I have to put my finger up my anus to signal the sphincter to poop

I am very very very embarrassed about this and it is 100%% true...please no haters! My life really sucks because of this. Ok, here it goes...
I have done this since I was 13 or so and I don't remember how I started, I wish I would never have! I found some kind of pleasure in making myself poop bc it was convenient for me to poop on my time. I was in dance, tennis, drama club, chorus and many other afterschool activities and pooping was so annoying. So I guess I figured out how to "make myself go" when I was at home, comfortable. I did this by squatting in front of the toilet and inserting one finger into my anus, this gave me the feeling of having to go, and miraculously, wiggling it around "tricked" my body into helping me trigger the "gotta go" gland and made my muscles easily push and out came the poo and I was relieved. I continued to do this for the last 9 years, and I am nearly 23 and can't make myself poo any other way! I have tried eating lots and lots of fiber and my stools are soft, but over time that I wore that "trigger" out! So now, my was is THE ONLY way I can poo! It is sooooo bad, I can't go ANYWHERE in public like an airplane, etc. I have classically conditioned my body to avoid long gatherings in case I get the urge to go and can't bc the stall's walls don't go all the way to the floor or someone will notice that "distinct smell" on my hand eventhough I scrub and wash my hand with hot water and antibacterial soap for atleast a min after I go. Does ANYBODY else have this sort of trouble?? please Help me! How am I going to work? School is hard enough, I have to schedule my classes in such a way that I can go home often. Help me, this isn't a prank, or a lie, or a joke... I am serious. It is ruining my life. I have tried to sit on the toilet and push, and push and push, and sometimes it works, but most of the time I can never "finish" with that "refreshed/relieved" feeling like I did when I was a kid. If there is anyone out there that has/knows of/ etc. this problem. I am all ears. I feel so bad, what have I done to my body???

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Comments ( 317 )
  • smellyfinger84

    Like most of you, and thank god for all of you, I've had this same disgusting habit for years. I'm 27; since about 12 or 13. I'm a straight man who's never had anal play from anyone. I was reading the thread, probably the entire thread, and I actually registered for this site to comment now.
    For me, it's a 'need to poop' thing, but I'd be a liar if I told you it doesn't feel good. I can also say confidently that I've never had any daydream/fantasy about receiving butt-play. I think about the problem daily, before, during, and after every poop.
    Before: "Man, I've got to shit. Okay, I've got plenty of soap. I'm not going to do it this time!"
    During: "It feels so good that everything's falling out of me."
    After: SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB!!! dry, smell...SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB!!! dry, smell...repeat.
    I've found mild success with bringing reading material to the toilet. Also, I had a live-in girlfriend, but in that case I was just using a shit-ton (pun) of toilet paper. She sort of caught me once. I guess I didn't scrub well enough and she could smell the linger. I told her something like, "oh, how embarassing. I'll go wash my hands better.."
    Coffee, water (gatorade), and cigarettes. I'm not condoning smoking, but as a long term smoker, I know it helps. It certainly helped when I began smoking around 17, but even that nasty habit had room for others.
    While I was reading this thread and saw words/advice, i thought to myself, "Okay, this'll be the time I DON'T do it!" Well, you all know what happened. I sat on the toilet and......not shit. Inserted...shit ton. :(
    It makes sense that my muscles down there aren't working correctly anymore. It also makes sense that this is an ADDICTION as It crosses my mind through the day.
    Now, I have been able to get through a pooping session without, but usually when these small victories occur, it's because I REALLY HAD TO GO; like toilet or not toilet had to go...if you know what I mean.
    I really wish some Anus Doctor would read this or whatever professional it may concern. The pro may say: here are the twelve steps to stinkyfingersyndrome. My career has taken me to a new city and I've got nothing to do for the next week accept to try and quit this. I'm going to stock up on coffee, water/sports drinks, and cigarettes. I'll keep you all informed. I'm so glad to have found a 'support group' of sorts to share this with. we should start a colonition... coalition ;)

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    • Lekittu

      I have the same exact problem. Except I've been doing it since I was three years old. I am currently twenty-two. I have honestly no memory of how it started. But ever since I couldn't stop doing it. I'm not ashamed of it but I just want there to be a name for this condition. It's so frustrating to have been doing this for nineteen years and it not having a name. I seriously think this is some sort of medical condition. I usually just heat my finger up with the faucet and slide it right up in there. I've had some cuts inside my anus before, but nothing too serious. I really hope this doesn't harm my body. Sometimes my body releases this mucas like substance when I poke around in there. I have no idea what it is and if it's normal for my body to be doing that. Please someone help me find out what this is!

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      • Existentialgreysocks


        I suffer from the same issue.. did you ever find a solution to this?

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        • Notideal

          Did you end up getting any answers?

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      • Someone3

        I wish you and i could have a conversation about this but i agree with you it’s an addictive act basically i cry cause i can’t stop but it got to a point where i get germaphobic about it and i take toilet paper wrap it around my finger and clean the inside of my anus it bleeds sometimes but stops and i get the mucus too I’ve been thinking about seeing my gyno about it but I’m not too sure how I’d tell him this

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    • itsgoodtoshare

      Hello to all who have posted. I have recently been doing research on the benefits of "squatting". If you are suffering from trouble with eliminating please check out :

      I hope this helps!

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      • Worriedmom

        I just got a squatty potty on Ebay only 17 bucks why not try it!

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    • Solution

      MiraLax once a day is all it takes.

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    • Bubblegutz69

      It’s the year 2020. I am a 22 year old female who has had this problem since I was probably 10. I remember exactly how it started. I’m sitting on the toilet as I’m trying not to do it so I researched (as I have many times) for answers as to why I do this. I’ve never told anybody. Nobody has ever walked in on me do it..ever. Just typing this makes me feel so much better even though nobody will probably see this. I’m so happy to be reading the comments and not feel so alone. So thank you for posting this and thank you to everybody who has commented as well. I feel like crying right now! I’ve never been able to find ANYBODY who did this. Thank you all for sharing your stories and helping me out 1-10 years later. Thank you!

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      • Notideal

        I'm 28,been doing it for as long as I can remember. It definitely makes life a struggle for me, especially with things like work, or staying away from home, those things are almost impossible.. Im finding that it's getting worse for me as time goes on. & I don't know what to do

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      • Bruce123

        Hi! I’m currently 23 and have had this problem since I was 12-13. Glad you’ve found this.

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    • Kdogdebus

      You may have a serious medical condition. I did this for years since I was little. I thought it was normal Til one day my husband caught me doing so. And so I thought to myself, if this is normal, than why am I so embarrassed? So I got it checked out! Please do yourself a favor and look in to the word
      Colporrhaphy.... If this condition isn't repaired it can cause serious difficulties in the long run. I am 26, so don't think you're too young, or it couldn't happen to you. I started having pooping complications when I was 8 yrs old. So don't be afraid or in denial, your pooper is counting on you!

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    • miww

      I do it a well but I use tp so I don't have to get out on my finger. I get about 4 sheets and fold it where it tears at nice and near and use it that way. I have done it since I can remember and it really does help! Glad to know i'm not the only one.

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    • Nik19

      I have done this all my life and thought it was the norm, I do however rap toilet paper round my finger first, if I don't use this method I feel my rectum is not clean,am now 49 years of age and get no pleasure or relief from it, it just feels cleaner, I do find some times I have to go again a bit later, It does not spoil my life in anyway, if anything it convenient because as you pointed out you can go when you want and not when it suddenly comes over you.
      I did read a post of one here ,,that talks about dieing from poo contaminating your blood stream,
      My answer to that is, there's a lot worse things went there than a finger lol, and in some country's finger bowls are place in the loos for the purpose,,no toilet paper to be seen,,so relax my friend you are not alone lol

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    • chillsman

      Ive wondered this forever i cant believe theres this many people lmao i thought i was an absolute freak. Its like my darkest secret and has been for about 5 years now. It can cause issies i think ive developed prostatis from it so i suggest everyone tries to really stop this. Idk i see people talking about dying which seems ridiculous just know it can cause some issues. stinkyfinger syndrome.

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    • fgb430

      Hello , Would like to give you some advice cocerning ur poop .

      Firstly I would like to share with you that having a teaspoon of honey morning and evening softens your stool and makes easier for you to defecate.

      Also , using water to clean oneself after defecating also helps. Use a jug with luke warm to warm water and pour over your private parts close to your anus when you sit on the toilet to defecate. This helps to open up the passage and makes it easier for you to relief yourself. TC

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    • smellyfist123

      Maybe you just shouldn't put your fingers in your ass

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  • coolbabe

    wow i think thats the longest i have seen on here, i will have nearley been doing it 6 years, 6 years too long for me lol does anyone else get the feeling when they are doing it after you have been not long after you get the urge to go again, its really like uncomftable, not painful but just an uncomftable feeling as if your going to poo yourself, even though when you go there is nothing there??

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    • Solution

      MiraLax once a day is all it takes.

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    • Kdogdebus

      You may have a serious medical condition. I did this for years since I was little. I thought it was normal Til one day my husband caught me doing so. And so I thought to myself, if this is normal, than why am I so embarrassed? So I got it checked out! Please do yourself a favor and look in to the word
      Colporrhaphy.... If this condition isn't repaired it can cause serious difficulties in the long run. I am 26, so don't think you're too young, or it couldn't happen to you. I started having pooping complications when I was 8 yrs old. So don't be afraid or in denial, your pooper is counting on you!
      Could also be ibs for you with the constant feeling to go!

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  • Im gonna admit that I do the same and It makes me do it alot faster , The amount of Pressure your body gives could probably be harmful , well whatever , I just did it and it makes my experience so much easier! :)

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  • Milly213

    Hi everyone. Wow, it's not the easiest of things to admit to is it? It even felt wrong typing it in Google (apart from being terrified of what I might find!) eek!

    Anyway I just wanted to share my experience guys. I'm 54 and have been doing the same thing. I think I can trace it back to having kids (and pets) always being needed and there always being a "Muuuum!" or "Meooooow!" at the door, just when you were on the loo! So I began getting very tensed up. Of course stress and anxiety only makes IBS worse.

    I was feeling permanently unwell, foggy like, unable to concentrate - almost like I had an infection, let alone the horrible stomach cramps and permanent bloating.

    Well all this has changed in the past month. I found a highly recommended nutritionist who really understood all this stuff. She explained that with IBS, poo gets backed up and put bluntly having all that waste inside you makes you feel very poorly indeed.

    First thing she uncovered was that I was allergic to cow's milk. I stopped that and within two days the bloating improved. In fact a few days later, I was at an art workshop and fancied a cup of tea - thought I'd risk a tiny dash of cow's milk cos couldn't bear it without (the rebel in my almost wanting to test her theory to see if it was nonsense). Well, literally 5 minute later my stomach started hurting - we all sat down and guess who farted?!!!! I was mortified (but kept a poker face - who me????)

    Anyway, so I thought I was eating enough fibre - NOT EVEN CLOSE! She said wholemeal - everything, pasta, rice and bread! If it doesn't have the word "Whole" in it's not! I should have fruit with nuts in the morning more fruit as a snack in the afternoon and after meals AND 6 - SIX portions of vegetables a day. Now that's not easy - especially if you're not a huge fan. But I was determined to try - tricks like grating raw carrot in wholemal sandwiches. Fiberous fillings like Humous, meals with beans pulses and lentils. Red meat no more than twice a week, lots of chicken and fish.

    Like others have posted it's an amazing feeling to suddenly get those urges to go by yourself and not have to check you're empty.

    Sorry this is long, but I hope my story might be helpful. Keep trying - I'm sure with the support here you can do this.

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  • yoyoyo23

    btw judging from the colors it seems im the 1st male to admit 2 this.

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  • lolly

    This is like the only post i can find on the whole internet about this!
    ihave been doing it since i was about 16, and its now the only way i can go! icant even talk to my partnerabout it as he sufferes from severe OCD, mainly in regards to Poop!
    i also have IBS, is this related?
    i feel unless i know that there is nothing left, that i still need to go! it's really uncomfortable!
    I really dont feel i can go to my doctor with this, but its something i really want to sort out! can anyone help?


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    • abcdefg333

      I feel that it's really odd that this is the only thing we can find about this on the internet.. Obviously there are several individuals out there who are experiencing it. I was even thinking that it may be called some kind of an anal bulimia condition or something.

      Please if any doctors are reading this, or people who know more.. Please, post on here. Maybe more people will be found who have this problem. Or maybe it's a new disorder that needs to identified.

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      • sara12348651

        anal bolimia...thats cute but acurate

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        • demonstarte

          i was just reading, but I just had to sign up and share... even though a year 8 months has passed since your post.
          I too started with small objevts to invoke my poop to get it all out, and gone to many extents as to use toys it feels good but i just cant go, and wen i do this i can. glad to know im not the only one ive been doing it since i was 13 :( im so ashamed and my parents caught me once or twice its just not so easy to explain... the NEED to go poop but cant.. and when i poke.. its like im pooping and out it goes..

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          • Kdogdebus

            You may have a serious medical condition. I did this for years since I was little. I thought it was normal Til one day my husband caught me doing so. And so I thought to myself, if this is normal, than why am I so embarrassed? So I got it checked out! Please do yourself a favor and look in to the word
            Colporrhaphy.... If this condition isn't repaired it can cause serious difficulties in the long run. I am 26, so don't think you're too young, or it couldn't happen to you. I started having pooping complications when I was 8 yrs old. So don't be afraid or in denial, your pooper is counting on you!

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        • Solution

          MiraLax once a day is all it takes.

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      • LooksLikeLove

        Anal bulimia! LMAO :D Genius dude you just made my day! Ahahahahaha x

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    • Kdogdebus

      You may have a serious medical condition. I did this for years since I was little. I thought it was normal Til one day my husband caught me doing so. And so I thought to myself, if this is normal, than why am I so embarrassed? So I got it checked out! Please do yourself a favor and look in to the word
      Colporrhaphy.... If this condition isn't repaired it can cause serious difficulties in the long run. I am 26, so don't think you're too young, or it couldn't happen to you. I started having pooping complications when I was 8 yrs old. So don't be afraid or in denial, your pooper is counting on you!

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    • sara12348651

      don't tell your parents. tell a doctor they deal with this all the time. regular people don't now how to deal with this subject. but your doctor will:)

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  • hannahbanana93

    oh god, im 16 and have exactly the same problem, i dont even know how it started to be honest :\ and its really started to bug me, it is possible to stop i have managed to stop for about 6 months now, but have had a few one off moments where i just coulndt stop myself. i have been to the doctor, worrying about wether or not doing this has made me get a prolapse, i said it was due to months of straigning ha :/ but its hard to explain realy.. i know it sounds discusting but, when i go and like relax now its like my anus sort of drops a little not loads maybe by only like a few mm but its like a dark blood red ring, and the doctor said it could just be the lining of the anus and not a prolapse, does anyone else get this, like i said its really hard to explain ha :/ some days are worse than others, and its not painful, but the problem is i cant remember wether it did this before i had the "finger problem" or wether its been since i started doing it...
    has anyone else notice anything like that?
    please get back to me

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  • Karman

    ok i have a "reasonable" answear to you.

    First off all coolbabe you have to go to the doctor .. else you mite die everyone i'll tip u i had this for 3 years and it fixed i nearly died u know everyone that u have some kind block .. and sometime u mite get ur blood and all full of shit and die...

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    • frigglefraggle

      is that supposed to be english? I'm sorry but i cannot credit you having a legitimate answer when its clear you never went through grade school

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  • yanmegaman

    I'm so happy to see that other people have my same problem. I think I've found a pseudo-solution to our problem. It's working for me at least. Recently, I recieved a gold bracelet and happened to put it on my left wrist (my butt fingering hand). I really don't want to get my bracelet shitty and I'm too lazy to take it off every time that I want to give in to my obsession so it prevents me from doing it. So my suggestion is to get an expensive bracelet and it'll remind you of how much you want to stop and provide incentive to do so as well. Hope this helps.

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  • Mpx2

    You guys have NO idea how much this post means to me. Ive literally been doing this for as long as i can remember and i feel like at one point i was going crazy over thinking i was the only one who did this. I've told my doctor about it and so far ive been fairly successful. I read about every comment here and i just want to thank you all for your comments.

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  • Lisaladdi

    omg, i literally have tears of joys after reading this. I have had the same issue for years. I would of never thought so many people had the exact same issue. Im 22yo and have been doing this before i was driving. i also cant recall exactly when i first started nor why but i was around 14yo. I have Never told anyone about this and i have been trying to stop for a few years. I never get past the 2nd day, i start to feel bloated and i sit on the toilet for several minutes without pooping so i eventually end up using my finger again. I recently moved in with my bf and im so afraid that he is going to find out. The other day i felt the need to do it while he was home. i told him i was taking a shower, i turned on the shower and i started to do it and he began knocking on the door saying i have to pee. i quickly flushed the toilet which was loaded with tissue and i hoped in the shower i was so embarassed i was shaking. I dont know what to do. i write in a journal all the time saying "todays the day" "im going to stop" but i never follow through. i had a boil on my leg a few months ago and i went to my doctor to get it drained, i told myself i was going to tell my doctor about my problem, but i got cold feet. I know it can't be healthy and i need to stop but ive tried so many times and i just dont have strong enough will. :( im worried about hepatitus and hemroids i havnt had signs of either one but it scares me to death. After i use the bathrom i wash my hands and then was them again with peroxide. i buy tissue and peroxide every week its horrible. Im not doing it for pleasure or to loose weight, i just cant poop anymore with out doing it. And i cant even imagine telling anyone about this problem because im far too embaressed. I dont know what to do.

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    • TTT89

      @lisaladdi: why do you wash your hands with peroxide? Does it make your hands very dry or damaged? I've accidentally spilled peroxide on my skin and it bleached it. And I agree with scared423, just go to the doctor and tell him you are constipated, see if he has any suggestions/meds. If you don't want to go to the doctor, try to drink a lot of water and slowly increase fiber.

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    • cloverdale

      to clean use rubbing alcohol but first a bit of javex wash and then alcohol on you hands , this makes certain you will not spread bacteria to rest of family. iam much older but do the two finger thing about 3 times a week and enjoy the feeling and releaf. it is a bit of a turn on for me . use a good face lotion as a lubricant buy a large sharpie marker for a probe if you dont want to do the finger thing. hope this helps and do not be ashamed. thousands do it and try to enjoy a feeling in your rectum

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    • scared423

      I totally understand your problem. Do you think your issue is generated from a constipation issue? Try some stool softener and if you can't tell your doctor yet, go to him and say you are having trouble going to the bathroom and see what type of constipation meds they put you on. It seems like you are doing this due to having difficulty going. I understand all of your worries too, I felt the same way. Hell, I am a school teacher, a role model and can't believe I have done this. Good luck.

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  • thekaiser

    I have the same problem. I have had it since I was 18 or so. I am beginning to think of it as my greatest addiction, harder to control than smoking (which I successfully gave up).
    I recommend a few things. FIrst, when you get the urge; stop. Stop what you are doing, feeling, thinking. Whatever you are in the middle of, stop. And feel your desire. Feel it inside you. Recognize it. Do not succumb to it, but feel it. Find out what triggers your urges. And feel the urge. Feel it enter you and then breathe and feel it leave you. Take control of your life again.
    I am on the same difficult path.

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  • Sophums

    Wow. It is so good to finally find a post like this. To be honest, I am only 25. But I have a boyfriend who is in his last year in med school and he comes home and talks about all f the digestive diseases you can get. He came home the other day and said "baby, you wouldn't believe some of the sick things people do to their bodies!" standing right in front of him, is me, his girl who mutilates herself daily, by doing what most would consider abnormal and disgusting just so I can relieve myself. He has no clue. It is my best kept secret and it will stay this way until I die. See, for me ir is in no way pleasant or sexual. In fact I have become so afraid of the time I need to do it that I have purposely stopped eating so much. It helps, but of course you just prolong the inevitable. He is going to propose to me in march, when he graduates med school. He loves me and I love him but I feel a distance because of this stupid problem. It has ruined the aesthetics of my anus. I used to have a pretty, smooth one, but now it is scarred with old tearing. I once tore into the muscle and it throbbed all night I couldn't sleep. I am happy to say that I have stopped doing this ritual for about 2 months now. But I believe my muscles have weakened so much that I have what feels like constipation, but isn't really. I have been drinking prune juice daily and it causes diarriah. It's now the only way I can go. But I get cramps without warning and have to drop whatever I am doing and run. He is getting a little concerned because every time we are out and about guess who has to go, right now? It's hard. We both want children, but if I can't even poop, how am I going to deliver a child? I don't want to lose him. I love him so much. We have been a couple for 2 years and have been best friends for 3. But I feel I need to tell him, before he finds out and I don't get to explain. But I can't. I try to put myself in his shoes and see it from his perspective. What if it were him with this disgusting problem? I dunno. But I know that this problem, eventhough I stopped, is taking over my life. I need help, I want a normal divestive system again. Before it's too late.

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    • bizzare23

      i just wanted to write on here to let you and everyone know that what we do can be overcome.i was getting so upset, down and depressed by what we do and it was affecting my life so badly that i knew i had to do something.i had tried to stop before, but my digestion seemed to have stopped working unless i put my finger up there and i actually couldnt go unless i did this.even if i went three days without doing it i would eventually have to because my body was so screwed up that it didn't realise it had to go on its own anymore.after reading all these posts i finally got the advice i needed to stop.

      the trick is this.firstly you have to be determined to stop.this has to be for good because it will never work and will never stop unless we do.secondly for those people like me who can't go without sticking their fingers up there, its not going to start working straight away its going to take a while. its true that our muscles dont work anymore as they are used to our finger doing all the work so at the start you have to still use your fingers.however try and do this as little as possible.any chance you get to stop and just push, do.only use your fingers when absolutely neccessary. you need to build up your muscles strength again and this will take a while but if you only use your fingers at the very begining, and then use your muscles to do the reat of the work, they will begin working again. i have been going through this routine for about the past month and a half and i am now at the point where my body realises that it has to do the work on its own and my muscles are working again.i no longer need my fingers.i cant tell you how freeing and amazing this feeling is to be able to do this on my own.

      please believe me when i say we can do this.we do not need to be resigned to a life where we are rushing to the toilet every second and not being able to go without the use of our fingers.i think people on here think they dont have the choice and that this is just the life they have now but i have been doing this for at least ten years and my body has slowly but surely started to work again.believe me it can work and we can get better.

      i hope this helps you and you can start to get back on track and feel good again.
      if anyone needs to ask me anything about how to get their bodies working properly again please do.

