I just don’t ever want to drink?

My dad died due to excessive drinking and smoking only two years ago, (and on new years eve)
Anyways, my decision to never drink came when I saw my mom drinking and she acted terrible. Not abusive or anything, but I knew she wasn’t in control of her actions (she acted like an idiot.) She influenced my decision and so did my dad when he drank, cause he would ignore me, yell at me and be so extremely annoying.
Now I don’t care that other people drink or get drunk even. But I just don’t understand why they take my choice of not drinking as some sort of challenge to get me to drink. Why can’t they leave me alone? Ive been told to loosen up, live a little and that i’m no fun. But just because I chose not to drink doesnt mean they couldn’t or can’t.
Then they’ll go off and defend drinking as if I’m judging them. Which I’m not, I could care less about others honestly, I dont drink for me, not for anyone else.

The suprising thing is that I hear it most from my family members. Like my sister (who gets drunk all the time apparently), my aunts and uncles.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • e51pegasi

    People will always try to justfy & rationalise their errant behaviour to themselves by questioning others who don't, making you feel abnormal for not drinking. Your family's conduct is insensitive & crass in light of what happened to your father.

    As BURN! Says leave them alone to enjoy their drunken antics.

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  • louminis

    I don't wanna start drinking either. I just don't wanna be under the influence of anything. And I think it's more normal than wanting to drink

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  • People telling you "you're no fun" are usually the worst to give you advice.

    Your family sounds toxic, I'd reduce the contact with them as much as possible. Go to reunions and parties and stuff, listen, don't talk and don't describe your feelings or your decisions. They can say you're not fun, just laugh and talk about sonething else.

    This decision of not drinking is totally yours. My father was a disaster when drunk. But he was also a piece of shit when sober. Being a jerk when drunk is a sign that you're always a jerk. I drink sometimes and I am totally different. I am funny and I make people laugh when I do it. Drinking doesn't change you, it reveals you. If people are shit when getting drunk, that's their real self, but they generally hide it better when sober.

    Drinking also doesn't have health benefits. These are myths propagated by people who want an excuse for it. I know you didn't claim this, just mentioning. Red wine can do good, but so do red grapes and veggies, without the damaging effects of alcohol on liver.

    I recommend you to decide carefully and keep in mind that what other people do when they're drunk is not a good indicator of what you do when you're drunk. If you decide to drink, keep in mind that it's unhealthy and must be reduced to minimum. If you decide not to drink, that's healthy and good.

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  • lordofopinions

    I'm an alcoholic. I am in Alcoholics Anonymous. I attempted suicide it got so bad. I applaud your decision not to drink.

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  • Tingle

    Im drunk rn and good for you (not sarcasm) wish I didn't need to

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Great. It's the healthier and better choice.

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  • So no more family reunions then? I guess it wouldnt be a bad thing.

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