I like to stay up late
Is it weird that I would rather stay up till about 5 in the morning and play video games on my xbox and computer than go to sleep
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Is it weird that I would rather stay up till about 5 in the morning and play video games on my xbox and computer than go to sleep
I do this too... I love being on the computer till 4 AM. It's so peaceful and quiet. The only downside is, I usually wind up sleeping through the entire morning and I don't wake up until 1 PM.
Yeah its normal, i sometimes stay up all night, and the worst thing is that its a schoolday.
you're fine, just make sure you get a 3rd shift job or work for yourself.
Staying up late at night is unacceptable, but if your time is put to good use like playing videogames, then it's perfectly understandable, p.s.
I stayed up last night playing Chrome and Battlefield 1943.
i used to do this all the time, but after a while i got bored and started sleeping again.
now i go to bed ridiculously early.
well it feels it!
I'm the same way somewhat. I've gotten into the habit of going to sleep after 1-2 and I could be really tired but I just wont go to sleep any earlier. Not a good habit though.
I do it some times... i have phases il stay up late ( untill like 4am) for like a few months. then i go to bed early for ages
I'm on my computer at 2:28 AM... Normal? Yeah. I'm gonna go have a smoke.
I don't even go to sleep that early. It's either I don't go to sleep or I sleep at 9am or something.
i normally stay up to 2AM
sometimes up to 1am
rarely up to 3am
and i ve stayed up to 4am three times
and when my mum gets really mad at me i just get over it and go to sleep at 12pm
I've got an addiction to staying up while drinking coffee constantly ( if there's no other psycho-stiMulants). And practicing Kenpo, listening to Music, peircing My ears, etc. I love being psyched up at Night!!
People sleep half there lives away so i think its a good thing to do! Your awake longer in your life!
I'm addicted to the internet. I almost always stay on until at LEAST 3am reading things, learning, watching goverment conspiracy videos, etc. It's not uncommon for me to go to bed when the sun is rising. I've also been unemployed for nearly a year, due to the crappy economy :(
yeah i do it all the time don't worry. bad to do during school though when you can't sleep
That sounds like any normal teenager. You should sleep though, its good for your health.