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      • Jo2022

        Would like to talk, this was helpful to read

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      • D801

        Thanks for your post. My situation follows--I never had any digestion problems and suddenly for some weird reason within the last six months, I stopped getting the signal to go to the bathroom. No sign whatsoever. I have tried everything that I could possibly think of... I am currently receiving a series of colonics--at least it keeps me cleaned out so I don't explode. I drink water. I exercise, I eat pretty darn good and nothing. I thank you in advance for your response on your "fix".

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      • davin

        hey bizzare,i face the same problem.i started this habit 4 years back!!! as most of the people mentioned,i dont know how it started,but its killing me that i am addicted to such a bizzare thing,though i have motivated myself from stopping this ,i find myseld unable to give up a habit that gives me pleasure,at the same time gulit and fear,i fear that if i continue this habit i will loose my life to this.after reading your post i feel elated as i know there is someone out there who have got rid of this addiction.you dont know how happy i am to read your post. please do give me further advice on how to stop this.

        bless you

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      • Hidden2BHeard

        Thank you so much :)I officially stopped lastnight although I can poop without doing the finger thing but its just much, but then again you did it for 10 years while i started 4 years ago. Thank you so much for this boost of confidence.. One question hows it going now? do you still have to stick your finger up the bum or can you do it naturally?

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    • Doopydoo

      Hi I'm really hoping you'll come back to this post even though it was made 12 years ago, I need to know if you ever recovered. I'm 20 and I'm trying to stop doing this, I've been doing it since I was a child and I tried to stop a few times but it's true it's like our muscles don't work anymore. Please tell me if you had success

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    • Daretotell

      How did u cure this

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    • softheart68

      I realize this is a very old post, but if you haven't moved forward from this point, I would love to give you some sage advice.
      Tell you sweetie that you are scared about something, afraid you might have a problem, and be honest. If he really, really loves you he will be empathetic and do his very best to understand and not to judge. If he cannot handle it, then he is not the one for you anyway, as painful as that sounds.
      Give him the benefit of the doubt and trust his love for you. The feeling that you have to hide something, that brings you so much shame, from your partner is the worst part about it. (((hugs)))

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    • butterfly27

      Hi sophums.. I've had this problem for a long time n now i can say with confidence that im recovering.. with the help of YOGA and a slight change in eating habits..
      Though i was relieved to know im not the only one, Its sad to know there are so many ppl with this habit but atleast glad that they r all looking for ways to overcome.. I was worried especially for U, since U r so much looking forward to getting into a lovely relationship..

      I don't even remember how or when or why I started doing this.. But it must be atleast 6 years now n im 25.. Yoga worked for me.. I'm taking classes for three months now n my digestion improved incredibly..! They have specific aasanas for improving digestion, so u can ask ur instructor to teach u those.. Also i try to eat in portions four of five times a day instead of stuffing my stomach at once.. I get good hours of sleep at proper timings.. drink lukewarm water stomach full 10 mins after yoga session in morning.. And it just flushes out without U having to do anything..!

      I'm slightly overweight so doing yoga helped me there too, to get a great body n shape n a great feeling of well being..

      I suggest U to take yoga classes for atleast three months n see if it works for U.. I believe it will and i hope so too :) U can even take the classes with ur boyfriend it'll be added fun.. I wish the best for you..

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  • staffswhite

    After coming back from the doctors I now have a rough answer to the problem.

    Although it took alot of courage for me to admit to the doctor what the problem was, he managed to be extremely helpful and understanding.

    I explain to him that basically I had been doing this strange activity for about 6 years now and haven't been able to stop, he blamed a number of reason for this to happen.

    1. Lack of fibre
    2. Lack of Exercise
    3. Lack of Water

    All 3 factors contribute to having weak muscles when going to the toilet which can lead to constipation. The infrequent IBS upset i experience, as mention in my previous post, is simply caused by stress and not in anyway associated with constipation problems or sticking the finger up the bum.

    The other reason for having to stick the finger up the bum to help poop, surprisingly doctors actually use this method with patients who experience constipation problems and also helps release any excess poop that maybe in the system. The reason why myself many others on this website are doing it so frequently is strangely because it relieves us while at the same time it can become addictive and also some may find anal fingering pleasurable.

    The doctor explained to me that if i continue doing this activity I will be extremely underweight and will also having constipation problems for the rest of my life if i dont poop "normally". Basically what we are doing is bad because by manually sticking are fingers up are bums we are doing is constantly flushing out any poop inside are system meaning the food we have just digested has not had enough time to be digested properly into the stomach which in the long run can lead to weight problems. Also by continuing to stick you finger inside your bum you face the risk of damaging the walls in the anus which can lead to internal bleeding and also can lead to hemorrhoids. (Please not he did not mention and any point that this activity could lead to anal or bowel cancer)

    He has recommended for me to go without this routine for a week, see how I feel and has also provided me with some Senokot Hi Fibre Orange Gel to drink in the morning as this will help relax my stomach muscle's and help the poop flow easier and has given me some Mebeverine tablets to relax the stomach muscles. These will only be taken for 2 weeks and must be avoided in the long run as it can make your bowel become "lazy".


    I hope this advice has helped you, sorry if some of it doesn't make sense but Im literally typing what he said from my iphone on the way back from the doctors.

    I will continue to post updates on my progress!

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    • AmITheOnlyOneHelp

      I've been doing this since I was in 5th grade or 4th, I am now in 10th. I remember I was able to stop for about a year when I was younger but now I can't. I'm the type who freaks myself out over anything and I have the worst anxiety about this. I can't go to my parents or my doctor without my parents finding out please help,
      - a terrified teen :'(

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  • issacwin

    I'm 44 and have been doing this all my life, like others i cant remember how or why it started.. Sometimes when i do it i keep going after the initial pooh, making myself pooh when its not 'ready' to come out. (if that makes any sense) and sometimes because it feels like i still need to pooh i do it so long that when i finish my rectum throbs in an uncomfortable pain.
    I have found another way to help this however, i call it my ''poop bottle''.. basicly a plastic drinking bottle with the sports cap.. i fill it with water, squat and gently squirt this inside myself, not much though. This makes me go to the toilet and REALLY makes me feel so much better and cleaner.. i have been using this method for a few years now, though i do sometimes resort to the old method. This has consumed my life, i cant go to the toilet anywhere were i do not have complete privacy.. Public Toilets !! Never.. I meven considering cancelling a trip to Europe as i am required to share a room with someone.. I actually worrying so much about this.. There are times i can stand to have people behind me as i feel so uncomfortable in my anus.. Does this ring bells for anyone else??

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  • Fluxcompacitor

    Wow. I am in total disbelief that I am not the only one who does this. After coming acrosss this from google I felt obligated to make an accountand tell my story which, shockingly, is similar to most of you. I realize this thread must be ancient so I apologize for bringing it back up. but, seriously..wow.

    I am a 21 year old male, I really have no idea how long I have been doing this but I am going to estimate around 12, and i can not tell you what possessed me to start.... I am a straight male, and i can honestly say i never even considered anal sex. (see, pretty sure that is almost word for word of another answer)

    It has become a daily routine to me. I can't explain why, but when I get home I just squat on my toilet and uh, do the old finger dance...I get no sexual gratifaction from it but it does strangely feel relaxing. I could maybe argue I have done my best thinking doing the dirty deed.

    Sometimes when I do it, there will be a little bit of blood that hits the toilet. When I lived with my parents in high school my mom saw the blood, and weird anal mucus like stuff on the seat and assumed i was an anorexic male and surprised me by having a doctor confront me about it. I always had a self deprecative sense of humor so this probably only fueled that theory. Now naturally there was no way in hell i was telling anyone about my habit, so i stuck to the story that i just got really constipated that week and only did the finger once (in reality it was probably my 5th year of doing it) to get it out, so and i must of scratched my rectum (Damn I'm good).

    I still do it pretty much every day. even if i don't have to go.

    I really thought I was the only one who did it, and basically cursed at myself everyday for it....so thanks to everyone for sharing there story...Is there a personality disorder that describes this? I'm a pretty normal/level headed dude besides this habit..

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    • blatantlybritt

      Mucus and blood in the feces is a clear sign of an Irritable Bowel Disease like Chron's Disease! You should research the two, and I bet you will be surprised. I highly suggest you seek medical advice, just to be safe. Mucus and blood that is frequent in the stool, is not normal! What you are doing is NOT abnormal, and the mucus and blood is not from sticking your finger up your pooper, it's from inflammation and/or ulcers in the intestines!

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  • emilymummy

    I haven't read all the posts on this thread so not sure if anyone has mentioned lazy bowel. I read somewhere that pushing a finger inside your bum can cause a condition called lazy bowel making it difficult to empty your bowels because your bowel forgets how to push the poo out. I also saw on a vet programme that to make a puppy/kitten poo the vet would use cotton wool on the anus, basically he would rub warm damp cotton wool on the outside of the bum around the anus which made the animal poo. I'm not comparing you to animals I just wondered whether instead of inserting a finger in your bum you could rub tissue with a little pressure around your anus (for those who said they saw their problem like an addiction)...

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  • bizzare23

    i totally sympathise with you.i was in the exact same position it just felt so normal and good doing it that i just couldn't stop.its only within the last year that i have really started hating it and wish i could stop but i can't poo properly if i don't so i end up putting it up there. but if like you said you really have no problem going naturally, then you are already half way there. now its more of a mind and self control issue. whenever i feel like doing it i think of what it is doing to damage my body and how down it gets me and it makes me realise that its not worth doing it for a few mintes worth of pleasure. every time you feel like doing it distract yourself. find something else that makes you feel good and do that. after a while i honestly think you will realise how great it feels to be able to go naturally and to not have to think about this daily. its such a relief i'm sure.
    i hope someday soon i can just go naturally but until then i'm just not going to put my finger up there unless i absolutely have to.i hope you can find the self control to stop.
    good luck.

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  • shibby585

    omg i cant believe other people do this too, however i have one problem i dont do it just to poo or even sexual desire i do it because i get an urge that i need to do it its hard to explain i only do it at home but i get an urge and then i do it

    the embarrasing thing is my husband will probably find out soon, ive been doing it for years i dont even know how long now probably about 7, i had an operation to remove a haemmaroid which i got through an anal fissure due to fingering myself, and after the operation i stopped for like 8 months and then i started again at first only like once a day every so often

    now im doing it like 10+ times a day everyday, and having to go fill the sink with boiling water every hour and wash. but i just cant stop i just feel a need all of a sudden to stick my finger up there and wiggle it about and i dont want to do it, i dont know how to stop im not even doing it to poo!!!! its so embarrassing i cant go to the doctors with this. and i sometimes do it under the cover with my husband right next to me cuz the urge is that strong

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    • quaips

      Many people get pleasure from anal stimulation so do not worry.
      Try inserting a small enema nozzle into your bottom, blocked against air escape,and leaving it up there day and night except for toilet visits. In this way you need not finger your bottom in bed.
      Go to Aneros.com who make a peredise device specially for anal insertion. By inserting this and tensing and relaxing, it gently massages the anal canal and adds tone and strength. It may satisfy your urge which is nothing to be ashamed about.
      This device or a slender anal dildo, worn all the time may put a stop to anal fingering as the anus will be tricked into thinking it is being stimulated unnecessarily and will revert to normal behaviour.

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    • Doopydoo

      Try a little butt plug

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    • WeirdManFromTheSouth

      Just get your husband to fuck your asshole

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    • cloverdale

      rinse your hands quickly in javex and then rubbing alcohol liberally and then soap and water. dont worry i sometimes start will still in bed in the morning. i keep body oil and facecloth by my bed so they will be there when i want them . i love felling of fingers in my bum several times a day and not ashamed but enjoy it

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  • seand00

    I have the same issue. It is not so much a necessity, as it is a convenience. It started when I was young as well but for different reasons. I ask you not to judge and keep an open mind, as this is something we are all looking for answers to.

    I started doing it, because I began to start having a lot of anal sex. I became obsessed with being perfect down there, and so it began as just a way to check if "everything" was clean.

    I then became so obsessed with wanting to be perfectly clean, that i found doing this finger thing would allow me to feel like i was emptying myself out completely (that way being able to have care-free anal sex for long periods of time).

    It has been beneficial because I am always able to ensure that I'm perfectly clean, BUT it has become a bad thing because I am now fixated on having that empty feeling at all times.

    I find myself trying to "feel empty", and doing the finger thing, before I go out at night, or even before I go to work.

    like <abcdefg333> said above, I just want to know if this is some form of Anal Bulimia, or Obsessive Compulsive disorder, and if its bad for my health

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  • DrBibady

    After reading all the post's above.

    I have a few things i would like to explain
    to you.

    What you are doing to your body will
    eventually KILL you, if you do not stop!

    I have had many pationts with the same condition.

    The best way to stop is telling a loved one
    it is an addition and you will lose a lot of weight doing this

    if single or no one to speak with please go to a doctor imidiate.

    im not just saying this if you dont tell your doctor the truth about the problem he will not get to the bottom of the problem

    however in some case's it is also considerd a disease

    most people end up being diagnosed as anorexic
    by doing this and also end up dying very young!

    so my advise to all of you doing this is please tell someone and/or go to your GP!

    Dr Bibady

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    • scared423

      Dr. Bibady,

      How do you go about telling your doctor? I thought I would have gotten the courage to tell him, but I haven't. I am scared that I did additional damage. I hope that he resolved everything internally. I am afraid to go to the bathroom now and refuse to push or anything I did in the past. My doctor said that I should see him next week, if I haven't gone. He is confindent that I will go, I however am not. It's been 8 days. I stopped taking the prescribed pain killers because it causes constipation and they make me sick. I am handling the pain with Advil. I am looking at a 6 week recovery.
      I am also looking into counseling and started taking anxiety meds since I had several panic attacks at the hosptial. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

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  • 4392Moron


    I always pick my poop out of my but. It feels good and once I am cleaned out I then give myself anal masturbation until I orgasm and then to cool myself down I give myself a cold water enema.

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    • cloverdale

      i am your kind of guy . love the anal masturbation

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  • Krixie29

    Oh My Goodness. I have kept this inside for so long but for the past few days I have been really sick and I think it's due to the same problem everyone is describing. I am getting really scared. I have been inserting my finger or toilet paper in my anus for as long as I can remember to help me poop. I have a couple of hemmorids that I have never gotten looked at and the ring of my anus is just awful looking. I always felt I was the only one and I have never been able to ask a doctor or anyone about it. The past few days I have had a burning in my stomach which feels like diherra but nothing is coming out. I get the mucus, and blood on occasion like everyone has been talking about and I haven't tried to stop yet but the thought of it makes me anxious. I think something is really wrong with me now. I am scared to poop on my own. I don't have insurance at the moment so do you guys think if I start eating more fiber or something that will help me start to poop on my own? My stomach is killing me right now and I am so scared. Please help!

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    • sara12348651

      ok if u have hemroids or something save your moony and see a doctor. but the contractions arouse me 2

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      • sara12348651

        o and don't be scared to tell a doctor. they sometimes tell their pacients to do this if their constipated. more people have this then you think. their just scared people wont exept them. but your doctor deals with pashents like this all the tie. i mean shit look at all the comments from ppl on the subjet. :)

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    • rafique&*^

      plz consult a doctor and tell me i dont have enough balls to get there and ask him

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  • KBone

    I don't thunk a doctor is going to be able to help because this is not medical condition it is a psychological issue that is rooted in some other cause. It could be mental or sexual depending on the individual either way everyone engaging in this activity is deriving some sort of gratification of it in some capacity. It is q habit of isolation and loneliness for people with low self esteem and high sexual energy. We are those who aim to please but get walked on due to our giving nature. We also have a devious streak that runs through us, the one that is selfish and sometimes mean. We are the type that are promiscuous and freaky and very oral and experimental. We like orgasms and getting off and getting others off. Am I right?

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    • cloverdale


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  • coolbabe

    Its now day 5 and it is getting harder and harder, i think its because i am thinking about it so much however i have not done it yet :) btw where are you guys from?? like what nationality. im english im just curious as to where abouts in thw world you all are x

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  • JamJackson

    Wow I have never heard of this kind of problem. Best of luck to all of you.

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  • lexxy89

    Hi Everyone..i see most of u has same problem with me...i understand its hard, i hate it too..i cant poop if i go to someone house..or even at public toilet. If that so i just need to wait till my tummy really really hurt then i can go!sooo hard...Today is my first day trying to poop without using any of my finger...usually in the morning i will poop...now its almost halfday..i cant poop yet, omg im going crazy, i eat banana already, still not help:( ...but anyway i let u know how many days till i able to poop:)..keep in touch n wish me luck..coz i want to be normal again :)

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  • Johnabnormal

    I first want to say that I am so glad to see that I am not alone in this struggle. I have dealt with this addiction for 11 years or so. It first seemed to help when I was around 14 or so when I was under a lot of stress and felt that I was cleansing myself. I remember doing it very rarely and it seemed to coincide with nights that I had nothing else to do and just wanted to relax. After college I moved back home and found myself doing it very regularly and the subsequent stomach cramps and tiredness soon took a toll. I was doing it 3-4 times a day, even when I felt no urge to go, whether it was the peace and quiet I felt alone in the bathroom, the stimulus of my finger, or the feeling of cleansing. Or a combination of all those.

    I moved in with a girl and took a break from it (does it have an official name?). Soon after, i began doing it more and more, until I developed a staph infection that I believe the addiction and it's uncleanliness caused. I was bed-ridden for a year and a half by it and during that time I unfortunately found the strength to get up and use continue with my problem. It was only a year later when I felt I am able to stop and try to be "normal". It has been a month or so since the last time I have done it, and reading all of your posts makes me want to never do it again. The constant need to poop, the mess it causes, the lying needed to hide it, the horrible feeling in my stomach, the bleeding, and infection are too much to bare. It felt very good to be able to type this since I have never told anyone about this before. Thanks for posting everyone, and I hope my story helps!

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  • Lbelle

    I too have had this problem for 13 years. I am a lady 28 years old and it consumed my life. I have many problems that have occurred bc of this. And ashamed doesn't begin to describe how I feel. But in the last week I have made the decision to finally stop. And I've been doing really well and "going" on my own without my finger. I drink a cup of Metamucil every night before bed. Then when I wake in the morning I have a cup of hot coffee and this has helped give me the urge to go on my own. It's been very difficult but ITS WORKING. It's like my brain is retraining itself! So everyone STOP before it gets much worse. I'm afraid I will need surgery to correct all that this has messed up, but I am proud to say I'm
    Heading in the right direction! Please try and stop, give it your all, BELIEVE you can stop, and I think you will be surprised that you will be able to go on your own. I hope this helps someone! Good luck everyone!

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  • lba50

    Life begins at 50 they say? I've been afflicted by this insatiable urge for the last 41 years, since I experienced some trauma at 9 years old. It wasn't so much the guy that held a friend and I captive with his dong out until after dark. (fortunately we were able to avoid his clutches) Upon heading home after dark my physically abusive father wasn't supposed to be home, but he was. This kept me out for a few more hours stressing, fretting, fearing, and shuttering as I chain smoked to try and calm myself down.

    Eventually I went in and headed straight to the washroom to avoid my father. I forced my bowl movement and massaged my anus with my toilet papered fingers, thus beginning my embarrassing ordeal. My condition quickly got worse and unavoidable to a point where both my parents would get pissed off with me always in the washroom. Didn't take me long to plug up the sewage system with all the toilet paper I was using, thus bringing more shame and blame from my father. Soon, my habit even caused my mother to hit me for the first time after I continued to plug up the toilets.

    I began ripping my toilet paper pads into strips thus alleviating the plugged toilets and pipes. I can relate to much of what I've read in all the previous posts; the clear gelatinous discharge which I thought might've been a toilet paper by-product, the rectal fissures (blood) about 10 different times, rectal prolapse (having to stuff my rectum back into my body about 10 different times) I've always used toilet paper, but there have been about 20 times where I've resorted to using my bare finger(s) x2 to attain a point where I felt satisfied.

    I don't mean satisfied sexually or anything like that, but there have been many times where I would need to go back to the washroom about 3-4 times in a row even though I felt sore, cramped, and pressured.

    My condition has always limited my social life and intimate relationships. It has affected my self-esteem and has always been a great source of shame and pain. I am tired of the debilitating effect it has had on my life and I'm going to make it stop.

    There is so much more I could say, but I am glad that I came across this thread because it has given me some hope that I will to overcome what I would literally refer to as an, "addiction" too.

    Thanks to all for sharing your experience and solutions to this physical and psychological addiction.

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  • Homey

    I started doing this at 12 yo probably out of curiosity
    and then to stimulate the poopers out, it felt relieving
    (not sexually) i always wrapped t-paper around middle finger
    moved it around inside to induce bowel movement.I am %100
    hetro and maybe a touch anal retentive or should i say anal receptive !!!!. 53 yo now & stopped doing it 10 years ago

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    • Doopydoo

      How did you quit??

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  • dfhbnifv

    First of all, I am so thankful for this page. It helped me realize too things: 1) I'm not alone 2) I can stop. I wanted to stop because I will be going off to college next year and I didn't want to have this problem plaguing me. Personally, I think of this as an addiction. I was able to stop because I motivated myself to stop. I made myself feel horrible after I used my finger, and when I was able to go naturally I rewarded myself and it felt good.The first few days are hard because you will probably feel very constipated and will want to use your finger. If you are able to fight through this urge, you will eventually have to go, and you will go naturally. You will continue to have to fight the urge to use your finger, but I promise that you will feel much better about yourself if you are able to get through the tough first few days. By making myself feel bad about my addiction, I was able to stop cold turkey. I hope that this simple solution will work for you too, because the others suggestions ( surgery, laxatives, and "biofeedback") all have some MAJOR pitfalls. Good Luck!

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  • Bristolboy

    Id just like to thank everyone whos left comments. Ive been doing this for over 15 years!! Im only 22 and i feel like after realising im not alone in this i think its time to stop. Now on my 2nd day without my finger and its going well! Thank you all.

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  • discoboy71

    OMG ! to think I was the only one in the world doing this. I too started at 14-15 and it was more about not eliminating (severe constipation) and inserting my finger in to eliminate seemed to do the trick.

    I'm 40 now and though my constipation is in better control, I think my habit is now biting me in my butt (pun intended)! I've had an episode of internal hemarroids (there was bleeding) and the doctor examined me and said it was grade 1. He asked me to use the bath sitz and also forbade me from putting too much pressure when wanting to poo. Also gave a couple of herbal oils to internally apply!

