams, which you have done. This is from things that I've read and from personal experience by the way.

    So don't er..worry about it. Nothing is wrong unless you find that you are suffering from excessive anxiety. Once that is dealt with, the dreams should probably go away. Take care.

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    • kdpetti

      I've had the same dream for the last couple years. it's gotta be stress anxiety fear panic all the good things, lol.

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    • ambermoon

      Thanks for taking the time to post some advice much appreciated. x

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  • Lloyd

    Yes it is normal - I have had this dream for years and years. And yes, it often feels very real indeed! For a few moments I after I wake up I have to work back in my head to make sure I realise that it is impossible for me to have done this terrible thing but it does take some memory searching. It's an awful dream and after some research & soul searching I believe it is to do with Primal Guilt ! I had a difficult birth (I came out shoulder first - breach) and my Mum went through a lot of pain delivering me. I believe the brain works by laying one memory down on top of the other and each memory is therefore affected by the previous one, so if you take this fact back to my first ever (primal) thoughts, mine are of hurting someone I love without intending to. I think this horrible dream is a manifestation of this primal guilt in which we all deep down think we have done something bad and one day may get found out for doing it! The fact is...once we know this..we can release ourselves from this dream and the connected guilt as the vast majority of us have done nothing wrong! Every time I gave this dream now, I recognise it for what it is and I smile to myself and reassure myself that everything is fine and I am NOT a bad person ! And neither are YOU ! ;:) BE HAPPY !

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  • Jaiijaii

    I’m having exam soon and I actually not really stressed about it. I have some ultimate secrets of my life and never disclosed to anyone in life. But it doesn’t stressing me up. I attended phychiast before and it has been cured and I have been recognised as high IQ person by govt

    Unlike everyone else above, my dream is reoccuring like a drama series. It adds something new each time and it wouldn’t replay any moments happened before, but u remember it CLEARLY. The guilt, fear and how distressed it is.

    DREAM Ep 1(I dont know any character in my dream including who I actually am)
    I am a police officer. I killed a young lady, she is living a substandard housing. (Those killing moments, teased her period, ewww i know its disgusting)
    Then I splited her body to very small pieces and threw it into different garbage points in the neighbourhood. I have also cleared the area, ensuring no blood or any evidence be found.
    ** I don’t know why I have killed the lady
    DREAM EP 2 (few weeks later)
    My occupation is an officer in crime investigation team. Few days after I murdered a lady, one of my police colleague invited me to play cards and drink in his place. He is living nearby and we have to bypass “her” flat to get to my colleague’s place. We discovered blood I haven’t cleared earlier in the corridor and her neighbour and parents reported she has disappeared. Investigation begins. (Whatever reason forgot) i got suspected im the murderer, And i have hidden it well. And no clue can be found to judge its a murder case eventually.
    But I KNOW IT IS.
    Dream EP 3 (few months later)
    (The story continues after few months later)
    (Idk why I remembered it VERY CLEARLY)
    My colleague invited me to his place again. When we were bypassing the place, i sat down on a small branch that people don’t normally noticed.
    My colleague asked”how do you know this chair? I dont know this chair’s existence”
    I replied “haha! I just sat down subconsciously idk”
    We arrived his place and i was so anxious and afraid they will mention that case again. I put on my fake smile and continues.
    And my mind is telling me I killed the lady on the branch i just sat. Investigation goes to the wrong place.

    I am writing this after Dream 3. I was waken up by the fear and anxiety in the dream. The first thought after I have waken up is “I SHOULD KILL MORE PEOPLE AND I REALLY WANT TO KILL SOMEBODY” but soon I really want to tell this to somebody. Undoubtedly, they thought I was telling a joke.
    While i was writing this, I was thinking, is my mental illness havent got cured?

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  • shiggittybap

    hello everybody. i have had the same kind of dream over and over for years. i have told my doctor about them and i was prescribed prasosin. if you are serious about ridding yourself of the nightmares ask your doctor about prasosin. i find that it helps alot and even makes it to where i dont have those dreams at all. hoe this is helpful.

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  • Zomies

    I have the same dream where I buried the body in an outside shed . When I checked on it I realized that the body had become visible so I put more dirt over it and contemplated moving the body or finding a way to better dispose of it . The guilt and fear was real that I would be found out and that I had actually killed someone , it felt so good to wake up and find that it was only a dream

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  • Laska30

    This is happening by to me again
    And I’ve realized it’s happened before

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  • Jab7168

    I have had this dream. Usually they end up digging up my child hood backyard and find said victim; I realize it is BS now and kind of just go with the flow.

