I know so much stuff....

How the hell do I have so much practical knowledge?? OK, so I couldn't recite you a single phrase of Shakespeare, but I can tell you that there's platinum in your catalytic converter and if you take it to a junkyard you get like $70. I'm a practical knowledge genius. I hate that people who have book lernin' are held in higher regard as people like me who have amazing IQ's and focus on practical knowledge. I'm a do'er, not a reader of things. I can DO almost anything. I have an IQ of 139, I don't care to read stupid 'typical' books. I read books, but not about THAT shit. I try to learn more from my environment and life rather than dumb fictional prose.


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Comments ( 84 )
  • NotFloydzie

    Okay, applause.

    What in the world do you want us to say, my friend?

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    • flutterhigh

      Seriously. Congrats?

      And how is looking down on "book lernin'" any better than those people looking down on you?

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      • I'm not looking down on anyone, just pointing out that there's different types of genius and it bothers me that the more practical geniuses get less respect. That's uncalled for. And ignorant.

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        • lc1988

          You're looking down no differently than the ones you accuse.

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        • flutterhigh

          This is a list of the condescending comments you've made about others in this story alone:

          "I don't care to read stupid 'typical' books."
          "I read books, but not about THAT shit."
          "dumb fictional prose"
          "You're so stupid."
          "It's perfectly legal to sell them!! Duh."
          "all for not being a dumbass."
          "LOL at 'decrease performance', too. Derrrr."
          "Still fail to see?"
          "Ah jealousy....so ugly."

          And I'm not even concluding the comments where you call yourself a "genius" or refer to your IQ. So yes, I'd say you are being very condescending, while complaining about how condescending "book smart" people are. Maybe you should read a book about irony.

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        • I think you have said something going too much ahead of yourself and not meant it.
          I think you are meaning that such people such as this deserve respect that others just as smart get but by different means.

          If that is what you're saying, I agree. If you are thinking you're smarter than people that book learn, then I have to dissagree.

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        • cool i have the same IQ :D

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  • Justsomejerk

    You're fucking awesome! Us hillbilly geniuses have to stick together as no one in the city with their book lernin' gets us. Did you know the aluminium bumpers on a Volvo 240 will fetch almost $150! And the magnesium transaxle case on an old vw will net you a carton of beer.

    No one understands why I have my yard littered with car wrecks and I spend more time and effort removing valuable metals and taking them to the scrappy than than I would if I just had a real job to earn the same money.

    No one gets us.

    If Im stranded on an island with a busted up car made after 1983 I want you there on the island with me friend.

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  • dom180

    Unless you plan to sell your catalytic converter (which is probably illegal depending on where you live and will also probably decrease performance) for $70, I fail to see how that knowledge has any more practical implication than "book lernin'".

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    • What?? It's perfectly legal to sell them!! Duh. They go bad and need to be replaced, so what do you do with the old one? Huh? And what do you do when you have a junk car, dimbulb? You strip the valuable parts off of it to make the most money possible. Metals are priced differently, some are VERY valuable, so if you just left all that good stuff on the car and junked it, you'll get a measly $500 tops as a basic standard junker price but if you strip off things like the cat, the radiator and any other copper or aluminum parts, you easily make a few hundred more dollars, all for not being a dumbass.

      LOL at 'decrease performance', too. Derrrr. The more open an exhaust is, the more power you get. Less restriction=more power.

      Still fail to see?

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      • dom180

        Your people skills are seriously, seriously bad. You're arrogant, insulting, aggressive and quick-tempered. Maybe that's why people look down on you.

        Unless you're just a good troll :P

        In which case, I still look down on you.

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        • Oh...whoa....OK, well just because you're pissed because you like to be thought of as the sensitive book-readin' philosophizin' 'genius' type and got OWNED, you take out your frustration on me. OK, that's fine, and understandable.