    I wonder if the prolonged fingering has weakened the blood vessels and causing the hemarroids (though the I can also attribute it a rather sedantary job, where I need to sit all day). If that's the case I wonder what about people who regularly have anal sex !!

    The only way to prevent a repeat is to ensure that one is never constipated and exercise regularly.

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  • Hupash523

    I cannot say what a relief this post has been. I signed up and made a profile simply to comment on this. I have felt disgusting and abnormal for years. I've never told anyone, even my live in boyfriend of three years. It is so refreshing to know I'm not alone.

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  • do-the-roar!

    Im so relieved now as i'm pooping properly once again! this has been happening in the last week or so and i feel great!
    I would like to thank every comment as this was a serious case to me and i feel so much better now and healthy!
    Just remember everyone you will get better you just need to stop!


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  • berealhero

    HI everyone i have searcheda lot on this and also understood the complete scientific process of digestion.(though i am not a doctor or medical student)
    (1).We are using fingers because our large intestine has lost its power to push the stool.
    (2).So lets analyze the last step of digestion. The waste moves in a circle in anticlockwise manner and then is expelled.
    (3). Now what is the benifit of all this analysis???
    (4).Let me explain, hear carefully. First sit cool and calm and then starting from the bottom of your stomach apply pressure to each small part of the body in anticlockwise manner and hence complete a circle whose centre is at your naval.by practising this my digestion is improving.
    (5).why this helps???because if your large intestine muscles were strong enough then the waste would travel in this manner. but now you have to make it move in this manner by slowly slowly pushing it in anticlockwise manner

    some more optional but helpful and simple advices:

    (1).drink lot of fluids
    (2).stop eating meat and be pure veg. till your problem is solved
    (3).if you can afford eat additional high-fiber products like fruits, salad, etc.
    (4).if you can afford buy a brass or copper container(1 Litre capacity) and pour water in it at night and wake up and drink it. it helps a lot in digestion+it is free.
    (5).try to poop every morning and just once in a day fully.
    (6).squatty position also helps in digestion(there is a scientific reason).so if you are comfortabe with it please be in that position
    (7).last but not the least. believe in what i said. i was myself tired of this bad habit and frustated. i will be happy if my suggestions can help even one person on this earth and make his/her life better

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    • do-the-roar!

      This gave me so much hope for this disgusting habit!
      I myself will try these methods of yours, but i got one quick question?
      Did you get medical help... Just curious?

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  • badhabits

    is anyone so addicted that they end-up doing it during their sleep? unconcioussly.

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    • cloverdale

      Early in morning while in bed but have to get up and poop on plastic sheet and it feels good and dump it in flush and wash everything

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  • uhavnoidea


    i have tried everything, from trying to stop the plunger method, trying laxatives, water cleanouts, enemas, the works...i don't know if i will ever get to feel cock in me anymore but i want it so bad but i'm scared that i will shit on his cock.... but more importantly i would like to go to the bathroom again naturally without worrying about or doing anything....another reason why i feel like i cant go to the bathroom on my own is because after the plunger method, my hole get really tight and sometimes dried out from all the moisture getting pumped out...so i get extreme constipation...and by the way i have tried miralax and it just doesn't work for me....im scared to stop because i know there will be major bloating, extreme constipation, and excruciating stomach pains/cramps......PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS STRAITENED OUT SO I COULD HAVE HEALTHY DIGESTION AND SO I COULD ENJOY ANAL SEX WITHOUT HAVING THE URGE OR SENSATION TO POOP.....IT MAKES ME SAD BECAUSE I KNOW PEOPLE GO TO THE BATHROOM NORMALLY AND IT TAKES THEM A MERE 5 MINUTES....WITH ME I'M IN THE SHOWER FOR TWO HOURS!!!! CONSTANTLY PURGING MORE AND MORE POOP OUT UNTIL THE CONDOM IS CLEAR AND MY STOMACH FEELS COMPLETELY EMPTY....

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  • tentuna

    i dont wanna scare u guys but the reason am writing here coz i recently got to know that my best friend have colon canser and she was doing the same thing when ever she goes to poo.she even use to smoke a sigaret b4 coz she always saied i cant poop without smoking a cigaret.i am doing a same thing for past 10 years and am scared i might have cancer too.plz check with doctor its not a jock .

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    • Hidden2BHeard

      You wont get cancer by doing this, if you scroll to the very top one of the people say that they went to a docter and its not cancerous

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  • blahblahblah12345

    i do this too im just wondering if sometimes you guys get diarrhea or a messy squeshy poop and and upset stomach? is it only me?

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  • abcdefg333

    Hey everyone, it's probably been over a year now since I last posted on here. The last time I did it was during my pregnancy and my baby is 1 y/o now. Anyway, I also had the "finger" problem which lead to hemorrhoids and of course even more complications during pregnancy and after labor. I just wanted to update everybody on where I am today with this. Even after having my baby and having been diagnosed with stage 2 hemorrhoids I continued to use the finger to help myself go. It was nothing sexual for me, more of that I needed to be fully emptied out or fully satisfied or whatever. I began looking for a female proctologist and it was not easy, as most doctors in the field tend to be male. I felt that being female myself, that I would feel more comfortable opening up and talking to a female doctor. Now, for those of you who don't know. A proctology doctor is someone who specializes in rectal surgery and other similar procedures. After about a year of searching I was finally relieved to have finally found a proctologist who was not only female but was also seeing patients in my hometown. This was a blessing. A few months ago I went to see her, and she suggested that I schedule a procedure called HALO (hemorrhoid artery ligation operation), which would eliminate my hemorrhoid problem and being so young with the right/high fiber diet after, I may never have it reoccur again. I did a lot of research and even saw videos on the internet of what this procedure would be like and decided to do it. It's been 9 days since I had this done and I am currently recovering. There is definitely a lot of pain in the rectum, but I was put on some very strong pain meds,so it's manageable. The opening is really tight now, and it would be really hard for me to use my finger the way I used to. I have gone to the bathroom a few times and although still painful, it has been a success without using my finger. They say I should be going on a daily basis, but for now it's only about every 3 days or so. The full recovery process can take up to 8 weeks, for the anus to fully return to normal, but the pain should ease in the next few days, hopefully. I am drinking fiber 3 times a day to soften the stool and if for some reason that doesn't work they said to take a laxative before bed that day, which should help me go the next morning. I can't tell you, that I am 100% satisfied with my decision until I've fully recovered, but so far I think it has been a step in the right direction. I really hope that this helps some of you out in some way, and I will keep you all updated in hopes that I will not continue this habit.

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  • giveupnow

    My GOD! I have always always thought I was the only one who did this. I have been doing this since I was 14 yrs old and am now 33 - so thats close to 19 years of this habit. I used to be actually proud that I could go when I wanted to and did not have to depend on a cup of tea/coffee to crap. Have had a few instances of bleeding but never too serious.

    I have always wanted to give this up and this was the biggest surprise ever, seeing so many people with the same habit.

    I have now given it up since yesterday. Giving it up has been slightly easier because I basically use a bucketful of water to wash my fingers after every insertion so I am washing my fingers about 30 times everytime I go. Now of course I do not have any water in the toilets in my office. So now I have started going to office early and take a crap in the office toilet. It has worked well for the last 2 days. Of course I do not feel the 'satisfaction' of being completely empty like before, but I feel I will get there in a few days. Yesterday I had to massage the skin of my anus a little bit to poo but today it came naturally. I went again at night in my house and the temptation to fill that bucket was huge but I desisted and feel so proud of myself.

    Well its only been 2 days so far...so I dont know if this will last, but reading about prolapse etc, I am pretty sure I want this to stop. Also I now spend less time in the crapper.

    Another thing that has helped is that I take in some reading material - keeps my mind diverted off the habit.

    I also read somewhere that if you squat on the toilet to crap like S Asians do, you find it much easier to void yourself. Have not tried this but I intend to try it sometime.

    But yeah - thanks for this...I never knew so many people had the same habit (I am refraining from calling it a problem because I am not completely sure that its a bad thing)

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    • Hidden2BHeard

      Well i just came across this site just tonight (usually ill be a sleep but i tried reading everyones comments and not its way passed my bed time and its 2am and i need to wake up at 7am!) Anyway how are you doing now?? have you fully quit?

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  • mucholderperson

    From an oldie to all you silly young people. What a bunch of fuss-pots. I am in my seventh decade and had to start doing this in middle age from necessity. All of you young people are making far too much fuss about this self-"clearing-out" procedure. Wait till you get old and have had several children, plus a piles operation involving a rectal stretch! then you will find you will be obliged to do this just to clear the stuck-in hard stoney stuff waiting there. You will also get used to not being able to control farting in front of everybody. Just pray that you never get diarrhoea (which at my age will just fall out).Just stop all that neurotic fussing. You have to look after your own body, so if you need to do that, so what? If you were greatly paralysed and/or very old somebody else would have to do that for you.

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    • LooksLikeLove


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  • cupcakes123

    I used to have this exact problem, i did wonder whether it was some kind of eating disorder. I just wanted to get everything out.<BR>I started when i was about 12 because i was consipated. As I got older I started to realise that this wasn't normal and that I could be damaging my body and the smell on my finger was horrible. I agree that this really does become an addiction. I haven't done it about 3 or 4 months now. I don't even think about it when I 'go'. I had a holiday with my boyfriend for the first tim elast summer and of course I couldnt do it there, it was only for a long weekend and I didnt poop there at all, this made me want to sort the problem out! After finding this website it gave me the motivation to stop for good. <BR>I kept a ring in the bathroom and put it on that finger everytime I went. This really worked and made me stop! now I dont need the ring anymore.<BR><BR>This addiction can be stopped! I know it's hard, I have days when I really want to do it, but I'm getting through it. At the start I felt bloated and horrible, but after a while things went back to normal <BR><BR>Trust me, you will get through it.<BR>Good luck!

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  • scared423

    You can check out my additional comments on


    I survived the surgery. My rectal prolapse is fixed, but at a major cost. I have four incisions, had a drain tube from my belly and had to stay in the hospital for 4 days. It's been over a week and I am still very sore. I haven't pooped yet since the surgery and am really concerned. I still haven't told my doctor what I have done. I think my next office visit I will have the strength to tell him.

    The surgery took much longer than expected due to all the scare tissue that I caused. Hopefully my story will scare the crap out of you to stop. Please stop, I don't want anyone to go through this.

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    • Doopydoo

      Please tell me how you recovered and if you can go normally now

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      • Curiouskitten444

        Talk to your doctor dude. See all the comments, you're not the first.

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  • malarky

    Hi, all. well I just read this whole thread....I had this inspiration to look for this subject, I kinda knew I couldn't be the only one!My story is a little different, but at core, the same....I am nearly 60....makes it sound even grosser.....Probably didn't start until I was 30. Tho I have had a sort of IBS (means docs don't know) since early 20's. For me, it is mainly about emptying my bowels, and relaxing, during.... and feeling (after) that I've emptied out. I always, unless impossible, do it in the shower...I shower a few times a day, and always, put some vaseline there, and using my left middle finger, get to release everything, air, mucous, poop, all....Its kinds=a trancelike,I also like to clean my ears out, and get that glazed look. JJust give me an orifice.!....Nothing weird with my mouth tho. I used to be really freaked out about this, but its almost normal now....I do need my own place, with a shower, I really keep the shower spotless.. clean, and scrub up my hands after.....If I have a girlfriend, I just explain that I like to shower. When I'm away, I can kinda control it, with daily psyllium husk, and anti diarea meds....My poop is actually sticky, so if I'm not in the shower, its kinda messy and grosser. also the warm water and the relievung of the muscles and the poop, I'm thinking millions of people do this.....I'd never tell anyone, if not for the net. I 'm also thinking its a symptom of not being able to let go.....prob, many of these posts, inc. mine.are from people carrying a lot of shame(in general) from me my childhood was really uptight and shaming....and in some ways left me with PTSD....Otherwise I'm fairly "normal"....I like it when a woman puts her finger there, but not in it, I sometimes fantasise about anal sex, but it's not a BIG thing, prob, most people do.I do like to explore around my girlfriends anus.and see it.....Its a naughty forbidden fruit......and I'm a bit into the kinky spanking thing, as the spanker..along with roleplay..and light consensual domination......(havn't heard that mentioned (YET).Don't know if its connected, it well could be because I was made to bend over and be beaten, as a kid....well thats part of the shame....Yes I'dove to just have a great big wholesome crap, once or twice a day, but I don't see it happening.....Its like everybody has something, this is ours, its good to take the shame out of it...(we have enough) what else.....I have a lowish self esteem,but am growing and learning to love myself, whatever I do, think or feel.I wrote too much i'll finish in my next.

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    • smellyfist123

      motherfucker, you're gross.

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  • unclebuck

    I'm 51 and have had this problem since my early 20's. For me I believe it's related to having crohn's disease, and poor colon function.

    I recently found GREAT HELP watching this video by a nutritionist called "Constipation Pooping Positions". She talks a bit about weak colon problems and demonstrates two positions that make it easier to move your bowels. The second one is specifically for people like us, who have a feeling of a blockage. She also has a message technique that helps things move on their own.

    Hope this helps someone as it has me!


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  • MsVeronicaBaby

    Wow! I thank god i have found this site!
    I am so sick to my stomach about this whole thing.
    I dont even know when i started doing this, but i cant stop. Its the only way i can go.
    It makes me so upset and sad tho. Almost depressing.
    I dont see myself changing anytime soon too.
    I take "anti diarrheal" medicine because my IBS was so bad at one point i couldnt keep anything in.
    Then i got on a new medication and i couldnt go anymore and this technique is the only way i can go.
    I didnt read everyones post but i want to say thank you for everyone who wrote on here about this.
    I did feel like i was the only one. I could take trips, stay a long time at my boyfriends. Cant tell anyone about it.
    I just dont know what to do about it still... I read its like a addiction? I dont know how to stop.
    Im definitely not going to cut the tips of my fingers or put them in bleach tho.
    Sometimes i can go without using the "technique" but mostly i cant.

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  • dalesjack

    hi, i came across this site after doing a search for something completely different . . anyhow, i started reading these comments as i found this to be interesting reading. I am a gay 21yo lad who has been doing this kind of thing for as long as i can remember, 8 or 9 i think. I think to be honest, in one respect thats probably the reason i am gay, apart from the fact that i am attracted to males, rather then females. I am not currently in a relationship, and niether do i sleep around . . however, i am a VERY horny lad with an extreamly high sex drive. I love sticking my finger up my bum, espesically when having to poop :) I have no problems at all with going normally, its just a sexual pleasure i enjoy - especailly when masterbating, its just the best feeling in the world ever. I get a bigger erection with my finger up inside there, the feeling is totally mindblowing and not to mention outta this world :) I generally tend to cum loads more to! I think alot of people on here do it more for the pleasure, enjoyment and excitment that you get from it, rather then actual problems going. What an amazing subject to bring out into the open :) I do this all the time when pooping, it feels so good to feel it empty inside . . i often try to go in as deep as i can and once its completely empty up there, its nice and warm and slimmy - all the more reason to insert more fingers ;)

    its dirty secret that no one would ever admit to doing , except for like on here lol. but i bet there is ALOT of people out there who do this kind of thing lol. And i think straight guys especailly , need to question thier sexuality lol . . because if your getting sexual pleasure and enjoying this behind closed doors , in your own little private world , i wonder what kind of fanastaties your engaging in :P

    Think about it guys, lol ;)

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    • cloverdale

      i am male a bit bi but love the two finger feeling and have butt plug up my bum when i masturbate.

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  • idoittoo

    i am so pleased, ive found this web site i really thought i was on own in this,,, i began helping myself poo when i was around 10 im now 32. its caused massive problems for bleeding piles my ibs is now been retested for chrones theres no end to it but i know the truth its down to me loving the feeling of been in control of when i go poo, sounds crazy but its soooooooo true, i would love to stop this habit if anyone out there can help me please do... thank you xxx

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  • KBone

    The best way to quit is if you live with someone you love like a significant other would be to go with the door open. Get rid of your privacy factor, if you have a video camera put it on and record yourself going to the bathroom. If you slip up wait a few hours and then sit down and watch yourself do what you are ashamed of. You will be disgusted with yourself and hopefully these mechanisms will help you quit. If you have to bring your husband or wife in the bathroom while you go. If you don't have anyone bring some bleach or some other chemical or commercial cleaner in the bathroom with you and before you start your business dip your hands in the cleaner. I guarantee that you will not put your fingers in your body with stuff like that on your hands. You have to take some pretty drastic measures to quit so get at it. I even took a razor blade and cut open the fingers I would use because I wouldn't put them in my anus with open wounds either. I know you think this is crazy but this kind of activity can cause some serious health problems and mental issues as well. I mean think about what you are doing and realize that it is not at all normal nor is it good for you. Good luck.

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  • mindfukced

    wow. i ddnt think im going to find such a thing. i have the same fukced up problem. that til now i cant trash. ive been dealing with this for i this 6-7 years now. and i really wanna forget all about it. but its so damn hard. i need tips and advices on how you people did it. please help. the only person that knows this about me is my husband and he is trying really hard to change me. but, i always end up lying about it. and i think i already have a hemmorhoid problem. though, i know it only came up when i recently gave birth. i hope yall didnt get disgusted or anything. and i hope to receive help from those who are done fighting this problem. looking forward to seeing anyone advice me about this. thanks.
    blessed and happy new year everyone.

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  • spicy

    after reading everything it's interesting to note there are actually people doing the same thing! Well my story is slightly different, I have had to do this for about seven years now and just because I disabled from a spinal cord injury and hence do not have any control of my bowel movement... well, I found a system where I can keep it inside and go on specific days only luckily avoiding any "accidents" but the thing is I have had to put my fingers sometimes to induce it to all come out and it's always very refreshing... anyone else with a spinal cord injury doing it? And by the way I always use gloves (regularly latex gloves) and hence no smelly fingers... well since I go after about three days and only do it once in the morning I wonder if it's better than doing it every day? (Which I think could be dangerous) so anyway, anyone else with a spinal cord injury doing the same thing?

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  • drew

    dam i actully found people who got this... lol.. i to have had this since i was like 13-14 im 20 now and always was a normal guy... exept for this crap. im movin in wit my girl pretty soon and i wana kick this habit.. before i actually move in wit her.

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  • Sam_Bluenova

    I can't believe this. I never knew so many people were going through the same thing as me. This is the first time I've stumbled upon information regarding our mutual issue and big ups to the person who started this.

    I'm almost 19, and I've been doing this since i was 14. i used to feel nauseated and sick all the time and by doing this every morning and forcibly taking a dump i feel relaxed and happy through out the day. It helps me pass the day easily.

    I tried quitting this habit during my summer recess but I loose my appetite, feel sick, weak and depressed. I tried not doing doing this and I didn't feel the urge to take a dump for 3 days, then I forced myself too after thinking it wasnt safe.

    When I was young i used to suffer from bathroom problems, I'd never feel the urge to take dump and still dont. It's not like i dont, I do, but its at the last minute and I embarrassed myself as a child regularly. But since this I never had any problems.

    Thank you everyone for sharing this! It really helps. I've never wanted to consult a doctor as what I do helps me and not doing it, well i fear the consequences. But there's got to be a solution.

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  • I began doing it when I was 8 or 9. In my thirties I got hemorrhoids from doing it so much, that I had to have surgery to remove them 'OUCH'. I knew then that I would have to stop. I told my doctor that I was irregular almost daily. He wrote me a prescription for a fiber laxative, which has worked very well for me. I still get the urge to do it sometimes, but I'm affraid of getting hemorrhoids again.

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  • KBone

    I just wanted to say that after reading this blog about a month ago that since then I have completely quit doing this and have no urge at to go back to it. This behavior of ours is analogous to any other habit like masturbation or alcohol or drugs. I would say that the difference is that this kind of activity has a sexual and masachistic nature to it. I say that because it involves a certain gratification that could be regarded as sexual in nature. It also involves doing something that is very taboo and would be looked at by those who do not engage in this kind of activity as perverse, as gross, and quite possibly self defacating.
    So why do we do this? How did we even conceive the idea to start? I mean how many young kids out there are looking to stick their fingers in their rectums to pull out their own excrement and then to think that they would enjoy every bit of it? I personally think that it stems from many different traits or diverse self inculcated dispositions of many deviant characteristics. A mixture of self indulgence, gratification, curiousity, insecurity, sexual desire, selfishness, hate, and emotional trauma mixed with certain circumstances and various situations have in different ways led us all one way or another down this road that we all in our own way but together, find ourselves on.

    We can all stop this. We just need to give ourselves a good enough reason to make it happen. The biggest problem that we have, and I think this prominently resignates in individuals prone to this kind of behavior is that although our resolve may be strong in the beginning we have serious problem in our resolve as time progresses and our wills weaken drastically. Because of our self-indulgent and weak willed nature we most of the time quickly relapse and find ourselves doing it again.

    We just need to stop and stop for good!

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  • theRealDeal

    I have done this since the age of 10. Unbelievable!! Thank you all for the comments and the help!! It goes to show that there are good decent people on this site that want to help others. I've always done this mainly because it felt good-masterbation so to speak. But I've dropped 20lbs lately because I can't go without my fingers. How, I've AlWAYS thought I was the only one!! So good to know i'm not!

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  • anon90

    I have been doing the same thing on and off for i dont know how long! I found this site and joined because im moving in with my bf and i feel very anxious. I put my thumb up my vag and my middle and ring finger up and rotate.. ive had the mucus and i have had blood in my stool when im not doing it? im totally confused and i dont know how i ever started. I also started making myself sick from a young age.. ive never had to use fingers though. does anyone think it could be something to do with controlling all of your body functions. i expect you are all the same as me.. so normal on the outside.. lots of mates yet i always feel panicky when getting really close to someone. Im 20 and i dont know when this was posted but any replies would be appreciated.

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  • YOtriflin

    oh my god.
    i seriously almost started crying reading this.
    I have the SAME EXACT PROBLEM and I thought I was the ONLY ONE..
    I've been doing it for about 3 years (I'm 18), so I started around age 15.
    I don't even know how I started but I CAN'T STOP.
    I'm really scared that I'm damaging my anus.
    And I get that mucusey jelly stuff too.
    I'm going to college in 2 months, I NEED HELP.
    The only reason I don't want to go away to college is because I have this pooping problem and I have to share a bathroom. I'm so scared I won't be able to just overcome it and "shit" on my own around others. I can only do the "finger method" when I'm in private..
    Does ANYONE have ANY advice to stop? I need to stop, this can no longer continue. Should I see a doctor? Has anyone had any luck talking to a doctor about this? Please help me, this pooping problem is ruining my life. I don't want to live like this anymore..

