I just plain hate dogs.

There, I admit it: I hate dogs. I can't stand anything about them from the way they bark to the fact that they lick your face after licking their own ass. I don't even find them cute- I never have. Heck, I even think that possums are cuter than dogs! This is strange for me because I just adore most other animals. I even worked in an animal shelter (exclusivly for cats). I WANT to like them but I just can't see in them what other animal lovers do. Am I the only one who thinks this?! Is it normal?!

Voting Results
66% Normal
Based on 107 votes (71 yes)
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Comments ( 30 )
  • midontcare

    I don't like dogs - but I find that I have to pretend to like them when around other people, otherwise they think you are a bad person. Funny thing is I'm very nice - I just don't like dogs or cats for that matter.

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    • purpleflower

      My experience with animal people seems to often show that if you tell a cat-person you don't like cats, they will not hold it against you. However, if you tell a dog-person you don't like dogs, just like an annoying door-to-door evangelist they feel the need to convert you, and think that the best way to do that is to let their 50 pound doberman tackle you to the ground and lick your face. And THEN, if you still dislike dogs, you are a non-human.

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    • PoisonFlowers

      Haha my friend is exactly the same way. She's not too fond of animals like dogs and cats, but she doesn't pretend to love them. I don't think she's a bad person, but I do think it's pretty funny how she is a little phobic of even (to me) cute looking ones.

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  • kaboing

    A neighbour with his dog used to pass my dad's house every day and shit in his front lawn. We could actually see him do it. My dad, captain awesome, collected all the shit in a bag. When the bag was packed with dogshit, my dad went to the neighbour, ringed the bell, and as soon as he opened the door my dad emptied the bag over this piece of shit. Awesome.

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  • xalicex27

    I bloody hate dogs too. Hate how it's almost a taboo to say it...but they are jus foul!
    The way they sniff your crotch is what makes me gag the most - sick little bastards!
    Not to mention how females have periods and males always get erections which is, in my opinion, fucking repulsive. I don't get how owners just don't care when their dog is fucking humping somthing/someone and they just laugh it off!
    IT'S SICK!

    Oh my, I HATE DOGS! (so glad I go that off my chest. normally would get my head bitten off my all those fucking 'dog lovers'...ergghhh..)

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    • PoisonFlowers

      Not so different from humans then.

      I really like dogs. Since getting one, I can better understand why peopleget incredibly attached to them. One thing I love about my puppy is how straight forward interacting with him is - unlike humans. He's also taught me how to be more patient and in control.

      As others have said, your feelings are completely normal. We're all entitled to an opinion.

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  • sheeple01

    The one thing I CANNOT STAND is how needy some dogs are. My girlfriend and her kids have a poodle, and when they're not around, i swear that thing looks suicidal. As soon as one of them shows up, she doesn't leave their side. Also sucks having to keep an eye on that dog cause if you don't, she ends up in the kitchen, on the table, or knocking over the trash. On top of that, our back yard porch always has dog shit on it cause her kids don't like to clean up after it. Just this morning I had to go searching the damn neighborhood cause that animal decided she was gonna go for a stroll on her own. In the back of my mind I was hoping she ran into traffic.

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  • cookiegirl

    i think its normal not to like dogs... i dont, dont sweat it

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    Also, I was wondering about other countries. Are they obsessed with dogs like America? I mean holy shit...dogs in resturants? GROSS!!!! Dogs at the mall? WTH? Is America the only effed up place who has PETCOS and that sort of thing?

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    I always wondered if I had a personality disorder due to how much I simply loathe dogs. I have tried all my life. I have a good friend with a HUGE poodle. I stopped going to her house because of it and now we hardly see each other. ALSO, this is story just shows how much I dislike them.

    My husband came home with a doberman puppy after I clearly said NO MORE EFFING DOGS!!! Seriously I have been forced ALL My life to have a creature I don't want then our last one died of kidney failure ( i admit I was sad) but I WAS ALSO HAPPY NOT TO HAVE A DOG anymore. Then two days later he brought this effing dog home for the kids. THEY ALL LOVE IT!! I EFFING HATE IT!!!!! I work from home so you can imagine the shit I have to deal with and I am pissed of and have been now for 7 months. The thing is I am not so heartless to get rid of it because my kids love it!! So what I do now is it is outside while I work. She has RUINED my beautiful yard. So I buy TONS of toys for the damn thing. She knows to stay the eff off me too. Once she nipped at me so I grabbed her by the effing throat and put her to the ground. I will not be intimidated by any animal in my own house. Now this damn doberman totally respects me and stays the eff away from me which suits me fine. Anyway, she has a big gated area inside the house so she has alot of room to play and whatever. Then my husband walks in and she starts all this frickin whining. I hate how pathentic dogs are. I know god is going to punish me for how much I hate these animals. Anyway she has ruined about 3k worth of our stuff. I have spent hours really trying hard to be nice and to train, I have spent thousands on her and her shit to try to do the right thing. But no mater what I do I still hate it!!! Everything about it. The way it stands at my door and stares pathetically inside. The messes everywhere.

