I know it's normal to want to quit but......

What has worked for people who have? I've looked online and that's just a jumbled mess of ads selling crap that makes you quit instantly (lies) . And my doctor has scared the crap out of me with mentioning the side affects of some of the drugs to help quit. (I am very aware of the side affects of smoking) ex smokers what has worked for you? Any useful information is a good start. I know the first big step is you have to WANT to quit. And I really do. 20 years smoking. This is going to be difficult.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Ellenna

    Hypnotherapy, gum, patches, champix ..... try & stay away from smokers, stay away from joints (I relapsed a few times that way, now I eat it instead), stay away from alcohol for a while if possible, try and do it at a time when you're not in your usual routine, eg away on a holiday somewhere new, read Allan Carr's books and see if you can find a group based on them. TRY EVERYTHING!

    In my experience stopping wasn't the issue, it was not starting again ... what stopped me from ever smoking again was learning that in countries where tobacco is grown child slave labour is used and kids who don't meet the quotas are raped .... How could I possibly ever again contribute to such a disgusting industry?

    I stopped far too late because I believed the government propoganda that your lungs return to normal after a certain time off the smokes ..... well, not always, not for some of us if we've smoked for a long time, in my case more than 40 years. After stopping I had a heart attack and was then diagnosed with emphysema related COPD about a year later: THE SOONER YOU STOP THE LESS LIKELY YOU ARE TO DEVELOP COPD OR LUNG CANCER OR ANY OF THE OTHER CANCERS CAUSED BY SMOKING.

    Don't see it as something negative, turn it around to wanting to live a healthy life for as long as you can: do it so you can see your kids or grandkids grow up ....... whatever works for you. Think of how much money you'll save, forget about what you've wasted on smokes in the past, that can't be changed, but you can change your future.

    Be prepared for the withdrawal cold/flu symptoms and see them as positive, it means your lungs are starting to work again after keeping all that muck in there for years.

    Good luck, good luck, good luck!

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  • dirtybirdy

    I smoked for 21+ years and used a vapor thing to quit. I haven't touched a cigarette in 18 months and 23 days. Wooo! I was still using the vapor thingy til a few weeks ago but it was getting annoying to carry around so I abruptly quit that too. It was a little rough because I never really weened off the nicotine but I did it, i quit it. Holla!

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  • pixie44

    I did this thing (only lasted a month) but every time i had a craving I would go eat something or suck on a hard candy. -I have a fast metabolism so maybe not a good idea if you don't want to gain weight.

    And again it only worked for a month.

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  • seekelp

    I know a guy who is doing pretty good with that e-cig thing.

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  • Best way cold turkey.

    But if that is too difficult try chantix it's expensive but it works.

    The only side effect I got from that one was really vivid weird dreams.

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  • MonkeyD.Luffy

    have a friend who will follow through no matter what with this. get some embarrassing pictures taken. and if you have a cigarette they will be sent out to everyone who you are friends with on facebook, in your contacts, etc. also if she/he catches you cheating for a smoke then you have to shave your head and cannot wear a wig/ dye your hair undesireable color/ get a weird ass hairstyle. basically threat of humiliation

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  • Darkoil

    I have a vapour ecig, I only ever really smoked when I drank but now I seem to want my ecig more than a real cigarette when I'm drunk.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Nothing has worked for me for almost 40 years. Two wives that didn't smoke and going from being able to dive over 60 feet to less than 20. I've tried pills, patches, gum, aversion therapy and even hypnosis; no joy.
    I'm at the point now that smoking will end my life within a year, so I'm trying again. Yet every second of every waking minute I crave a cigarette. Every one! And a pack of smokes is about us$2.40 here; now that makes it even harder!
    So I just don't smoke one right now. The desire never wanes, but sometimes I forget I want one for a couple of minutes. Keeping busy helps, too.
    Good luck, I wish I'd been able to quit after 20 years!

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    • Andurlittledog2

      Discouraging but realistic thanks for not sugar coating it.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Put me back in the jungles of Vietnam and better to have taken another bullet than starting smoking, is how I feel now.
        Really, good luck.

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