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  • coolbabe

    i use my fingers but i put toilet paper around them, if thaat makes sense, either way i never get poop on them. It has only just occured to me that i started doing this litrally day before i went into hospital with Campylobacter coli and im wondering if that has anything to do with it. Speak up if any of you guys got ill just before or after you started doing it, if you remember, its taken me like 4 years to figure that out. Man i really wana quit, yet i love to do it (sounds wierd i know):(

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  • KevKevTehBoss

    Hehe. As everyone else has said, it's good to know i'm not alone. Interesting though, it seems most of the people here started around adolescence (13-16), and it seems that a lot of you are girls. I myself am a male, and I started around 13 ish. One thing though, why do you guys use your fingers? That's kind of disgusting, I just use toilet paper. Word up to Polkadot ;)

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  • Polkadot

    Seriously almost teared up! I'm so happy to kno I'm not the only one, I'll try to make my long story short it sucks I do it all the time I usually only have urges wen I pee after I eat or once I've done it already. I massage mine tho, I take toilet paper fold it up and rub my butthole in a circular motion. I used to use my fingers but I have nails plus my poop started getting too messy(wasn't nugget terds anymore) so afterwards was a forsurrrre pain! I've also had the weird white/clear mucus. Oh and sometimes I wet the toilet paper I'm using. I'm very addicted hate doing it but I can't stop, it gives me anxiety even thinkin ab it. 19 female btw ( super normal person too ) lol

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  • taina2020

    i just cant belive im not the only one.
    i've lookin for sombody who have this too like ages.
    i really worried.
    after i read all this comments i feel i have the power to stop this horribole thing.
    i'm 16 now but im doin it for 3-4 years.
    i just afraid i wont be able to poop if i will stop and than i will have Blocked intestines.
    sorry about my english its not my Language

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  • staffswhite

    Iam a 19 male and unfortunately i have the same problem too,i have been looking to find similar stories on the internet but this is the only website and Iam so glad Im not the only one. I started it back when i was 13/14 years old, i suffer from IBS and take Mebeverine tablets everyday, i have to massage my anus to help me poo, and despite it obviously being vile, iam ashamed to admit this habit to my girlfriend, relatives or doctor.
    This habit helps me poo and i have a poo every day at exactly the same time each day, i only do it because was i have been to the toilet my body feels refreshed.
    I'am worried that if i continue to do this everyday it might cause some kind of cancer in the anus.

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  • coolbabe

    wel to be honest i stopped for about 3 weeks but however starterd again not for the fact i couldnt poop, just for the force of habbit.today is my 2nd day of quitting for the 2nd time and its going well. I am also worried about a prolapse and i am also worried about the actual state ov how my anus looks, whenever i have sex im always scared incase my partner sees and it is not a pretty sight. I also live a normal life and dont even think about it until i am at home or going for a wee and actualy sit on the toilet. when i stopped i could not poop at all so i uset to do it but only once to get it started, and i sorta went on from there, it did takeabout 2 weeks to poop 1 poop out by myself and it tuk a LOT of straning. but that was more than what i could do before so its an improvement right? i do find it worrying incase i strain too much and obvs have a prolapse like you said.

    this is a question for anyone to awnser, does anyone know if the skin outside the anus will ever go back to normal if i stop this habbit?? because its sorta gone strange like my anus just generally looks bigger (discusting i know)

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  • coolbabe

    i just decided to stop doing it, it was awful and if im completly honest i started doing it afain but i did stop for about a month and by the 3rd week i was nearly normal again, it took a lot of straning though i get a bit scared to strain too hard incase i have a prolapse or something but i belive in time it can be fixed, for me its just givig up the habbit i find hard.

    just for yoyo23 just out of intrest how did you start doing it?

    and insanejane yes i have bleed a few times but not very often

    please get back to me guys :) x

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    • smellyfist123

      I can't say that anyone is like you.. the best way to not bleed from your choco starfish is to not put stuff up in your butthole, let stuff come out not go in :p

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  • yoyoyo23

    i have the same thing; i don't have to but it's easier this way. sometimes it bleeds does it bleed by anyone else?

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  • coolbabe

    yes i get the mucus, its like a clear ourdless jelly like stuff, i read up about it before and ther was actualy something on the internet about it and it was something to do about a prolapse or something however i havet had a what i would call a normal prolapse but its deffo not good for us to be doing it. its more of getting out of the habbit of doing it which is my problem because i stopped doing it for about a month and i was pooping fine on my own but its just the habbit of doing it which i am trying to get out of. i feel like i am trying to quit smoking or something i think it is somehting in my head which triggers me to do it, like a bulmia sort of disorder

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  • abcdefg333

    This is crazy and this was probably posted a long time ago.. But I have the same thing nd feel really uncomfortab;e talking about it to anybody, even a doctor. I also have a hemoroid, and i am pregnent. So when I am done i will be going to a gastroenterologist to see what can be done.. Makes me feel alot better that i am not the only one, but I still need help on telling my doctor. Do you guys think the doctor will understand?

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    • abcdefg333

      I mean do you think the doctor will understand about the finger thing not the hemoroid..

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  • Cr1st0f0r1

    Try talking to your doctor.

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  • staffswhite

    Iam going the doctors this week, unfortunately I won't have the balls to tell him my problem but I will show him this website and hopefully get him to explain what the problem is and how it can be resolved, basically Iam 19, underweight, eat loads but never put any weight on. suffer from infrequent IBS due to stress from work at uni, become constipated when I need to poop, have to finger my anus to get rid of the poo and I feel that the reason why Ian underweight is because this anus fingering is forcing food I have just digested through my digestive system which means I never put any weight on. Also someone mentioned that hot water bottles help get rid of the pain, I do that too! Has anyone ever seen abit of blood on there fingers whilst doing it?

    So this week iam going to the doctors to seek advice and will definitely post his opinion on here after!

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    • mamumbbs

      Yeah buddy this is good,I have been suffering this type of problem last 2 years,and I am 24 years old
      reply me if u got a solution

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  • taina2020

    hi coolbabe and everyone, since i wrote my last comment i stopped doin it.
    it's an amaizing feeling, and 2 days after i poop all by myself. it is so excited and i want to tell all of you to try stop because its much easier than it look. you just need to be really Determined and you can do it. yes, in the first 2 days i was so woried that i will never poop again but 2 days after, my stomche cant go anymore without poop and it just coming alone...
    just do it people:)

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  • malarky

    Wow, I just seen, this is nearly a years thread, thanks for keeping it open, May everybodys shame be shared and accepted, thats all anybody wants.

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  • annoyingbuzzard

    I do this too!!! i hate it, i started 2 years ago when i was 12 due to the whole "girls dont poop" thing. I dont find this arousing, and i hate the smell but i always want to go as fast as possible to pull this off as a piss! Today I tried hard to go without "the finger" (after i read this amazing website where i learned im not the only one!) and it took a while, but i managed. I really didnt feel empty though.... But yes, i agree this is an addiction.

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  • coolbabe

    hey guys, i know i havent been on for a while. to be honest i forgot about it all. as for quitting i am doing reasonbly well, whenever i need to poop i do need a bit of help here and there but its not too bad really considering how bad i was before. id say on avarage now i maybe do it not even once a day. Which is a drastic cut down because before i was going upto at least 20 times a day. to awnser cantstop's question i think the reason we want to stop, or i personally is because of the hygene thing, i feel like i cant tell anybody because they will think i am discusting and another reason is that i wasted so much time on the toilet, i didnt have a life. i when i wasnt on the toilet i was thinking about how badly i wanted to go. I think even cutting down is a massive achivement because i now dont think about it at all and i wait until my body feels like it needs a poo and sligtly put my finger up ther and let it all out, sometimes i do like to make sure im empty but it is only once a day i am doing it. oh and since i have stopped i have gained 7 lbs which is good aswell because i am slightly underweight.

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  • coolbabe

    its a week today since i stopped doing it and i am actually pooping all by myself for the first time ever..wel since i stopped last time! i am truley made up! i cant belive i have actualy done it just goes to show that it can be done, it mite take time but it will be worth it :D

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  • coolbabe

    i havent read on the internet or asked anybody about it but what i think the problem is is that the sphincter is a muscle. and like any muscle in the body if they dont get used they get weak. for example if you go the the gym all the time you can lift lots ov weights, but if you stop going you would struggle or not be able to lift any. what i think we have done is we have done the sphinctors work for it making it very weak and not been able to push out poop anymore, what i think we might have to do is sumhow strenghten the muscle. if its even possible.

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    • Solution

      MiraLax once a day is all it takes.

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    • Isititis

      I was thinking anal kegels. You know how you can isolate the vaginal muscles and work just them? I've been working on the butt muscles.

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  • Michele

    My son who is 9 keeps putting his finger in his butt. He even pees some. What can I do? He likes to take showers and then do it. I think he is constipated bit I do give Morolax. I worry he did it in front of a friend. He even put a toy in his penis hole. He does have dev disabilities and talks inappropriately. What can I do?I take him psychologists and he just doesn't stop. He is obsessed with it,

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    • FingerHooper

      Yes i got an answer, You son is gay

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  • Flightyfairy

    Wow I have never looked this up before can't believe I found other people that do it. I'm nearly 27 & have done it as for as long as I can remember although I push the tissue paper up around my finger so my finger doesn't get messy. I also do it til there is absolutely nothing there like an obsession. I can't go to the toilet without doin it, I get very stressed going anywhere other than home or if I am staying with other people on holiday. I can't even go in my boyfs house when his family are in which means I go to work feeling uncomfortable all day sometimes if I've stayed at his until I can go to my own home. I have had piles because of this and had them removed at about age 20 and now I am gettin more because I do this such a lot. It's depressing to always be on edge, I even made my boyf get a lock on the bathroom door as he didn't have one. I went to the doctors and couldn't tell him just said I had strained a lot. I don't know whether it stemmed from a bout of threadworms as a child as I am completely obsessed with making sure I haven't got them even now and it was primary school days. I can't remember ever going to the toilet normally, I never have normal stools either, suffer ibs and can't say I know what a normal stool is! If I know I am going away tho it goes the other way and I cannot go at all for days when I get there and then I don't want to eat as I'm full and not hungry. People start to wonder why you aren't eating and it just gets uncomfortable, especially when people try and feed you and you can't take anymore. As soon as I get home tho I can go and am there for ages. Seems such a ridiculous thing but I try and try and i really can't go without doing it. It's a comfort to know I'm not the only one, it is a part of my life and something I think I will always deal with & cover up. Gone through it for at least 17 yrs so can't see myself changing!

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  • Ggarncarx

    I have been doing this over 20 years or more. It has caused me to have a mass in my large intestine which bleeds often. It a habit and makes me want to do it 2 to 3 times a day. It is amazing feeling and keeps me from having bloating and gassy feeling because it always has a clean relief each time I go. Sometimes I massage it for a minute to get everything out. I love it even though I bleed. It ain't going to kill you but it will cause you to go to the bathroom alot when it become a regular habit. Most people I think that are angry and unhappy is because their all constipated. This way is the greatest feeling and wash your hands keeps you from smelling. Duh....

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  • StickyFinger

    OMG i thought i was the only one that have this problem. Its a huge relief that i am not alone with this kind of problem.

    The reason why i search the web about this is because my anus have been badly damaged to a point of that it is deformed and is sticking out I have been doing this since i was 14 years old and now im 25. I have always had this anxiety that someday someone will see my anus sticking out of my butt (because part of it is) specially while im having sex. I've tried stopping multiple times but this is the only way i can defecate now. Now that im at my middle 20s i am considering a labiaectomy to fix the appearance of my anus but i fear what doctors would say especially to my family.

    I wish that some studies have been done to diagnosed us so that doctors would know how to handle patients like us.

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  • moonISgreat

    There is not much information about this so called "stinky finger syndrome" on the internet, so I am glad that I found this post.

    I have also been putting a finger up my ass since I was 9. I still remember seeing the shit coming out of my anus and wondering what would happen If I stuck my finger in there. So as a little science experiment I stuck my finger up the ass and guess what have been I doing for 8 years whenever I went to take a shit. Because of all the smell and stink that the finger has to go through I spend at least 10 minutes washing my finger with dishwashing soap. I sometimes even use perfume after I get out to hide any unpleasant smell, so nobody knows this secret of mine. Because of this "stinky finger syndrome" I try to shit as little as possible. I only go to poo only once a day, which is very unhealthy and has also affected my diet.
    But because soon I am going to university I know that I have to change or else I can't do shit in university. So I have decided to change and give up this shitty addiction and restrict my fingering as little as possible (of course I can't get rid of this thing in a day or so) and finally eliminate it completely.
    Now excuse me as I have to go to bed because it's 8am in here and I haven't slept all night. And please sorry for my bad English, I know it's shit as everything in my life but seeing this post and a lot of people opening up, I felt like I also had contribute something.

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  • Curiouskitten444


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  • Notideal

    Does anyone have any answers? This is a very serious problem for me, I'm 28 and have been doing this for as long as I can remember. This is the only place I've seen where there are others that have the same problem..
    I just want to be normal and go out and adventure this world, & hold down a job and not being stuck at home, due to my fear of needing to have to poop if I go out.. :(

    It's super annoying because even after I've finished my business and and my shower, I still feel unsatisfied and feels like I have to go poop again, even if their is nothing.
    So basically I need to shove my finger jn my ass to shit & aslo it constantly feels like I have to shit..
    It makes going out and living life impossible, it's so depressing and sad..

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  • notalone96

    Hello everyone. I’m glad to know I’m not alone with this strange addition. I’m a 24 year old straight male and I’ve been struggling with this on and off since I was like 14. I don’t know where I picked up this habit from but it’s been affecting my normal life even more since covid-19 started. I always suffered from constipation since I was a kid so I started using my finger to take out my poop. At first I thought it was strange but I kept doing it. Over time I stopped but I always felt weird and ashamed that I did that. It was my dark secret that I didn’t want ANYONE to know. Over the next few years I met a girl and one night we were preparing to have anal sex and when I put my finger up her butt I felt that she had poop in her rectum. I think since that moment I was triggered in a way that I can’t explain. I started wondering if I had poop in my rectum since I was still always constipated so I began sticking my fingers in my butt again to strictly check if there was anything there because I wanted to feel CLEAN and this habit went on for years. Then went covid happened I was staying a home longer and not distracting myself as much and it gradually started escalating to an obsession to first wanting just to check to see if there was anything inside of me to now that no matter what, I NEED to get up every morning and use my finger to take ALL of my poop out and I go to the restroom 2-4 times a day because I still get the feeling to go throughout the day even if nothing comes out! I now have to use the restroom in the shower because if the mess I make! I hate it! I can’t use the restroom normal anymore, I can’t sleep over anywhere, I’m always thinking about where I can use the restroom and I get so anxious when I don’t go because I just want my poop out of me! I feel so gross went I don’t get all my poop out. I basically feel that I need to get all the poop from the day before out so I don’t need to carry it inside of me and if I don’t, I don’t want to eat anything because I feel like I’m just piling more inside of me in a weird way. I eventually had to tell me girlfriend and mom and this because I started taking forever in the shower and mucus and bleeding would happen. I started leaking liquid too and I was getting worried. I recently told my doctor about this and he recommended seeing a psychiatrist and therapist. I spoke to my psychiatrist and he diagnosed me with an extreme case of OCD and prescribed me medication which I started taking about two weeks ago. I still felt that I needed more answers to why I was so obsessive over this and luckily I have found some answers in the comments. I also started seeing a physical therapist and he recommended doing exercises that would help my muscles become strong again in my rectum but that still doesn’t stop me from using my finger which is the whole point why am seeking help. Right now I have rectal prolapse and my doctor recommends surgery but there is no point of surgery if I can’t get over this OCD so I’m desperate to stop this habit as soon as possible. Oh I should also mention that I suffered from an eating disorder when I was 14 anorexia and bulimia so I used to also abuse laxatives and drink Epsom salt to flush out my body. I currently don’t suffer from an eating disorder anymore but I feel that this is some other type of mental disorder that there is no name for. I also have coprophilia which is a fetish that I have where I get sexually aroused by my girlfriend pooping. I don’t know if this is linked to this obsession that I have but I 100% do not get sexual satisfaction by sticking my finger up my butt to poop. It’s more a feeling of relief and I feel good after I feel my poop is all out. Luckily my girlfriend is very supportive but she still wants me to get the help. Is there anyone here that has any advice in my journey toward recovery? If anyone wants to discuss this with me further just shoot me a text 562 292 1917. I wish everyone here the best of luck!

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    • Notideal

      i'm 28 I have the same EXACT problem dude, except for the fetish part.
      I don't think i can stomach the thought of ever telling anyone.
      getting a job is continuing to get worse..

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      • notalone96

        Yea bro I’m seeing my therapist and talking to her about it but it’s hard to stop this habit because it’s the only way I can fully use the restroom. I’ve been doing this for years and my girlfriend is being supportive but it’s just hard to stop..

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        • Notideal

          Did you talk to your regular doctor first? I know if i tell my doctor about this problem he'll have no idea what to do... I think im man enough to finally tell someone

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          • notalone96

            I talked to my doctor and physical therapist about it and they both basically said that it’s a psychological issue and it has a lot to do with OCD. I basically need to fight the urge to keep using my finger to use the restroom but I’ve been doing this for year and my body is use to it now and I didn’t know I have OCD till this year so for all these years I just thought it was a weird habit i had. Apparently my PT says I can most likely recover from my rectal prolapse but i need to do the exercises he recommended.

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  • dumbaestheticwannabe

    i started doing this when i was about 14. it started with me wiping normally and i decided i wanted to be more hygienic so i pushed a little deeper to "clean myself out" more deeply. i found out it felt amazing. so every once in a while i'd do it when i was wiping, or i'd stuff little balls of toilet paper up my ass and then push it all out at once for pleasure purposes. it continued and eventually i found myself doing it right when i sat down on the toilet. i did it for about 15 minutes at a time and started pressing repeatedly to mimic penetration. i'm 17 now, and do it about six times a day. sometimes i'll wake up with the craving and go do it for an hour or two at a time while i use my free hand to scroll through tiktok. i'm always super hygienic about it and wrap my fingers heavily with toilet paper to prevent anything from getting on my fingers. i've clogged the sewer quite a few times. i'm scared because i'm getting a job soon and i'm joining the military in a couple of years, how am i going to stop? i won't be able to spend this amount of time in the bathroom. seeing all of these people posting years ago and recently has made me feel like i'm not alone, i have never told a soul about this because it feels so guilty and so gross, i thought i was alone and that i was a freak for doing it. i saw a bunch of people mention bulimia and i have a feeling this is the case for me too. i've struggled with eating disorders for years and this gives me similar pleasures to purging or fasting because it makes you feel empty and dainty and clean afterwards when you don't have anything left in your system to poop. i need to get help but i'm so ashamed to ask a doctor because what if they have never heard of it and think it's just a strange obsession

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  • Stevo1993

    I'm a twenty-five year old male and I've been fingerings myself to poop since I was nine. After reading everyone's story I'm glad to know for certain I'm not the only one. I only figured there has to be others in the world since there's about 8 billion people world wide. I honestly do remember the reason why I started, I was scared to poop on the toilet after I watched,"The dream catcher". I'm pretty sure others can relate but as years passed by my bowls adapted in pooping this way. I use to be embarrassed about this condition but as I grew older I wasn't so discreet about it anymore. Sometimes you gotta live with something that isn't so easily changed. But I do gotta say, if this problem isn't a condition? It has to be a addiction. I do agree with this statement, fingering your own rectum does feel good but I never thought of having any foreplay with any males/females in that regard and I'll never will. My current girlfriend does know about this condition/addiction that I do to help myself complete the deed in the bathroom and she's completely supportive, despite her joking around under the covers that she would shove her toy up my rectum during intercourse. That story is for another time, but guys you'll be surprised how many people that would support you with this bathroom secret of yours.

    Despite doing this to help me go, there's other ways I find out that would help stimulate your rectum. Drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee would stimulate your rectum by 60% researches proclaimed, I found out apple juice and prune juice doesn't work well enough and laxatives take longer to break down the constipation. But despite coffee, I found out that exercising (walking long distances) does help with the bowl movements.

    Basically guys, as a long term of about 17 years don't be embarrassed of what you do in the bathroom. This won't change and isn't a bad thing. Accept as it is, be happy with yourself and don't worry about what others think.

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  • Kittudasari

    Finally I found someone to share my problem.. at first I thought iam the only one who is doing this kind of shit.. but watching all your comments gave me some confidence... Rocky_bhai_d is my Instagram ID anyone can ping me there to discuss about this

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  • Kittudasari

    Well.. I too have this problem... I cannot poop without inserting my finger into my butt hole.. I don't know how it started since my childhood i was doing this. I don't know how to stop this. Now iam having some problem inside my butt hole. It is paining while pooping . But I can't poop without fingering it. I can't share about this with any doctor. Is there anyone who can help me?

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  • shittyidiot

    Hi I’m a guy and 24yo, i have this problem since when I was around 13 yo. Now I’m completely fucked up. Literally in a worse situation than any other person that posted here. Please consult your doctor asap I’m not even kidding. I literally can’t take a shit now with out my self digging in to my anus. And I’m top of that due to my unhealthy diet I now am suffering from hameroids and due to excessive digging of the poop even suffering from anal fissure. These two can state how fucked up I am right now. Having hameroids combined with anal fissure on top of that I can’t take a dump with out inserting a finger in my bum. I literally bleed out more than a girl on her worst period. I have to bleed every time I take a poop and guess what I had to take a poop atleast 10 times a day.I’m so ashamed and fucked up. I took the courage of consulting a doctor but I was only able to tell him about the anal fissure and hameroids. Still couldn’t tell him about my stupid finger in the bum problem. I honestly suggest you to consult your doctor don’t feel ashamed infront of your doctors because doctors understand. And ofcourse if there’s any doctor looking at this please suggest what I have to do right away. CoZ I don’t know when I’m gonna die bleeding out.

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  • SimpleSimonThePieMan

    I. Cannot. Fucking. BREATHE. Holy shit. Lmao

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  • Persons

    Honestly , I’m not a doctor so I don’t know if what you guys are doing is not safe? But if that’s the only way you can go, then I would just keep doing it. Why be embarrassed? Why do people have to worry about pleasing others? Or worry about what they think? If you gotta go, then I would do it and just go.

