I have read the god delusion and have now become atheist?

is this normal?

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 51 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • AppleMind

    Welcome. We are a lot less cunty from the inside. I assure you.

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  • Chemical-X

    do you think anyone gives a shit?

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  • ilovetoiletrolls

    I never had to read that to know I was Atheist but yeah, normal.

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  • Outsider21

    I'm not hating on your beliefs because to a good extent with spiritual matters, your beliefs shape what really is. However, being an atheist is kind of an empty way to go through life in my opinion. A lot of times, people who become atheists realize after a while that the human condition needs spirituality in some fashion. Without it, people often feel lost and are even at a greater risk for physical and mental illnesses. Also, becoming an atheist could be inviting evil spirits to attempt to perseude you into following their ways and taking after them. Who knows, you could even become possessed


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    • 18skeltor

      Silly troll.

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      • Outsider21

        No, I'm dead serious. Being an atheism is what often drives people into madness. Belief in a higher power is part of what has kept me from slipping over the edge into insanity. If I had no belief in an afterlife, a God, and a spiritual world I would probably not be writing this because I would be locked up in an insane asylum. I'm dead serious, I literally could not live without a belief system of some kind. Some people might be able to manage for a while, but not me, not a chance

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  • Believe what ever you want to believe.

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  • qld37

    Yay, Richard Dawkins wakes another one up.

    It's been a very long time since I needed imaginary friends. You know, like the magical sky fairies from religious texts.

    But, hey, like Neo dropping the pill and waking up for the first time, check out the the real world and everything science has discovered! Without God of the gaps getting in your way, you can now learn about reality!

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    • daydreamer394

      Do you believe fairy tales are dangerous too? Maybe go all the way and strip yourself of your imagination.

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      • 18skeltor

        Pretty sure he never said it was dangerous.
        The belief in God isn't dangerous in its self but religion has caused millions of deaths for thousands of years.

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        • daydreamer394

          I'm pretty sure he did.
          I don't see what your point is.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Is it a nonexistent delusional god?

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  • green_boogers

    Richard Dawkins says I cannot be Agnostic. Denying Agnosticism is a delusion on his part. Fuck him.

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