          You don't have to know DICK about cars to know that a less restricted exhaust makes for better performance, it's LOGIC. How could you not know that, genius? You should also know that metal prices are a very important international affair. It was never about CARS, it was about practical knowledge. Too busy reading poetry, huh?

          Have some damn respect for other types of genius, dingleberry, instead of being so stuck up and superior acting. You just proved EXACTLY what I was complaining about with your 2 posts.

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          • dom180

            You're doing it really, really wrong. It's actually quite cute.

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            • Right, because you still have to try to detract from the fact that you got owned, and make this into something it isn't, just to hold onto that superior sense of self you have. I'm doing it right, and you're doing exactly as I predict you'd do.

              Don't address any of the COMPLETELY erroneous information you posted, whilst trying to look oh-so-smart, and by doing so ended up looking like a total idiot. Let's avoid THAT, yeah. We'll pretend it didn't happen. OK, sure. You don't get it do you? By making that post, you just totally proved what I was saying. You have this superior attitude because you are a different type of thinker, and look down on me, while not even seeing what the point was, getting stuck on car parts when it wasn't about car parts at all, it was about knowing practical things. I'd rather read about the metal market than some crybaby poem. That's just me.

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      • Justsomejerk

        Kind of. Removing the back pressure from a vehicle with out retuning it can effect the stochiometric ratio resulting in a loss of torque and burning of exhaust valves.

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        • Less restrictive exhaust....

          Here, read about it.


          Now of course we aren't talking about turbos or anything here, that's a different thing. Just normal exhausts.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          Thanks for saving me the effort.

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          • http://www.mpgenhance.com/exhausthorsepower.html

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      • MissyLeyneous

        EXACTLY. It *might* be illegal in California, I think you're required to wear one there. (Which is why I'm never going, damn nanny state.)

        Why do people not research BEFORE posting things they have no idea about? >_<;

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        • Yeah, you're required to have them on your car unless the car was made before they were original equipment, but still, they go bad and need to be replaced so if you have a junk one that you had to replace then why be an idiot and throw it away??

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          • MissyLeyneous

            I know right?! (At least here in the US), we seem to have a throw-away economy. You buy a new one if the old one breaks, you throw the old one away. And that means ANYTHING. People don't bother to try and fix anything or even be resourceful... because they can just buy a new one. Makes me mad. :x

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  • Mando

    Respect your intelligence and knowledge, walk your own path, but be respectful of others too.

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  • saysthiscritic

    Im cool too.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Practical knowledge is a good thing. It doesn't matter what you know, it's how you use the knowlege you do have. Wherever it came from.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    And that's what Jeopardy is for my friend :)

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  • tehfoxyfire

    Hi:) Well this conversation has deviated from the original point you were making, that "theoretical" intelligence is given much more award, recognition, praise...etc. rather than "practical" intelligence. In other words someone who spends their time reading a book and acing a test on what is read from that book is often regarded higher than someone who actually applies that to a real life application and DOES something. This is true.

    So it seems like you've made the distinction between theory and practice. Some things you have mentioned have their roots in chemistry (especially with cars), like sit down "book-smart" read a textbook. And while you can say that its something you didnt necessarily read from a book, nonetheless, whatever source (internet, your old man, your neighbor...etc) did not conjure this up, it had its origins "by the book" from someone who sat down and did their homework/studying.

    However intelligence is something that is not even narrowly defined. and it wont (as is evident by the continued disagreements above me). How can intelligence be systematically applied through a standardized test? How can the brain, so mysteriously complex and not fully understood be assigned a single numerical value? (this IQ score which many people abide by)

    As far as education and real life application, theory and practice can go hand in hand, the discipline i am referring to is chemistry (though this isn't to say its the sole). Ex. Atomic Theory Lab

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  • OP - shame you will die alone with all your knowledge. I'm sure you will harness the finest burial shrouds but you won't ever be lamented.