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  • Madhumitha

    I am 40 year old female and was having the same problem since my teen years.
    Last week I got a lump on my perennial and had a sever pain, that I can not even sit properly. I went to the doctor to get some pain relief / antibiotic for the lump. But I decided to get courageous and talk about the real problem I am having with a very tight anus. That is one of the best decisions I took in my life, for my self.
    It is due to the tightness of the sphincter muscle that we can not poop on our own and had to use a finger.
    So I asked for a way to fix/correct it.
    For me he suggested the Lateral Sphincterotomy Surgery. It is minor surgery performed on the internal anal sphincter muscle for the treatment of chronic anal fissure. You can find enough info and videos online about the surgery.
    If you also suffering from any fissures this surgery would helpful.
    Day before yesterday I had my surgery under spinal anesthesia and came home next day. I am so glad I decided to get the surgery done, and had a natural bowl movement yesterday after many many years. I am so relieved.

    Please check with your doctor. There could be a necessary/suitable surgical procedure that would correct the problems that most of you all are suffering. I found out that talking to a doctor is less embarrassing compared to what I had to suffer all those years. It is worth talking to a good medical professional and find a solution than hiding the habit. Hope this will help someone.

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  • Someone3

    Has anyone’s addiction stopped?has anyone found new answers to this problem ? If so can you comment

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  • butterfly19

    Hi , i have been experiencing the same problem but it was intermittent and i thought i had irritable bowel syndrome because whenever i had exams and stuff , i experienced diarrhoea. and then sometimes i experienced constipation and sometimes normal stools. but recently as i was trying to do this while defecating in order to make it easy , my finger reached a bit higher and i felt like a mass was there on the back of my rectum . and when i felt its immediate fromt wall nothing felt there . i am worried since then . i dont know if it is normal during straining or is it something serious . As many of you have tried doing this , have you ever felt something like this on the back wall of rectum ? Ladies , if anyone could answer ???

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  • justforthis1212


    Hello friends, ah I remember 5 years ago when I stumbled across this post and was full of elation... I had found my fellow sufferers! Or strange pleasure seekers, depending on what this does for you (hey who am i to tell you how to get your rocks off). I don't know why I started doing it, I was 13, is saw in a comment a few years ago someone say how they got worms when they were 13 and that kicked it off, they stuck their finger up to check if there were anymore and BAM... when I saw that I thought fuck maybe thats when I started too.

    Anyways, I started, and for the next 10 years it was how I went to the toilet every time, by university I was going to the bathroom 15-20 times a day, probably 10 of those nothing would come out but I would always feel like I NEEDED TO GO. Like has been said, mucus would often be there.

    All i can say to people doing this now is that, it only gets worse. By 22 years old I was a mess, I would be convinced I was going to shit myself all the time and so always be going to check, I always got the feeling I need to shit, but when I go to do it, nothing. This is basically what happens when you've been doing this for so long, in my case the intestinal track had started to fall apart/prolapse/whatever you wanna call it and so that feeling of not being empty persisted. Long story short it took me 2 years to go through every test you can imagine (luckily i live in the UK so i didn't have to pay). The end result was I was diagnosed with OBSTRUCTIVE DEFECATION SYNDROME and at 23 years old had MODIFIED RECTOPEXY which is basically what 60 year old women get after having a few kids. I don't know if the diagnosis was a result of the finger up the arse for so long or the other way around but it doesn't really matter.

    Now once I had the operation, I stopped doing the finger thing. I just stopped. I also started BIOFEEDBACK AND KEGEL EXCERCISES to strengthen the anus walls.

    Now we get to the MENTAL PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED with all of this, and at least in my case I always thought that was 80%. I was OBSESSED about it, and to be honest with you, I still am today, but less so. What people are saying on hear is right, it is an addiction and with all addictions there is the good, the bad and the ugly. It starts out fun, i remember when I was 15 and doing it i loved it, i was in complete control of when I shit, and it felt good. Believe me when I say this, if you are in that phase, IT WILL END. Your body is just not built to do that, it brings so much problems.

    There are a few things that I would recommend people look into:

    For the feeling like you always need to go: OBSTRUCTIVE DEFECTAION SYNDROME (what i had)

    That's kind of my focus these days.

    If anyone wants to talk more in depth about this on a 1 to 1 basis i'm happy to share my experience and if in UK i can try and hook you up with St Marks Hospital which are the specialists in all this stuff and who have a soft spot for me because they think what I went through with all this was literal hell, so they would like you too.

    I will try and check this post once a month.

    Take care!

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    • Unicorn1234

      Hi justforthis1212,

      For two years now (since my pregnancy) I am having a lot of problems having a bowel movement. I also have other bowel issue (like severe bloating and gas). I strongly believe that I also have Obstructed defecation syndrome, but in the country where I live they don't conduct these kind of tests. After reading your post I am seriosly considering making an appontment with St. Marks hospital so I can at least have a definite diagnosis. I am not sure if you are still following this post, but is it possible that I contact you personally so you can share with me your experience with all the tests and the operation you have had. Thanks.

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  • cgn

    This is part of my life for longer time (10 years in India). After I came to europe, due to different toilets, I was able to avoid. But now I need to finish breakfast, drink stomach-full water, and end with some tea or coffee before going to poo. Sometimes it takes 1hr preparation followed by 5-15min in the toilet, but does not matter, as I take something to read in the toilet. Also this helps me not to poo until next day morning. By doing this I was able to avoid keeping finger. Sometimes I need to use finger, due to improper sleep, strange food, etc....but no regret, as this situation comes once in 6 months. Hope this trick can answer most of your doubts.

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  • Acorn

    I just joined to comment on this post even though it is an old one I thought I'd comment. I have had to do this for years. I have used tissue or toilet paper to stimulate a bowed movement. I recently started to worry about the toxins and fragrances that might be on the paper! I stopped cold turkey after this. I have just been really careful with diet and water intake and used miralax if needed.

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  • normalornot999

    I'm a heterosexual male who discovered how incredible it feels to masturbate with a vibrator up my anus to massage my prostate. This is a butt plug type very small vibrator. I have used it many times and never had a problem but last night will be the last time I will do this due to what happened.
    This caused me to have poop stuck in my anal cavity that would not come out; i.e. I could not poop and when I finally thought about trying to pull it out with my finger I came here.
    This may be gross but I'm glad this site exists as it did give me some ideas and at least know others have had this problem.

    So I woke up feeling like I had to poop - like I often do.

    But when I went to poop it felt like the poop was "right there" ready to come out ... but it would NOT come out and pushing really hard was not working.

    What sucks is I felt horrible. This is a VERY uncomfortable feeling, not being able to poop when you know there is a bunch in there right "in the chamber" but it will NOT come out. I am going to tell you what worked for me but let me tell you my story so others who land here will know ...

    So first of all last night before bed when I used the anal vibrator it felt different like I needed to poop. But I was already having fun and did NOT want to stop to poop. I now realize I should have done just that but I didn't.

    So basically I think what happened was the butt plug/vibrator was in there with that poop in the chamber and by leaving it in there it "compacted" it. And then I went to sleep and during the night that poop that was very compacted, in the chamber, got dry and hardened to some extent, thus making it hard to push out.

    Okay I hadn't figured that out yet when I woke up with this constipation so I did the following:

    I ate papaya and yogurt.
    Didn't help.
    Drank some senna tea. Didn't help.
    Drank a glass of water with lemon juice. Didn't help.
    Drank a cup of strong black coffee (coffee always makes me have to go!) But it didn't work.

    I was feeling MISERABLE during all this. It's like needing to push out a baby (I imagine) but no matter what I did that poop was just stuck in the chamber!

    I tried using the technique this page is about, finally.

    I stuck my finger in with a rubber glove and I could feel a massive bunch of poop in there. But I don't know you people do it but I could NOT get it out with my finger.

    However, I did realize exactly what was going on now - that it was stuck in there, it was compacted, and it was not going to come out in that relatively hard, dry, compacted form.

    I did the following:
    I put a hemorrhoid suppository in there which is mostly oil. I figured that might soften it up.

    I waited and still nothing.
    Now, understand, this is now 3 hours or so of this suffering! VERY uncomfortable and I was BEGGING for mercy, that this would resolve itself NOW!
    It did not.

    I then got the idea of sitting in a bucket of very warm water and trying to suck the water up into my anal cavity or "chamber" as I have been referring to it.

    I sat there in the warm water (with the bucket in the shower) for maybe 2 min. If I'd had a bigger bucket or bath I'd have sat longer but it was very uncomfortable with a small bucket.

    I then got up, washed myself off and dried off but still I didn't feel like pooping. I waited, laying down on the ceramic floor and I felt that I could feel something starting to happen.

    Finally, now about FOUR HOURS into this nightmare of extreme discomfort, I could feel the poop starting to move out of the chamber. I had to push hard (and by the way I've heard you can have a heart attack if you push too hard; so don't!). I pushed little by little - hard but not too hard - and FINALLY the first bit of poop came out!

    "THANK GOODNESS!" I yelled out loud! Oh what a relief! I was beginning to think I might have to go to the hospital and how embarrassing that would be!

    So I think maybe all the things I tried did help but I am guessing it was the suppository (prep h) and sitting in warm water that really did the trick. I also massaged my lower stomach a lot throughout this ordeal, trying to create movement. But I think it was the warm water in the bucket that really made the difference> Though it is POSSIBLE that it was some of the other stuff which finally just "took effect". However if this ever happens to me again I will start with the suppository and sitting in warm water.

    As to anal play, as great as it feels, I have decided never to stick anything up in there again, not even a finger! I just NEVER want to have anything like this happen, again! I will try using the vibrator in my "taint" area behind my testicles, in between those and my anus, but only on the outside, never inside again.

    I guess if you are SURE you are clean inside it's okay and this would not have happened (i.e. if you are SURE there is not a bunch of poop in there when you stick the vibrator inside). However after this very very VERY painful ordeal of suffering I just won't take the chance ever again!

    I wrote this in hopes someone like me might benefit from knowing what happened to me and how I resolved it.

    I would be interested in knowing how one uses one finger to get out the poop though. I could not seem to make that happen. Is the poop you are getting out in little round balls or what? Mine was a huge pile but hard so there was just no way I could get it out that way!

    Also: For those of you using your finger on a regular basis, you should STOP doing that. See a doctor for constipation and make sure you drink plenty of water, eat fruit, raisins, and stuff like oatmeal!

    I used to have hemorrhoids a lot but now I almost never do because I eat more fruit, with oatmeal every morning, follow it up with 2 cups of coffee, and also I excercise more. Excercise can just be walking or doing about anything outside as long as you're moving around! Also you can take metamucil or bran regularly but frankly that didn't work for my hemorrhoids, what worked was the above.

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  • surgicalgloves

    I thought it was just me. This is the only thing Google gave me on my search.

    I have MS & if I don't put on a surgical glove & stick a finger up my bum I end up going in my pants. I have to make sure I've been before daring to leave the house. I should talk to my doctor but it's such a palaver to go. I'm just going to keep on purchasing surgical gloves...

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  • pkhuji

    What i observed is if you put finger up there frequently it can damage the rectal lining and also cause the natural lubricant(its white mucus if you have seen it on your finger after inserting it) to peel off the rectal wall. This mucus is there as lubricant to get the poop out smoothly.

    I suffered this problem and I found that the best solution is to not sit around all day. Just relax and do some full body exercises few times a week. Like push-ups, running, jogging, boxing if you like. Stretching the body also helps. You can also play some sport that you like.
    It just comes down to a simple fact that human body is not made to sit around. Its made to move. If you sit around all day it brings all sorts of issues to your body like this one.
    I started exercising few times a week and my problem went away after some time. I stopped inserting finger there and after some time Poop started coming out naturally.
    Hope this helps

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  • FingerEleven

    The great thing about the internet is finding others sharing something you always felt was yours alone.

    Where I can relate.

    I am quite regular and poop fine. It is after, while cleaning that I use a bit of water and my finger to make sure my rectum is empty and clean.

    Have done so since about 22.

    I am careful and hygienic.

    I do not know ant it means ...whomever coined "anal bulimia" is kind of bang on

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  • alarmclock9775

    I feel like i take this addiction to a whole other level. I am so ashamed. I do it multiple times a day and keep doing it until I am completely empty. My poop keeps to the point where it is thin and diarrhea-like. I wipe it off my hand with toilet paper and wrap the poop, which is mostly soft, in the toilet paper. I've clogged the toilet many times because of the sheer amount of poop I extract from my body. I want to stop so badly. It is an addiction now. When ever I even think bout it, I can feel my anus muscles relaxing and preparing to be entered. I wish I could stop so badly. I do feel pleasure from the sensation, but not in a sexual way. I'm gad I found others who have this problem. Let's all try to stop this together!

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  • Heldoody

    Oh my, never knew soo many people had this. This takes away so much anxiety about being the only one... I've got a twist on mine though, which is pretty disgusting and very unhygenic...

    I've gotten used to this habbit, for 7 years, but I do it down the drain in the shower as I need constant flow of water and squatting...really agitate the intestine with my finger til everything comes out...sometimes takes over 20/30 minutes. Only way I can go..

    What hope do I have?!

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  • meomeo

    Hey I had one, but i can do it by myself now
    You should eat omelet but raw about 40% after that that you drink cold water/ I mean really cold, and wait until tomorrow. your stomach hurt and you'll poop
    Hope it works

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  • FiddleFarter

    So, I started this habit when I was 8 or so. I had worms that I could feel and it really itched, so I started fiddling in the area to itch. I could see the tiny worms in my poo and thus started my compulsion to force myself to deficate. The only way I could get the worms to stop bothering me for an extended time was to push balls of toilet into my rectum and leave them there. I can still poop normally, even after almost twelve years of this habit, but two years ago I was raped anally and that caused a slight tear. Ever since then it has become an addiction to force toilet paper into my rectum for pleasure. Sometimes it's sexual, but usually it just gives me a satisfied 'full' feeling. I keep messing around until my body literally can't take anymore and forces me to poo. I've noticed a slight prolapse since the assault as well as a bit of blood and lots of mucus in my stool. I have also noticed little polyps, probably hemorrhoids? The polyps have lengthened most likely because when I push toilet paper up into my bum and when I have a violent poo it stretches the polyps. I've even tried to pull the polyps out with no success, just lots of blood and pain.
    I guess this habit can accurately be likened to bullemia, as it does provide a feeling of relief. Yes, I am a recovering bullemic. I don't fiddle with my poooper to lose weight, though. It is specifically for the pleasure and (temporary) satisfaction it brings. I haven't told anybody about the assault yet and am terrified to because I am otherwise a virgin and even though it is because of my own choice and own belief, I know my family will somehow think it was my fault. I feel like they value the status of my virginity more than my health. Again, it is because of my own decision to not have sex that I am still a virgin, but somehow I know that were my family to find out, they would look down upon me and I really don't need more people to be any more disappointed with me .
    I am so glad to have found this community. I literally thought I was the only one. It makes me feel like so much less of a freak. I know that most of the comments are about needing this to actually deficate and mine is mostly just for pleasure and by compulsion, but it is still comforting to know that y'all exist! Hurray for AA (anal anonymous)!

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  • anon554

    okay i figured it out
    i hope i can help at least 1 person who reads this
    the problem seems to be some sort of IBS related thing which many people actually have (like 25% in the developing world)

    but whatever causes it try this (it helped me in 99% of times):
    go vegan...i know it sounds stupid extreme but...just try it for 1 month and see if the results r good
    also: dont eat anything refined and if u do in very small quantities and look at guidelines for things like sodium (which makes ur stool go all hard(/to pass thru)
    half a teaspoon of salt in ur whole daily food combined (i know stuff tastes bland in the beginning but bear thru it the taste comes back :) )
    use very little oil (the human body adapted to whole foods over millions of years and oils/sugars r really weird for it in large quantities)
    i myself dont need to eat whole foods only to have a "good enough" effect but its beneficial
    dont take supplements except d3 and b12 (and overdo it with b12 but u HAVE to take it as vegan...trust me...otherwise ur hands will feel extremely weak after 1.5 months or so
    eat a lot of fruit (fun fact: i used to be somewhat allergic to certain fruit my whole and nuts my whole life but after going vegan its somehow gone)
    i also recommend not to eat outside...they add so much shitty stuff and salt...if i eat that nowadays it feels like ive a stone in my stomach
    eat a lot of stuff that ur grandmother would tell u is good for u (plot twist: it actually is >.>)
    always drink a lot of water too (like 2-3 liters)

    im certain that this will help many many ppl here
    obviously there might be other causes than dietary ones (like psychological or physical) but im extremely sure that this will help at least 20-30% of ppl here

    i dont know if i listed everything i changed in my lifestyle and i will come back if i remember something else but until then try what i said

    tl;dr version: go vegan, eat a lot of fruit&raw stuff
    avoid processed/refined food as much as possible
    drink a lot of water
    dont eat more than half a teaspoon salt a day

    p.s.: dont be scared of carbs :p our bodies are made for digesting that stuff (look what happens when u chew carbs for long...they turn sweet cuz there r enzymes in ur moth with the sole job of doing that :D ) u also dont miss out on any essential amino acids (u get all u need from flax and hemp seed)

    if someone bothers u with ur dietary choices tell them to fuck off with their clueless-ness

    and no im not one of these vegans who just does it for the animals - i used to eat 600-700 grams of meat/day (sometimes more) and i probably still would if i didnt know about the health risks and other problems (see this topic lol) that come with it

    i wish any1 who tries this good luck and id like to hear if it helped any of u

    check out the youtube channel "nutritionfacts.org" on youtube that initially sparked this whole idea - the dude on their gives a lot of nice input on that topic too

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  • goodboy

    Has anyone here found a way to stop inserting finger into anus for pooping? I have done that all my life and Im worried about this. Does this cause any kind of anal infection problems? May be like Hemorrhoid, or any sort of out projections etc?? Has one one gone through such issues?

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  • booboo1212

    NEED HELP from you stinkyfinger people: My gf does this act plus then puts it on her face to smell and taste it. It is driving me away from her. I feel that she would rather spend her time in the bathroom doing this strange, pleasurable thing than be with me. She does not seem concerned about the act itself and says she feels a release and has done it forever. It bothers me immeasurably. I really love her and am concerned about the odd mental addiction and the physical GI issues related to this act. How can I get past this and let her do it without me feeling weird, worried and/or angry about it?

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  • Ihaveproblems14

    Folks I too have been facing the same problem since I was..I guess 11 years old.It's been soo many years now..Please help.I can't live with that.I can't even poop in another toilet other than my own.I can't even travel,At first I thought I'd be the only one but now..since so many people around here are having the same problem..someone atleast HELP!!!

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  • afghankatakhail

    i have a question from all of you, those have the same problem, let me know, have you remember your childhood, chilharesment ?,have you ever pain in your legs? Are you always stressed ? and help me to find Common Things In Your Life

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  • mc001

    Ok this is going to be the most embarrassing thing I have ever written/posted online. This is where it all started. About 7 years ago, I had the eating disorder bulimia. I would either purge or use laxatives. I became obsessed with loosing weight. I would purge and take laxatives to "finish the job off" and would notice that I wasn't going to the bathroom as much as I should have. (and that was still a lot) My eating disorder would cause severe constipation at times so I began to pull the poop out from my butt. I did this because I could loose more weight (or so I thought) and I just kept on doing it. After I stopped using laxatives and my eating disorder was on the back burner, I noticed that I was still putting my fingers in my butt and doing this. This is fucking disgusting and it has been going on for 7 years now. I know this is not normal and no one in my life knows about this besides for me, and now this group of people. A few years ago, I actually went to an eating disorder treatment center for anorexia and never brought this up because I was too scared and embarrassed. Iv done this everyday, for 7 years. Give or take a few days. My husband does not know about this and I have a child who obviously does not know about this. What kind of Mother am I? I feel shame, I feel gross, I feel like this is not normal and I need help of some sort. Ill lay in bed at night and seriously, seriously say to myself "I won't do this tomorrow, I cannot do this tomorrow" and I always do. I notice I "want" to do it more when I'm anxious because ya, ill admit sometimes it does give me pleasure. For that little bit, I feel better then its back to feeling shameful and remorse again. I hope that I have not caused any damage to my anus because sometimes I bleed, tear, or that mucus stuff comes out like some others who have posted on here. I honestly do not think I can poop on my own without doing this. Thoughts/Guidance/Help?

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  • 2342654

    I believe I started this last year and I don't remember why, but I decided to look it up because there was blood on the toilet paper so it freaked me out. I really want to stop this :/.

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  • passthoughtfulx

    Hey guys. Much like everyone else here I have this terrible addiction as well. It started off when I was younger (I don't really want to go into it) but basically I would have a lot of skid marks in my underwear after using the bathroom. So I started taking a shower after every time I went. I'm not really sure how it escalated, but basically it moved on to me having to squat in the shower and stick my finger inside of my rectum to trigger a bowel movement and then it would sort of just go in my hand and I would throw it in the toilet or let it go down the drain....

    Fast forward to today (I'm 21) and I have lost the urge to go at all. Before I would go some in the toilet before going in the shower to get everything else out. Now my stomach just feels bloated and then I have to go in the shower and really strain and dig around to get anything out. Often having return to the shower 2 or 3 times to get minimal traces of feces out. I think this is a form of OCD because my father has OCD and I do obsess about this a lot. It literally consumes my life and I cannot stay the night at a friends house, share a hotel room, etc. It's absolutely terrible and it leaves my stomach/butt in so much pain after I do it (I have to do it every night before I go to bed). Furthermore, it's really difficult for me to pee right after I do this and I have given myself a partial rectal prolapse/anal fissure/hemorrhoids. My butt hole (sorry not really sure what else to call it) looks very swollen and it's not "sucked in" like everyone else's.

    I'm not really sure if all of the damage to my rectum is due to this or the fact that I have participated in anal fisting, large toys, anal sex, etc (I'm a gay male and went through an experiential phase..I do not do extreme anal things anymore) but it's just become really difficult for me and I can't live like this anymore.
    I'm not sure if this is related but I've developed a tremor that goes over my entire body and only occurs when I tense my muscles. Anyway---obviously I have found this thread and decided that it is time for me to stop before I completely fuck myself up and have to use a bag to empty my colon....(Look up pictures of a colostomy-this is where you're headed people if you continue!!!)

    I've been experimenting with a lot of things over the past few days. I really think that this is some form of IBS/OCD that we all have. I'm not sure what your stools look like, but mine are very piece-y and not formed. So I decided to first try Miralax. It didn't really do anything for me besides make the consistency of my poop softer and smell worse so I wouldn't recommend that. Then I tried an enema and it pretty painful and didn't really do much. However, I did feel better the next day. I would recommend you guys do an enema first to clear everything out so you can start out fresh in case there's any blockage.

