I like to cool my skin down by putting random items on me iin?

For every warm spot on my body like my stomach, I just randomly grab something cold, like an empty cup and place it where the warm part is. It feels really cold, and it starts to sting a while even a few minutes after doing it. I can even still feel the coldness. I don't do this in public thank goodness.

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73% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )
  • palehorse

    Normal. Or, maybe a bit weird, but totally harmless. Global warming sucks.

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  • LloydAsher

    Are you a Male or female? Those hot flashes or spots could have an underlying medical issue. Cooling them with ice isnt going to help you either since the heating that you are feeling is your cells respiration cycle were they power up and absorb oxygen releasing a heat byproduct. You are wasting perfectly good heat that your body was going to shift somewhere else using your blood. I mean it isnt dangerous but its plain pointless.

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