I intentionally wake up several times a night. is this normal?

I am a student suffering from social anxiety. I always feel like I have to ''put up a front'' in school so it tires me a lot. So, I intentionally set my alarm clock to wake myself up multiple times in the middle of school nights to sort of ''prolong'' the hours before I find myself back in school. I only do this on school nights, on weekdays I sleep with no worries. Has anybody else done this too when you are nervous of something the next day?

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32% Normal
Based on 38 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Arm0se

    You need sleep.

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    • seekelp

      And therapy.

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  • pixie44

    Not sleeping only makes your anxiety worse

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  • anti-hero

    Being tired is only going to make you more anxious. Sleep as much as you can and smoke a joint in the morning.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Fuck society just be yourself.

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  • TheInsignificantGirl

    That probably won't help your anxiety. You need to sleep properly. However, this isn't the worst coping mechanism I've come across. You should try not doing this for a week and see if you feel in any way better after having a full night's sleep. If you do, you should stop waking yourself up. If you don't, I don't see why you should stop.

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  • Shrunk

    I was doing segmented sleep for awhile since I read that it's supposed to be more natural... I normally wake up in the middle of the night without alarms. I wanted to see if it'd fix the sleep problems I was having. Anyway, I have SA as well but I've been medicated for a bit, and I know a lot of people look down upon medication users, but I have to say it helped me immensely and now I do not care even giving speeches in class, whereas before I would get a panic attack simply from asking to borrow a pen. Also you might be interested to look up segmented sleep... It's not exactly what youre doing but similar, and supposedly normal

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  • Faceless

    I just did this.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You need to stop deliberately interrupting your sleep. Your body needs sleep to repair itself. Sleep disruptions can have negative health effects on the body. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/07/24/interrupted-sleep.aspx

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