    I found something that is literally saving my life-Metamucil. A few people have mentioned it before. It's a fiber supplement from psyllium husk that adds bulk to your stool by drawing water into it. This has really really helped me feel the urge to go again and now I can go mostly in the toilet before having to empty a bit more in the shower (It's only been 4 days and I believe my muscles need to be retrained before I can empty myself completely on my own). I will continue taking it (I take one rounded teaspoon with dinner and feel the urge to go around 9 or 10-I also take the original sugar free orange flavored powder) and hopefully I will be able to retrain myself to not having to use the shower method.

    I urge all of you to please stop, this is causing so much damage to our bodies and it's so degrading to do. I have missed out on so many opportunities because of this disgusting habit and only a few people in my life know that I do it. Everyone else probably just assumes I'm weird as fuck with showering but oh well.
    Obviously I am not a doctor so please consult with them and don't take my medical advice without asking them first!! But this is what has helped me and I'll keep you guys updated on how I'm doing.

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  • confusedteen19

    I've been looking for something like this for years! I'm 19 and have been putting my finger up my butt to poo....I can't seem to be able to go normally anymore. I just go when I want to go. I'm not sure if this is a problem? Its a constant hassle to have to hide it and the smell. Someone out there, talk to me....

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  • Jenna678

    Hey guys ive been doing this for quite some time now but i not only use my finger but sometimes i gush up water up there to make the poop come down easier .. Its disgusting and i have never admitted this to anyone before ... One thing i am really worried about is .. Is this gonna affect anything with fertility ?? Pregnancy because the amount of pressure that is put down there is alot !! I am 24 now .. I would really live to have a family one day .. Hope i am not ruining my chances!!! Would appreciate a reply soon!!!

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  • ohlord

    This thread makes me cry and cry.
    Had this same problem since 15 maybe 16. (23 now)
    harmful addiction. embarrassing.
    I am glad to say I finally stopped.
    Hemorrhoids and fissures are no fun.
    Best thing that worked for me: Tracking bowel movements.
    I thought there was no way I could go with out doing it. So I tracked and recorded it.
    As you can read below, Once every three days, so I waited and waited and resisted the urge. Slipped up a few times.
    Soon you will see. That you CAN do it by yourself.

    "The normal range for daily pooping is from three times a day to once every three days."

    I know how much of a struggle it is to stop took me months to stop. How much damage it can do physically to the anus. And the emotional side of it; shame, guilty.

    I wish you all the best.

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  • houdina

    why don't you just buy latex/non-latex examination gloves? it isn't very sanitary to just use your finger. you can also try dulcolax suppositories.

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  • Needtogo

    Registering because I feel like talking about this openly might help me. I'm a guy and I've been doing this since I was about 10, I'm in my early 30's now. I was on a school trip and needed the bathroom, the teacher was pressuring us to go but I was so desperate I tried pulling the poop out. I know it's disgusting but it is what it is I guess... I stopped for a while after that, and started up again a few years later - I don't know why. I don't do it for any form of sexual thrill, I do it because it feels horrible not being empty - this has worsened things over the years because I feel if I'm not empty my sphincter is dilated and the poo leaks out making me sore and itchy. I also somewhat struggle to go normally in the previous attempts I've made to stop. Finally, I end up with really bad gas when I try and stop which means I have the strong urge to go and stimulate my bowels digitally. I've never told my doctor that I do this, but I did once go to them as I'd found a hard lump inside my anus, I get these but rarely and they all go away eventually. I've now developed quite a painful external hemmorhoid and I want it all to stop so badly. Did anybody else have symptoms like this when trying to fight this terrible affliction?

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  • Enigma93

    I'm 21 Male and have had this same issue for years. I would like to second the comment advicing re-training your muscles to regain the ability to no longer have to use your finger.

    Use your finger at first, but only as little as you have to, let as much of it be pushing as you can. Work on diet I'm sure will help too. I've also noticed IBS keeps popping up in comments (Which I believe I also have..perhaps this is related?)

    Best of luck to all of you.

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  • ocdpride

    Oh My I am so happy i found this!
    I have a very similar problem.
    I go to the toilet and every time , i wrap my finger in toilet paper and stick it up my butt until I poop. sometimes I don't get anything at all and I just keep getting new toilet paper and doing it until I decide I'm done.
    sometimes I do this when I'm stressed or just because i'm bored.
    I've been doing it for about a year now.
    I am working on a replacement therapy but it isn't at a regular time so I feel like that's throwing off my systems.
    The result of all this is diarrhea and most often anal pains.

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  • TheDeadCatAlive

    I'm a woman, I used to put toilet paper in my ass in this way (and still do, but less) but found that pushing next to the anus with two fingers once poo is coming actually helps to keep going. I started at 12 or 13 with my fingers, at 15 found toilet paper would do the trick and save my fingers from any smell or lack of enough paper or water. Also safe in public.

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  • victoryflower

    I am so relieved to have found this! I thought I was the only one and was always so embarrassed by it. I'm not sure when this started but I'd like to share my story. It gets quite disgusting though.

    I'm not sure when I started or why, but one day 4-5 years ago I started doing it and from then onwards I just couldn't stop. I don't recall blood on it, although I can remember there was red stuff sometimes but I assumed it was just the food I ate. I did get the mucus-like thing, but not very often, only once or twice I think. The only time I've been able to stop is when I went overseas on a school trip, because I had a roommate. I didn't start this for sexually pleasing reasons because I hadn't even heard of anything of that sort back then, and now I don't even bother trying to actually poop on my own because it's just so much more convenient and makes me feel cleaner. The only reason I decided to google this is that I noticed a huge brown patch on the bum area of my underpants and shorts, and it was definitely poop. I hadn't even noticed that I had pooped, although I definitely had farted quite a few times. In fact these past few months I've been having stomach cramps (manageable ones though), just a lot of wind in general and a whole lot of bloating (it doesn't help that I eat a lot although my weight is healthy - I guess this didn't help with any form of weight loss). I haven't told anyone because I'm too embarrassed to and I'm not particularly fond of my doctor. Also I have this psychological thing where I'm afraid of peeing in my pants (so much for that since I unknowingly pooped them...) so I don't drink any form of liquid after 10pm and can wake up anything from 9-11am the next morning (it's the holidays now). I really don't know what to do about this.

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  • Duder

    I am so glad I found this. I cried for several hours earlier tonight. I'm a 40 yo Caucasian male. I've been doing this my entire life and continue to this very day. My girlfriend dumped me today because I can't move forward in the relationship because of this life-long trauma and secret I bear. I have no memories of normalcy. I did it for the first 17 years unconsciously in my sleep. I would wake up every night or morning with dried poop on my hands, body, sheets, the floor, behind the bed, etc. I've had to deal with the trauma of cleaning it up every single day and night. The shame and guilt have been so overwhelming, I can't even fathom how I have managed to cope. At around 17-18, I stopped doing it in my sleep, but then I started requiring it while awake on the toilet. I've had all the regular doctor's tests (CAT scan, colonoscopy 3 times), countless blood and stool tests (all negative and within normal ranges), prescriptions galore, all to no avail. So the doctors just label it "IBS". In other words, no-one knows or understands and I thought I was all alone. I am currently planning to try yet another approach to dealing with this issue. I started taking Benefiber (Wheat Dextrin) 3 times a day. Then yesterday I got a prescription for an antidepressant (Nortripyline)... not sure if that's really going to help or not. And finally I'm taking Probiotics daily. This is yet another new approach for me so I have no idea if it will help. I will also order the "Squatty Potty" from Amazon as recommended by others in this thread. Thanks for reading.

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  • tryintohelp1228

    Ok, I've had this problem since 11 or so (I'm 19 now). And I've just stopped in the past few weeks. The key is is to stop immediately (despite the urge) and then treat it as if you have constipation. Look up foods to eat (prune juice and NO chocolate...), exercise, drink a lot of water, you know the rest... Anyway, bottom line I've found out is: 1. Stop cold turkey (mostly) 2. Treat like you have constipation 3. Keep doin' it. Not that easy, but it feels sooooo much better (and takes less time in the bathroom) if you just start pooping normally. Good luck!

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  • 1804

    about a year and a half ago I was hit by a car, resulting in severe pelvic and spinal injuries. Thanks to a great team of surgeons and therapists I can walk and do most things normally, but pooping has its challenges. I was told to stick my finger up my bum and move it around to get things started. For those of you who need to do this for whatever reason the advice I was given may help. Firstly USE GLOVES - a number of people here comment on smelly hands, disposable gloves cost a couple of cents each. A disposable glove and a bit of lube or moisturiser make a big difference (excuse the lack of a "Z" in moisturiser, I'm Australian). When I'm finished I put the used glove in a small freezer bag and throw it out (freezer bags cost me around 60 cents for a pack of 120). I don't recommend using laxatives as they won't help you in the long run, enemas may help as it will be similar to sticking your finger up there, but also moistens the first lot of stool and makes it easier to come out. If you find your "poo trigger" doesn't work without a finger to help (and you don't have extensive nerve damage) try waiting longer until you go to the toilet - the trigger is activated when poo touches it by being pushed down by more poo and your bowel. If you have trouble squeezing it all out, pelvic floor exercises may help as they help strengthen the muscles around your bladder and bowel. I'm sure there will be someone out there to dissagree with something I've written, but I'm not a doctor, I'm a patient. These things work for me, and I now rarely need my finger to assist.

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  • bewwolliwhtom

    I think it is normal your body has adjusted to this "signal" but the behavior in its self is a little odd (though seems to be prevalent in this group and it works for you) so my suggestion is to carry disposable gloves or "finger condoms" to prevent the smell issue and at least tell your doctor so it is in your file if something bad happens to you (never know if that info could be life saving)

    Happy pooping

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  • Heytv

    Hey all, I'm 18years old and have been doing this for about 3 years.. I thought I would never be able to stop, ever. Until I got sick of it controlling my life! With in a week of deciding I would stop, I could poop normally again. I thought I would never be able to do it I used to sit on the toilet for hours and nothing would happen. Of course you have to make alot of changes, I started drinking lots of water, exercising, eating healthy food(high in fiber is obviously a big help) and I'm going normally again, not as good as I used to and I can't hold on as long as I used to but it's not controlling my life anymore. please if you think you can't stop, you can!! It's all in your head, instead of thinking negative about it think good, when you are sitting on the toilet picture yourself pooping and don't give up, I really hope this helps at least one of you, I can confidently say, it will work you just have to stop!! Good luck and give feed back!!

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  • L14141414

    Hey! Do people still write on this thread? I can't see a date, but I've been suffering with this problem for around 5 years and it would be good to talk to people who understand :(

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  • Kdogdebus

    You may have a serious medical condition. I did this for years since I was little. I thought it was normal Til one day my husband caught me doing so. And so I thought to myself, if this is normal, than why am I so embarrassed? So I got it checked out! Please do yourself a favor and look in to the word
    Colporrhaphy.... If this condition isn't repaired it can cause serious difficulties in the long run. I am 26, so don't think you're too young, or it couldn't happen to you. I started having pooping complications when I was 8 yrs old. So don't be afraid or in denial, your pooper is counting on you!

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  • Healthbutt

    I CAN ACTUALLY HELP YOU, PEOPLE!!! I had to "get the poop out" for years until I got Ulcerative Colitis, a horrible autoimmune disease of the colon. I wondered if I had done this to myself. However, a natural health practitioner helped me understand that a severely damaged intestinal flora (from antibiotic use) causes both these problems. What you all need to do is find a natural health practitioner that can rebalance your gut flora... your colon will then become stronger and will poop on its own. If you've already been told you have IBS, IBD, or any other autoimmune disease, or health problem, this is the key to permanently curing these conditions as well. Just don't go to an M.D. They'll just give you drugs, cut you apart, and ignore the underlying cause. Here's the website where I found my natural doctor: www.unsinc.info Ask for one in in your area who has "advanced clinical training."

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  • drynoodles

    Has anybody here really talked to their doctors about this? Been having the same problem for almost 8yrs now. Mine started when I was 16yo and believed it was because of my love for spicy foods, the reason why I can't poop. Then it just came to a point where I would see blood, until I couldn't really poop at all and have to use my fingers to scrape out what was there. It is gross, yes. But there's no other way that I know how to deal with it. If someone here has undergone the needed procedure, if there is, with a really trusted doctor, please let us know. thank you.

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    • Kdogdebus

      You may have a serious medical condition. I did this for years since I was little. I thought it was normal Til one day my husband caught me doing so. And so I thought to myself, if this is normal, than why am I so embarrassed? So I got it checked out! Please do yourself a favor and look in to the word
      Colporrhaphy.... If this condition isn't repaired it can cause serious difficulties in the long run. I am 26, so don't think you're too young, or it couldn't happen to you. I started having pooping complications when I was 8 yrs old. So don't be afraid or in denial, your pooper is counting on you!

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  • Blaze1996

    Ok everyone I used to do this along time ago! I am sixteen now and I have stopped like at the the beginning of this year! So much stuff had been going through my mind and I feel that doing, which by the way I have been doing this since I was like 8, I feel fatigue and I feel like my mental strength isn't as strong as it was supposed to be! I have been taking fiber supplements thinking that I was just constipated the whole time and that's how this all began, and lets face it guys THIS IS NOT NORMAL! The worst fear I have, even though I have stopped is that I haven't grown up right and don't have proper body parts developed. For me when I used to do it it took everything out of me, I felt like it was anerxia, that I had no idea why I was doing it or why it happened. And now that I stopped I fear I have not received proper nutrients, and fear I have jacked up my growth process, since I was only still a child when this started! Besides feeling mentally strained I am rebuildingtself by eating more and taking multivitamins. My fear is that I can not grow any more now that I've stopped, and have messed up my internal body parts. What should I do next? Seek medical advise? Any suggestions? And also when I used to do it blood and mucus also came out and lots of diarrhea, to be brutally honest! I'm glad I've moved on but want to improve my self and be healthy! Help anyone!

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    • Kdogdebus

      You may have a serious medical condition. I did this for years since I was little. I thought it was normal Til one day my husband caught me doing so. And so I thought to myself, if this is normal, than why am I so embarrassed? So I got it checked out! Please do yourself a favor and look in to the word
      Colporrhaphy.... If this condition isn't repaired it can cause serious difficulties in the long run. I am 26, so don't think you're too young, or it couldn't happen to you. I started having pooping complications when I was 8 yrs old. So don't be afraid or in denial, your pooper is counting on you!

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  • grace_b

    I used to have this same problem. I was the goalie for our community soccer team and I always used to have to crap at 6:45, right in the middle of the first half. One time, I did the put your finger up your butt method, although instead of me going there and then, I had to go during the game. When the ball was in the other end, un-noticedly I pooped in the back of the net. When I was done, the other team came up and scored on me, and the ball rolled in the crap pile. It went un-noticed until the other goalie blocked it with her gloves and poo went on her gloves. Everyone thought it was animal poop. Only I know what it really was.

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  • CS13

    I only ever do the whole "Stimulate it with a finger" thing when I have to. I also have a medical issue (Crohns Disease) that makes defecating difficult for me at times and I would rather get it out manually than contend with an impacted colon later. I can really only give advice about how to avoid the smell on the finger issue and it's a pretty obvious solution: Gloves. I use nitrile gloves for sanitary reasons, it makes keeping your hands clean much easier and you can get the gloves at walmart for cheap, they're in the first aid and medical section.

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  • cigs

    hey mel every Troll you dreamed of is in this post just look how long one comment is you too dannyelf.

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  • Lollipoop

    Ok,I just want to thank the person who started this thread as I didnt know this was an acual "condition" without a name! I am 26 and started this when I was about 14. I read most of the comments and can relate too. I dont do this to stimulate myself sexually. I dont get sexual pleasure more of a "necessity" to make myself poop. I started because I felt a what with i thought at the time was seamen coming out of my anal (after being raped) I was terrified AND SHOULD HAVE WENT TO THE DR. THEN!!!! Then I cleaned, cleaned, and cleaned more until all of a sudden it was a habit to get the poop and "seamen" out of there with toliet paper wrapped around my finger! NOW I CANT POOP EVER BY MYSELF!! I hate it! I dont think I lost weight at all in fact I think i gained because of being so blocked! I only poop in little amounts now! I AM GOING TO THE DR AND I WILL FOLLOW UP ! Its out of hand now, I do it almost every time I go to the bath room to check if more will come out. I think this is the reason for my issues with bladder infections now!EVERYTHING and I MEAN EVERYTHING is messed up. Im constantly constipated, I bleed in there when I do it too much,I NEVER HAS AN ORGASM IN MY LIFE! (I dont know if this is why) and the hemroids omg the hemroids!! So Now im at the point where im saying screw it im going to a DR. when i should have in the beginning! Wheather if its a learned behavior, medical, or I damaged my anus! I have a colonoscopy booked for next week and Im going too see if theres any damage in there or if they can see anything! YAY I told someone, Im so glad!!! I will return with the results and what my Dr. says!!

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  • Aliyah

    I just told my bf about this habit of mine. It's not that i am constipated but i just feel cleaner whenever i put a finger into my anus every after i poop just to be sure i am really clean. Am i doing the right thing? Is there any doctor in here?

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  • Avondalia

    Clearly we are FAR from alone. Obviously this is a form of relieving constipation and we are just now figuring that out. I have had this "disorder" for a very long time. I honestly find that it feels very good and it helps me go. I do find that I have had hemmoroids from it, so I always just try to be clean and very gentle. I also want everyone to know that the staph bacteria lives in your anus and in your nose. So, if you don't properly wash your hands you could end up with a staph infection, as I did which was VERY hard to get rid of. For me, I have started taking a pro-biotic which has helped regulate my digestive system, and I have treatments for my hemmoroids as well. I know this is highly embarassing to talk about. I am doing much better, but I have to admit, I find it intensely pleasurable. Not just sticking my finger in (with toilet paper of course) but wiggling my finger around. It is not enjoyable in a sexual way at all, it's in a physical way... hard to explain. Good luck to everyone, I don't know if I can ever quit because it simply feels soooo good. I would like to stop for health reasons, but I don't really experience any moral-guilt over it... I don't think having an ass is evil.

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  • 036675

    i am 17 year old and have been doin this for a long time. i plan on joining the army in a few months and dont no how to stop doing this bec i do not think i could do this in the military and its can get in the way never to be able to poop unless i do it and can never poop in a public plac just dont want this one thing stoping me from joining the military any one got some good real advise?

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  • Freek101

    I do the same thing except I am OCD about getting all the poop out. I'm werid I know please don't hate on my it's scary enough to say it to a bunch of strangers. I started when I was 11 after having an N/G tube in my nose threw to my stomach. Because I was conspated, But I feel like a total Freek hinse the username. Good to know someone does something simalar!

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  • helpplease:(

    Hi everyone!

    To sound like a broke record... I AM SO RELIEVED to see that I am not alone!
    I have been doing this also since I was around 16.. and I am now 25.

    I have read through all of these comments and have not seen anyone mention anything about having more gas than normal. This is a recent problem that has evolved and I'm pretty sure it's because of using my fingers to poop and loosening the walls of my insides. The gas I get builds up and makes it so I have to use my fingers to release it. And not only is it loud and embarrassing but it smells horrible.

    I'm shocked to see that no one has posted an answer beside "go see your doctor". No one has either gone to the DR. and got answers or no one has had the courtesy to come back let us know what the problem is called and how we can bring up to the DR also.

    I've wanted to stop for so long now but I have been afraid to tell anyone but I feel it is literally killing me now from all the pressure I've put on my body. I'm shocked to see that there are people who have been doing it for 30 years plus and arent having any problems.

    But as I was saying.. I've wanted to just stop and try letting my body do it naturally but I HAVE TO let the gas out with my fingers every morning. :( any one else?

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    • Freek101

      I'll try and talk to my DR about it and get back to you!

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    • Freek101

      You mean I'll be doing this for awhile longer please tell me if you ever stop. And I feel like what I do is kinda of like an addiction. I try to stop, but I just can't! How do you feel about that?

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  • hazebook

    hi i have problm pooping but i dont use fingers thankfully i never tried but its normal to use ur fingers also..dont gross out its not something inhumane.i see so many people grossing out upon themselves.Also it is perfectly ok to talk about it to a doctor.Its just a medical condition.i Know the feeling of constipated its the worst feeling ever nothing can compare to it.A person will go to any extent to feel normal.I have talked to many doctors about it and they say it is IBS and we all r suffering from ibs.Ibs is a general term they use coz no one knows what is the actual cause of it.Medical science have not been able to discover it i have read so many things on it and also discussed it to my friends who r doctors.I m frustrated i cant find a solution to it.It is badly effecting my normal life.Also i have started to get urinary retention coz of it which is more dangerous than constipation.I bet no guys who use fingers r gays here so plz dont judge thm...There are so many medical problms in world this is also one of it.Actually i read somewhr that if u use ur fingers thn u can poop better so i wanted to try but aftr reading ur reviews i m scared.And yeah guys drinking water does helps.drink a lot of water like 3 litres before u poop thn see results it would surely be better.And girls u can go to a female gastrointalogist u can discuss the problm better thn male doctors.Everyone keep updating wats new

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  • abudabi

    i cant believe nobody has mentioned spinal cord injury??? i have a lower injury in my back and the signals have stopped from my brain to rectum i have a flaccid bowel so hae to use digital evacuation all the time ten years so far, i dont know when i have to poop and have paralysed muscles to push it out so the only option is to use circling movements with my finger then wait for an hour and finally remove the last bit of faeces

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  • fiat

    relieved that i am not the only one i really dont know when i started but having read what everyone else has written im gonna change my diet and stop

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  • canadianguy

    Digital evacuation is the use of fingers to aid in the removal of stool from the anus. This behavior may be engaged in response to chronic constipation or dyssynergic defecation. A related behavior in women is vaginal splinting. If you find yourself in need of digital evacuation, be sure to tell your doctor so that the cause of your defecation difficulty can be diagnosed and a treatment plan can be implemented.

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  • problem07

    hello guys
    i'm 19yrs n i do since i was around 11yrs...
    i want to stop it can some1 please help...
    sometimes i think its a good way t get rid of the faeces easily without wasting time in the bathroom. there a gelly liquid which also comes out when practising this...
    if i don't have any faeces for 1 day the next day i get lot.

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  • canadianguy

    My advice for peopel trying to stop doing this for the first couple weeks or even a month try squatting in the bathtub or with the shower on (i know it will be a bit messy in some cases) but it's worth doing to stop using this finger method. that's what got me to stop.