    I wish I could be mean and just get rid of it.

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    • LilithR

      Did you know macademia nuts are poisonous to dogs..... I'm not suggesting anything, but......

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      • purpleflower

        Also, grapes and chocolate. NOT THAT I'M SUGGESTING ANYTHING.

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  • Cheet0

    That's why they lick their ass/balls/etc...

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  • Cheet0

    Dogs tongues are their only means cleaning themselves.

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    • Adia

      I have NEVER seen a dog "clean" itself with it's tongue. Lick it's balls , yes. Lick it's ass relentlessly , yes. Slobber all over people or things , yes. Clean itself? Never.

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  • Reddevil66

    Yes it's normal. I love dogs but I hate cats with a passion so I understand. They make me feel physically sick. From the fact they shit in indoor trays, to their annoying little faces. I just want to throw them into oncoming traffic and watch the aftermath ha ha.

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  • funnycommercials123


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    • Adia

      Don't care.

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  • intoothandclaw


    Yes, because dog saliva isn't an incredibly powerful antimicrobial or anything.

    People like and dislike different stuff. That's life. You are not obligated to like things just because others do. However, try not to be an idiot about something just because you dislike it. There are people saying some very ignorant and very self-revealing things in this thread. Such as the person who's clearly uncomfortable with sexuality in general, and the person who actually believes that human mouths are somehow cleaner than dogs'. Guess what -- we have oral bacteria too, and it doesn't go away no matter how much you brush!

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    • LilithR

      That may be true but I don't know many people who eat their own faeces or lick their a$$es, do you?....

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  • mtnw

    i'm not finding anything on pack fever either. it must just be a local term.

    i did find some stuff on sdnn.com, horseadvice.com, cryptomundo and flathead beacon (flathead starts out about wolves, but there is a comment in there about these 4 domestic dogs) and associated content.

    the term running at large, and running wild was used.

    it looks like the people who have stock animals (horses, sheep, cows) have a real problem with dogs that are allowed to run free by their owners.

    there's alot of management in dog ownership. i learned my lesson many years ago.

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    • KlondikeSam

      Google "Pack mentality". I can't believe how stupid all you "dog freaks" (term I picked up on a dog hater site - could have been this one). Have all the bacteria in that second-hand s*it you've all been getting from kissing your dogs and letting them eat out of your mouths, affected your brains?

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    • PoisonFlowers

      That's very interesting. I wonder if lots of socialization with other animals would help to stop this kind of reaction. After all, dogs can and do get along well with other pets and even animals such as horses. But of course, supervision is always must.

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  • KrystalRenee

    As long as you dont feel it's right to hurt them, you just dont like them, and avoid them. Then it's normal, but if your an asshole like RoastPuppy then it's wrong and terrible. Please be a normal person, not a crazy person.

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    • Linds

      I am not a crazy person and would not go out of my way to hurt them, but honestly I can't stand them. i just would like my boundaries respected. I don't feel I should have to be subject to dogs everywhere and every place I go. It used to be that most places would not allow them, like beaches and grocery stores, unless they were guide dogs. Now people claim emotional security and they are in places where they honestly don't belong. I mean, can't people leave them alone for 15 minutes while they go to the damned store. I don't like placing my dinner in a grocery cart where someone's dog's ass has been sitting. I don't like leaving a beach because someone is allowing their pitbull to run loose. In the old days, even people who had dogs, usually had a single one, and if you went to visit someone, they didn't insist you had to share the couch with the dog, as people do now. No.. I won't hurt your dog, but please understand I find them repulsive and don't want them on my lap.

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  • denalgas

    I feel the same way about children that you feel about dogs.

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  • Mutt22

    While it is hard for me, a dog owner and lover, to understand why some people hate dogs I won't hate nor judge them for it. I love dogs but I'm just not that kind to shove the "you shouldn't hate dogs" or "you've never met my dog" preaching kind of things.

    Yet at the same time I really can't see it as normal to hate a certain animal, in a bit of irony I hate just about any kind of hate towards any living creature be it human or beast but if that's the way you truly feel then it is normal for you while it may not seem normal for others like me but like others have said you're entitled to not liking dogs.

    Just don't be the kind of dog hater that wants to kick every dog on the street even when it's not bothering anyone just because you don't like it.

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  • I love dogs but can't stand cats, much. It is just your opinion and you are entitled to it. Just to let you know, I will let my dog poop in the neighbors yard and not yours when I take him out later.

    For respect.

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    • purpleflower

      You shouldn't let your dog leave it's feces anywhere except your own yard. It's inconsiderate, not to mention illegal.

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  • Orochi

    It's not normal, but you're entitled to your opinion. Personally I dislike dogs as well, but for different reasons. The most important in my opinion consists of the terror that certain breeds of dogs can inspire. Essentially I view these dogs as loaded weapons. They have been used for that purpose historically and I find myself uncomfortable around most dogs. I always fear that I will be bitten. This is the result of being chased by dogs when I was younger.

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