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  • Wampawampa

    I have the same dream as so many of you. There is no memory of killing anyone, just the fear of getting caught, and the body is in a lot of different places depending on the dream -- the garden in my backyard (where 30 years ago I once actually buried some weed so my mom wouldn't find it) and often the body is an ex girlfriend who in real life committed suicide, though I was on the other side of the country when she did, and I am sure I have chopped her up and tried my best to tightly wrap her body and bury it, and sometimes it's in a terrible hiding spot since I was in a hurry, like a shallow garden in a central courtyard of a hotel chain, but the body and my long-ago crime varies from dream to dream as does the location, but it is always just about to be excavated, and I frequently wake up and feel like I have actually murdered someone and repressed it.
    I noticed a theme of recovery from alcoholism -- I am sober 26 years, work the steps, steady program. I was a teacher, and I also have had four (!) colleagues of mine arrested in recent years for past sexual misdeeds (sleeping with students, etc.) though I have never done that. I think that what they are going through is the nightmare from my dream! But they are actually guilty. My read? I think the reason I don't kill anyone is that the act was done by a version of myself that felt a whole lot less in control and who was once repeatedly traumatized by chaos and embarrassing (drunken) moments-- some of them involving sex with men (I am heterosexual). That's the body I've buried. There is this worry that that person is not actually laid to rest, and The strong successful and healthy person I have become isn't going to last, that I'm a fraud and morally bankrupt essentially if anyone were to really investigate my life in its totality. I don't share about the 1/4 consenting drunken sex I've had with men (I the victim) from ages ago. This is probably the main secret from my past I've never shared with my wife, though I have shared everything with sponsors while working the 12 steps. It's repression of trauma I think, and this sense that I've violated my own moral code and my self concept is more fragile than I want to believe. Sometimes in recent years I gain control of the dream while still in the dream -- as in, I realize I'm not guilty, and I have nothing to worry about, unless...

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  • holdthemonkeys

    Do you all eat pork? Check in and see if you ate pork (especially cuts near the spine-nervous system) the night before the dream. I have them too and I linked them to eating pork and found some links to this online.

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    • Michael3

      Well...I'm having the same dream. I never remembered ever killing anyone in the dream, and the victim has been someone on more than one occasion is still alive. But in the dream I happened to know where the remains were, and the city was doing street work and going to discover the bones from 40 years ago in my neighbors flower garden. After a successful and mostly happy and satisfying life I would now spend my golden years in a hateful concrete cell...hated by all those who once were my friends and family. Scum of humanity. Terrible dream....and wake up wondering if I actually did it...then realize the dream victims are still alive. Oddly, I did eat pork the night before the last vivid dream.

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  • Quilbert

    I've had this dream on and off. It's like the cops are sniffing around and I'm terrified they'll uncover the body I hid there years earlier it's wkhidden in a basement or something. It's a really ghoulish dream and it's filled with real feelings of guilt and terror. Like someone else said something's I wonder if I actually did kill someone and repressed the memory, but of course I didn't. It feels very real nevertheless.

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  • gaia

    OMG.just cant imagine how real it was, last night I had a similar dream, I was sleeping in a hotel, it was an old hotel in the nature. The scene of the dream was in that room.. I dreamt that I was being forced to take some medication by three doctors but I refused and they didn't stop, so I killed one doctor, I stabed a sharp stick into his left chest where exactly the heart is, I pushed and pushed until the stick got into his heart (the blood, the skins texture was so real) and he died eventually. The two doctors ran away but they did try to get in the hotel room, they hit the door and try to get in, but I did lock them out. Then one stranger appeared (supposed to be my friend)we were trying to hide the body of that doctor. so we threw it in a dirty pond/canal I am not sure but it was but it was so dirty, we threw him in and I stayed in the canal and was afraid that if I leave and the body appears I might get caught up. so I never left. I remain in the canal. it still scars me until now because I cant figure out what it mean.. but it was so intense and scary.. not sure if I could sleep tonight. (I asked to change a room)

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  • Opi72

    Very interesting, i'very had the same dream for years. I kill someone and basically I spend most of the dream concerned about being found out. I will throw in an interesting twist....after years of having the dream, i told my mom and she said she has a recurrent dream in where I have killed someone, she has helped me bury the body and we spent our lives worried that someone will find out about it.....now how creepy is that.....!

