I keep dreaming about my roommate choking on his puke at night
I've always been really bad with sleepwalking and talking in my sleep and all that weird shit, so going to my first year away at college has me all jacked up sleep wise. I room with my best bud but I keep having nightmares where he has a seizure and chokes on his vomit, so me being the damn Saint I am, sleepwalk over and roll him on his side cause ya know that's my guy I'm trying to save his life.
Well he's been really pissed about it cause I usually wake him up every night by doing this or cross my arms over his side and fall asleep half standing up, or I'll try to get in bed with him to keep him on his side. To be honest I find it kinda funny. In my head I'm trying to save the dudes life. I dunno, I'm kinda afraid of tying myself to the bed, and I can't really control my dreams.