I have taken to satanism very strongly..

well a few weeks ago i started this whole satanism thing, but before i did its not the stupid childish, i hate the world and everything in it!!! kind of thing, its more about appreciating yourself and appreciating others and accepting yourself and in a way freein' yourself from destructive thoughts that other religions can put into your mind like...omfg! i just slept with the neighbour! i have sinned!! repent repent repent!! and then going into this guilty cycle, and saying how worthless you are compared to god and blah blah blah...satanism is more about WHY you did that thing (this is just an example i didnt sleep with my neighbour lol), like your husband could have been a f**khead or he was just plain crap in bed, i mean other religions teach us that you should b faithful to your man and follow strict rules in everything we do like its not okay for two wrongs to make a right!! i mean who cares?? if someone ounched you, you should punch teh f**ker back! other religions teach us that we should turn the other cheek and therefore be the bigger man, but where does that whole line of thinking lead to? compressed emotions if you ask me..and then it can cause self harm, uncontrollable anger in later life and you can turn into a right freak. satansim lets you accept yourself the way you were made, i mean if god made us like Christianity teaches us he wouldnt have made us with such emotions as jealousy, anger or hate. it just doesnt add up in my opinion, i think the whole idea of god is a sham that has been twisted over the years into enslaving thousands...its a form of control using ones own believes, and isnt the world all about control? the higher ups in almost everything? satanism isnt what people have been led to believe, its not some stupid KILL EVERYTHING!! religion, it lets you accept you who are and accepts free thought. i have done research and read up on alot of websites and there is proof out there if you looks for it that christianity is just a way to box up the human soul, you see like the monks, the human body is capable of physic development, but the lives we lead today teach us to just earn money...feed the government and keep the material world going so they can steal homeless people off the streets of countries and test them in laboratories to make medicines, cut them open and experiment on them, make new liquids to enhance the physical body for the military troops( who most likely don't even know its happening to them) like in Vietnam. think about it!! people dissapear on a regular basis, things are covered up..open your eyes! there were NO weapons of mass destruction in iraq! despite all the demonstrations against it, bush the twat still went forward with it. for the real reasons click this link. http://www.exposingchristianity.com/
but yeah...satanism to me opens your eyes, now what do you guys all think?

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Comments ( 24 )
  • Juche1

    Religion of all kinds is poison.

    Juche and Marxist-Leninism are much better then any religion. Practices of the Juche and Marxist-Leninism theory are always read to help there fellow comrades.

    Satanism my be better then Christianity but remember that individualism is damaging to the revolutionary collective.

    Juche and Marxist-Leninism thought can overthrow capitalism and religion ,stopping their imperialist ways, and unite the people under their Great Leader and peoples government.


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    • Nakkiel

      Satanism isn't actually a religion, but more of a generalized term used for a variety of belief systems, including atheistic ones.

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      • Nakkiel

        Also.. basically anything is better than Christianity.. have you met those people.. its rare to see someone that even follows their own faith, and when you do they are normally an ex-drug addict or just very strange.

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  • bent4u

    Change your ways before its too late, the end is very near. Jesus loves everyone and wants everyone to go to heaven but you have to have to realize, God wants everyone to be saved but only those that believe in him will.be saved. Im just trying to.help you avoid a mistake that will put you in hell for all eternity.God loves you and will always hear your prayers. He loves when people pray to him. He loves you

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  • bemah

    Hail Satan MuthaFuker! Hell yes! That's exactly the way i feel, I've got pretty into it too!

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  • Jeshua

    Am I the only confused one here? How can you be a satanist but not believe in him as a god and not literally worship him? I'm seriously hella lost somebody please explain this. And "hail satan" is really funny lookin when I read it XD

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  • anarchy-is-glory

    Nice thinking. But wouldn't you be changing a stupid imaginary being for another? I respect atheist that use Satan as an image of freedom, but believing in him? Really?

    Anyways... Believe in what you want. It's your head.

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  • I'm a jedi I know it sounds stupid but it's extremly spiritual nothing like the movie jedis

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  • ruralfrights

    To read your words, you're not a satanist, nor should you have to, on order to believe as you do. You sound like someone who has a good will but, Like most people these days, are tired of the old dogma and blows from religion. And if you do fall for satanism, you're actually admitting that there is a god and all of the mysticism surrounding the god concept. Do you want to destroy goodness? (I'm NOT talking religion). Sounds like you need something to believe in. Try agnosticism or even atheism. Although I'm neither, I can see where dismissing the getcha god concept would remove a lot of baggage from younger days.