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  • karlc

    "Im a prefectly normal woman with a child a partner and a job. I dont do drugs (well I had a habit years back but been clean for years now) or drink much."

    Haha, I nearly pissed myself, talk about denial.

    Whats the definition of normal. You have to ask yourself, why did I have a habit years back?
    You sound like an addict white knuckling to me, how do I know? Because I have done the same sa you. Get to a 12 step meeting, start working through your issues and all will be well. X

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  • krissyboo78

    I too have had the exact dream as the OP, I can't remember how I was involved with the murders, but the bodies were buried in the backyard of an ex's house and the police was right on our tail, it took me at least 30,minutes of wake time to remember that I hadn't killed anyone

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  • Badass98995

    I had same kind of dream from past 4-5 months
    I dream almost every second day that I stabbed someone with knife and police is chasing me but they can't get me .
    Last time I saw that I buried a woman whom I love most although she is not my girlfriend but I buried her alive in my dream and then again police came chasing but they can't get me again as in previous dreams
    As I was not fearing with stabbing someone in dream
    Last night when I saw buried dream I m afraid and literally cried that what I have done it looks like reality
    Plzz can someone interpret my dream

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  • jujupup

    I have the same dream, and it just started this year. Like most here, I never remember doing the deed, only that it was a female, and was either an accident or something that had to be done. My sister and I did it together, and my sister starts feeling guilty and wants to come clean, and in one dream I wondered if I would have to kill her, too! This dream disturbs me deeply, and I too, wake up and start wondering if I have actually done this and have blocked it out. The guilt and fear are just incredible, and lasts for days. I am sure it must be something symbolic, I certainly don't remember killing anyone, but it is so disturbing I can't even talk to my sister about it!

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  • ruffneckzevo

    Wow I have been having this dream for many years. Sometimes it is so real I wonder for weeks maybe if it's some repressed memory and maybe I did do it. Glad to know it's normal and I didnt

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    • Dreamer815

      YUP!!!I am convinced I killed someone at this point. I feel like... should I turn myself in and ask the cops to run my fingerprints???? It's so freaking exhausting

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  • Bubba84

    Finally plucked up the courage to Google this and the relief from this thread is immense. I guess 3 or 4 times over the last couple of years I have had this dream. The details are sketchy. I don't know who or how or where or when but I have a sense that it was violent. It's about to come on top, again, no details, just an all consuming dread - not fear - dread, that my life is about to collapse because it can't stay hidden. Sometimes I wake up and have to spend 20 / 30 minutes before I realise I haven't killed anybody, it's so real that it lingers into my waking hours. Once reality returns I'm left with guilt that I wasn't worried about the fictitious person that I thought I'd murdered, only with the impact on me and my life. I've had some funky recurring dreams in the past but this trumps the lot. On the one hand I'm glad you folks have shown me that I'm not cracking up, on the other hand, I feel your pain!

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    • Dreamer815

      Yup. I have pretty much convinced myself that I killed someone somehow and somewhere. And that it's only a matter of time that it will be discovered and I will have to face reality. It's honestly terrifying to think about.

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  • RobbieCapeTown

    I've had the same reoccurring dream for about 3 years now. They are so vivid that I went for a while thinking I had committed this crime... for those of you who haven't advanced to stage 2 of this lunacy, just wait. The next dream will be you being caught by the police knowing you are about to spend the rest of your life in jail. Then you wake up thanking God you won't be but raped by some correctional scum.

    What the f%#% is wrong with us???

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  • JiggleBaby501

    It's perfectly normal. At first I when I dreamed it, and like you, it's recurring, that it was true in another life or something. After reading a wide range of articles both in the scientific, secular and religious sectors. I found that it's best to interpret what each dream we have in context to us. Unless you're given specific instructions or information, your subconscious can try to send you simple messages with wild imagery. It tries to tell you but you can't know it until you're ready, so it's a curious puzzle until your recognize the pieces and put the message out.

    For example: I dreamed I'd murdered and buried a bunch of people, but now this was finally being discovered by other people and I had no way to hide it.

