I just called the gamestop employee i spent 30 mins talking to.

I just called the gamestop employee I Spent 30 mins talking to in the store about World of Warcraft after recieving a job application from him. He told me to call him back "in the middle of something right now". I wanted to ask what his battle.net tag was so I could play on WoW with him. It had been roughly an hour after I visited the store to talk to him that I called. Is this normal or rude and should I call him back (Josh) to ask so we could possibly play World of Warcraft together? no rude jobs or responses please. Thank you!

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 37 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • You most likely came across as lonely and desperate, probably because you're lonely and desperate.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I wouldn't say it was rude, but you probably seemed a bit too keen only leaving it an hour, he probably expected you to wait until the evening. Wouldn't he still be at work anyway?

    If you still want to talk to him I'd say wait a few days then send him a text, apologise about the call and ask if he still wants to play WoW.

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  • AustinAries


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  • xfg20

    You should suck Josh's big juicy cock

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