I like to see how long i can hold my breath.. and i'm an adult

self explanatory really. Once in a while I'll time myself and see how long I've held my breath. I think it's a fun challenge . The longest I've ever got was 1:09. If anyone else does this, how long have you gone? probably longer than me!

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Malfoy

    I sometimes play those sorts of games. Sometimes I'll flush the toilet before I finish peeing and try to get it all in the first flush. I haven't tried to hold my breath that many times, but I think it starts getting stressful after about a minute.

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    • Scarred4life


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  • fredfetang

    It's normal and useful if you want to improve your freediving skills! Holding your breath underwater can be dangerous and should never be done without a buddy. But holding your breath on land without using a physical obstruction is completely safe. There are plenty of source available online to learn to hold your breath for long. Check out O2 and CO2 tables and apnoea training on freediving sites. My best is 4:55

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  • CyclingWins

    Breathing exercises take you a long way. Actually did this just a few minutes ago out of curiosity though (having not done it in years) and learned that my record is now 3:03:66, and had to look up the average time out of even more curiosity. With smoking/cycling both going on frequently in my life, I must say to myself: Not bad...

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  • blackalica

    2:45....ya'll suck...i'm not playing about it either my lungs are almost twice the size of a normal human

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  • orange_sheep

    buhaha its not normal but its nothing wrong with it !! I usually do that at the pool. I have an obsession with pushing my body to the edge LOL its gonna get me in trouble one day
    But i usually put myself in the what - ifs
    "what if theres a killer chasing me and i have to jump in a pool so he wont find me" haha im weird.

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  • EJT

    On www.breathing.com they say average-healthy is 60 seconds & not to push it beyond 75. There's no way that "The average, healthy person should be able to go about 2 minutes" unless that means "after practising it specially". Perhaps I'm just saying that because my absolute max on a good day is 45 secs!

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  • ^ don't lisen to him u can't hold ur breath for that long he's just sayin crap

    I got 2 min (but I'm used to it)

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  • ISawExtraOrdinary

    i held my breath for 1 minute and 20 seconds :D

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  • ISawExtraOrdinary

    if u can slow ur heartrate down slow enough u should be able to do it for at least 10 minutes

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  • yargyarg

    The average, healthy person should be able to go about 2 minutes. With a little relaxation and a little hyperventilating, I was able to go 2 and a half. But that's nothing. David Blaine set a world record on Wednesday, April 30, 2008. He held his breath for over 17 minutes during a live broadcast of the Oprah Winfrey Show. Do I have to say, "don't try this at home"? People have died from holding their breath, and I mean LOTS of them. How far do you really want to go with this? Blaine spent several minutes breathing pure oxygen before his attempt, and submerged himself in ice water. Man, people do the screwiest things! I know a 9-year old boy who had memorized Gabriel Garcia Marquez' book "One Hundred Years of Solitude". That to me seemed more impressive. And he made a nice living going around to restaurants in Bogota, doing recitations for money. BTW, he made enough money to live in a nice hotel, ate free at nice restaurants, and had a maid who did his laundry.

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  • thundercat

    Doing it in an orderly manner and progressive training, not forcing and congesting foolishly your airways and lungs and heart, it can enhance your cardiorespiratory aptitude, along with aerobic excercise. I can do up to 2 minutes 15 seconds. Deep free divers can make 5 minutes and more.
    Anyway, if done often without method, it can be harmful.

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  • Malfoy

    BTW I just did 1:15. I'm in a period where I smoke weed several times a day. Maybe in a few months I'll be able to do 1:30 without feeling miserable.

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  • Sxv123

    This is retarded... Whats the point!
    Instead of doing this do something useful!

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