    Interpretation: "Issues you think were dead and buried are resurfacing. It's clear to others you're struggling with this."

    Conclusion: I need to figure out what I'm rehashing, bring it up and deal with it to stop the dreams.

    But that's only my interpretation of why I dreamed it, there can be infinite interpretations as there are people because we're all on different life paths, but it usually is that simple.

    Here's another example: I dreamt I walked into a beautiful castle and down a very grand, wide white marble staircase with a red velvet carpet down the middle of the staircase. When I reached the bottom, I saw the Queen was in front of me. She was standing in front of a baby carriage, turned and whispered, "Shhhhh." and pointed at the carriage. When I peeked inside, I saw a sleeping puppy, and woke up.

    Interpretation: "Let sleeping dogs lie."

    Conclusion: I'd been arguing a lot with my man and clearly I just needed to give it a rest.

    Again, that's my interpretation, but you can see the vivid imagery, it's wild, but it's a very logical puzzle message.

    Just look inside yourself and find the true message, it's never anything bad.

    One last example: I dreamt that I should buy $10.00 of lottery tickets at lunchtime the next day only from the store that was a mile from my job [at the time] and that the numbers were 4 12 22 36 41.

    The next day, I did this. I wish I'd've believed and bet more, but the dream was specific. That Sunday, I got the newspaper and sure enough I had won on 4 of those number $60.00!!?! Not a lot, but I brought that out of a dream!

    Keep dreaming, it's all good to learn about yourself and other good things that will happen.

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  • patchouligirl2000

    Yes I've had this dream too, it only began in the last decade since I married my (now) ex. Mine always begins some years after the murder and I can never remember how it happened, except it was an unfortunate but necessary cover up, it was an accident and/or we had to kill this person for what they knew, and now there's this deep, dark secret that only he and I know about. He is always complicit in the murder and subsequent hiding of the body, which is always in a different place but always buried in the earth. We go on living our lives and don't think about it much until something happens and we are in danger of being found out and then the memory comes flooding back. This makes it eerily real as while asleep my subconscious mind remembers dreaming of it previously which validates to it that it must have happened. Then I wake up and think 'oh no, not that again' but it feels so real it spooks me. I've read a few dream interpretation pages that say if you dream of committing a murder it means you are moving on from a part of your life, letting go, being brave etc etc. This makes sense as maybe in my case the 'dead body' is our relationship. But my dream is also about being afraid of being found out for hiding a body. There is a lot of guilt and fear in this dream and I think that's possibly the basis, feelings of guilt or regret for something you've done in your real life or felt you could have done better, perhaps something which hurt someone. Maybe the fear is about not wanting everyone to know something about you, something you want to keep secret. These feelings of guilt and secrecy could have quite innocent and mild origins, but in the dream it's played out to the most extreme scenario.

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  • bigwill115

    I'm in my 50's and have this very same frightening dream periodically. Not necessarily in times of stress however. In my dream I have committed an act of murder long ago, the 1970's maybe, and the victim was a girl. In some of them I may have impregnated her and the murder was committed to keep everyone from finding out. I buried her in the woods or some area near where I grew up. I have gone on without suspicion but due to building am about to be found out. I have little remorse for the girl but great guilt with regards to her parents, who never knew what happened to their child. Like others above, when I wake I have to reassure myself this event never really happened. Glad I'm not alone. My daughter believes I've buried some awful event that I'm guilty of in my sub conscience. I don't know about that.

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  • Jj74

    This is my reoccurring dream too, In my dream my partner has murdered someone and I help hide the body by wrapping it in a carpet and burying it in a shallow grave in the garden. I am paranoid it will be found and it haunts me in my dream, bizarre that so many people have the same dream.

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  • Devviem

    Hi everyone

    This dream reoccurred a week ago for me.
    It has followed me since I was a small child, or o think so, because I am a child in the dream.
    I either hit another small boy from behind with a rock or with my fist in his face, he dies of the hit and we(me and my cousin) bury the body close to a big rock.
    Always afraid of the grave getting dig up.
    When I woke up I had to think real hard about my past life as a child to maybe find this memory blocked out for years and now finally returning to me. I wanted to call the police the next morning and tell them where they will dig up a corpse of a small boy!!

    Wonder how this dream can be so similar for so much people...