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  • canadianguy

    wow, i really didn't think i would find a thread about this on the net but luckily i did! im not going to lie i thought i had a very sick problem and i was the only one doing this let me just say its a big relief that there is others out there who can sympathize with my story. nowi;ve only been doing this "fingering" thing for a couple months and im not going to lie i get this pleasure feeling from sticking my finger inside my anus and rubbing it around with toilet paper and it's the only way i can relieve myself now ( i just want to note i am not gay or have any kind of homosexual thoughts what so ever and i suffer from ibs) after reading a lot of the posts i am going to quit doing this starting RIGHT NOW i know some of you people have been doing this for as long as 10 years or more thats crazy cause i know its very hard to go out and socialize cause you never know when your going to want to stick your finger up there and what is ever more weird i get these thoughts where i actually look forward to doing it and i always have this feeling where i dont think my bowels are empty. i initially thought i had pelvic floor dysfunction but really i am the one causing harm to my body and buggering up the muscles its not going to be easy to stop but i have a strong will power and i know i can get through this just like all of you can if you're determined thanks so much for sharing your story if anybody wants to talk about this feel free to email me whatever211 @ hotmail . c0m

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  • nothing at all is wrong with you all you need to do to your body is eat some hot-peppers and you will shit and you better hope you make it to a bathroom or its going in your pants and down your legs try it some time it works 200% :)

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  • do-the-roar!

    Ok... So can this cause IBS? i mean, what happens if the doctors 'think' you have IBS but it is infact you recovering in to you 'poop' normal?

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  • do-the-roar!

    Ok. i seen this AGESS ago and i was soooo happy to see it :D i though i was the only one, i started this ever since i was 10 im now 14 and i have stopped for a while, and since im 14 i been going through a lot of hormone changes :( i started doing it again about 3-5 weeks ago and blood came out, and that scared me out of it, but for a couple of weeks now i have been getting alot if IBS signs? is this ment to happen? i also have been feeling very depressed, please help <3

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  • kiddah1

    just eat breakie, lunch and tea drink 8 ounces of water go bout ya days normal what ever you do trust me your body wont hold it in for more then 3 days. you might have some hemroids maybe see a doc if you think it will help. just keep it real avoid the anal retentive people there only going to make things worse for you i guess. be happy and take time to relax and breath properly.

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  • recovered_guy

    I also suffered fro the same problem plus bleeding due to inserting my finger... went to an ayurvedic doctor ... just gave me 3 medicines(one of which was a mild laxative) and i just needed a bit of mental strength... now i can crap normally at least... may be I'm not 100% fine, but there's no bleeding and i don't use my finger ... but I'm better ... and it's all because i stumbled onto this site... and i found out that I'm not alone... this was 3 months ago and it just took me a couple of weeks ... and trust me ... that's all it takes... :)...Thank you so much people... and i pray that all of us gets fine... it's not a disease... just something pleasurable which we get addicted to ... so just needs a bit of sacrifice... take care... and thanks once again... :)

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    • Freek101

      I bleed to from inserting my finger

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  • Justlookingforhelp

    Does Miralax once a day really work has anyone tried it. I basically have what everyone else has put on this post and I'm so glad I wasn't the only one. I've been doing it since I was in fourth grade as I remember I'm sixteen now and I just want to stop. So I just want to know if anyone has tried Miralax and if it really works. I've also been working out and doing ab workouts and it seems to make my stomach feel better and after I'm done I just use the restroom with using my finger but I don't know if thats really helping.

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  • onthetrail

    i know this sounds weird, but i used to use so much toilet paper when i was around 13 and i got told off. So one day i thought id wet it to use less. Then one day i did it with hot water and just pressed it on the hole and straight away i was going for a toilet, it feels really good, feels alittle gay but thats not my point anytime i want to go i just use this hot toilet paper and i go everytime.
    hope this helps :D

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  • LogicHelps

    i think it helps...do not drink water with your meal.
    you should drink 2 glass of water 1 hour before each meal you take.
    and 2 glass of water after at least 2 hours after each meal.
    and when you wake up every morning....immediately drink as much water as you can until you do not get a feeling to vomit.
    follow this procedure for at least a month.
    the total water intake in a day should be at least 4Lit.
    you have to slowly increase your water intake to get to 4Lit/day.
    at first few days you need to pee more than your usual...but after first few days your body adapt to your more water intake...that's the key point and the logic.
    after about 2 weeks your pee rate gets back to normal.
    and the extra water will add into your blood stream and dilute it. your digestive organs use the water in this diluted blood to make the poop less concentrated and make it a lot easier to get rid of it.
    the extra water in your blood stream also helps improve your metabolism and slows down your aging process.
    this process takes at least 1 month time to take effect depending upon the body of individual.
    Hope you get results soon..

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  • Notintobuttplay9

    You are all gay it is not normal to stick your fingers in your butt to make you poop there is nothing strange about putting fingers in your butt

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    • Notintobuttplay9

      Try just sitting down and pooping like a normal human bein you homosexuals

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      • Freek101

        You are so rude ur the 1 in the closet And yes actually i am BI but Im A FEMALE HAHA

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  • rabbit3991

    I am a 19 yr old male i am straight i have had this.problem for about a year now it has gotten so bad that i go to the toilet up to 10 times a day i use toilet paper and alot of it to shove up there plus when i do it breaks the lining of my anus and my ring bleeds but only as bad as a drqze bleed like grazing your knee and the.only way i canexplain the pain for hours after woulds is like i grazed my knee bu on the ring of my anus it is fucking my hopes to be Australias best cage fighter. I love the feeling but the pain makne me uncomfortable when my girlfriend touches me aroung my belt line someone please help im sick of this it is embarressing and painful. Again please help :/

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  • Isititis

    So, I'm going to be like others here and say: I know this thread is old, but I also have this problem. I found this thread coincidentally while sitting on the toilet using my 3ds and searching "How to make yourself poop faster"

    anyway, I've been doing this since I was about 14, and I am now 21.

    I think about 14 a doctor recommended eating more fiber and taking stool softeners so I didn't have to "Help make myself go." It seemed like she had seen a lot of patients for this problem before.

    I've been reading this thread for about 6 days (while pooping, naturally) and for about 5 have not used my finger (with toilet paper on it)

    Issue is, I'm very clogged up now. and Even with the finger I could only get small amounts out, and then other times I'd actually manage to go a little.

    So I'm super clogged up and worried here. I don't want to eat because I feel too stuffed.

    also, people keep mentioning being skinny and losing weight? never happened for me, does this sort of thing normally cause that??

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  • thekaiser

    Here is some external advice I've been able to dig up.
    Apparently, the scientific name for what we do is rectal digitation, which can lead to rectal ulcers and other unpleasant things. It is also associated with bulimia and other eating disorders. I think if you cannot stop on your own through sheer will, then you must seek help. Go to a doctor you don't know in another city if you are afraid of disclosing the condition. But, it is potentially very serious and damaging.

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    • thekaiser

      To quote from one of the articles,"In conclusion, because of their shameful nature,
      rectal digitation, finger evacuation, and rectal purging may be underreported and under diagnosed
      symptoms of bulimia nervosa, potentially contributing to rectal prolapse."

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      • thekaiser

        Furthermore, I have contacted some online doctors to see if they could comment on this. Maybe that's the way to go, find a medical professional online to assume anonymity. best of luck everyone. Fingers down!

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        • Freek101

          Fingers down lol

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  • XXgetxrealXx

    I share a very similar problem, although I don't feel an addiction has any part in it. For me, it just seems like my anal sphincter doesn't get the message and refuses to let me poop! I have done this for years and I am almost positive that a hemmoroid is part of the problem!

    The following comment is by all means not a solution, but more of a tip:
    Until you are able to find a better alternative to this "issue"! Buy some plastic gloves (like hospital gloves). Rip each finger off and keep them handy to use instead of your finger or your finger wrapped in toilet paper... I found this to be a LIFESAVER for the stinky finger syndrome and each glove gives you five separate "finger gloves"..

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  • Munoz5495

    In my opinion, this is due to an over load of toxic waste in the colon. You need to cleanser your colon with a colon cleanse detoxification product. There fairly cheap and im 80% sure this will work for you. Give it a shot...
    heres the product. from amazon ... good luck and follow the instructions....
    ive used this already and it does work. there will be a little scoop in the inside of the product if not it sinked somewhere in the middle. (REMEMBER THIS!!!!!)


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  • itsgoodtoshare

    Hello to all who have posted. I have recently been doing research on the benefits of "squatting". If you are suffering from trouble with eliminating please check out :

    I hope this helps!

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  • anotherstranger

    Update! So I haven't broken myself of the habit yet, and theres a long way to go, but I've started taking metamucil and it seems to be helping with the IBS a lot! Instead of feeling wierdly constipated, then triggering my sphinctor until it comes out like diahrea, instead I'm able to get out more solid poops without trying to hard. If you have tryed metamucil I reccommend it!

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    I can't believe I am not alone! I have been doing this for the past 5 years. Prostate cancer runs in our family, and I was using a dildo for prostate massage, as they do in Europe, but not here in the USA. At first I didn't really like it, but now, I have the best ass orgasms EVER. I found that using a couple fingers makes me poop, and I love the feeling of having an ass orgasm and getting my bowels empty is a big plus since I have hard stools. Plus I am getting a prostate massage at the same time. I recommend all men try it for their health, and you will begin to experience incredible full body orgasms. Some men actually ejaculate, but not me so far. But that is not why I do it. Str8 male here. glad I found I am not alone. The reason I GOOGLED this was because I am worried II am not getting the right nutrition by forcing a bowel movement daily.

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  • poopoo25

    hi guys,i am doing this since i am maybe 9 years old n im now 25, i just read that its dangerous n ive also gain weight n i think i understand now, i realise for the fisrt time that its an addiction, i never felt bad doing it cause it make me feel good,i like the feeling inside.i honneslty dont kow how im going to be able to stop really. :S:(

    Ive also saw a documentery about that years ago bt cant dfind it :(

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  • falalala123

    It's pretty sad that I had to result to this. I usually let things figure themselves out or worst case, go to a doctor. I've been experiencing all these odd things that can't ever seem to get off my mind. I've recently been writing down everything that i eat, drink, and exercise. I am only 19 years old, I drink lots of water, i avoid caffiene and things that will back me up. Recently, i've noticed i don't get that simple urge to go anymore. I too, starting probably three years ago must have really needed to go and inserted a finger to see if something was there. I too, was able to clean myself out. I noticed following those days, i relied on using my finger or pressing the area around to get it out. I was NOT patient, i wanted to go on que and feel completely clean. That was my problem. I began taking all sorts of fiber capsules and whatnot and exercising. Then my problems went away. NOW, all of the sudden. I recently got blood from stool 3 months ago. then a hemmoroid in january. i tried eating lots of fruits and veggies and oatmeal, and had no problem going and reduced gas. it was fantastic. but noww, currently, i just had a bm earlier this afternoon and could only push a little. i didnt eat a fiborous meal, i admit so i guess thats my problem. however, i recently stuck my finger up there again and i could feel the poop as well as a fleshy kinda bulge. im wondering what it is and if itll go away. internal hemmoroids are caused by straining which i didnt really do, and go away on their own so that is not my concern. no matter what i eat, my stools are watery and lots of mucous. I told my parents, they look at me and say drink water, your 19. nothings wrong with you. stop being a hypochondriac. there is nothing more annoying/embarassing/bothersome than someone who thinks/makes you feel crazy and then tells you to live with it. I look at food my family eats and the appetite they have and just want to cry because they dont even notice im not hungry anymore. and they say oh your so skinny..your dieting? no..its because everything seems to upset my stomach/stay in my bowel if its not fiborous/compacted together. basically, im getting pretty sick of waiting. what is this i'm experiencing? ibs? ibd? colon cancer? this may or may not be related, but everytime i eat i burp now? it used to only be when i drink soda..and my stomach makes weird noises/feels like air just floating through my abdomen. if this doesn't get better what kind of doctor should i be seeing? I fortunately don't have to rely on using my finger at all. i refuse to. i just felt it in there. i get the urge to go but not completely. i find it weird that it can just sit there? wouldnt those muscles contract to get it out?

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  • aamir

    i have the same problem.i visit a doctor also and he gave me laxative also but it did not work please healp me.

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    • eat hot peppers it does work but make sure your home

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  • aamir

    i have the same problem.thaks.i am not alone.i visit a doctor also and he chek me up. and gave me laxative but it did not work please anybody help me if they have answer for this problem please healp

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  • anotherstranger

    So, I just made an account for this post only. I was so floored to find this post. I'm a 21 year old (transgender) man and I started doing this when I was about 13? I, like many of the folks on here, suffer from pretty severe IBS that has only very recently been officially diagnosed.

    I started using my finger to help myself poop when I was about 12 probably? It began just as a way to relieve the pain that pooping caused me, but it ultimately became a habit that was hard to break (as so many have already said). It's not sexual in any way for me, but it does feel good for some reason, satisfying.

    I think part of it for me has to do with my eating disorder. I've struggle with an eating disorder on and off since I was 13. The feeling of emptiness I get from starving or purging is both a feeling of control, AND an actual neurological high. Which makes me really interested to know if this behavior is also providing us with a certain increase in seratonin or other addictive chemical reactions in the brain...

    I googled "anal bulimia" and actually found a few medical studies, accessible online, tracing the link between eating disorders and this behavior.

    It seems to me that this is probably something that a lot of folks struggle with, but is rarely talked about. I have never ever told anybody, in real life or online, about this habit. I'm so deeply ashamed and embarrassed. I stopped for a couple years, but very recently started back up again during a stressful time in my life. I want to tell my doctor, my psychiatrist, my therapist, SOMEONE who could help, but it's just too shameful and gross. I don't think I could even say it out loud.

    I thought finding this page would help, that getting past some of the shame and feeling less alone would help me quit. But honestly, I feel like it might actually be making it worse. Sometimes the shame was the only thing that kept me from doing it, but now I feel like I shouldn't be ashamed because I'm not alone.

    Anyway, this is a really long comment. But I'm just thankful that so many people have shared their experiences, even though this can be really embarrassing. I'm scared even to have made this account and afraid that someone will find this comment, but oh well. I guess it's here to stay.

    Sitting here in bed after a very stressful day. I "anally purged" 3 times since I came home. i feel so empty and good and in control. But I know what I'm doing is both gross and not good for my body. I'm scared, I don't want to get back into these habits.

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  • alexprototype

    hi guys , first of all same weird line - " i am so relieved.... i thought i was only idiot doing this.... "

    now lets straight come to topic - i am male n started it when i was arnd 16 (roughly remember ). am 19 now and dont know why did i start . i am well built , perfectly healthy ( havent got sick in years ) n do regular exercise . i dont do it for some sort of pleasure but just to do the "job" . first of all i drank very less water so i think that may b d cause .now i drink a glass everytime i get up or go 4 urination ( we have to figure some way or other ) . also make a habbit of drinking a glass or two when u wake up and do some sort of exercise . it helps to build up pressure . but the most important thing that matters is how much urge u feel to take a dump dont go more than once a day . sometimes even i cant control myself . whenever i control myself i can do it more normally the next day . and yes lately i too am getting some mucous but no bleeding ( thats just matter of time b4 i worsen myslef) . i will be going to college in few months and am very embarrassed . so will have to pull myself together in these few months . my funda will be to eat lots of vegetables n fruits combined with liquid and most important control myself at all times . guys for most of us here its a psychological problem . just when u r losing control remember ur worst fear that what will happen if u dont stop right here and trust me it will help . we are here for each other . will keep u updated about my progress .its never too late friends,u just have to give it a go .do it once and u will get confidence. best of luck :)

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  • Bestofluck

    Can this cause ED, or make your penis not get as erect as often? I feel like about a year i started doing this, my penis stopped working as well either? Can this be related?... I'm 18 and i'm never going to be able to have sex.

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    • Freek101

      LOL DUDE i don't think you have to worry! Try Viagra. Or talk to your doctor.

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  • semson


    I have the same issues since I was 14 years old, I have seen a lots of doctor but they didn't find any solution..

    I have done a lots of research to find the solution, I need to as you some question, It might help me to find the solution:

    1. Which finger did you Use in the first time if you remember?

    2. Do you have a mucus with the stool?

    3. do feel tired and you want to sleep a lot?

    4. do you feel a bit pain in the anus sphincter?

    You might help me a lot if you answer these question..
    Thank you

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    • Freek101

      My middle finger Yes i have mucus. I always have wanted to sleep alot and am tired after wards. I feel pain after I do this yes. And your welcome I can't beleive I just answered these Q's

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  • IasWell

    Whelp, I'm in the same/similar boat as everyone else who has posted here, but I thought I'd sign up and give my details for people in the future.

    About me:
    I'm 23 male, have been using this method for about 9 years I guess, I really don't remember when I started. I'm gay, but have never received anal sex, and don't consider this to be relevant because I see it more as cleanliness issue combined with it being a habit rather than deriving pleasure from it.(1. Its unlikely I have an STD since I've only had sex once and we used a condom. 2.I do actually receive a sort of pleasure, but its not sexual in any way and is more of the pleasure anyone would feel after taking a good dump)

    What I do:
    I use 2 fingers(pointer and middle) and wrap toilet paper around them so that there is about 2 to 3 layers over the fingerprint region. I then fold the excess toilet paper over top the finger print region. Almost always have done this right handed. I usually just wiggle my fingers until the anus loosens up then once it has, I am easily able to put both fingers in and move them around. This feeling usually causes me to feel the urge to go. If it is a solid movement, I may try to grab at it and I normally go about 2 knuckles in. If my stomach is hurting(which usually seems to be about once a month, where it gets so bad I feel like I'm going to vomit, but really just need to have a large amount of diarrhea), then I may do this quite a bit until I feel completely better. On average it takes me about 4-6 tries to get completely clean. I then wash my hands thoroughly and normally don't have to worry about any smell unless it was particularly wet.

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    • IasWell

      Symptoms I've experienced:
      I definitely have had mucus and blood in my stool, and have experience a slight prolapse(At least I dont think other people's anus comes out this much, but I can't be sure). I've noticed to be a lot more mucus when I use this method excessively(when I have diarrhea) and end up going in over 10 times(I guess, I'm not actually counting), and usually don't see it for easier bowel movements. The mucus can be either clear or yellow, and may have flecks of fecal matter in it depending on the most recent bowel movement type. The blood is been more prominent over the past year, but I never worried about it since I figured I knew that this process was the source. The blood I see is normally bright red, and has been able actually drip from my anus during excessive wiping. I've determined the cause of the blood to be an "Anal Fissure" which is a tear in the lining of the anus, normally in the middle and normally right inside inside the anus. The Anal Fissure can hurt and can lead to a "feels like I'm wiping with glass" feeling that another user mentioned. If you have bleeding and similar symptoms, bend over in a mirror, look through your legs at your anus while pulling it apart. It will look like a small hole in the skin and is red(since you are basically looking at a hole in your skin). Anal fissures are supposed to heal on their own in a few weeks, but wiping or straining can cause them to stay open for longer, hence why I have had mine for so long.

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      • IasWell

        My Plan:
        I've determined this needs to stop, or else full prolapse and a need for surgery would eventually be required(Hopefully surgery isn't already needed). Some users in this thread have had some success with slowly stopping to regain strength in the sphincter muscles. To do this, I am going to try to only stimulate a bowel movement out by rubbing the outside of my anus, but without ever inserting my fingers, trying to use my fingers as little as possible, but if I need to use a finger, I'll only use one. I'll be trying to eat better along with a fiber supplement. I may do a small amount of exercise, but nothing too significant. If I try to clean myself during a shower, I will try to only use a single finger that has plenty of soap. I've heard taking baths helps with anal fissures, so I shall be doing that when I can(no I wont poop in the bath). Other than all this, I found some exercises to strengthen the sphincter that, although they seem only for people who can't hold their feces in properly(which isn't me), I figure the exercises can't hurt, and may help exercise the muscle I need to strengthen.

        Ok, that was an enormous post, but I feel like it covers most everything pretty well. I'll post back if I ever make any progress, wish me luck.

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  • scotty123

    Hi guys im really glad other people do this, i thought i was the only one and i have not been able to tell anyone, im 21 yo now and been doing this since i was 14. I cant stop and really want to, i can not go to the toilet with out doing this, its now affecting my life as its been giving me pain down below and ive been bleeding quiet abit, and there has been a few time when ive been in so much pain i cant go at all and if i do it feels like im passing glass. When i do it now i feel like my anus is aching and then feel like i need to urinate quiet a lot after but i dont. im also getting the jelly discharge stuff aswell. is this happening to you as well?? what should i do??

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  • uhavnoidea

    ok...so my story is similar but more extreme than any of your stories...i don't want you to judge me or think i'm weird but I TRULY NEED HELP AND IF THERE IS A DOCTOR OR ANYONE OUT THERE WHO CAN HELP ME ...PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME.


    I have been manually pooping since like 10 or maybe earlier...i am now 21 yrs old (male) but there is a catch...

    I don't use my finger because to me it doesn't go deep enough for my satisfaction. I use the plunger... I started having anal sex around 11 yrs old and my entire digestive system changed...at first i would poop much easier after sex, other times i would notice that he (the partner) would have poop on his penis while sex....so I started using the shower/ plunger routine which consisted of me wrapping paper towels around the plunger stick (thick quantities), wet it while in the shower, add some soap and go to work in my anus to fully remove everything as deep as i possibly could...i felt empty and relieved and I could have anal sex without poop being a problem...plus it made my hole tighter and a little mucusy for sex...i began doing it every day while in the shower...rinsing the crap down the drain...i rarely did the toilet finger(with tissue or baby wipe) method unless I was in a rush to go somewhere or do something and I wanted to feel empty. my anus became dependent on this method and I been doing it ever since(only now i use a condom on top because the paper towels were tearing my anus tissue inside.) there was a time when i used a dildo with lube but now its plunger/ with a sock wraped around for thickness with rubberbands to hold it in place and a condom over it with mild soap as a lube. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN GO TO THE BATHROOM! when i was 15 i went to summer camp and i had major constipation and couldnt use the plunger method obviously so I couldnt stay there long because i had lots of build up, cramping, and lots of bloating, i tried the toilet finger method but it barely helped... now i cant even have anal sex because even though i do clean out my anus, the penis inside me causes me to feel like it is the plunger and will cause my body to try to poop or have a "need to poop sensation"...especially when he goes deep and at a fast pace. *******Will continue on the next post*******

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  • randomguy111

    Some people with bowel problems are actually advised to do this. They are simply advised just to stimulate it and then push when it is almost out and continue doing it until their bowel is empty. This is so they do not crap themselves randomly.