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  • dappled

    Platinum is only one of the elements used as a catalyst. You wouldn't get much platinum out of a catalytic converter that uses palladium, rhodium, or manganese. Knowledge like this was, I thought, commonplace. I know this and I don't even drive.

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    • Yes, that's absolutely true, however those metals are also extremely valuable. I didn't think I had to go into so much detail, since that's not even the point of the story. But, what exactly were you trying to say by stating that? Catalytic converters contain valuable metals and fetch high prices. End of story.

      When you're talking about the price of steel, you're talking cents and generally ton weight. When you get into copper and up, you're talking high dollars and pound or less weight (paid per pound, etc). Pays to know. Pays to know what most people would throw away or just 'give' to their mechanic is worth a lot of cash. Plus, you're recycling!! 2 birds, one stone!!

      You have to watch the market to know when is best to hold onto your metals and when to sell them. You have to be good at predicting trends. The copper I had 2 years ago would be worth $50 then but today would be $300...for example (not necessarily an accurate example, as I am not certain of how much I had or what, but it's a good example, prices fluctuate, you have to be keen).

      Not even the point of the story though.

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  • Cheshir3cat

    So. I read this on the internet some time ago...

    A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop.
    The surgeon was there, waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at his bike.
    The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question?"
    The surgeon a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix 'em, put 'em back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?"
    The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic... "Try doing it with the engine running."

    Otherwise, not all book lernin' people look down on the non book lernin' people. Everyone has opinions and are entitled to them. Take the high road and ignore the haters.

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    • Cool story, bro. I get it, and it's pretty much what I'm saying, minus a few details...we need all types, and it's not right to look down on someone who is a specialist in something mechanical or other, vs a doctor or literature professor. Hey, everyone needs their toilet unclogged once in a while.

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  • Squambly+

    When it comes to knowledge there are different types of knowledge and different ways of acquiring that knowledge. On one side is theory and on the other is practical application of theory. Both types of knowledge are important and both make you better at what you do. I think those who advance furthest in life tend to be those who acquire knowledge at both ends of the spectrum in many different ways.

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  • tellmeimwrong

    People tend to read fiction novels because an authors perspective on the world can change your life. Word after word is spent empathizing exactly what they want you to feel, I bet you don't have enough knowledge to do that. I bet you don't know what DNA stands for or what anemia is, I bet you don't know the molecular make up of a cell, stop wishing you were "intelligent".

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    • Ah jealousy....so ugly.

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      • assfucking

        Ugly? Did you look in the mirror?

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        • flutterhigh

          I don't think that insult is quite as effective when it's anonymously sent over the internet.

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          • assfucking

            it was the first thing that popped into my head. i just had to reply with something. i will put more thought into my insults henceforth.

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            • flutterhigh

              Me too. Godspeed, friend.

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  • aussiewolf

    and we are supposed to care because.....

    seriously though, just because you know how much stuff sells for at a junk yard, that doesnt make you smart in any sense for practicality. that is just a second hand salesman job. what can you ACTUALLY do? not just talk about and think you know about or sell... actually do? are you even able to change a tyre?

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    • It was an example. I value practical knowledge and experience. The point wasn't even about junkyards, it's about knowing what you've got and how to use it. Yes, I can change a TIRE. Blindfolded and with one hand tied behind my back.

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      • aussiewolf

        wow you are so smart that you dont even know that different countries spell tyre different. super.

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        • I'm growing 'tyred' of your stupidity and jealousy. Go away.

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          • aussiewolf

            jealousy? of what? that you are a used parts salesman? haha you are a joke.

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  • where can i get a thousand free catalytic converters?

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    • Get a cordless Sawzall and find a packed parking garage with little to no surveillance.

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    • smartpatrol11


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  • alv1592

    Sheldon? Sheldon Cooper?

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  • nobleserpent

    To me it seemed you were a humorous but naive Poster, Anonymous Poll Creator, but they I saw that you can actually be very intelligent too.

