I have taken to satanism very strongly..
well a few weeks ago i started this whole satanism thing, but before i did its not the stupid childish, i hate the world and everything in it!!! kind of thing, its more about appreciating yourself and appreciating others and accepting yourself and in a way freein' yourself from destructive thoughts that other religions can put into your mind like...omfg! i just slept with the neighbour! i have sinned!! repent repent repent!! and then going into this guilty cycle, and saying how worthless you are compared to god and blah blah blah...satanism is more about WHY you did that thing (this is just an example i didnt sleep with my neighbour lol), like your husband could have been a f**khead or he was just plain crap in bed, i mean other religions teach us that you should b faithful to your man and follow strict rules in everything we do like its not okay for two wrongs to make a right!! i mean who cares?? if someone ounched you, you should punch teh f**ker back! other religions teach us that we should turn the other cheek and therefore be the bigger man, but where does that whole line of thinking lead to? compressed emotions if you ask me..and then it can cause self harm, uncontrollable anger in later life and you can turn into a right freak. satansim lets you accept yourself the way you were made, i mean if god made us like Christianity teaches us he wouldnt have made us with such emotions as jealousy, anger or hate. it just doesnt add up in my opinion, i think the whole idea of god is a sham that has been twisted over the years into enslaving thousands...its a form of control using ones own believes, and isnt the world all about control? the higher ups in almost everything? satanism isnt what people have been led to believe, its not some stupid KILL EVERYTHING!! religion, it lets you accept you who are and accepts free thought. i have done research and read up on alot of websites and there is proof out there if you looks for it that christianity is just a way to box up the human soul, you see like the monks, the human body is capable of physic development, but the lives we lead today teach us to just earn money...feed the government and keep the material world going so they can steal homeless people off the streets of countries and test them in laboratories to make medicines, cut them open and experiment on them, make new liquids to enhance the physical body for the military troops( who most likely don't even know its happening to them) like in Vietnam. think about it!! people dissapear on a regular basis, things are covered up..open your eyes! there were NO weapons of mass destruction in iraq! despite all the demonstrations against it, bush the twat still went forward with it. for the real reasons click this link. http://www.exposingchristianity.com/
but yeah...satanism to me opens your eyes, now what do you guys all think?