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  • yekta-topal

    can some body help here i use my finger to signal my vigina to pee AND somtimes i get thease long bloby strings come out my vigina i am soo worried can you please help me help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help

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  • yekta-topal

    o i have been doing this to my vigina too soo my pee can come out i am serious itss not funny

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  • yekta-topal

    OMG all this time i thought i was the only person that could be doing this ,, but now i found out that most people do it i was criyng and thinking to myselve what if my fingers get diseased or turn to another colour.

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  • blatantlybritt

    Well, I don't know why everyone feels so ashamed about this! I mean I must admit I am certainly embarrassed about it, and it was hard for me to admit to my own husband of FOUR years! However, male or female, I really don't think this is a matter of obsession or pleasure. I actually discovered this bad habit kind of by accident, one day when I was constipated, not even that long ago. I'm 25 years old, and I'd say I started doing this about 2 years ago. It has definitely become more frequent, but one day I was constipated, and was sick of sitting on the pot and waiting, and feeling that horrible pain of pressure. I have kind of bad IBS, as well. I wrapped toilet paper around my finger and I knew my poop was right around the corner so I kind of coaxed it out. It worked, beautifully and I was so thankful. I have done it more often (as I said) since then, but don't need to do it every time I go. I notice that the healthier I eat the less I have to do it.

    I actually have diarrhea way more often than I have constipation, but when I do have diarrhea, I STILL have that feeling like I can't push the poop out, because it's like my muscles can't grasp the poop to push it out. It's hard to explain, but it's such a pain! I don't feel like I'm damaging myself in the process, or making it worse, especially if I eat more properly (fiber, veggies, water, less sugar and fatty foods). Anyways, it does feel good to do it, certainly, but definitely not in a "sexual" way. In fact my bum is quite sensitive and my hubby LOVES that kind of "anal play", but I don't do it with him often because of the fact that my bum is too sensitive.. of course having IBS sure doesn't help. My poor hubby. LOL! TMI, I Know.. oh well. This whole article is TMI, isn't it??

    Anyways. For "straight men" who do it, my point is, you shouldn't feel ashamed like your gay or something. That's ridiculous! Has nothing to do with that. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who does it, though. Thought I was kind of weird, for a while, for sure. I really don't think there is anything harmful about doing this, as long as you are not rough on yourself or going up too far. It probably would help to "lube" your finger (and obviously wash afterwards), but even parents do this to their babies when they are having difficulties passing stool. There is no reason to feel ashamed, but if you are having intestinal problems, you should consult a doctor because IBS could be a problem, or something worse like IBD, or perhaps you just need to really change your nutrition and diet habits!

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  • abcdefg333

    Also, now that I went back and read all the new posts which I hadn't in the past.. And boy has this site grown since I first found it :).. I just wanted to say that if you have had any type of bleeding even if it is not that often, then most likely you have hemorrhoids. You definitely have to go see a doctor and there is absolutely nothing embarrassing about pooping with blood in it. Proctologists specialize in the anal problem area, so they deal with different people who have similiar problems all the time. My advice is go see a proctologist and if your hemorrhoids are at an early stage it will be much easier to cure. Basically the sooner you do it, the better!! And the younger you are, the better your body will be able to heal itself.. A gastroenterologist may also be able to help in some cases.. You have to start somewhere.. There are all kinds of other things you can do without surgery, there are suppositories, stool softeners, herbal supplements and much more.. If you want to get better, you can't just sit back and do nothing, you have to see a specialist. Good luck, everyone!!

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  • coolkid1234

    the same thing is happining to me i m 15 i started when i was 11 i dnt no y i started i am only 7 stone i try everthing to stop any1 gt any ideas

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  • adz1986

    This is an awsum Site. I thought I was the only one because i could not find any information any where.

    I have had this problem for about 7 years now and god knows how it all started.

    I have to go every morning in order to 'enpty' out and using the finger helps but it gets so uncomfortale at times and i get stomach pains due to 'emptying' out. I havent really lost weight from this but i did use to be belimic and still sorta am.

    I have been to the doctors about the anus finger and i had a camera put up there. all i got was i need to eat more fruit. I did this and also exersise regularly but nothings worked.

    Ive been in good shape for a fews years and into a lot of sport so dont really think this exercsing and drinking water is really true.

    I think im gonna try the sachets from boots and see if they work otherwise im gonna go docs again because it really needs to be sorted as I dont wann b old and not be to move properly and be on some bags and medication to help with this.,

    After reading these posts im glad others are seeking help, but can no one actually pinpoint what this 'habit' is actually called and y do people get this !!

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  • giveupnow

    hello again all. I looked at images of rectal prolapse online and it does look pretty bad. Fortunately I do not have this problem (yet) and my anus looks pretty much normal. Is there an intermediate stage too where things may look ok on the outside but be messed up inside? How do I find out myself without an embarrassing trip to the doctor? I ask this because I had bled a few times (once every year, maybe) in the past.

    As to questions about constipation - I have discovered a great way atleast for the short term. I am a male and go to the gym regularly. Whenever I am on a high protein diet (ie protein shakes with milk), it is a 'Garbage in, Garbage out' with my tummy and I just have to go. So people may want to try that to aid constipation.

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  • sara12348651

    ok your not alone, I do that two. The bottom line is just get used to that not fully empty feeling. And soon it will be the empty feeling. its ok to do once in a wile. but when you do you should do it where theirs running water. and in a plain just put your feet, with shoes, on the toilet and squat. :)

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  • malarky

    .2nd half......... I am a sober alcoholic......and used to take drugs, but not heavy stuff.I guess I'd like to say, Yes its a drag, yes its very inconveniant, but don't add another layer of shame and disgust (self-loathing) to what is something that probably stems from that same lack of self love....Like I said. This is something, prob, 15 or 20% of people do.....but of course, how can they talk about it.....I'dove to hear from, a psychiatrist, or someone, who really knows, I bet its in medical journals etc. I truly dont know if its a physical or a mental/emotional thing,,,well its both, but its origin.....Otherwise, try the shower, it feels a lot cleaner. I've never posted anything, anywhere, not bad fot a first timer, I'll be checking back in.....Its great, as you say, that others do it...or that we know it.(but I kinda knew that I COULDN"T be alone.....be easy on yourselves.

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  • coolbabe

    Hiya again Cantstop, hmm this one got me thinking, i reckon on avarage about 18 times a week, maybe more it depense what i am doing, to be honest its usually a bordom thing if im at home sat on the computer, i tend to just go to the toilet now and again. You are doing so well, im glad somebody is around here :P i hav quit for about 2 days now but its hard, i think once ya get past the first week or two it gets esier :) and to awnser your question it is just poop that comes out, sometimes i do it and nothing comes out, it just depense really! I still cant belive the amount of people on here which do it, when i left that first comment i had no idea that there would be this many replies! it makes you wonder how many people do it in the world because this will only be a small minority!

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  • mindfukced

    aw. looks like no one's noticing me. *weeps* hmm. i am. i eat like everyone else too. in fact im fat. but ive been doing it for 7years. and im thinking why am i not getting so skinny?

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  • coolbabe

    oh and well done cantstop keep it up, 10 weeks is amazing!! i remember when i quit for 3 months but unforntaly my holiday with my partner was to much too soon :(

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  • coolbabe

    happy new year everyone, i bet everyone had the same new years resalution as me to stop the addiction. Unfortunatly i have failed so far but i am going to really start trying! i seem to have got over my embaresment of pooping but i just cant get over the general feeling of putting my finger up so unfortunatly i am still addicted! One thing which i have noticed (wel just recently noticed hopw bad i looked) was my weight, i am so underweight and i almost look anorexic, but i am so not i eat like everyone else but obvs the forcing poop out when unesicerry may cause me to be underweight! is anybody else underweight yet eats normally??

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  • rayson

    oh gosh...i didnt know i would find so many people with this problem....i have to finger to feel that i have completely cleaned my bowels...and sometimes it does have blood...probably because of my nail scaring my anal and it bleeds....to make things very much worst...i m an OCD patient...contracting HIV is one of my worst fears....and now i m living in fear...that my finger might be contaminated or i touched something...and it has HIV virus on it and when i fingered myself and its bleeding i might have transferred the virus into my body.....it kills me to be in this situation....but i am so helpless...having OCD and having this bad habit is so difficult....:)

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  • coolbabe

    hi guys, sorry i have not commented for ages i have been so busy working. but unfortunatly not too busy to go to the toilet. im back to my old ways again, i really hate myself for it, im not as severe as i uset to be but im bad enogh! i have decided to stop again but this time for good! i did so well before and stopped for 3 months solid but when i went on holiday with my partner i could not poop cos i was too embaressed and i ended up been backlogged and so uncomftable i started to do it again. The thing i need to get over aswell is been so embarssed when i go for a poop. i dont even know why i get embaressed because everyone poops. i even have to put the tap on so nobody can hear me. Is anybody else like this?? i feel if i can get over that it will help stop this addiction!

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    • rayson

      yeh i also have the problem of being embaraased to poop....especially when i am with my partner...so i will turn the tap on to cover the noise....and it makes it all worst....when i m an OCD patient and having such a bad habit....oh God.....

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  • addictedtoit

    i really want to stop. i have the same problem. im 21,. i started when i was 18. mine's gotten worse recently, before i'd just sit and use my finger, while my other hand is holding a cigarette, since my bestfriend asked me to stop smoking, ive been looking for a substitute for it while i do my business.and i found it. i use really really hot water from the shower and direct it down there, (helps me relax a lot since i quit smoking) while my other hand does its job. so as you can imagine, it gets doused with hot water everytime i do it. today, if you look at my left hand and my right, there is a significant difference. my left looks like its been burned, its darker, has more age spots and more wrinkler and dry compared to my other hand. people have been noticing it, and i just tell them i have a 'condition' i cant talk about.
    it's been 2 days since i stopped. and i hope i can keep up this pace. it's really really forgetting about it.
    nice to know im not alone.

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  • drew

    ye i dont think i do it for any type of pleasures... cuz i only do it when i actually sit down to take a shit lol... like i read on this forum that some people do it on a daily basis... for me its just the 1 or 2 times i go to the bathroom during the day... but i just dont feel like il be able to shit without doin it lol. and if i would take 1 without doing it i would feel like im not empty and i still have more crap in me... when i was like 14 i had like constipation and i couldent push it out.. and i started doin this and it worked so i never stopped... i duno but its time to stop this. cuz like i said im movin in wit my girl and she is 3 months pregnant.. and i dont want this bullshit on my mind.

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  • Sam_Bluenova

    How many of you are male and how many female?

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  • Helpme..

    i have the same problem i have done for two years and i cant help it.. i need to stop its affecting my life!

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  • yoyoyoyo23

    cant stop, i have the same problem. you gotta chill out a little. you cant be so obsessed with it. and you MUST go to a doctor, man up and explain the problem. and i personally am scared it might cause cancer- but why would it cause cancer more than anal sex

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  • theRealDeal

    Since the age of 7 I've been doing this! I'm 42! 42!! I've read every one of these posts, thankful for each one. I've thought I must be gay, weird or just broken for so long, when y'all where right there with me. I have to use enemas to crap-usually. Is there an actual name for this condition? I just want to thank you all, for the knowledge. I'm a man, and just like you!

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  • KBone

    I think if you have quit and you are not experiencing any pain or abnormal symptoms then I wouldn't worry about it and I would go on with my life. Just think a homosexual has his anus pounded on a daily basis with not only dicks but fingers, fists, toys, and whatever else. Same with female porn stars who get their asses pounded by dick after dick and that don't have any problems it would seem. I don't know I just wouldn't worry about it. We all need to just be each other's support system and we all need to just quit. Just stop doing it. I haven't done it since I came across this thread and I am resolved to never do it again.

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  • esr

    hi..everyone..how can this be cured..is there a solution for this..how to explain it to a doctor?

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  • KBone

    I think that if you are looking at your anus in any other manner than for that of one of concern or medically then there is another inderlying issue. To look at your own anus is the terms you use I must say is quite startling.

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  • taina2020

    im stop doing it 4 month ago, it is still hard and there is some days i feel that i got to do it if i want to feel completly empty.
    but i believe that one day my body will get used to it and then i will poop without any probleme.
    wish luck to all of you:)

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  • KBone

    I am 34 and have been doing this since I was 14 or so, wow that's twenty years! I have had two hemmeriod operations and one major colon resection operation because it gave me diverticulitis really bad. I hate this habit but I have been married for ten years and she knows nothing of it. It's my secret and it sucks. I wish I could quit.

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  • bizzare23

    i have been doing this as well for i can't remember how long and now i'm totally freaking out that it will be impossible for me to go properly ever again. i wish i never started it controls my life. i have tried stopping but my body just doesnt push the waste down into where is should be anymore it just sits up inside me so i feel like i have to put my fingers up there.does anyone have any ideas on how to help or has anyone had the same problem and overcome it by doing something?i am willing to try anything to get my body back to normal!im so glad there is a page like this that lets me talk about it i thought i was the only one.

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  • coolbabe

    staffswhite thank you so much for putting this up i and iom sure many others have waited so long to find out what it is. You are so brave and hats off to you cos i would not have been able to do it! to be honest i think that the problem itself is not very serious which is amazing because for years i thought the same as you guys muight it be some sort of cancer or something. I think the advice given may help others to stop and just provide the help and just to know what we are doing and knowing its not some strange thing nobody has heard of. I have been stopped pfft it must be a few weeks now and to be honest i have nearley forgotten about it. the first few weeks are the worst because you are still in the habbit of doing it but after a while (like anything) i was forgetting about it, time is a great healer!! oh by the way if anybody has come across this page and read what the doctor said about been underweight. If you are trying to loose weight dont do it, because it is lethal and as you can see on here it makes you very misrable and its just generally not nice to deffo do not use it as a weight loss thing!!

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    • Karman

      if you appreciate ur life and wanna keep on living go to the doctor "doctor" does not have right to tell any or make funn of ur illness.. i've told mine part and im still living don't be retarded.. its not gross at all

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  • coolbabe

    yes that will be an anal fissel, basically a very small cut in ur anus or on the outside, i have loads and unfortunatly they are not the most attractive things to have :( thats so good you are going to the doctors please please please can you tell us what it is straight away. i am, also underwight i am only 7st but i am very petite. i have now not done it for over a week but sometimes it kills me :( thanks for finding this out it will help so many of us who just want to know what it is.

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  • coolbabe

    day 3 of stopping now and i have pooped on my own...twice!!! the first time was a bit hard and not much came out but th second time was great, it was a big poop aswel. i was so pleased :) i am stil not even missing doing it which is great. i just feel generally better and i feel like i can move on with my life, i know its early days mind but just thought i would let you all know :) xx

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  • coolbabe

    dont worry YOTIFLIN we are all in the same boat it must be good to know you are not the only one, ino it makes me feel better, never the less it obvs is not 'normal' but not completly abnormanl. Today is my first day of stopping this morning i woke up and in my pants there was jelly stuff (i know its gross) but i must be 'loosning' my anus by doing it so that was th final straw, and you know i havent even had the desire to do it, where usually i will come home from work and just do it without even thinking, then about 6-7 times on the night. Im just hoping that i can stick it out this time. I have tried at least 4 times pervious but i thnk this time might be it (fingers crossed) i have been doing it since i was 13 and about on avarage i would say about 9 times a day so it will be pretty hard to get out of this habbit but i thinkthis time i have the will power. I would love to go o a docter about it yet im so emberessed, im scared incase he/shejudges me becauyse it is such a discuating habbit, and they might not realise how hard it is to stop. Anyways please guys get back to me with how y'all doing and ill keep you posted on how i am doingg quitting :) xx

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  • coolbabe

    again so many other people coming out and seying it, i am wondering if actuyally this is a common occurence but nobody dares to admit it. I am also scared that my boyfriend will find out we know everything about eachother but this is my deep dark secret because it is so awful and discusting. The main thing i am worrying about is if in long term it will cause health proplems. I also do it not to poop sometimes, i just cane help it its a habbit and a routine for me :( i just wish i could stop and not miss it,. because evrytime i have stopped i have really missed 'the feeling' of it if that dosn't sound wierd.

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  • coolbabe

    its amazing that everytime i come on this loads more people have replied, its like a hidden illness noeone knows about. i also find it relaxing when i go it kindo puts me in a relaxing state of mind which nothing else can do, i think thats why i find it so hard to stop, my anud drops aswell its horrible i am so embarseed it is ruining my sex life aswell because its all i can think about and how horrible it looks :( when you went to the doctor hannah did he suggest anything about how to stop it?? i am so sick you have done so well stopping for 6 months that incredible. the most i have ever done is one month but i started again. I truley belive that it is an addiction because i go because its part of my routine and i like the feeling (and also because i have to if i need a poo but even if i dont need one i will still go) i even wrote myself a list before on all the bad things it causes such as bad sex life etc and it still didnt stop me :(

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  • rb12345

    well I have finally found all of you peeps that have the same problem as me..... I thought I was the only person in the world... this horrible problem rules my life and is my hidden secret. It started about 10 years ago where a had a period of stress in my life and IBS started where I was using imodium on a regular basis, I am not sure the first time I did this whole horrible finger thing but all I know is that I cant go to the toilet by myself anymore..... I am sure it is a muscle weekness problem, last year I did a lot of running and going to the gym and for a short while my muscles must have built up as going to the toilet was more natual. Now if I ever do to the toilet by myself I can never clear my passage completely so always have to manually check.... its just awful I feel like crying every time and its now getting very sore down there!!!!!

    I am to worried about all the things I have read, it causing anal prolapse, some kind of cancer or just basically pooing whilst I am out because I have stetched my muscles so much.......

    nice to know I am not the only one thats for sure.... its like going on a diet, stopping smoking etc... the only way to get out of this is to be strong and determined.... but when I know I am going out for the night, day anywhere I panic that I will need to go and so go through this awful thing again.....

    if anyone has had any luck and suggestions please let me know your secrets... xxx

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  • fairy22

    arrr i am so happy i have found people that have the same problem as me! i cant stop either, but i am determined too because i dont want it to rule my life! does anybody do it just in the morning?? i find having a hot water bottle to sit on helps my urges to go to the toilet again even tho i know nothings there? apart from mucus sometimes.. the doctors say i have ibs i am too embarrased to tell him i use my finger :( xx

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  • yoyoyo23

    coolbabe: i really dont remember how i started i must have been doing it since im 8 im now 25 its been 17 years

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  • Insanejanecountsonyou2answer

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I don't want to go through this anymore. How did you stop? I can't go if I stop. I get the feeling that I have to, but I just can't. I want to talk to a doctor so bad, but I can't get up the courage. It can't be good. I have tried to stop for a couple of days. I can go just a little, but I never "finish" it off to that perfectly empty feeling.

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  • abcdefghi1

    oh my god. really shocked to finally fine something about this. this is my problem too. I've been doing it for 8 years and can't go any other way. it's totally gross and such an awful secret. no one knows. I want to have a baby soon with my husband but wouldn't be able to do this surely when pregnant so totally freaking that need to get it fixed but maybe can't. it's so embarrassing that i'd die to go to the doctor and see their face. have any of you guys gone to the doctor yet. i tried to get advice online but sites seem to want money. i think the spinchter stuff is absolutely right so need to strenghten that, but how. do you guys get horrid mucus and stuff too? sorry to be so gross. i pass food as well so don't think i'm giving my food time to digest. i also suffer from bulimia, but this problem started first. oh i hope that one of you guys has worked up courage to go to the doctor about this. i'm so embarassed, but glad i'm not alone

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  • coolbabe

    in reply to abcdefg333 doctors are very professional and im sure they will understand, but the problem for me and maybe you is plucking up the courage to admit to the doctor. Id just jate to see his or her reaction cos i cnt imagine it is a common thing seen as thers nothing about it on any other website but good luck, you will have to keep posted to let us know how it went :)

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  • coolbabe

    me too lolly, it scared me a bit because if it was a knowen problem they would be more about it on the internet. im just so glad im not the only one, i just dont know how to stop. i have tried so many times but because i cant poop myself anymore i always revert back to it. I cant talk to my partner about it either he probs wudnt understand, i dont think anyone could unless they wer in the situation. What i mite do is try and find an online doctor thing on here, cos i am much more conftable talking over here than actually telling someone in person!

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  • coolbabe

    i have the same problem as you it started when i was about 13 and been doing it for about 5 years now, like you i am very embaressed about it but i cant stop, once i have been i kindo feel like i need to go again even tho i dont, its alomst like an addiction, i tried to stop but i cant actualy poo myself anymore it really gets me down because i am dreading the day i have to move in with my boyfriend or anything because i do have to go a lot but i will only go in my own house, or somewhere i feel comftable away from others. I am so glad i have found this, i thought it was only me. please reply it would mean a lot :) xx

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    • Kittudasari

      Yes dear.. I too have this problem.. I cannot stop my self from fingering the anal.. before going to poop I will strongly believe that I don't do that but while cleaning my butt automatically I'll insert my fingers into it.. I don't know how it happens... If you ping me anywhere on social media we can talk about this briefly... Rocky_bhai_d is my Insta ID you can ping me there

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  • Sam_Bluenova

    *ignore the typos .lol

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    • Solution

      MiraLax once a day is all it takes.

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  • skuxanator

    well im a doctor and i specialise in that area it sounds like your body has gotten used to u triggering ur poop so therefore it doesnt poop by itself anymore. If i could get a picture i would examine it and give u some more feed back.

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    • scared423


      I recently had rectal pexy sigmoidectomy about two weeks ago. I am taking four colace a day (two in the morning and two in the evening). I was on a low residue diet for two weeks and I am finally able to eat other foods high in fiber, which I prefer. I am still having a hard time going to the bathroom and don't want to resort to my old ways. Will my body eventually learn to go on its own? I am barely going to the bathroom, but everytime I wipe, I have some feces on the toilet paper. I am afraid to push at this point as well.

      My original plan was to tell my surgeon when I saw him for a follow up, but my husband doesn't want me to. I honestly believe now that the reason I really started in the first place was because I couldn't go to the bathroom. The surgeon solved the rectal prolapse, but not the constipation. What do you recommend?

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      • Kdogdebus

        If you're a woman and I suspect this. Don't be afraid. Make yourself a warm bath no soap. Lay in the tub, and do kegel exercises. Suck in your abdominal muscle, and hold it a few seconds, and keep doing this. How you will know you're doing it right, is water will pull in to the vAgina, and when you release the water will too, it's like self douching. You may be thinking what does this have to do with pooping, but it helps strengthen the muscle to help you better push, and in the long run it helps your body learn to go on it's own.

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