I know why women find a bf easy but not a gf

Its obvious from observation men are easy and will usually jump into a relationship at a whim or at the least fuck anything. Usually it takes a okay looking chick and hell pursue her where as I cant fuking find a gf because sah sex dating is different. Women dont have a cock that makes them wanna pursue another woman strongly. This is WHY I'm still single!!
Women are all way more fussier and complicated and not driven by appearance (meaning no matter how hot you are, a women isnt gonna chase you like a hyena). Its all because of the dick and vagina which is only why hetrosexuals find a relationship or date easily. Women who like women atent into vagina like sex animal men so are more reserved at getting into a relationship or dating a women. I find this to be fucking disgusting. I hate how women have hardly any motivation to pursue and I hate how easy and sex crazed men are.
Women should date and pursue women more regardless of having a vag or not. Why be a lesbian and NOT make effort? How unfathomable. If bi andgay women had more of a sex drive like men, they'd pursue other LGBT women more and have happy loyal and loving relationships. Most lgbt women I met are fckd in the head usually from sexual abuse from men which has made them go gay. Seems no same and stable bi or gay women exist

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Comments ( 29 )
  • litelander8

    That’s not true at all. I pick up women constantly. Even after telling them I’m in a relationship with a guy, they still want my number for “when we break up”. Lol.

    I work in a pretty well known “gay area”. And even at work, I’m grabbed and harassed more by chicks than dudes.

    Point is, it’s you.

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    • Hahahah as if ! Troll stop lying you and your fake fantasies

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    • Na it aint

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      Lol I had a gay weed dealer and he always would tell me about the hoochies who tried to get "free" weed by paying with more than just cash. They never got that discount lmao

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  • SkullsNRoses

    You need to get over your hatred of queer women and men before you even fathom getting a girlfriend.

    You sound very entitled, demonising other women for not chasing you solely because you perceive yourself to be physically attractive. Reducing all men to concupisent “sex animals” isn’t healthy either.

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  • megadriver

    Yeah... if you are anything like your writing style it's no wonder you're single.

    Just because YOU can't find a date, doesn't mean women' sex drives are broken and all men are abusive sex addicts. Ever think how you can present yourself better? How to move a conversation in the direction you want it to?
    Also if you think a relationship between a woman and a man happens only cause one has a vagina and the other a penis, you really have been living under a rock.

    Also, I gotta ask... Where is the question in this trainwreck of a rant? This is a place where you ask questions/ and, or kill time. If you want to rant and hate on men, go do that on tumblr, or buzzfeed.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      I believe her question is, “Is it normal that I want queer women to have a high sex drive like those disgusting men so they will get over the sexual abuse that made them love other women and start chasing me like a hyena?”

      My answer is no.

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  • Bazinga

    My, my. You're quite the philosopher. Why not invite yourself to your own party?

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  • bigbudchonga

    Welcome to dating from a guy's perspective. You've either got to get game or used to being lonely. Bitterness won't help you. You've got to suck it up, get rejected again and again, and tweak your "formula" until you can find someone.

    There's a very logical evolutionary reason why guys will fuck anything and why girls won't; afraid there's no way this is going to change, darling, it's up to you to change until you're presenting enough of an attractive facade to land a good woman, or go for really ugly women/women who get barely any attention.

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    • Guys SHOULD change, why aren't they ashamed of being dick thinkers? Women look down upon this and will not date someone of this disgusting caliber.
      Also, how does one get "game"?

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      • bigbudchonga

        The short answer is there not ashamed because "biology". It's been a good evolutionary strategy as far as reproduction goes. Obviously you don't show it lol; desperation/sleezy is not a turn on, but they don't exactly go up to girls and say "I'm a constantly horny bastard who will shag anyone, would you like some"? lol

        Some guys (and lesbians I'm guessing too) have just innately got "game" and re really good with women, but for most people it's about trial and error. Honestly, I've struck out when approaching a lot of girls before, most guys have. You've just got to push down the pit in your stomach from rejection and keep going at it, whilst learning from your mistakes. If you give off a strong confident outlook (even if you don't feel like it) then I've found that helps. Other than that it really is a thing of trial and error. You've got to pick up behaviours they like and modify behaviours you put out there that aren't appreciated. I would really emphasize that ability to bite the bullet though and be able to deal with rejection again and again; it really isn't a nice feeling, but it's something you have to push through.

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        • Okay thanks for the elaborate reply!! I think I'll get game in time? Usually I fo have people at clubs want to buy me a drink. About 6 times I gave been offered by randoms over the last 1.5 yrs and people tend to like to randomly kiss me on the cheek haha

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        • Obviously I dont show it? Show what?

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          • bigbudchonga

            Not you, I mean as in a colloquial third person sense. If you're a desperate/horny dude who will shag anything then you don't show that to a girl.

            Ye I think you will get game too, given time. Also, are those people buying you drinks guys? Idk if this will work but maybe try and notice some of the "smooth tactics" the good ones use when trying to pick you up and emulate those behaviours. Best of luck!

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            • No they're women and okay thank uu :)

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  • cupcake_wants

    Your post made me LOL! On one hand I can see your point, but on the other hand you gotta be more civilized and not be like every other horn dog Joe Blow out there when pursuing women. Don't think with the wrong head! If what you really want is relationship/companionship? Or regular sex?

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    • I want companionship and want to know how does one get "game"?

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      • cupcake_wants

        If you do stuff for yourself, showing you have self esteem, like going to the gym. THAT is attractive. Having poor self esteem is not attractive at all. Plus just get to know women on a friend level first without anticipation of anything more. That would be a good way to get your foot in the door.

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        • Oh okay well I do work outdoors ? Does this count as gym haha? I'm rather skinny though which I don't like but I am very strong.

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          • cupcake_wants

            Going to the gym is just an example. If you care about yourself enough to put effort in yourself, such as going to the gym, will make you more attractive to women. Men have it luckier in the way that if you're less attractive you have more hope to have game than an ugly woman. Anyway, it might be that you need to work on yourself before you're ready for a relationship. As I said before, try not to anticipate getting her as your gf every time you meet a woman. Just get to know her, talk to her, see if your personalities are compatible. Don't be like every other bone head guy out there wanting sex. If you're different then you will stand out. I can tell you that from personal experience being hit on by guys.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Wait are you a man or a gay woman? Because that's kind of important on how to approach this.

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    • I'm gay wo man

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Women enjoy sex, they just tend to not want to have sex with someone with your attitude towards them.

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    • Na women dont want sex with animalistic pigs that's for sure, hence why a LOT go gay. Face the facts

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    It's your own fault you can't get a date

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    • ?

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  • YE

    Unfathomable indeed.

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