I have to look in the shower before i pee…
My shower is right beside the toilet upstairs. I have to check and see if there is someone in it every time before I pee... IIN?
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My shower is right beside the toilet upstairs. I have to check and see if there is someone in it every time before I pee... IIN?
lol omg I do that too, I'm scared someone is there, I think I watch to many scary movies xD but its normal
LMAO!!!! i totally do the same thing. once the flow starts, they got you where they want you. You have to check. Plus, who wants to be found dead doing that? lol
I think it is very normal!! I say that because being on the toliet or in the shower is a very vunerable place better to be safe than sorry
Lol I used to do this when I walked past the shower and the curtain moved.
YES, if you don't look in the shower you all miss the FUCKING ZOMBIE thats about to attack the shit out of you. IF YOU DONT LOOK the FUCKING ZOMBIE is going to BITE YOU, forget ALIENS, this shit is real. Tru story. Be careful tho, don't ever go in any room without looking, they smell you, they see you, they will get you.
I always check the shower
The shower is where Jason usually hides to FUCKING KILL YOUUU! AWWWWWW YEAAAHHHHH
"When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair.. cuz I might open my eyes and find someone standing there!"
Lol! I do the same thing... I HATE when the shower curtain is closed cuz then I'm afraid to move it back..
But then again, I had a nightmare that I went into the bathroom and there was this really freaky guy in the shower and he jumped out and tried to kill my boyfriend.... so that might contribute to my fear... =P
Totally normal =)
I believe Elvis died on the toilet. And who are you expecting to find in the the shower?
Many people are found deceased while they are sitting on the toilet. It is not uncommon at all, and I personally witnessed this and had to assist in removing many cold stiff bodies from off of the toilet.
If you would like to know more, please write.
Hmmm !!
Sounds like this may have started at an early age, and subsequently turned into a bad habit or a OCD, if it's every time you go to toilet then try just walking in and staring at the wall where the toilet is situated, to break this habit, it's ok there are no aliens no boogy man and no closet monsters, we're grown ups