I like my name, but should i change it as my cousin has the same name?

I like my name okay enough, but I'm moving to another city soon to be closer to family. I've always been close-ish with my cousins, and one has the same name. When we've been together for visits, it irritated me when people would call our name and we wouldn't know which one. Now that I'm moving there, there's going to be a lot more of that. I'm just wondering, am I being really silly and precious by letting that bother me? Or is it a legitimate thing to be bothered by. I like my name and wouldn't change it otherwise, even if it's a bit common. But it does annoy me.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Whatintarnation

    I vote silly and precious.

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  • radar

    The older of you can be Bob 1 (or whatever your name is) and the other can be Bob 2.

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    • Anonnet

      When I worked in retail, we did almost exactly that for employees that had the same first name (usually their initial instead of a number, but either works).

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      • radar

        Yeah, I like the silliness factor of the numbers, but last initials are probably the more respectful way to do it haha.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Just go by your middle name, or a nickname.

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    No. Why should you? Set the ground rules as to what they'll call you in order to avoid the confusion.

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  • ospry

    Is your name one that can be shortened into a nickname? One of you could go by the full name and the other by the nickname

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