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  • clevermonkey

    What a relief to hear other peoples' experiences. I too wake in a major panic wondering if I have somehow buried the experience in my subconscious and I am slowly beginning to realize an awful truth about my past. I have had many nightmares but nothing can come close to the panic that this dream produces. The worst thing is that I can often smell the decaying body in my dream and even after I wake. Are there any similarities to people's real-life triggering events for these dreams? I don't feel particularly stressed at this phase of my life but I'm wondering if there is something that I am missing that might be underlying these nightmares.

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  • ambermoon

    I wrote this post about four years ago It popped up in my emails cos someone commented on it. I think it was mostly stress related and I'm happy to report I haven't had this dream for a long time now.

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  • dsdlatham

    I can't believe so many people have this same dream, I'm so glad I'm not alone. The anxiety I feel in this dream is so real. Also I've never dreamed of the killing part I just know that I did in my dream and have woke up confused and full of anxiety for a few moments thinking that I actually did this. And in my dream I feel so much guilt that I can't sleep, but am still terrified of being found out.

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  • I cant believe i too have this dream which is causing me to rethink my past its is really bothersome to me

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  • myworld40

    More murder dream...

    Oh my gosh! Just last night I again dreamed I murdered someone again.
    In the dream I was going to work in some mini mall. As I was passing some stores in the mall I came across what was like my old store I used to own. The store have side entrance and a wider middle entrance, I saw at the side entrance that it was locked up, as I passed a little more the other side of the building was completely broke down, all empty inside and at this moment I remembered I murdered a man, wrap his body in a blanket and buried him at the middle spot of the store. I was scared to death that someone will find out and will catch me. In all these murder dreams it never revealed how and why did I murdered someone and spent the rest of the dream worry sick.

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  • Samsara

    I am so relieved ... I have had this recurring dream for years now. I'm panic struck in my dream (vile nightmare) because I'm convinced the police, or someone, is about to find a body or parts of a body I buried years before - usually in a back garden. I am convinced In the dream that I was the accomplice to one (or more) murders. I don't remember the murders themselves but I am convinced that they have happened and that I have helped to bury the bodies. I am distraught, wracked with guilt and convinced that I am about to go to prison for the rest of my life. I always, always wake before any body is found but the dreams are so vivid that I lie awake replaying my life to try and remember who I was with who killed people and where the bodies are, always concluding of course that there were no murdered people or buried bodies but not before being pretty upset to have had the dream in the first place .. again. I didn't want to search for this dream as I was convinced I'd find nothing but I am so, so glad I did. I can't believe others have EXACTLY the same dream. Next time, I won't be quite so upset when I wake up.

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    • galata1956

      I had the same dream last night and when I woke up I remembered that it was a recurring one that I had not had for a few years,but I had experienced it a number of times over the years and when I came around I was a bit shocked that it had come back again,can never remember what the actual crime is for sure,vaguely; I think I am involved along with another person who might have done it,but i am an accomplice;but I know the police are investigating and it's only a matter of time before they know that it's me and they come to get me.
      It's a bit like an episode of Columbo when he knows that he knows and you know that he knows and he knows that you know,and it's a great relief to wake up and find out that you are not guilty of anything.
      After having a quick think about it for once,the only thing I can come up with is that it's a fear of if i ever lost my freedom and never wanting anything to stop me from having that freedom to do what I want to do and not be caged like a criminal in a prison.

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  • 16YelL

    I have absolutely no idea with this was written, but I searched this dream because I seem to have it, I guess it makes sense now that I am thinking about it, whenever I am stressed! I have am a generally happy person and extremely compassionate. I would never hurt anyone intentionally or otherwise so this dream really started actually disturbing me! The dream usually picks up after I have killed someone, but I NEVER REMEMBER the act of doing it. It has been my own sibling to a younger sibling of an old high school friend that I haven't thought of in YEARS! I get completely anxious and am a wreck and am worried about getting caught! I also wake up having to actually think about if this is something that I Have really done! Its completely nerve wracking. I guess I am glad I am not the only one who has had this dream.

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  • bevron1971

    OMG this is exactly my recurring dream too, I have been having it for years and had it last night again, my husband is away on business and I woke at 5am really thinking that again I had killed someone and they were lifting the drains where the body was due to a smell. Sort of glad I am not the only one having this sort of dream though x

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  • bosker1

    I have had the same dream for 5-6 years now and in my dream I am always asking myself did I really kill someone. Last night I had a real vivid reoccurrence of the dream where I killed someone and would be found out very shortly, there was even a plan for me to commit suicide when I was caught, all in my dream. I kept asking myself why would I kill somebody and what was the motive for killing someone. I was really convinced in my dream that I finally killed someone after all. What does this mean and why is this a reoccurring theme over the years.

