I imagine how people would look in different eras!

I like to try to imagine how people would look if they were in the Old West or the Middle Ages or other such eras.

I think of any time period, you could find your "twin" so it's fun to imagine how people would look with period hair-doos and clothing!

It's fun to visualize a guy with a green mohawk in Hot Topic type clothes being back in the 30's, or a plain looking lady all trussed up in her Victorian corset with her hair done up and that bright red lipstick, as in a painting.

And sometimes you come across people you can't picture living in any other era, but you know they have...so what the heck?? Also, the other way around, sometimes you can't picture what a historical person would dress like if he were here now. It's confusing.

Normal to do this?

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86% Normal
Based on 44 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Wilkommen

    I actually used to do that, but I forgot about it. I think I'll start again!

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  • AshTheBrat

    haha, this is cool, i've never thought of doing that before. new way to pass the time, i suppose :D

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  • georgienne

    Aha. That's great. I'm gonna try this.

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  • squirrelgirl

    That's a really neat and creative hobby. If you can draw, you should do drawings of your ideas.

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    • I WISH I could draw!! That would be great! Usually I imagine the person in a painting or old photograph. I imagine myself most in the 70's and I'd looooove to have some neat photos taken to give that effect!!

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  • crazypants

    Haha I really wish I could go back to the 1700's, it would be cool

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