    I approve. Ignore the Trolls.

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  • smartpatrol11

    Unfortunately no matter how much you think you know and can do certificates and diplomas are whats needed today. The school of life doesnt cut it these days and if you had the IQ you say you have youd know this and would call it education not book lernin

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    • thinkingaboutit

      said bill gates, mark zuckerberg, and steve jobs. right?

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      • And Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Rockefeller, etc...all drop-outs who worked and applied practical knowledge that made them so successful.

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    • You're so stupid.

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      • smartpatrol11

        yes many people do make a success without education but its only by accident for the majority of people an education is needed to make big money dickhead

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        • thinkingaboutit

          It's not called an accident. It's called ambition.

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        • OMG, seriously? You are fucking DUMB.

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          • smartpatrol11

            I have noticed that all people here have made sensible replies to your post and have been polite to you but you come back with statements like that which only proves to me and others here that you are a dumb ass and the reason you know how much things are in junk yards is because that is the only employment your uneducared brain can get.
            Enjoy minimum wage and social housing you loser

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            • No, actually, you're the only one who is saying these really, really dumb things and constantly getting proven wrong, and every post you make gets dumber and dumber.

              You still don't even get the point of the story, it's not about junkyards, it's about knowing REAL practical things and using that knowledge for success.

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  • DarkMatter

    You are just showing off. I also do the same. So what?

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  • flamethrower1

    well I knew there is platinum in a catalytic convertor & if you can separate the actual platinum & go weigh it all in then you can earn quite good money from it, so what? doesn't make me a genius does it? plenty of other people know this aswell believe it or not

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  • You may know so much stuff but its a Shame that you won't share any joy with others around you. Your world becomes smaller with every arrogant line you vomit. You are so far away from the rest of us that your only light is your false pride. Clutch it like a corner stone otherwise it all comes down.

    I will be the one to pull your head back down...

    And remove your hollow crown

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  • Jessie735513

    I don't even have a response for this.

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  • I have a very large and flexible penis that even when hard I can bend and stick in my own ass.

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    • Good, go fuck yourself then.

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  • Finding_Peace_In_A_Mad_World

    Ummm okay then?

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  • disthing

    I smell troll. It smells bitter and tainted.

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  • iEatZombies_

    How arrogant.

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  • Dad

    Experiencing life is the best way to acquire knowledge.
    Who are you going to ask about parenting, an 18yo bookworm, or a parent?

    This is why older people were called the wise elders (once upon a time)
    Elderly people are literally full of knowledge, I'm positive they could talk the pants off you!

    I agree the best way to learn is by actually doing stuff.
    Stuff is cool :) Lol

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  • slothdud

    how the hell do you have so much practical knowledge??? well to answer your question friend you either dont really have so much knowledge or you learned it... haha really horrible question to ask but thanks for the question grabbed my attention.. and also you really dont have to vent about what you like and what you dont like i get it your a dude who does what he likes has a passion and seems to be smarter on one side of the braid than the other.. the normality seems clear that your different... but everyone has something thats not "normal" although this isnt really something i would call not normal because you simply learn differently... anyway love the post its very hard to call it normal but in this case i would say its very normal :P

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  • Corleone

    Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
    You're a tool.

    Dude... what's the point of this post? If you consider yourself a genius, why do you waste your time making arrogant posts like these?

    You need more than a high IQ to succeed in life. My psychologist (I have Asperger's) made me do an IQ test myself, and my IQ is also in that area. It's ridiculously high on internet tests, but those aren't really reliable ;)

    And let me tell you, even with a high IQ, you won't get anywhere in life if you constantly act like an arrogant douche. Seriously. People don't disrespect you because you lack 'book knowledge'. I bet they disrespect you because you look down on them yourself.

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  • Squambly+

    Sorry OP. I get where your coming from. The answers you gave are intelligent but you do sound arrogant. You don't have to call everyone here stupid or idiotic.

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