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  • niffy

    I began having this dream a few months ago (I'm 33 yrs old). In my dream, I never actually kill anyone but I know that I HAVE killed someone (or was an accomplice) and feel incredibly guilty. In several dreams, my ex was the one who killed the person but I knew where the body was. It is always a female who was killed, but someone I don't know. I feel so guilty and the dream is so real that for several minutes after I wake up, I believe that I actually had killed someone. It is terrifying! Last night I dreamed that I was aboutt to be found out and my family would find out that I was a fraud and disown me. The dream was so intricate that I had accomplices and we fled to a foreign country to escape the government finding out! The dream ended by us seeing a helicopter from our country and we knew we were about to be caught. Maybe I should stop watching murder mysteries before I got to bed!

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  • IconicIron

    I have a similar series of recurring dreams-

    I'm 24, and I've been having dreams with this common element regularly (probably once every 2 months) for the last seven years. The details always change, so it's quite hard to keep track of those few things that remain constant between them.

    Essentially, I know I've killed someone, for no good reason, and I'm hiding somewhere, like a closet or the house of an acquaintance- knowing in my heart that I've broken some kind of code of absolute morality and that even the people who love me the most can never forgive me (note: I'm non-religious, raised in wonderful and loving non-religious family). That's the focus, though, at the end. The fear of doing something that would make those who love you the most ("unconditionally") turn their back upon you.

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  • enyong

    me too always have the same dream, that i was going to get caught for murdering someone.

    obviously this has something to do with TV. Too many FBI, detective TV show about cop catching/investigating. try watching one of those TV show before going to bed, you will get the same dream.

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  • OzzytheWizard

    Maybe you murdered someone and that brain of yours is trying to block it out. However your subcutaneous can not ignore it and so it is reoccurring in nightmares.

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  • Machiavelli

    I have the same reccuring dream. I'm 26 and I would say that I've been having that dream for the last 4 years, although it could be longer. I don't dream it very often, maybe every 4-6 months. How often do you? When I'm in the dream I'm petrified and trying to bury the body urgently - sometimes it's already burried and I know that the police are really close to discovering it. I can't remember them now in large detail, but I think I once burried the body in the basement (in my grandfather's house) and once hidden it in the attic/under wooden boards. I do not know any of my 'victims' in real life, in fact in the dream world they are nobody close to me and with no meaning whatsoever. I never see their faces either, the bodies are wrapped in kind of plastic sheet/bag - can you see the faces in your dreams? I never experience the act of killing, they are already dead, I don't think that when I'm in the dream I can remember the way I killed them either, I'm only sure that I did it. The terror I'm experiencing is about being caught only, not about the fact that I've murdered someone. And the fear does not stay with me after waking up, it's not affecting how I feel in the real world.
    Interesting thing - my parents moved from a town to a house in a village with quite a bit of land attached to it about 6 months ago. I don't live with them anymore and only visited them 3 times so far, each time I stayed about a week (last time 6 weeks ago). Last night I had that dream again and I was burrying the body on my parent's land!
    I think the website below has the best explanation of this dream: http://www.analysedreams.co.uk/reoccurringdreamsadolescence.html

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  • myworld40

    Wow. I can't believe so many others have these same dreams as I. Ok, it started to happen about 10 years ago. First one in my dream that I have murdered my elderly relative and buried her near some river. I was extremely scare to be found out and actually saw some policeman walking toward me but they did not ask or say anything to me. Second one that I murdered one of my friend and hide her body on an attic of some abandon building, later on a man claimed to be an owner of the building say he will begin to tear down the building. I was scare to death that they would find the body and figure I was the murderer. It kept happen over and over again and just 2 nights ago I murder a women and scare to be found out. Every time in these dreams I felt extremely guilty and frightening and could not believe I did such horrible things. Sometime I even think I must have done it in my previous life or something.

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    • kdpetti

      nah its what you're feeling now...

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  • I'd say try to stop worrying and your probabley stressed. Or get some help go to therapey

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