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  • Schythl

    You sound like Gene Ray.

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  • somethingsimilar

    I went through I satanist stage as well when I was in grade 6. Just hated the stupid religions and how they hold people back from living. Plus, I was curious about what it was really like. Turns out they don't really worship satan. The word 'satan' means adversary, and satanists are adversaries to the mainstream ways of doing things. They worship themselves, more so than a real god. Or so I've read, I could be off. Anyway, I did that for a while but got bored of it too. So now I'm just religionless and do my own thing.

    But right on you for deciding that you want to live for yourself. Religions only hold as back, and in the stupidest ways. I have a Japanese chirstian friend whos church won't let her drink green tea because it has caffeine in it. And caffeine is addictive and bad for you. Now who the fuck ever harmed themselves by drinking green tea? It's healthier than most shit we put in our bodies. But that's just a simple excuse. You get my point.

    Everybody gets one.

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    • tylerthecanid

      I know in my opinion not just Christianity but many religions are designed to shut out anything to free the soul and many have stupid rules that one must follow in order to be "pure". Religion teaches us that we should constantly fight our instincts which only causes inner conflict and a sad example is i had a friend back in college who was a Christian who resorted to self harm because her family was so religious and had so many rules she couldn't hack it, her family chose religion over loving their own daughter. Religion is brainwashing and can ruin people, what satanism teaches us is to respect one another and ourselves and open our minds up into a world of inner peace, other religions teach us otherwise and that it is evil because they fear losing control. religion is control, nothing more. sometimes choosing no religion is better though, im glad you haven't chose to become some brainwashed fool, good on you man.

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  • CA5422

    I think it is extraordinarily funny that you slam Christianity for being some "made up idea twisted to control the human soul" or whatever, yet, you are espousing "Satanism" (what you are describing may be the teachings of "The Satanic Bible", but real Satanism is nothing like that), which is as silly to Atheists as Christianity.

    And then you go on some sort of conspiracy theory rant (I'm not even gonna touch that one, just suffice it to say that the world is MUCH better off without Saddam Hussein and his two kids in it).

    Seek professional help, before you end up like one of these muttering hobos I see all over the place.

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  • Giovanna

    i totally agree with you, you sound epic!!!

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    • tylerthecanid

      Thankyou, im just sharing some thoughts, cheers for the feedback =]

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  • FinDuMonde

    I am a Theistic Satanist (NOT Laveyan). I ded icated when I was 11 years old and I still believe it was the best decision I ever made! It has been a wonderful thing for me. Satan is a fantastic God and I wouldn't change my dedication to Him for any reason. If anyone who reads this is even vaguely considering dedicating to Satan, DO IT! You won't regret! It has made a huge positive difference in my life. I highly recommend it!

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  • the_lobotomist

    Satanism is a perfectly valid religion, so I don't see why it's weird. Christianity sucks!!!
    Hail Satan!!!

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  • Grymlocke

    LeVayan Satanism...its a good thing.

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  • jetsfan

    Actually, I think satanism is a weak cop-out for those who only think of themselves, and can't hack livin' for others. Get a backbone, and quit lookin' for excuses.

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    • Grymlocke

      Living for others is just a way of saying living for yourself.

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    • tylerthecanid

      you are not open to spiritualism are you...fair enough, enjoy your life.

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    • tylerthecanid

      satanism is respecting yourself but not to the full headed asshole degree of it. it is about opening up your mind because god is in us, there are no gods. it teaches us we are all gods. other religions teach us otherwise because they want control. religion is control, satanism is different because it enlightens us. think of satan not as a god but as a friend. chose what you will though, he doesnt force anything upon anyone. believe in yourself.

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  • Joyless

    Well done, and well said dear sir.

    Let me assure you are in good company, I%%u2019m not saying there are no satanic arseholes out there but most of us are true to the teaching you have tried to outline in your tale. I%%u2019m sure that you have arrived here in much the same way as I did and many others I have spoken to. Approaching faith with a questioning open mind and realising there was no answers there only more questions mixed with a great deal of hypocrisy. I believe there truly is nothing more normal So with no authority behind me at all I welcome you to the fold.

    Feel free to feel free.

    Hail Satan.

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    • tylerthecanid

      Thank you, it's good to know there are others that share my thinking in any degree! People have become so materialistic these days that they practically shut out any thought of there being anything spiritual in us at all thanks to all the hype thats been created into making people think its a load of hooey. Id love to hear some of your thoughts.

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