I like to play female characters in games but i'm male
I play male characters but sometimes female, is that normal? I don't wanna be a irl female or anything, just in RP games
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I play male characters but sometimes female, is that normal? I don't wanna be a irl female or anything, just in RP games
I don't, because of dishonesty. I wish I were female so I could without having to explain that my gender was male anytime a person wanted to Skype.
This is normal. I'm female and when I'm playing JRPGs or RPGs I generally choose a male character if I can. I'd rather look at a guy if I'm going to be dedicating 100+ hours to a video game.
As a female, I sometimes pick the male character over the female because they're hot. It's also nice to pretend to be of the opposite gender once in a while! I assume that's what you do?
I used to play a medieval type fighting game where you had the choice between a male warrior, female warrior and a dwarf. I always picked the female warrior because her boobs bobbled when she swung her sword. It was great fun just swinging that sword, even if there were no enemies about.
But then, I was six.
Yes it is normal. Specially in violent videogames or games having activities that require high physical strength playing female character proviedes satisfaction of doing those things with slender and less strong body.
If tomb raider would have a male hero instead of Lara croft it wouldn't have been a success and 80% tomb raider fans are male players.