I havent been sick for 10 years ? whats wrong ?
i never get sick , i dont know what it feels like to be sick
now everytime i see a sick person i think they are faking it
do i have godlike immunity ?
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i never get sick , i dont know what it feels like to be sick
now everytime i see a sick person i think they are faking it
do i have godlike immunity ?
Being sick feels horrible. I am one of those people who is super rarely sick. There's nothing fake, or quite so humbling, as when it happens though. Thinking you have godlike immunity is fine for a long track record, but be ready to face reality if it ever does strike.
You are probably a very healthy person with a strong immune system. Instead of judging other people when they are sick make a conscious decision to choose to be grateful for your good health! Not everyone is as blessed as you are with regard to health. Seriously, you've got it so good that you probably have no idea how good you got it!
Yeah, I know, but you did say you thought people were faking. Yanno? Just remember that you are truly blessed.
Hey, let's not judge the guy. It's hard to empathise with others' misfortune when you genuinely don't know how it feels, yourself. Take living in a foreign country for instance. You might think in your mind that they are just making all those hand gestures when they speak to be dramatic and that they're just being drama queens... because you haven't spent sufficient time interacting in their language and culture to realise why the gestures are necessary. Same with this guy: not used to being sick, doesn't understand it. It's foreign to him. But, OP author, try to make the.most of your health while you can! You are blessed! May it give you joy!
You appear to think being ill is fake. I have many friends who can lick your face, breach your rectum, and share their contagion. If it's all fake, you're not going to contract any illness. So let us know the time and the place and also what you'd like on your headstone, just in case you're wrong.
human species like most all species in the wild never get sick because if you did you were always left behind by the tribe and you got eaten . this is the Immunity we all inherited from all of evolution. so you are normal. its easy to stay in great health if you avoid the one thing that shuts down white cells for four hours and gives humans chemical induced AIDS .we eat it all day long . its called sugar. skinny people usually dont even like sugar because its a sickly sweet taste. in the last 7 years i have had one bout of strep throat. other than that one event i get infected but im well within 8 hours where others around me are sick for a week. sugar is my poison, it could be your poison as well.
Well, it is not normal, but it's your luck to not be sick
Just don't underestimate the suffering of the sick
Dats whut I'm sayin' yo!
I'm plagued with abdominal pain, chills, a bit of IBS, a headache, sinus pain, acid reflux, some nausea and a fear of vomiting at this very moment. The worst part of all of this is that I'm not kidding.
Good health is such a blessing, it ain't no joke!
Wow. You're in bad shape like me. At least you don't have a rubber tube up your piss hole so that you can urinate. I have a rubber tube up my cock. I am just pathetic.
No you are not God-like. Karma is just saving up all of those colds and flues you didn't get and one day it will hit you like a freight train. Then it will be down hill like you were sitting in a race car.